Avalon Isn't What It Used To...

Af A_L_untold

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My mother says my endless curiosity and my need to venture is a curse. Though, I know she only says that beca... Mere

Chapter 1: Avalon to Otherworld
Chapter 2: Stupid Squirrels
Chapter 3: Fae-Ri
Chapter 4: What are 'Shoes'
Chapter 5: Ori-gon?
Chapter 6: Coin
Chapter 7: 2 Months
Chapter 8: The limb
Chapter 9: Grounded
Chapter 10: Grounded
Chapter 11: Moss
Chapter 12: 6 months
Chapter 13: Countdown
Chapter 14: Dancing Hearts
Chapter 15: Too Small
Chapter 16: I Missed You
Chapter 17: Broken Promises
Chapter 18: Secrets
Chapter 19: Recalling the First
Chapter 20: I love you
Chapter 21: Heaven
Chapter 22: Returned
Chapter 24: Sweetheart
Chapter 25: Twitterpated
Chapter 26: Intertwining Worlds
Chapter 27: Coming Clean
Chapter 28: More like, Peter Pan.
Chapter 29: Alm
Chapter 30: Rob
Chapter 31: Thanksgiving
Chapter 32: The Great Christmas Mage
Chapter 33: Trapped
Chapter 34: Tripped into the Past
Chapter 35: Emotional
Chapter 36: Shrunk
Chapter 37: The Dress
Chapter 38: Meeting Maya
Chapter 39: Vows
Epilogue: 2 Years Later

Chapter 23: Consecration

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Af A_L_untold

A week later, I stretched early in the morning with a smile and opened my eyes slowly to see Owen propped on his elbow looking down on me. My smiled dropped away immediately as I sat up quickly. Even after a week, I still wasn't used to waking up next to a giant. Thankfully, he still kept about a foots distance, no doubt knowing my uneasiness. 

"Good morning" he said softly, his voice reminiscent of silk.

"Good morning", I squinted my eyes at him with a sleepy smile before I plopped back onto the bed to stretch again.

"I have some work to do at the bar today. Did you want to come"?

I turned and crawled up onto my knees facing him, "Maybe later, I have some things to take care of at the pond". He nodded with a gentle smile as he turned and crawled out of bed. He grabbed a pair of pants from the basket at the foot of his bed and put them on while I stood up. I conjured my gold wings and flew to the window. And turned back to see him putting on a shirt.

"See you later", I shouted back taking flight out the window. I didn't give him a chance to say anything. I still felt awkward about what 'we' were. Maybe this was our fate, or maybe this was the start. As awkward as it was, my love for him felt right.

I flew to Shae with speed, landing on the branch that was my look out. But instead of our normal greetings the first thing Shae said to me was "company".

"Company"? I questioned as I turned around, and jumped at the sight of Meeks.

"Did you have a good night"? She laughed with a taunting smile.

"Ha Ha. Meeks", I laughed, "Give me a second to change and I'll be right out". I proceeded into my little room and changed into my red dress... I need to wash my clothes when I get back, I thought to myself and I untwisted the red straps of the dress. I flew back out of the entrance to see Meeks slowly walking deeper into the water.

"Ready"? She said glancing back at me, as I watched her legs fuse together with a dance of blue scales.

"Always", I said and I dove into the water next to her as she submerged.

We broke through the service of the river under the grass dome. I felt the soft plush padding of her palm close around me as she quickly scooped me out of the water and set me on the ledge, since the waves she makes when pulling herself out nearly drown me—we figured out the hard way 10 decades ago.

"So, Do you know why we were called back here"? I asked looking up at Meeks who had pulled herself onto the ledge. I watched as her scales sunk into skin, and her tail separated into beautiful naked mahogany legs.

"Not really", She said standing up to walk over to the pile of clothes she left in the shelves towards the wall of the dome. I conjured my wings and flew into the air as I wringed out my hair.

"Hm", I hummed before continuing nervously, "Do you think I'm in trouble for using the chain on accident a week ago"?

She paused briefly before continuing to slip into her emerald strapless dress with a sassy grin and half lidded eyes, "Doubtful Ya-ya. It's probably just another grove meeting about yet another mystic that we aren't allowed to transport here anymore".

I gasped with wide eyes as I floated backwards towards the exit, "Do you think it was Rikard? I bet you it's Rikard".

She joined me at the entrance with a lighthearted laugh as she flipped her ombre braids to her back and exited the dome first, "Probably not, knowing his luck".

Meeks and I made our way down the stone path through the grassy part of the Haven, passing ruins of the old dwellings along the way. 

After an hour of giggling and catching up, we saw the Hall of Mystics rising into view. The gorgeous round tower of white stone seemed to glisten under the bright violet star. As we entered, we noticed that the towering hall was uncharacteristically empty. We shared a puzzled look as we walked further inside and around white stone the pews.

"Where Dorias? He's usually—"

"—Ri", Meeks hushed me with a sharp growl.

"I am here", a quiet voice spoke out slowly from behind us.

Meeks and I jumped and turned around to see the short, thin Elf, had appeared behind us. He was smiling up at us, adjusting his round spectacles. The Elven were a short, lanky, and frail looking race of creatures. The only 'big', thing about them was there ear's, their almond eyes, and there ego's. And this was coming from a Fae; the smallest of the races.

"Dorias", Meeks nodded trying to smile. She always found it creepy how he just 'pops up every time you say his name'. "The Dagda, called us here, where is everybody"?

"Mm", he nodded. His voice was notoriously raspy from an attack 230 years ago, though no one but the Dagda has knowledge of the full story. "The Dagda is in his study, and wishes to see Madam Marshley", he said slowly.

