π•Šπ•’π•—π•– & π•Šπ• π•¦π•Ÿπ•• (𝔸𝕝π•ͺ...

By carterradams

23.7K 1.3K 570

{TW: Mentions and contains homicide, suicide, rape, sexual harassment, gore, violence, etc} We call ourselve... More

twenty eight


627 43 12
By carterradams

"Push yourself," Daisy's voice whispers in my head. "You're strong. Fight back." Heavy low breathes escape my lips as I lean again the wall, my arm wrapped around my stomach, clenching my shirt. My eyes open and close as I slowly slide against the wall, sliding out of the room using the wall as I go for support. When I get onto the wall right outside the room I look up and down hearing faint voices from down the hall in the direction I was going.

My vision wasn't the greatest. Small black dots came and gone. I close my eyes a moment before sliding down the hall again pushing myself even though my whole body aches from pain. I shake my head though making my way down the hall, clinging to the wall as fast as I could. And before I knew it those faint voices I was hearing were louder, but not clear.

I close my eyes briefly again then reopen stopping against the walls spotting a full on war going on. Rovvie, Billy, Rae and Jax all attaching the guards. Gale standing back, slowly backing away. I clench my jaw and raise right arm up that held my pistol. Idiots didn't even search me.

Gently I sink my teeth into my bottom lip as I rise up the gun even farther and aim it right at Gale. I slide against the wall a bit more, feet apart now from the crowd. Screaming, shouting, the sound of tasers are going off filling my ears, however I place my hand on the trigger closing my eyes once more. When I open them back up I pull the trigger and feel a jolt. I pull the trigger again. A buzzing ringing throughout the hall. All the screaming, the sound of the tasers stop. I watch Gale drop down to his knees before falling over on the ground. And without warning I drop the pistol from my hand and slide down the wall.

My eyes close and I breathe heavily hearing more gun shots go off. I slowly open my eyes just to be met with Alycia's concerned green eyes. She drops down to her knees fast and cups my face in her hands, looking back and forth between my eyes.

"Y/N, hey," she says, rather quickly. I give her a small smile feeling my eyes slowly close. "Hey, hey. Stay awake Y/N. Stay awake." I feel one of her hands remove from my face and down to my arm that's wrapped around my stomach. She gently shakes me causing me to slightly groan. My eyes open and once again meet Alycia's green ones.

"How is she?" Ducky's voice asks, concern and stress in her voice. "Y/N?" I glance towards her and see the girl's eyes grow wide looking at me.

"That bad?" I ask, my voice hoarse. Ducky shakes her head giving me a small smile.

"Nothing that won't heal," Ducky says gently before glancing over her shoulder. "Rovvie!" My eyes look past Ducky feeling Alycia's hand drop from my face, but her other hand was still on my arm.

Rovvie makes his way over and looks down at me, a sad look spreading across his face. "You want her in the med room or her room?" Rovvie asks keeping his eyes on me.

"Her room," Ducky responds and Rovvie nods. Ducky stands up and places her hand on Alycia's shoulder. I feel Alycia gently squeeze my arm before she stands. After she's stepped back Rovvie gets on the other side of me and takes my arm wrapping it around his shoulders as he wraps his arm around my waist helping me up to my feet. We begin walking, just Rovvie and I down the hall heading for the elevator. I'm tired and in pain. But I force myself to stay away and try not to think about what I just did.

"Hey kid," Rovvie speaks, low as we get into the elevator and the doors close. "You did good."

"I killed someone else Rov," I whisper seeing out of the corner of my eye Rovvie nodding his head.

"Someone who did us wrong. Someone who was going to kill you and all of us," Rovvie says.

"Someone we called family..." My voice trails closing my eyes a second feeling tears forming. I gently bite my lower lip but stop immediately, it hurting too much. The elevator beeps and the doors open. Carefully Rovvie carries me out and we begin down the halls.

"It's my fault," Rovvie says, causing my eyes to slowly open, confusion flushing over me.

