Kaito Oneshots - Magic Kaito

By BerryBerryBlitz

89.8K 5.4K 2.9K

Oneshots involving Kaito, some happy, some sad, some fluffy, some funny, some heartbreaking~ Multiple shippin... More

Accepting Capture
Premature End
Gender Conspiracy?!?!
Electrifying Escape
Heart Stopping Fear
Another Father
Messing with a Psychiatrist
Sneaky Rat part 1 (?)
Am I Real?
Sick Love
Messing With A Cashier
Bad Timing
Breaking (Break)
Breaking (Fragile)
Breaking (Losing)
Breaking (Accusations)
Breaking (Loathing)
Breaking (Observations)
Breaking (Winning)
Breaking (Bonus Healing)
Messing With People as a Hooker
Hell (Hell)
Hell (End)
Fail (Fail)
Fail (Safety)
Fail (Respite)
Unexpected (Unexpected)
Unexpected (End)
Worst Kiss Ever
Messing With The Task Force (AKA Stalking)
Messing with People While Travelling
Desk (Desk)
Desk (End)
Weird (Kitty)
Weird (Kaito)
Messing With People As Shinichi
Festering (Festering)
Festering (Infection)
Mistake (Mistake)
Mistake (Weary)
Mistake (End)
Valued Friend
Forced (Chase)
Forced (Regret)
Forced (Confrontation)
Forced (Visit)
The Great Dove Kaitou Strikes! (Theft)
The Great Dove Kaitou Strikes! (Reversed)
The Great Dove Kaitou Strikes! (Target)
The Great Dove Kaitou Strikes! (Captured)
The Great Dove Kaitou Strikes! (End)
Poisoned? What...?
Bittersweet (Bittersweet)
Bittersweet (End)
Threat (Spider)
Threat (Touch)
Threat (Pain)
Threat (Aerosol)
Threat (Drugged)
Threat (End)
Feed Me, Feed You
Icy Panic (Stuck)
Icy Panic (Petty)
Icy Panic (End)
Youthful (Young)
Youthful (End)
Electric Shock
Messing With Expectations
Mail (mail)
Mail (End)
Rainbow High (Smoke)
Rainbow High (Runaway)
Blind Games
Soccer Ball (Accident)
Soccer ball (Funeral)
Soccer Ball (Workshop)
Soccer Ball (Tsuki)
Soccer Ball (Heartbreak)
Soccer Ball (Hurt)
Soccer Ball (Confrontation)
Soccer Ball (End)
Random Woes of Slipping*
Protect (Meeting)
Protect (Worry)
Protect (Argue)
Protect (Sickness)
Protect (End)
Too Young
Scent Problem
100. Bonus Out of Context
Bad Coping *
Random Woes of Smelly Stuff*
Stupid Criminal
(Cactus) The Evil Oh So Horrible Menace
(Cactus) Bad at Self Care, Rewind?
(Cactus) With Love it Will Flourish, Rewind, Rewind
(Cactus) I Really appreciate You, Rewind, Rewind, Rewind
(Cactus) Everything has a Beginning, Rewind, Rewind, Rewind, Rewind
Messing With Books*
The Brownie Is To Die For*
Rain in the Air*
Messing With Duty*
Very Angry Omega (Bastard!)*
Very Angry Omega (Reach)*
Very Angry Omega (End)*
Random Woes of Unexpected Animals*
Kaitou No Stealing!*
Hoppity Hop Hop (Change)*
Hoppity Hop Hop (End)
Awesome Even When Tiny*
Liquid Chocolate (Burst)*
Liquid Chocolate (End)
Oops... Sparkly Slime is Bad
A Reason*
Random Woes of Being Famous*
Trust You (Trust)
Trust You (Mystery?)
Trust You (Discovery)
Trust You (Victory)
Trust You (Bathe)
Trust You (Bond)
Trust You (End)
Accidental Toy Theft*
The Worst Unexpected Betrayal
Messing With Mischief*
Messing With Technicalities
Find Me (I hate You)
Find Me (Damn Bitch)
Find Me (No!)
Find Me (End)
Snowfall (Waiting)
Snowfall (Time Discrepancy )
149. Snowfall (Proper Search)

Random Woes of Creepy Crawlies*

228 16 38
By BerryBerryBlitz

1048 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written July 22 2021
Posted August 1 2021

Prompts given separately but I combined them, they were given by  JennieRightMeow and Cloud_Veggies

Kaito eyed the black spider curiously, it was just staying still on his floor. It wasn't a tiny one nor a really huge one, though it's abdomen was quite huge compared to its head. It was thankfully no bigger than the tip of his pinky finger. It was creepy, so the magician was keeping a good distance from it, just in case it was a jumper. An involuntary shiver ran down Kaito's spine at the thought of it jumping at him.

He eventually snapped a picture of it, planning on sending it to Aoko later. Aoko didn't like spiders. Once the picture was taken, the magician looked around for something that he was okay with getting bug guts on. Kaito ended up grabbing an empty box that'd once held his newest pair of clip on earring, it's original contents were currently with his older earrings so he was fine with losing the box.