"Dorias, I told you to just call me Ri", I chuckled.

"Mm. Follow me", he said and spun around swiftly before leading us through the towering hall with his hands intertwined low at his back.

"M-m", Meeks mimicked him quietly with an exaggerated uppity facial expression before we both chuckled and followed him to the Dagda.

"I heard that", his raspy comment made our eyes grow wide. He seemed unphased, so we ended up in another fit of giggles.

We followed Dorias through the hall to a smaller but longer corridor, with an arched wooden door at the very end. He walked us only half-way before he held out a hand and evaporated.

"Do you think he knows how annoying it is when he just shows up behind you"? Meeks asked as we walked down the corridor.

"Mi-mi", I laughed. "I think you're the only one who is annoyed with it. I find him very helpful".

She rolled her eyes as we made it to the door and knocked. "Dagda"?

The door opened to a round white room, decorated with colorful plants, bottles, and tapestries with a large wooden desk in its center and a tall gentle king sitting behind it.

We entered the room and he looked up at us with a smile, and flicked his fingers shutting the door behind us.

"Welcome back", he greeted as we made our way across the room.

"Am I in trouble"? I couldn't help but ask.

"No, No", he said softly. "Quite the contrary, I have asked you here for a wonderful consecration".

"A consecration"? Meeks asked on my behalf with an elated smile.

"Yes", he gleamed and stood up from his seat. "Do you remember our last exchange, Ri? When your consciousness was drifting amongst the restorative illusion"?

"I do", I looked from Meeks to the Dagda.

"Well, as a newly born celestial, I have asked you here to take appointment as a Keeper".

Keeper (n.): A powerful guard. Protector and warrior of the Grove of magicians.

"Celestial, Ri"? Meeks was shocked and nearly sounded wounded from not hearing the news from me first. To be honest, I still haven't fully come to terms with it myself.

My eyes widened as I looked from Meeks to the Dagda, "I-I—But Dagda, that rite is reserved for the most powerful grove dwellers.. Surely—", I looked back to Meeks as I was lost for words.

"I.. Awgh", I scoffed in disbelief and laughed nervously. "I'm not—am I"? I looked back to him nervously.

He huffed a soft titter looking down with a smile as he folded him arms behind his back, "Yes, you are one of The Powers here, my young apprentice".

The Powers (n): A collective group of mages and mystics that are the most powerful grove dwellers. Not all are celestials, nor are they all keepers.

"Ya-ya, you have to accept", Meeks whispered excitedly.

"I-I do, but are you sure Dagda"? I looked from Meeks back to our gentle Ruler.

He gave me a patient and soft smile. It was a stupid question; Of course he's sure.

He nodded, "Good, now please sit". He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk as he sat down. Meeks sat in the chair as I landed on the desk quickly.

"Now, we will have some measures to discuss. But first, I wish to tell you, the Chain of Transformation," I took it off quickly and held it out too him with wide eyes. He paused with another gentle grin before holding up a hand and continuing, "It is yours my dear. Your previous restrictions are lifted as you have fulfilled its embedded requirements".

He continued, "As a keeper, you are granted certain liberties other dwellers are not. You may grant entrance to anyone you deem worthy. Due to your affiliation and stature, your loved ones are granted dwellings. As are you now granted freedom to share this realm with whomever you deem worthy of the knowledge".

All I could do was nod; I was dumbfoundedly speechless. Meeks was much of the same.

"Now, I will make an opening with Priyardalay to run through the measures with you in more detail, so you will need to be here for some time. But for now, you must simply come to the aid of any dweller that requests your protection, as well as answer any call to arms we may request of you".

"I-I-I understand", I stuttered. Not with nervousness this time, but in honored astonishment.

"Superb", He said and tapped his hand on his desk, "There will be a celebration held for you seeing as we have not had appointed a Keeper in centuries. And I do think a social gathering of fellow mystics would be quite enjoyable. Would you not agree"? He smiled brightly between Meeks and I. Our faces lit up with exhilaration; not just by the sound of a mages social, or the idea of my new status, but because we had never seen the Dagda so gracefully enthusiastic.

"Yes"! – "Absolutely"! Meeks and I spoke simultaneously.


"Meeks, you don't have to stay with me", I said as we made our way to our sleeping quarters. We had already been traveling for 20 minutes.

"Of course I'm staying. It will be just like when we first started! Firstly, I'd rather put off meeting Marks mother, and secondly, there is no way I'm going to miss the social". We made our way down the cobblestone path back through the meadow.

"I do miss that," I giggled, overjoyed by the thought of getting some quality time together, "and I understand putting off his mom, but won't you miss Mark"?

"Won't you miss Owen"? She retorted playfully.

"I-yes", I fidgeted nervously mid-flight and mumbled, "but that doesn't mean we both  have to suffer".

Her lids dropped as her lips pulled back, "I wouldn't call spending time with you 'suffering'".

"You know that's not what I meant", I laughed.

The look dropped off her face as a smile grew gracefully, "How are you and Owen, anyhow"?

"Good"! I announced, but the silence that followed wasn't as light as I would have hoped.

"B-u-t"? She questioned.

I huffed and flew in front of her face floating backwards as she walked, "But, I can't help but wonder if he's only interested in me now because I can change sizes freely".

"Wait, you didn't tell him that the necklace is for emergencies only? Or was.."

I shook my head, "No 'cause the necklace is supposed to be a secret".

She laughed, "Ya-ya, you are the only person I know who actually keeps secrets so... so secret". She shook her head before she continued, "So, when was the last time you were his size"?

