another stupid hate song

بواسطة swaggymf7

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harry is 21 and louis is 23. they are music students in manchester. niall, who is harry's best friend, hangs... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 14

620 19 6
بواسطة swaggymf7

"We need to talk"

"Mum? it's three in the morning, what're you doing here?" Harry frowned, confused

"I was waiting for you" Anne said

"Outside my flat? For how long?" he asked

"I've been here since nine" she crossed her arms on her chest

"What?! And you waited outside? Why didn't you come in or call me at least?" Harry stressed out

"I was inside, Harry. I was asleep and then I heard your car. Now come in"

"Oh. Okay"

Harry and his mum walked inside and sat on the couch.

"So" Anne said, looking at Harry "Do you have something to tell me?"

Harry was confused "No...? Well, I don't think so"

"What about the fact that you lied to me about Louis" she said

Ah. So it was Louis.

"I didn't lie to you about Louis" Harry replied

"You told me he wasn't your boyfriend"

"And he's not"

Harry didn't like the way this discussion was going. Not at all.

"You were kissing when I came back into your flat" 

"We were"

"You were half naked"

"I was"

From what she saw, it was quite understandable that she wondered what his relationship with Louis was, but Harry didn't want to talk about this. And especially not with his mum

"What's happening between the two of you?"

"Oh my god, mum. Please, don't make me explain it to you" Harry said as he buried his face in his hands.

This was so embarrassing. Why were they having this conversation again? Ah. Right. Louis. It's always his fault, even if he is not here.

Anne stared at Harry with a strange look upon her face. She seemed to think about something and tried to find a way to say it. What was she even thinking about?

"Harry are you- are you a prostitute? Is he one of your clients?"

This was what she was thinking about?!

"What the fuck, mum, no!"

Right when he thought it couldn't get worse, it did get worse.

"You know I wouldn't judge you. I'd just be surprise"

"Stop, mum. Please. This is so embarrassing to have this kind of conversation with you"

"I just don't get your relationship with Louis"

"It's because there is no relationship. Can we stop talking about that?"

"Yes. Okay" she sighed "If you had a boyfriend, you'd tell me, right?"

"If it was serious then yeah"

"Okay" she smiled "I'm going to head home"

Harry frowned "You sure? It's late, you can stay here if you want. I can sleep on the couch and you can take my bed"

"Don't worry sweetheart, it's okay"

She kissed his cheek and they said goodbye before she left. Harry immediately took his clothes off and went to sleep.

Sleep. It was what he needed. No thinking, no worries, just sleep.


Harry had bad nights of sleep, so it worried him.

Harry ignored Louis from Tuesday to thursday. Now it was Thursday evening and they had rehearsal together, he couldn't keep ignoring him.

Harry stepped in the theatre, he was there early and hoped for some time alone before starting. He took a seat in the last row and put his earphones on to listen to music. He needed it. He put his playlist on shuffle and the first song to play was Polarize by Twenty One Pilots.

He closed his eyes and tried to meditate. He would have to face Louis and play with him. It couldn't be worse. He didn't want to see him.

"Hey" someone took a seat next to him

He turned his head. Louis. Harry took his phone from his pocket and turned the volume up right in front of Louis so he realized that he didn't want to talk.

Louis saw that and rolled his eyes "Stop being a dick"

Harry heard that. He was going to throw fists. He paused his music and looked at Louis

"You don't get to call me a dick when you're the one being one"

"I'm not a dick"

"Yes, you are" Harry insisted

"Of course I am. you are the perfect guy and I'm the dick"

"Exactly. You finally get it"

"What did I do this time?" he sighed

"You left with that guy at the pub and left us"

"Is that why you ignored me all week?" Louis raised his eyebrows "Jealousy?"

"This isn't jealousy, Louis. I don't like the fact that you left without saying anything. Just imagine I hadn't realized you were gone and I left too? The guys were drunk as hell and something could have happened to them"

"Why would you have left?"

"Maybe I had project" Harry said

"Oh, right. Maybe you'd have liked to go with that bartender. Sorry I ruined your fuck"

"Are you being serious?" Harry raised his eyebrows in disbelief "First of, I'm talking about our friends, not about Max and whether I would have like to have sex with him or not, and second, do I need to remind you that you were all flirty with that guy?"

"Max is a shitty name. Looks like a dog's name"

Louis looked so proud of his joke. he was so stupid with his stupid smug smile upon his stupid cute face. Fuck.

"Shut up"

"Max, c'mere! Sit down. Yay! Good boy!" he said mockingly with a ridiculously high pitched voice "Yep. Really does sound like a dog's name"

"Do you ever stop talking?" Harry said

"Only when my mouth is full" he said with a smirk

"You should call the gorgeous guy from the bar, I'm sure he'd be happy to keep you mouth full"

"You have such a dirty mind" he said, fakely shocked "What make you think he'd want to do that"

"Seriously?" Harry laughed "He wanted you so bad that he couldn't stop touching you and making you laugh"

"Were you spying on me?" Louis asked

"No I wasn't" yes, he was. "It was hard to miss the two of you when you were nearly fucking on the counter"

"Is that jealousy that I detect?" he said "And we weren't like that"

"Please. He would've dropped on his knees and sucked you off in front of the whole bar if you had asked him to so much he was into you"

"Because you would've doesn't mean he would have"

"Shut up"

A smirk grew on Louis' lips before he leaned closer to Harry. He was now leaning on his elbow, chin in his palm, staring into Harry's eyes.