Spider squishing object now obtained, Kaito optimised his grip on the box before slamming it down on the spider. Task done, Kaito tossed the soiled box into his bedroom trash can and grabbed some tissues to clean the floor.

When he turned back towards the spider squishing spot, the magician froze. Hundreds, maybe even thousands of tiny black dots were spreading out from the crushed arachnid's body. Indigos wide, Kaito promptly let out a shriek and ran out of the room. He needed the vacuum! Wait, Kaito froze mid step, hand hovering over the hallway closet. He broke the vacuum and hadn't fixed it yet!

Kaito ran back to his room, ready to squish off of the tiny baby spiders... Only to find that there didn't seem to be as many as there used to be. At least of the ones that he could see. How many had already hidden themselves in his room?! The magician shivered, he'll never be able to find them all. They'll just crawl all over him in his sleep...

Nope, Kaito shook his head. There was no way that he'd be able to sleep in his room tonight. Not a chance. The magician grabbed a spare blanket from the hallway closet then sent Aoko a text telling her that his room has been infested by vengeful baby spiders. He'll be sleeping over at Aoko's on the couch tonight. He'll buy the stuff he needed to cleanse his house tomorrow.


Kaito scowled, hand blindly swiping out at the horribly familiar buzzing near his ear. A mosquito had somehow gotten into his house, and had decided that it wanted to stay in his room with him. Normally he'd have no trouble locating the annoying bug and putting an end to it's annoying tendencies. The problem was that someone had crashed into a pole that held up a power line, so his house had no electricity. He was good, but he wasn't good enough to kill a mosquito in the dark.

So the dreaded bug has been pestering him for hours, at this point in time he didn't even care if it bit him. He just wanted the annoying buzzing to stop. The lack of the familiar hum of electricity in the house made the thing seem extra loud too. Kaito just wanted to sleep, he'd gotten barely any of it the previous night because he'd had a heist. His plan had been to make up for the lack of sleep tonight...

Some buzzing passed his ear once more, Kaito swiped out again. Missing like he did the previous times. Kaito growled, it wasn't just the buzzing that was keeping him up anymore, his aggravation was also preventing him from sleeping! Why wouldn't the stupid bug just leave him alone! He wanted to sleep! He needed to sleep!

The cycle repeated itself for a few more hours before the magician admitted defeat. Tiredly, Kaito collected his blankets and pillows. He was sleeping in the guest room tonight, there was still time for him to catch a few hours of sleep before he had to get ready for school.

Kaito snuggled up into the guest room bed, a small smile on his lips at the thought of finally getting some sleep. Closing his eyes, Kaito waited for sleep to take hold of him. The smile quickly fell as indigos snapped open. The mosquito had followed him.


"I don't see what's so great about gelato" Kaito grumbled, his own strawberry gelato didn't seem half as good as it's ice cream counterpart. He'd been overruled though, so he, Aoko, and Saguru had ended up getting gelato instead of ice cream. They were currently at a park, he was on a low tree branch while the other two were being boring people by sitting on the bench below him.

Aoko rolled her eyes "We always get ice cream Bakaito, Aoko wants something different for once" The girl huffed, having chosen orange gelato as her own choice.

Saguru nodded "Indeed, it's a miracle that you haven't gotten sick of ice cream by now" He himself was starting to get sick of that specific treat. Changing the flavours could only do so much. His gelato was peach flavoured, which was an odd choice.

"I'll never get sick of ice cream" Kaito huffed. It was a magnificent treat. Unbeatable by all except for chocolate baked goods and chocolate itself.

"Well we are sick of it so just deal with it Kaito" Aoko replied, moving away from a nearby wasp. It'd probably gotten attracted by their food. Kaito was lucky that they'd chosen something close to ice cream!

Kaito scoffed but reluctantly began to eat the subpar frozen treat. It was better than nothing, and it had cost more than ice cream so he couldn't just waste it "We're having ice cream next time"

"Maybe" Aoko replied, Saguru just shook his head and sighed. He didn't want to join in any potential argument.

Kaito shifted so he was crouching, or at least he attempted to. The sudden pain on the reverse side of his knee startled him into dropping his food in order to regain his balance "Ow!" Kaito grimaced, inspecting the injured spot. He hadn't noticed the wasp crawling on him so he'd crushed it when he'd bent his legs "Stupid wasp!" It had stung him before dying.

"I knew that I shouldn't have sat under him..." Saguru sighed, Kaito's gelato had fallen on his head.

Me: I actually got stung like that when I was little, it sucks. I caught them in my hands all the time, covered my hands in juice, then put them near trash cans before chasing people with wasp hands... And just bending my leg is what actually got me stung...

The one word prompts were: Bee, Butterfly... Given by two separate people so I wrote a buggy oneshot~

Comment? ^-^ 

I was going to do leeches so I was looking up leech facts and came across this mildly creepy blurb on google *Copy Pastes blurb*

Salting a leech that's sucking your blood could make it vomit into the wound. Biologists behind a new Royal Ontario Museum exhibit on bloodsucking animals suggest better ways to remove leeches and share information about other bloodsuckers, including fish that swim up people's genitals

QAQ I didn't know that that was a thing... But I wouldn't mind if someone used that information to bully Kaito...

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