"A week ago... when he kissed me". I shrugged and then immediately covered my ears knowing she was about to shout.

"HE KISSED YOU"! The surprise on her face was unapologetic for her volume.

I laughed and uncovered my ears with a large smile and a nod.

She glanced around in quick contemplation, "And he didn't ask you to change sizes after that"?

I shook my head and crossed my arms, still floating backwards down the path. "No, oddly he hasn't. I just think the timing is odd; like he wants to be with me after he realized I have the ability to match his size"?

Her expression warped into soft glower, "I think it's because you almost died, Ya-ya".

"You think"? My tone was skeptical, and when her cerulean eyes flicked past me, I glanced around to see the simple limestone huts coming into view.

"Give him a bit more credit than that", she scolded me gently. I turned back to face her with pursed lips, and she shook her head noting my skepticism.

"Look, If you saw how he horrified he was with your death, I'm sure you'd agree with me".

"Yo-you're right", I mumbled trying to convince myself. But, Owen was bright, and exceedingly observant. How could he not notice my feelings before?

I flew above her shoulder as we entered the limits of the small town of limestone living quarters. We weaved our way around the cobblestone path locating our simple square hut with a curtain of string shells; curtesy of the mer.

Meeks brushed past them and made her way to the small, one-person bed to the left as I flew to the right towards my corner of Fae-sized belongings.

After an hour of listening to each other vent, a whistling breeze swept through the village signifying that the darkness of night was about to flow through the realm.

And we crawled into our beds ready to leave the heavy conversation and welcome a good night of sleep.


"Wake up, Ya-ya"!

I groaned and flipped on my cotton cushion as Meek's melodic voice pulled me into consciousness. I sat up slowly to see that the star had already brightened the realm, and Meeks was already dressed and pouring herself a glass of water.

"G'morning", I said with a yawn as I slipped out of bed. I walked over to the my study table that had piles of numerous different items. I grabbed the first item of clothing on my pile, which was a light-yellow romper, and slipped it on.

"I left a bit of apple for you by the washing basin", Meeks said as she braided her twists together.

I squinted at her tiredly and floated towards the small kitchen area, "Did you already go to the Gardens"?

"Yeah", she said tying off her braid with an elastic band, "I went for a swim at the lake early this morning and figure I'd just pick up some breakfast on the way back".

I landed next to the Fae-table on the counter, where Meeks had left my breakfast, "What time did you get up"? I asked, my voice still hoarse and tired.

"About 2 hours ago", She said and sat down on her bed facing me.

"Uh", my head drew back with scrunched features before I took a bite of the apple, that muffled my words to follow. "That does not sound pleasant".

"What time did you get back last night"?

"I wish I knew", I said monotonously.

"Is Priya working you that hard? I thought it was just safety measures".

"Yeah", I scoffed, "I didn't think it would be a big deal either until I realized that I am the safety measure. I've literally been training with her every day".

A look of horror struck her face, before we both started chuckling.

"At least it's your day off right"? She grinned sympathetically.

"Wait", I said as my posture perked up. "It's been 3 weeks already"?

Her face lit up in good-humored disbelief, "U-h YEAH"! She belted out a laugh. "Tonight's the Mages social! Poseidon help you, have you really lost count already"?

I rubbed my face as we both chuckled. Meeks and I used to stay here and train for months at a time, normally I wouldn't lose count until after the third month here.

"I'm going back to bed", I shook my head and floated back to over to my bed.

"What"? She giggled as she watched me crawl back into bed and cover my entire body with my blanket. "You are NOT missing your own party Ri-ae-ya Marshley"! She yelled lowly, I heard her rustling around in her bag.

"Come get me before the party", I grumbled into my pillow.

"I did not understand one word of that", she said walking past my corner. "But I'll wake you up before the party", she sang with a playful cadence as she left our quarters. I quickly drifted back to sleep, only to get woken up 4 hours later by a nightmare.

It had been three weeks. Three weeks of trying to figure out what variety celestial abilities I had been blessed with, three weeks of battling a giant druid warrior, three weeks of haunting thoughts about Owen. I was drained; Physically, emotionally, mentally, and magically drained. 

I knew I'd return home without Owen even having a clue I was gone, but I kept having nightmares that he'd forgotten about me. Or that the Dagda asked for the enchanted chain back, and he no longer loved me because of it. OR, that Lee came back and he chose her.  I ended up just giving up on rest and crawled out of bed. I splashed some water on my face and decided I'd go off to my new dwellings that Priya and showed me weeks ago.

I flew south through the lavender sky, and soared high above the stone path towards the forested area of the realm.  Compared to earth, all the vegetation and their colours seemed distorted; greens looked more teal, yellows looked more green, blues looked more violet. I hadn't really noticed the difference when I travelled here from Avalon, but after three weeks, I was missing the vibrant colours of the Otherworld.  After about ten minutes, I drifted lower as I flew above the infinity pools, that reflected the skies of different realms. I made it to the stony carved dwellings, which hung effortlessly from the cavernous cliff over the star painted lake below.

I dipped and rounded about 5 hanging structures that belonged to other celestials before locating the open window of mine. I landed inside the lonely lit kitchen. I had been around Owen long enough to know this dwelling was around the same size as Owen's house, if not slightly bigger. To me, this vast empty space was too big. But their hadn't been a celestial Fae in over 5 centuries, so I assumed this was the only size they had. Even my little corner in the small sleeping quarters was difficult to fill.

