control freak

By Jaylaabooo

39.2K 1.2K 144

jayda forcefully in love with dave. she hates the relationship and tries to get away from the toxic manipulat... More



391 14 2
By Jaylaabooo

the next day

we were dropping the twins off at their grandma house. we were eating breakfast she cooked before we head to the airport. we were going to the bahamas.

we finished eating and i said bye to the twins. they just copied my hand motion. and clapped. i kissed  them.

"thank you" i smiled hugging mom

"anytime" she said waving us out.

we got in the uber. she had the key to the house in case she needed sum. we was only gon be gone for 4 days tho.

never been gone from the twins that long. most was hours. but they love being around they grandma so.

"you okay" lee asked grabbing my hand

"yea just a little nervous at how they gon act with us being gone" i sighed

"i think they'll be good. in good hands they got cousins coming over. it'll be fun to get they mind of us" he said

i nodded laying my head on his shoulder. causing me to slowly drift off

lee's POV

we arrived at the airport but was in the traffic. i tapped jayda letting her know we was close. she leaned up rubbing her eyes and stretching.

i re tied her scarf on her head as she slipped her crocs back on. we got our stuff out the trunk. i paid and tipped him and we checked in with everything.

i got us sum more food really quick and then sat down and she was bavk sleep. i laughed and shook her awake.

"bae you needa eat then you can gbts" i said

she nodded and laid on me eating her breakfast sandwich. i knew i shouldn't have drunk this latte but i didn't want nothing else.

i got us first class tickets just cause i wanted to treat her really really special. we never left the country together so i wanted to make the experience as good as possible.

we laid back and soon drifted off to sleep.

jaydas POV

when i woke up i looked up to seeing someone shaking me. it was lee . i realized we was on the plane and gathered my stuff. how i sleep the whole entire time.

i yawned grabbing my stuff and we walked off. we got our bags and our rental car. we got inside.

"this is noiceeee it don't got roaches or nothing" i said laughing

he laughed with me and we drove to the air bnb. i ran all over the house it was so nice. had a pool and hot tub and a great view.

i took a deep breath as i threw myself on the bed. peace at once i thought to myself.

lee laid next to me.

"let's call" i said grabbing my phone and facetiming mom

she answer

"well hello" she said setting the phone up showing the twins eating

"hey my babies" i said

"who's that" she said

"mama" they both tried saying

i put the camera on "papa" they said laughing

they show so much emotion. it wa so cute. i took facetime photos of them.

"okay we love y'all" i said

"we love you too" she said before hanging up

"damn no goodnight" i laughed stripping out my clothes.

i turned the shower water on.

"you getting in"  i asked

he shook his head. he was so drained. i got in singing my songs and shit. i stayed in for a little bit. even tho i missed the twins it did feel good to be away for a while.

i stepped out putting my robe on. lee was asleep. i went  downstairs and made myself a bacon egg and cheese.

i sat down and watched tv on the couch while the bacon cooked. suddenly i felt hands around my mouth as i was snatched up off the couch.

omniscient POV

jayda aggressively kicked and squirmed trying to get outta whoever's grip. but he was too strong. he drug her out the house throwing her in the van.

but that didn't stop her from kicking whoever it was in the jaw. he turned his head to the side and stared at her. she tried to fight more but he hit her so hard that she got knocked out.

a few hours later.

lee woke up noticing jayda wasn't in the room.

"jayda" he called out checking the bathroom

he started to panick remembering all the danger she was in 2 years ago. he looked all throughout the house.

he called her phone only to realize it was in the bathroom.

he called his mom. no answer.

"FUCKKKKK" he said feeling his anxiety kick in

he called the owner of the air bnb. no answer. he called again and again.

"hello" the person on the other line said frustrated

"don't y'all have cameras here" he said outta breathe

"no" they said sounding scared before hanging up

little did lee know the person was told not to say shit or they whole family would die.

"oh my god" he slammed the door in the house shut.

he immediately called trell.

"yo" he answered

"bruh ... jayda got took"

"you fucking serious ? it's only been a couple hours since y'all got there" trell said

"i know i don't know what to do getting the cops involved aint gon do shit" he said punching shit

he got in the rental car and just started looking for unusual shit.

"get yall asses to the bahamas fast we gotta look for her" he said speeding off before hanging up

meanwhile ...

jayda was thrown into sum dark big room chained and TIED up somewhere. she woke up forgetting all that happened trying to get up off the floor.

"ah" she said hissing at the tight rope.

"oh my god" she said before tears started to drop. she already knew what it was.

she immediately began to over think. she stopped crying when she heard the door fly open.

there stood the man who was at her wedding.

"Mi amigo te"

she remembered hearing that at the wedding.

"what does that mean" she spoke

"my homeboy will kill" he chuckled

"who- whos your homeboy" she asked shaking

"who do you think-"

"no need to be rude dom" a deep voice said causing jayda to jump out her skin.

"don't you miss me love" dave said

she hesitated to nod but did thinking he would let her go if she flirted her way out.

"lie again" he yanked on the ropes that was around her throat

she gasped for air.

"oh i'm sorry ..." he slowly walked in front of her

"did that hurt" he said snatching her face by her chin

tears immediately fell when she say his face.

"i thought ... you were dead" she spat trying to breath

"silly girl ... you really think ... that i am that dumb to send myself to come get you. i had a cousin who looks almost just like me you never knew about." he said

"you sick fu-" she said but was cut off by a punch to the face causing her eye to bleed

"you've been gone so long you must've forgot your manners" he said

"i hate you" she said before getting punched multiple times

"hmm" he said

"how's your kids" he said sitting next to her

she immediately snatched her head towards him

"don't fucking touch them" she screamed

"oh i'm not" he said throwing his hands up in defense.

"would never put my hands on kids" he chuckled coming back in front of her.

"you know ... i haven't had sex in two years can you believe it" he said rubbing her face

she jerked away.

"i'm not fucking you" she said

"you can't stop me" he said waving dom out the room.

he slid her pants off and leaned her to the side. he forcefully entered inside her.

she yelled in pain.

"shut the fuck up" he said putting tape over her mouth.

she cried and cried as he continued to enjoy her.

"it's over for me ... i'm never gonna see my family again" she cried

(sorry y'all ... keep reading)

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