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"I'm the one that brought Gale in. He was my responsibility and I let you and everyone else in here down," Rovvie explains and I shake my head from side to side.

"No. It's not your fault. It's none of ours-" I pause a moment, glancing to the ground. "It's nobody but Gale's fault. He did this not only to us but himself. Just because you brought him in doesn't mean you were responsible for his actions."

Silence falls between us as we get to my room. Carefully, we go side by side into the room before going normally towards the bed. Gently, he sets me down on the bed. Once I'm sat I feel his arm unwrap from my waist and my arm unwrap from around his shoulders. Afterwards he stands up straight in front of me and I slowly pick up my head locking eyes with his.

"Damn kid," he whispers shaking his head as his eyes analyzed my face. "I'm sorry."

"Rov, you don't need to apologize-"

"But I do," Rovvie says cutting me off and getting down on one knee. His eyes swiftly looking back and forth between my eyes. "I promised your parents I'd make sure you'd always be safe. I know that life with them and going to that school was hard, but this was the one place I never thought would get you hurt. I've failed that promise."

I shake my head from side to side reaching my hand forward barely, taking his hand in mine. "The world is fucked up Rov. You can't stop things from hurting others, it's just life-" I pause a moment shrugging ny shoulders. "But you haven't failed. You're still a great person. I'm still thankful for you and the help you and your family did for this place. For Daisy and I. You do so much... You haven't and won't ever fail Rov."

Rovvie gives me a small smile, nodding his head up and down. Without warning he gets up a bit and wraps his arms around me, embracing me into a hug. I close my eyes and gently drape my one arm around him before patting his back. "Rov, you're gonna kill me," I whisper, Rovvie quickly easing up. A small smile forms on my lips as the guy breaks the hug. He stands up straight and nods at me as the sound of someone coming down the hall causes both of us to look. Within seconds Ducky comes in with a bag, stopping right inside the doorway. Her eyes shifting back and forth between Rovvie and I.

Rovvie tears his eyes away from Ducky and looks back to me. He gives me another small smile, leaning forward and gently patting my knee before turning away and heading towards the door. He passes Ducky, both of them nodding at one another. Yet when Rovvie leaves Ducky's gaze comes to me and a sad look spreads across her face.

"Don't look at me like that," I say, my voice low. Ducky shakes her head from side to side, looking down to the ground as she makes her way over to me. She takes her bag and sets it down beside me, unzipping it and digging through it.

"This shouldn't have happened," Ducky whispers as she pulls out a cloth.


"We should have saw this coming," Ducky cuts me off getting in front of me a bit and pinching my chin gently, lifting my head up as she begins to wipe at my face. Her touch is gentle but still I wince at every wipe and touch.

"There's no—no way we could have seen this coming Ducky," I finally say.

"There had to be some clue. He had to have messed up at some point or another. Done something, said something that we could have picked up on-"

"Ducky," I raise my voice a bit, stopping the girl as she talked way too fast. She pulled the cloth from my face and locked our eyes. "No one could have seen this coming, but it's over now. Okay? Everyone's okay."

"Yeah...Everyone but you," Ducky responds her voice lower than I've ever heard it. I shake my head as the girl goes back into her bag beginning to dig through it.

"I'm alive," I say. Ducky picks up her head and glances over to me. Our eyes lock and I tilt my head, nodding slowly. "I'm alive and I'm okay. Like you said... I'll heal."

Ducky's lips form upwards but not much and not for long. She tears her eyes away from me once again pulling things out of her bag when I hear someone in the door way. My head swiftly turns to lock eyes with Alycia's. She gives me a small smile and I give her one back.

"Hey..." Her voice trails as she walks over to us and stands on the other side of me. "How's it going?"

"So far, I've only cleaned her face," Ducky speaks, her voice low. "I seen you had a slash on your back..." I nod and turn around, my body facing Alycia. "Jesus..."

"That bad?" I ask.

"From what I can see it's not too bad. It's not deep," Ducky answers which causes me to become confused.