I walked toward the end the counter, and sat down to hang my legs of the ledge. I began to think about how Meeks would fill the space if she were in my position, or Owen. I then got lost in thoughts of my newfound celestiality. I didn't feel as powerful as everyone kept saying I was, and 3 weeks with Priya taught me that I have no clue how to be a celestial. I had heard rumours that Priya was heartless, and after training with her these past few weeks I understood why. 

In Celestial form, emotions seem further out of reach, though oddly all encompassing at the same time. She warned me that in celestial and non-corporeal form, we tend to forget about our physicality, and the emotions and relationships attached to it. 

I understood it. I felt it. I was so lost in the pattern of creation and the duality of higher knowledge, that I had forgotten Owen was dying beside me. To be candid, it terrified me.  Channeling celestial magic was one thing, owning and using it was another.  

After an hour or two of just sitting in my own thoughts, I flew back to my sleeping quarters to see that Meeks was already dressed for the social.

The social was lively, and colorful. Creatures from across all realms gathered in one area, though many of them had no inclination as to what the celebration was for. I mingled with a few mystics before slipping away nearly unnoticed. Meeks had made eye contact with me right before I flew out the window. I waved a bit, and she nodded in understanding my inept ability to be around large crowds, especially at my natural size.

I snuck away to the infinity pools, since this time of day the galaxy pool's reflection was gorgeous collection of unknown constellations. I sat on a low hanging limb of an evergreen right in front of the galaxy pool and sighed with the peace that slowly drifted over me slightly calming my racing worries. 

A snap of twigs startled me, and I jumped with fearful eyes, swinging my posture around to see that the Dagda, had appeared behind me. At the sight of him, I relaxed back into my original position, my heart calming with a deep sigh. 

"What troubles you child"? He inquired tenderly, stepping up to the low hanging branch I was perched on. I released another heavy sigh, and just picked the most relevant anxiety.

"I have trained for the past 3 weeks, and Priya and I have no clue how to control my celestiality, and I fear you picked the wrong  person".

"Me? My child, I am but an agent of fate. I do not choose who is deemed worthy", he chuckled softly, "The celestials do".

"Maybe they  chose wrong", I mumbled.

"Oh, you are still a young spirit, Ri-ae-ya. You will learn in time, that you were deemed worthy of many things by more than just an old drui like me. The gods, angels, spirits, the higher collectives, and the masters all of which deemed you worthy of the power you possess far earlier than you may realise".

I scratched my head and looked over to him, "And Owen"?

He looked at me with gentle questioning. Though he seemed to already understand my concerns, he remained silent.

"How does he fit? I have already put him in danger once, what if I do it again? What is fate doing with us! I mean, how well can a fae-human relationship work anyway? What if—"

"What if—indeed", he gently interrupted my breathless rant, and slowly raised a brow. "Fate is a fickle woman. I have lived a great many decades in this life, and I often wonder, what if  one Fae didn't  fall in love with a human"?

I looked at him with deep confusion and we both pondered the thought.

"Well.." I spoke up after a minute. "Then... then nothing. No one would get hurt, and we'd move on. And nothing would happen". I shook my head in confusion, wondering if that was the right answer.

"Precisely, my dear", he looked off towards the galaxy pool as I stayed silent to hear his point.

"Nothing. What a dreadful space, nothing. 'Tis empty; Hollow and insignificant. But Something. O-o-h, something is to exist. 'Tis possibility. Something can very instantly transform into everything. For if one  Fae did not feel something  for a human, the namely-wish would have enslaved the Fae for eternity".

My breath caught as I took in his words and my eyes bounced around with their weight.

"Are you saying the  Lora-lay, Lora-lay Seelie.. Who broke the bonds of the Namely-wish? She was in love with a human? Faeology states the human killed her". I spoke eagerly. 

He smiled mysteriously soft. "No child", he said as he walked away behind me, "T'was their love that destroyed the namely-wish for all Fae".

I looked down at my hands and then turned around to face him fully, "So, are you saying—".

  A-and he's gone.

"Should have seen that coming", I mumbled.


I broke through the surface of the pond, and the water fell away as Meeks scooped me up. I stood on her hands and conjured my wings. We both nodded our farewell with a smile as I drifted into the air, though she gave me a playful wink before I saw her submerge again.

"Was I gone long Shae"? I asked flying through my entrance to change again.

Shae shook slightly.

"Oh good". I nodded and proceeded to change into my short silver dress.

Shae shook again in question.

"I think it was maybe a little over 3 weeks", I said answering her question about how long I spent in the Mages Grove.

According to Shae I had only been gone minutes, thankfully as normal. After I changed back into my red dress, I sat back and talked to Shae about my trip and I filled her in, as I made myself some tea.

Shae seemed more my relationship with Owen than anyone else. And when I mentioned that to her, she told me in depth about Owen coming to visit her while I was in Avalon. Not only was he coming to look for me, but also to keep Shae company. The thought melted my heart... he'd take care of my beloved tree if I had passed...

I did still want to go to the bar. Which means I would remain hidden in the rafters above the bar considering I was not ready to meet other humans... Maybe just Rob. Admittedly, my curiosity was growing steadily since I found out I was more powerful than I realized. And how could Owen and I work out if we didn't interweave our worlds a little?

After finishing up my conversation with Shae, I took off towards the bar and perched myself on a tall red wood just beside it and noticed the stars position overhead. Late morning, I thought to myself. No other 'vehicles' were parked outside, most likely because Owen enjoyed setting up early and alone. I sat there for a few minutes and watched him carry a few boxes of bottles inside. When he didn't come back out, I slipped off the limb into the air and flew around the roof of the small building to find my little hole.