"Make me" he said with a grin

"I'm not going to kiss you again" Harry replied, rolling his eyes to contain himself

He wasn't going to do it to prove his point, but he wanted it. Badly. Having Louis' lips so close to his and not touching him was torture. He could feel every of Louis' breaths on his lips. He had to do so much effort to stay focused on Louis' eyes and not look at his lips while Louis was casually looking back and forth between Harry's eyes and lips.

"How sad" Louis backed off and pouted exaggeratingly

"You're so dumb" Harry said

They stayed in silence for a few minutes before a question popped into Harry's head

"Why did you leave? Did you go with Mr gorgeous?" he looked at Louis

Louis chuckled and tilted his head in Harry's direction

"Are you jealous?"

"Oh come on. This has nothing to do with jealousy, it's called curiosity"

Louis sighed "No I didn't leave with Mr gorgeous"

"Then why did you leave?"

"You're getting beyond curiosity. you're being nosy" Louis said pointedly

"I didn't mean to" Harry said and looked away from Louis

Louis was so secretive and it sometimes annoyed Harry. He was curious, was all, it was not like he wanted to know about Louis' life. It was curiosity.

"It's okay, I'm only teasing you"

"Alright guys! You're here early. Great" Mr Clark said

The two guys joined Mr Clark on the stage. This one handed them their scripts before explaining to them some characteristics of the characters that they needed to play.

"As you know it's a musical, so you'll have to sing" he stated "So that's why we'll work with Mr Corden"

"Okay" they said

"He'll come at next week's practice"

Slowly, as they talked, the theater filled with students. Once everyone was there, they all introduced themselves one by one and were explained their roles by their teacher.


They didn't rehearse much that evening because of the introduction. they'd start the repetition next week.

As Harry took his bag to leave, he felt someone tapping his shoulder. Harry turned to face the person

"What do you want?"

"I was wondering if maybe I could, uh. Stay at your place tonight?" Louis asked hesitantly

"Um. Okay" Harry agreed

"I brought a blanket to sleep on the couch this time" Louis said

"Oh" Harry replied, surprised "Cool. Great"

He didn't actually think that they'd sleep together. Like in the same bed. Not even crossed his mind. Nope.

Harry and Louis left the theater together. There was nobody in the hallways and the two guys were silent. They were the last to leave.

As they were walking down the corridor, Harry saw Mars turning the corner and walking in the boys' direction from afar. Mars didn't seem to realize he wasn't alone, as he had his headphones on and was looking at his phone.

Harry didn't want to see him. Their last encounter didn't go that well and from the glances he gave Louis and Harry, he guessed that this one didn't want to see Harry nor he wanted to see Louis, and certainly not together.

Harry grabbed Louis' wrist and dragged him swiftly into the nearest room.

"What-" Louis started to say but Harry closed the door and pushed Louis against it, a hand on his mouth.

"Quiet" Harry whispered, still covering Louis' mouth

What the fuck was Mars even doing here? It was late, he wasn't supposed to be there. Harry heard Mars' footsteps coming closer and then going away.

Louis kept quiet and was breathing heavily. As you may imagine, being pressed against a door by a handsome man was actually quite disturbing. So, yeah, Louis was getting distracted by his thoughts at that moment. He was looking at Harry's features in this dark room and staring a bit too intently at his lips before looking into Harry's eyes.

Harry was already looking at Louis. His thoughts were as troubled as Louis' and his breath as uneven. Harry took his hand off Louis' mouth but left it on his cheek.

Louis grabbed Harry's waist and drew him closer so their chests touched before pressing his lips on Harry's. Both of Harry's hands grabbed Louis' face as they kissed fiercely like they waited for that for a long time.

Well, it was not like Harry didn't think about it. It sometimes crossed his mind, but he didn't give it any attention.

Louis pulled away slightly to look into Harry's eyes. Even in the dark, his green eyes were shining. They held so much light they could light up a whole world.

Harry bent down to kiss Louis again, this time more sweetly, and honestly, it just made Harry more attractive to Louis' eyes. How could that man go from being wild to being sweet as a candy cane?

Louis pulled away again but to talk this time

"Why did you drag me here?"

Harry looked displeased at the mention but he answered anyways

"Mars was there"


At the mention of this name, Louis felt a bit not too okay. This didn't make sense but his feelings either. He didn't like Mars, that was for sure. Why? He didn't know, Sometimes there were just people you didn't like. No particular reason.

"We should probably leave" Louis said

"Yeah you're right"

They moved away from each other and left the room. They walked in silence all the way to the Jeep. Once they climbed in, Louis was the first to break the silence.