"How's that possible? He drove that knife into me," my voice is low and I look up to Alycia who stands with her arms crossed over her chest, barely looking at me.

"I don't know-" Ducky pauses. "I'm going to need to clean it and then bandage it. Are you hurt anywhere else?" I slowly turn back around towards Ducky and nod, reaching my hand down and lifting up my shirt. I lean back a bit and look between both Ducky and Alycia once I get my shirt up. Both of their eyes widen and Alycia swiftly closes her eyes looking away.

"I take it's not good," I say, looking back and forth between them. Ducky bites her lip and bends down, reaching her hand out but stops, her eyes glancing up to me. "Go ahead..."

Ducky nods tearing her eyes from me. I knew what she wanted. She had to much sure my ribs weren't broken. I close my eyes before feeling her fingers. I jump back and tense immensely. A groan of pain escaping through my closed lips.

"I barely touched you... Okay-" The girl pauses and I take a couple deep breathes before opening my eyes looking to the girl who looks up at Alycia. "Alycia, sit next to her and hold her hand. Y/N, this is going to hurt like hell but we have to check."

"Yep, go for it," I say, Alycia sitting down beside me and going to grab my hand. "Leesh I don't think that's a good idea. I'm gonna crush your poor hand."

"It's fine-" Before Alycia could finish her sentence a scream escapes my lips as I feel Ducky pushing against my ribs. A second later it stops and the screams stop as I shake my head, keeping my eyes closed. I felt a soft squeeze to my hand, slowly peeking my eyes open and down, seeing my hand interlocked with Alycia's.

"They're not broken, thankfully," Ducky says standing up. "Though I still want to wrap it, just to be on the safe side. And then clean that wound on your back."

"I can do it Ducky," Alycia speaks up, both me and Ducky's eyes going to Alycia whom sits beside me. "It shouldn't be that hard right?"

"No, no. It's not hard at all," Ducky says, shaking her head. "Um... All you have to do is..." Ducky goes on explaining everything Alycia had to do. Alycia nodded her head listening to every word as my eyes stay on the Australian. And before I knew it Ducky was heading out the door, leaving Alycia and I here alone.

My eyes linger on the girl as she stands and walks around me to the bag, Ducky left. She reaches in, grabbing the rubbing alcohol, cream, and bandages. Once she has everything she walks back around and gently takes a seat on my right. There I tear my eyes away and turn my body away from her, lifting my shirt up before gently slipping it off, leaving me in only my sports bra.

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, wanting Alycia to say something but she's silent. However, I could feel a cloth gently tapping and wiping around an area. I flinch a couple times but overall it's not that bad.

"This is probably going to sting," Alycia whispers gently. I nod my head up and down slowly before feeling myself flinch and squeeze my eyes together.

"Shit," I mumble in pain, still feeling the sting.

"Okay. It's got to dry a second," Alycia says and I nod again. Silence surrounds us once again. I gently glance over my shoulder, barely seeing the girl. She messes with the cream bottle. Her eyes staring down at it. I, on the other hand, nod my head up and down and look away taking a deep yet low breathe.

"You know you didn't have to do this," I say gently. "Ducky could have."

"I know, but I wanted too," Alycia responds, her voice low. I glance back over my shoulder and meet Alycia's eyes however she was looking at my shoulder beginning to apply the cream. I tense a bit at the touch but her touch was soft. Gentle. Comforting.

"Are you okay?" I ask feeling Alycia's fingers drop from my back.

"I'm pretty sure I should be asking you that..." Her voice trails and I nod my head.

"I'm fine," I say with a small smile on my lips, but it disappears just as quickly noticing Alycia looking sad. She picks up her head and places this big old bandaid on my upper back. "Alycia."


"What I said to him, I didn't mean it," I whisper, feeling Alycia press the edges of the band aid. "I told you to trust me-" I pause and turn my body a bit towards the girl, there our eyes lock. Her green eyes quickly shift back and forth between mine as I do her's.

"I do..."