When I landed on the roof and slipped through the hole, mister squirrel—that I since named Aldan—wasn't home. I assumed he was out looking for food as I crawled through the wooden beams to get to the rafters behind the bar that were hidden by the small angled pieces of wood that gave me just enough space to slip through to climb out behind the large bottles that decorated the top of the bars shelving division.

I sat there unnoticed and watched him write in a book in between placing the ornate bottles on the shelves below me.

I sat down and watched him there working contently. He always seemed to feel my presence whenever I watched him like this, but the bar was the only place I was able to go unnoticed. I thought about what had the Dagda said to me about Owen and I. He didn't seem to have an opinion about us, but something told me he knew more than he let on.

Long ago I had felt that fate brought us together—and the Dagda's ambiguity on the matter solidified my speculation. But what for still evaded me. The bar 'phone' rang and I watched him answer it and discuss opening times—most likely with Rob—and then hang up to continue his previous task.

I watched him put another bottle away on the shelf far below me and pause momentarily before pulling away. The smallest grin grew on his face as I watched him curiously turn to the small fridge under the bar counter and pull out the bottle of honeywine. My head and shoulders perked up as I saw him place the bottle on the counter and turn around, leaning against the bar facing me. I stood up quickly.

"How do you always know"? I complained crossing my arms with a smile and stepped out into the light.

"Come on," he smiled with a nod and turned back towards the bar, "Have a drink".

I lit up my wings and floated down to the bar, as he pulled out a tiny plastic cup from a drawer.  I blurted out with a laugh, "WHAT is that"? And I landed in front of him tucking my wings away.

He shook his head with a smile. "Don't ask where I bought it", he laughed, "I bought it 2 weeks ago hoping you'd come back, and it just arrived this morning". He used a straw to funnel the honeywine in the small version of what he called a "beer-mug" and handed it to me. Elated, I took the cup and took a big sip.

"How long have you been here"? He asked pouring himself a small glass of 'whiskey'.

"Oh, you mean you don't know"? I peered up at him with a raised brow. He just smiled and took a sip which made me wonder how long he actually knew of my presence. I followed suit with a sip of my own.

"Did you take care of what you needed to? I didn't expect you to come by", he smiled softly, as a confused look grew on my face.

"Yes"? I said slowly.

He matched my confusion, "You said you had some things to take care of at the pond"?

"RIGHT"! I nodded with laugh, "Yes, everything is taken care of". I used to forget conversations with my mom all the time when I travelled to the Grove almost daily; It was a common setback of spending time there.

He chuckled with a soft perplexed grin, "Well, Rob won't be here until noon", he said setting his glass down and then glancing over at me.

"So-o, you need me to leave at noon I'm guessing"?

"Or hide", he shrugged as he wiped his hands with a cloth. I peered up at him and took another sip of my wine before looking down in thought.

"What"? He gestured with a smile, noticing the look on my face. 

I shrugged and turned around, "Oh, its nothing", I said playfully as I ambled around the counter with my drink.

"No, it's not", he chuckled. "That's the look of trouble right there... what's brewing inside that head of yours". He leaned forward onto the bar eagerly setting the rag down next to him.

I shrugged with a smile, "It's nothing". It wasn't nothing, but it was nothing he'd agree to.

I turned to face him taking another sip to see him squinting at me skeptically. I held my drink close as I spoke again, "How well do you know Rob"?

"Very well", his squint remained.

"Yes, but how well is 'very well'", I asked continuing my amble.

"U-hm...well, we grew up together, so I'd say I know him like the back of my hand". His squint was replaced with curiosity.

"And you trust him with your Bar"?

"Yes," he shook his head in confusion. "I trust him with my. life", he pointed at me quickly catching onto my thoughts, "But NO, Ri, I do not trust him with yours".

I stopped and took another sip with raised brows.

"No", he stood up grabbing his drink out of nervous habit. "Ri, I just got you back, the last thing I want right now is to take another unknown risk".

"Okay!" I said urgently and held up a hand to stop the panic growing on his face, "Okay, then we don't have to". I had to remind myself that; to him, I had only been back for a week. He didn't know I had been spent 3 weeks in the Mages Grove.

He let out a deep breath and set his glass down before bracing himself against the bar with his hands. "Okay"? He asked softly glancing down at me to the side, undoubtably curious as to why I agreed without protest. He leaned forward again crossing his arms atop the counter.

"You're... not going to do anything"?

"No", I said and quickly closed the distance to his hand. I knelt down setting a hand down on his pinky and looked up at him. "No, I won't do anything if you don't agree with it".

I'm not sure I'm ready for it either, I thought to myself as I stood back up removing my hand from his. After having a very confusing discussion with the Dagda, I knew I wanted to be with Owen, but I felt the only way to actually be an active part of his world was to combine our worlds together.

He let out another breath as his face relaxed. His hand slowly shifted in front of me and I responded by placing my hand on his index finger. I smiled at him before taking another sip.

"You know", I said lightheartedly, "at this point, you're more protective than my father".

He rolled his eyes with a small grin, "You almost died for me twice now. That's two times more than your father". I removed my hand, and he stood tall again moving along the bar to continue his preparations for the night.

"Well, I've spent more time with you in the past year then I've spent with my father the past 400".

He chuckled, "I know you're intrepid Ri, I'd just like you to live another 50 years at minimum, and I don't think that would happen if we just go around introducing you to other humans... even if you were human".

I laughed at his terminology, "Oh, so even if I was human-sized, you wouldn't introduce me to Rob"? I raised a brow.