"What exactly happened between you and Mars?" Louis said, looking forward with his arms crossed

Harry was a bit taken aback by this question. He wasn't really expecting Louis to care about that.

"Um" Harry started the engine and drove out of the parking lot "We didn't have sex, if that's what you think happened" at least they did not go all the way

It didn't really answer Louis' question but anyways.

"Why was he so angry at the bar? We could all feel the tension" he said "And what I really want to know is why he looked at me like he wanted to stab me with his eyes" Louis looked at Harry

Harry stayed focused on the road but he could feel Louis' gaze on him. It stressed him a bit

"He probably thinks that something happen between us"

Louis sneered "He's not really wrong about that"

"Yeah, but he's not supposed to know. It's not like we are-" Harry sighed "you know what I mean"


The rest of the way to Harry's flat was silent, only the engine and the radio as a background sound. Once they got inside, Louis went to the bathroom.

"I'm taking a shower" he said

"Okay" Harry replied

Harry was hungry. He opened his fridge to see what he had to eat. He had lasagna leftovers that his mom made him. He took the box out and turned the oven on before putting it inside. There were normally enough for Louis if he also wanted to eat.

Harry went to his room to wait for the lasagna to cook. He took a book from his bookshelf and read the first line before getting bored. Harry loved reading, but it was always hard for him to start a book. He opened it, closed it and forgot about it for two months before remembering he had it and reading it in one night.

He went back to the living room and turned the tv on. It was Friends. Harry loved Friends. He watched half of the episode and then the oven rang. Louis came out of the bathroom at the same time.

"You brought pajamas this time" Harry pointed out

"Yes. I don't sleep with them but I realized you didn't like me walking naked in you flat so I brought one"

"That's so thoughtful" Harry rolled his eyes

It wouldn't really bother him having Louis walking naked in his flat but anyways.

"Oh it's Friends. Nice" Louis said as he sat on the couch

"Do you want lasagna?" Harry asked

"Yes please"

Harry cut the lasagna in half and put it in two plates. He sat on the couch next to Louis and gave him his plate.


They both ate while watching friends, and when they finished eating, well, they watched Friends.

They watched three episodes in a row and decided to stop. Harry showered and brushed his teeth

"I'm going to sleep" Harry said

"Can you give me a pillow?" Louis asked

"There's pillows in my bed" Harry said, leaning on his bedroom's door frame.

Louis looked at Harry, raising an eyebrow "What are you implying?"

"If you want a pillow then sleep in my bed" Harry smirked

Louis chuckled and nodded "Okay. But only because sleeping without a pillow is uncomfortable"

"Of course"

"I'm going to brush my teeth first"


Louis brushed his teeth and then came to Harry's room. Harry was already rolled under the covers on the right side of the bed, his back to Louis

"Are you really going to sleep naked?" Harry asked, his voice a bit muffled by the covers

Louis really did find that endearing and cute. Harry was cute. Louis didn't say that and chuckled instead. He took his pajama off, staying only in his boxers

"No, I'm in my boxers. No way I sleep with anything more on" Louis said as he slid under the duvet.

"I didn't ask you to" Harry replied

Louis giggled again.

This sound was so soft and cute that Harry could have fallen asleep just by the sound of it. Louis' giggles were so sweet it was like music to Harry's ear.

Wait. What the actual fuck was this guy thinking. He was so tired he couldn't even think straight anymore. He never really did but around Louis, it was worse.

"Good night" Louis said

"Don't take too much space" Harry said

Louis chuckled

"You're the one always ending up in my arms" Louis whispered

"Liar" Harry replied and turned around to face Louis

He was still wrapped in the covers like a butterfly is in his cocoon

Louis was looking at Harry with a smug smile and sleepy eyes. Harry was probably looking as tired but he didn't really care

"You look stupid" Louis laughed

"Heyy that's mean" Harry frowned and turned around, taking the entire duvet with him

"If you take all the blanket I'm going to sleep on the couch with my own" Louis said

"Don't you dare leaving"

"Then don't take all the duvet" Louis rolled his eyes

"I won't move an inch"

"Fine" Louis said

Louis got closer to Harry and reached for the hem of the duvet which was in front of Harry. His chest was close to Harry's back

"Are you going to spoon me?" Harry said, surprised

"Wasn't going to, no" Louis said, stopping his motion "Unless you want me to" he added

If Harry was naive, he'd say Louis said it shyly. Why would he be shy?

"Okay if you insist" Harry said

Louis scoffed lowly and put the duvet on him before pressing his chest entirely against Harry's back. Louis rested his chin on Harry's shoulder and wrapped his arms around him, his hand lying flat on Harry's stomach.

Harry smiled shyly. It was kind of weird being this close with Louis right now. Like, they've slept together, so they've already been closed obviously, but not in that way. Okay, maybe they already also cuddled, but that was in a moment of weakness. Now it was different and Harry couldn't tell why it was different. It just felt weird, but not in a bad way.

"Go to sleep now" Harry whispered and closed his eyes

"You, too"

They both fell asleep with a cute smile upon their faces and absolutely no idea of what was this, but right now it didn't matter.


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