"Then why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" My eyes glance down to her lips briefly before looking back up at her eyes. She shakes her head from side to side as I gently reach my right hand up and grab a hold of her hand, gently giving it a squeeze. "Alycia?"

Alycia stays silent causing me to gently glance away. I look down to my hand holding her's. We stay in silence for a moment before I speak up. "He was right, you know? Daisy's still in my heart but... When you're around I don't think of her. I don't envision her. It's just you and me..."

I pick up my head gently and see Alycia's eyes down on our hands. A small smile inching to her lips. I bite my lip briefly before letting go of the girl's hand and reaching it up, cupping her cheek and leaning forward. Within seconds I feel our lips lock. My eyes closed. She doesn't pull or tear away, she kisses me back. It's soft, genuine, sweet, but also passionate from us both.

After a couple more seconds I pull away, but not all the way. My eyes flutter open and I'm met with Alycia's opening slowly too. A smile inching further onto her lips as one slowly spreads on mine.

"I do like you," I whisper, rubbing my thumb back and forth against her cheek. Alycia bites her lip and tilts her head a bit.

"I like you too," she whispers causing me to smile, but show no teeth.

"Hey I got- Oh-" Ducky's voice spoke. I tear my gaze from Alycia's eyes and look to the door to see a shocked yet smirking Ducky. Her eyes looking back and forth between Alycia and I. "I'm- You know what? I'll just come back you two seem..."

Ducky begins turning around causing me to slightly chuckle as I drop my hand from Alycia's cheek shaking my head.

"Ducky, you're fine," I speak causing Ducky to stop in the door way and spin around.

"You sure? Because after so long you two finally look like you finally admitted something and like I don't want to be that person," Ducky goes on and on. I glance towards Alycia and she's smiling, teeth showing at Ducky. My smiles remains looking at her before looking back to our medic.

"Ducky it's fine. What do you need?" I ask, causing Ducky to nod and walk in. As she walks over I notice a file in her hands. She holds it out to me once she gets to me causing me to tilt my head taking a hold of it. "What is this?"

"Rovvie and Cherry are going through Gale's things. This was a file he had on Daisy and her family," Ducky speaks and I shake my head before seeing Ducky holding out another file. I reach up and take a hold of it, looking at Ducky's eyes. "This one's on you."

"Did he have a file on all of you?" Alycia asks and Ducky slowly nods her head.

"It appears he did and he's dug up all of our pasts. Rovvie was reading his and he doesn't like what he read. I don't like what I've read..."

"Why does Gale even have this?" I ask looking at the two files in my hands. Out of the top of my eyes I see Ducky shake her head.

"I don't know, but he has a lot more files. It'll probably help us gain some insight on what he and this take over the government operation was if you two want to come to the conference room in a bit-" Ducky pauses then continues. "But maybe we should wait a day or two for you to heal Y/N."

I shake my head from side to side. "No, we can't wait," I answer.

"Y/N, you're severely hurt," Alycia says concern in her voice. I pick up my eyes from the files and to the Australian.

"I know." I tear my eyes away and glance between her and Ducky. "But if we could figure out what's really going on. Figure out their plan we could put a stop to this, all of it and get back to halfway normal lives."

A silence fills the space between all three of us. Alycia's eyes were on mine, looking concerned. On the other hand, Ducky was nodding on her head.

"Alright, I'll go inform everyone on the game plan," Ducky says and I nod keeping my eyes on her, seeing as she turns on her heels heading for the door.

"Hey Ducky!" I speak up, causing the girl to stop and glance over her shoulder. "Have Tess and Lily get food and drinks prepared. Have them take it to the conference room that way everyone can have food and drinks while we figure this out."

Ducky gives me a small smile and nods before finally walking out the door and to the left. I turn my eyes away from the door and lock eyes with Alycia's who's looking back and forth between mine. I nod and glance down briefly at where he hand lie. I reach my right hand up and gently slip my fingers in between her own before picking my head back up, locking our eyes once again. Silence surrounding the two of us, our eyes speaking for us.

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