"Absolutely not", he snickered, "Rob is going to hit on you relentlessly".

"Hit-on"? I questioned.

"Uh, flirt. Court. Phil—"

"—I got it", I interjected with a hand and a laugh. "So he would do that even if he knew I was courting you"? I asked taking another sip.

He smiled, still amused with my Fae jargon 'courting', "Undeniably, He can't help it".

"Hmph... Bet he wouldn't do that if you introduced me as a Fae", I continued walking around the counter.

"Best not to give him the opportunity", he scrunched his nose in warning.

I shrugged and walked back off toward the other end of the counter sighing dramatically. "I guess I'll just hide then", I said and waved of a hand dismissively.

I could hear him chuckle behind me which didn't surprise me. But what did surprise me was that his footsteps followed and before I could turn back around, he had clasped my free hand between two fingers.

I couldn't hide the brief shock on my face as I looked down at my hand and back up at him. He seemed to ignore my shock all together and didn't let go as he leaned onto the counter once again. "Thank you".

A smile replaced the shock on my face. "Don't get used to it", I said sarcastically before he started to pull me closer to him. I tried to resist but his grip was strong and my eyes grew wider as he towed me closer.

"Uh, Owen"?

"Yes"? He answered, dragging me closer to his face setting his glass down to rest his chin in his other hand.

"W-what are your doing"?

"Pulling you closer", he said and then allowed me to stop 12 inches below his face.

"Why"? My back was ridged my eyes glued open.

He sighed. "Because I missed you", he said releasing my hand. My face grew pink and I looked down trying to hide my flush.

His hand gently curved around me and his thumb carefully lifted my pink face by brushing the side of it tenderly. But instead of pulling away, I leaned into his thumb before looking up at him.

I had missed him so much the past 3 weeks that it was painful. The nightmares and thoughts that raced through my mind when I was gone had made it even more so. But Owen. In Owen's time, he had seen me that morning and still missed me. It was so touching that my heart nearly bubbled over. A smile grew on my face as I looked into his big brown eyes.

The Fae had every eye color you could imagine; and brown were considered the plainest... But Owens dark chocolate eyes sparkled with endless sincerity like I had never experienced before; I had met plenty of Fae with beautiful eyes, but none were even closely comparable to the stunning depth that Owens possessed. It was as if his eyes had a language of their own, and whatever message they held, the sound of their words brought only comfort. And that comfort was sorely missed.

"Owen"? I said uneasily and closed my eyes.

"M-hm"? He breathed, and I could feel a small airy wave of warmth pass me.

I gulped and let out a harsh breath, "I want to kiss you again". My heart dropped as the words came out and I peeked one eye open to see his response.

He smiled wildly, his brown eyes flashing with playfulness. But it wasn't my words that had him attempting to hide his chuckle, it was the nervousness that was so clearly portrayed through my body language that entertained him.

"Oh really". He said as he pulled away from me and grabbed his drink with a smile before busying himself with non-tasks further down the bar. My jaw went slack, He really just created distance between us after I mustered up the courage to say that!

I set my cup down on the counter and put my hands on my hips, "What do you mean 'oh really'? What kind of response is that"!

He coughed out a laugh, nearly choking on his sip and the look he gave me was apologetic for finding this position comical.

I raised my voice, pleading for him to stop laughing even though I started to laugh myself, "Owen"! I reigned in my laughter to take a more serious tone, "Owen, are you not going to kiss me"? My tone came out good-humoredly serious.

"Alright, alright", he said reigning in his own amusement giving me his full attention. "You want me to kiss you like that"?

Oh no... My thoughts drifted back to the thoughts that plagued my mind in the Mages Grove.

All amusement drained from my body. "Wha-what do you mean like that? Like what"?

"Ri, no that's not what—"

"—You mean, like how I was born"?

He quickly walked up to me looking down as he set his cup down, "Ri—"

"—No. Do you mean you have a problem with this," I gestured to my body, and stood my ground as he loomed over me, "my natural size"?

"No". He raised his voice to a stern decibel cutting off my next words, "No, Ri. That is not how I meant it. And you should already know that".

I peered up at him craning my neck with my arms crossed. "Well, how  should I have taken it then"?

"Alright", he said sternly.  He swiftly walked away, rounding the bar and sat down on a bar stool in front of it, scooting forward. Though he was easily 5 feet away, the bar shook below me as he set an arm down on the bar with a thud and looked down at me. He seemed nearly angry which confused me, but I wasn't about to back down, nor show fear. I turned with my arms crossed to face him fully.

"Alright, what"? No shortage of attitude in my tone.

"Alright, come here, and I will kiss you", he said, tapping the bar assertively where he wanted to me stand.

I gulped and then looked at him skeptically, or I at least tried. If my wings were out, they'd give me away.

"What", he said unsympathetically tilting his head. "Does that make you too nervous"?

My jaw dropped. "It--what", I breathily scoffed as I was rendered speechless. I looked away as my face glowed pink again. I got his point... but did he need to prove it so harshly? A few seconds of silence passed, and I could see he posture soften out of my peripherals.

"Come on", he said with a softer tone, beckoning me over. I glanced back at him to see the understanding in his eyes and the austerity that had danced across his face a few seconds prior had dissipated. I turned to face him with a scowl, although, I was internally relieved to see his gentleness had returned.

"Come're", he said with a tender chuckle sliding his hand over to me with offered fingers. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to him, ignoring his hand though it followed behind me. As I walked up closer, he leaned down slowly. I stopped, only to get pulled closer to him by the shadowing hand. I dropped my arms and braced myself against his hand, though he had done nothing but lean closer. Feeling my resistance, he stopped when I was five inches from his face and could feel the humidity of his whiskey breath.

I could see his eyes running up and down the nearer detail of my frame before the warmth of the hand behind me shifted. His thumb took my attention as he ran it carefully from my shoulder and tenderly down to my hand. When I looked back to his eyes, he was reluctantly pulling his gaze from the detail of my arm to my eyes.

His eyebrows raised softly as he gave the smallest nod. The same look that he gave me over a year ago when he was trying to tell me he saw me and wasn't a threat. I gulped again, trying my hardest not to back down from the situation I created, and walked a few inches closer to him as I closed my eyes.

I could feel his slow warm breaths alerting me that he still hadn't moved. I realized my hands were clenched into fists when he slipped a finger beneath one. The heat and smell of whiskey faded, and opened my eyes to see him leaning away.

"What"? I asked softly, frantically patting the finger beneath my hand resting beside my thigh.

"Another time", he said sympathetically with a gentle smile. "When you're ready".

I looked away with annoyance, and not with him. He knew how nervous I was and used it to explain himself when I was too quick to question his integrity. If a Fae-man had done that he would have gotten punched. If a Mer had done that I would have sent him back to the depths of the ocean; the same goes for any other creature. But for some reason, when Owen did it, he made me feel like he was allowing me to fully realize it on my own.

How is a 700 year old Fae like myself emotionally bested by a 28 year old human? How is it that Owen makes me so vulnerable? I shook my head at the thought, and watched him walk back over to the other side of the bar. He finished his last sip and proceeded to put the rest of the bottles away whilst periodically writing in the book. I sat down and watched him continue working in silence. Horrible thoughts began to haunt me again. What if I lost the necklace? Would he still want to be with me? Would he ever want to mate with a Fae? Is he actually content with me? Are we even actually courting?

An hour or so passed when he completed his tasks, and he paused and leaned against the bar looking down at me.

"Time to hide"? I asked looking up at him with a small smile.

He nodded reluctantly giving me an apologetic look. I conjured my wings as he watched me stand. I looked up into his soulful eyes that seemed to smile at me. Quickly, I flew up to his shoulder below his collarbone and he reacted by draping his hand over me in a hug. After quite a few seconds he pulled me away to match smiles, as we do routinely. He didn't expect to see my cheeks glistening with tears instead. I saw his concern but before he could say anything, I leapt out of his hand and flew behind the shelf through the rafters, and back to Shae.

After talking to Shae, I realized I needed some time to myself. And by that, I mean I needed to go to D'nasaffaraon to talk to Meeks or maybe even the Dagda. But after starting my Keeper's training with Priya, Meeks and I saw very little of him. I landed on the rock in the pond and called for my sister in Mysticism.

"Meeks, Can you come to me. No Urgency". I called out to her in my head.

"On my way". She replied, her voice softly echoing in my head like a soft whale song beneath the water.

Within a few minutes the water in middle of the pond whirled slightly and a beautiful dark woman with ombre black and teal colored braids broke the surface. She swam over to me, needing to partially crawl to the rock as the pond grew shallow.

"What's wrong"? She asked curiously seeing me sitting on the rock and adjusting her position to sit in front of me.

"I just needed to talk to someone", I said, "Do you want to go to D'nasaffaraon"?

"Yah-yah, we just got back... Why don't you tell me what's going on first".

"Okay" I shrugged, "I just didn't want to waste your day—"

"—you're not. Mark's mom is visiting, and I needed an excuse to get away from that anyway".

I nodded and sighed, "Well... basically.. I argued with Owen briefly because I thought he was repulsed at the idea of kissing me at this size", I gestured to the length of my body, "and he wasn't, and was willing to kiss me at this stupid size, and I got too nervous to follow through".

She snorted trying to swallow a laugh. "I'm sorry.. go on". She shook her head and gestured for me to continue.

I hugged my knees, "Mimi, I feel absolutely pathetic".

"Okay," she adjusted her position, "but why is it that you feel pathetic specifically"?

"I think it's because I was too nervous to follow through... and it's not like I didn't want to! I did! For the love of Fae, I instigated it! And now I feel like I made him think that I'm scared of him, or made him feel like I don't trust him or something. I trust him, I'm just scared he won't love me anymore if I'm not his size, or.. I don't know ". I buried my face into my knees.

"Look... you may not want to hear this... but you felt pathetic way before Owen walked into your life".

I looked up at her through my knees as she continued, "You've always had a personality, and a curiosity, too big for a Fae. You want to live larger than they do; and I don't mean physically. I mean, you've always wanted more, to learn more, experience more, grow more... That is a rarity amongst the Aos si. For the past 500 years you were too big for them and estranged for it, and then you create a new life in a world where you are considered very small. I'm sorry yah-yah but that's normal".

I lifted my head up listening to her intently, trying to let her words sink in.

"And if there's one thing that is the same no matter the creature.... Its courting. In the 300 years I've known you, you've always been afraid of getting too close to men because you don't want them to fall for you... Now you're afraid of falling for a man for fear that he won't. I don't care if your Aos si, Muírghien, Drakon, Elven, Human or whatever. Every woman goes through this at some point," she paused for a giggle, "I don't know why you thought you'd be immune to the ailments of the heart".

I smiled lightly, wiping the tears from my face as she continued.

"Now I can imagine.. that, and going through the adjustment from Avalon to Earth, would be a little tough on the spirit", She smiled gently.

"Thank you, Mimi", I said miserably with a smile and a deep breath as we sat in silence for a few seconds as I took in the wisdom of her words. I realized back in the Mages Grove, I needed the validation she provided, especially when it came to Owen.

I looked back over to her playfully soft, "Do you really think my nature is too big for a Fae"?

She smirked, "Absolutely. Do you really think you were blessed with that chain for any other reason"?

My eyes widened as I tiled my head, "You know, I actually never thought about it that way".

She shook her head with a grin of disbelief, "Poseidon help you...", we giggled together, "remind me to talk to the Dagda about your education Yah-yah, because your internal analyzation abilities are deficient".

I rolled my eyes as our laughing died off. I stood up and looked at her with a smile, "Seriously Meeks, there would be a huge hole in my heart if I had never met you".

She nodded and clicked her tongue with false pity. "And you'd never even realize it", she smiled innocently. Though her words were playful her smile told me everything; her love and empathy shining through the strongest.

"So, how is Mark's mom"? I asked changing to a lighter subject.

"U-h-h", she groaned, "I love that man, but I have never met a human that thinks they know more about the Muírghien then his mother".

I giggled with brightening eyes, "really"?

"Yes"! She rolled her eyes and pulled her blue tail close to her chest with a laugh, "I mean, she's lived with their pod for maybe.. 50 years, and now she's an expert. Thank Poseidon you called".

"What have you guys been doing then"? I asked eagerly before I noticed her bite her lips as her gaze elevated past me.

"What", I asked and turned around to see what she was looking at. It was Owen, and he was crossing the field towards Shae and the pond.

"O-h" I breathed out heavily in soft surprise, and I turned back to her.

She gave me a playful grin as she sat up straight with excitement. I rolled my eyes at her with a smile and turned back to face Owen as he brushed passed Shae's branches. He looked up and was momentarily taken off guard by the Mer sitting next to me who gave a mischievous finger wave.

He smiled at her delightedly and glanced down at me and back up at her before altering his course. "What's going on ladies"? He asked with a smile.

I winced slightly as Meeks spoke over me before I could say anything, "Oh you know, just consoling a Fae having a meltdown", she shrugged with a laugh and I reacted by flinging a small wave of water at her.

"Meeks"! I yelled out in laughter.

He laughed along with our giggles and looked between the both of us before settling his sight on me, "Well is it safe to assume everything's okay now"?

"Yes", I said with an embarrassed grin and a low tone of voice. The sound of water caught my attention and I placed my hands on my hips as I looked back at Meeks to see she was slowly making her way back to the middle of the pond. I momentarily wondered why she was leaving so quickly, and then:

"Yeah," she raised her voice with a laugh, "Just be careful Owen, she likes to run away"!

"Meeks"! I cannot believe she just threw me to the sharks like that!

"Is that so", he looked down at me with a chuckle only to see me concealing my eyes from his sight with one hand.

"I mean it's not like you'd have known she was gone anyway", She added as she stopped in the deepest part of the pond.

"MEEKS! Isn't it time for you to leave"! I shouted back at her. She stuck her tongue out at me playfully, before giving me a wink.

"It was nice to see you without anyone being injured, Owen", she said loudly and submerged herself into the whirling water. I watched the whirling water, too embarrassed to turn back around to face Owen.

"You wanted to run away"? He asked, chuckling lightly.

I shrugged and whipped around to face him guiltily, "Well, Meeks wasn't lying... You wouldn't have even known I was gone". I tried to state it casually.

"And what is that supposed to mean"? He asked as he watched me conjure my wings and fly over to Shae's tallest protruded root. He followed me over and sat down on the ground next to the root.

"It means, I could have left and come back a minute after I left", I shrugged looking up at him. He had his elbows resting on his bent knees.

"You mean time travel or—"

"—I mean time is different there".

"You were going to go back to Avalon"? He shook his head in confusion, "I thought time was slower there".

I shook my head as I began a slow pace along the root, "No, it wasn't Avalon, and the place I would have gone to is apart from time, so... Only the minute it takes to travel there and back would have passed here".

He scrunched his eyebrows softly in disappointment, "So-o, you could have left for weeks, and I wouldn't have known"?

I nodded remorsefully and sat down facing him. He nodded in response and looked down. We sat there for a few seconds in silence, before Shae broke through with a small vibration.

"I know Shae" I said patting her root. She wanted to console me, but at the same time, told me to open up to Owen. I looked at him staring at the ground in silence, most likely waiting for me to talk.

I sighed, "I'm sorry if I worried you, I didn't need you to come back from work early".

"I didn't think you did". He looked up at me with a sad grin, "but I came anyway, and honestly I'm disappointed you'd go to a different world instead of talk to me about what's bothering you".

"It's not that I was running from you. Please don't think that. I was very confused about it myself. I was so frustrated that I started crying", I chuckled pitifully before continuing. "I was confused and thought I needed more time to figure it out before I could explain myself".

He chuckled and shook his head.

"What", I giggled nervously, wondering which part of my statement was funny enough for him to chuckle at.

"You don't have to have it all figured out, Ri," he said picking pieces of grass beneath him, "and some of these problems I would like to figure out with you".


"Yes", he shook his head with another soft chuckle. "I mean, to be honest, I was a wreck when you were gone. And I had feelings I couldn't explain, nor did I even know they were plausible to act on. And it was something I was would have given anything to talk you about considering I thought you died for me..." he paused.

Again, I was rendered speechless by his words. Again, his vulnerability and ability to express it astounded me.

He continued softly as he fidgeted with the grass, "And now I have you back, and I don't want to waste something great on questions and insecurities".

I bit my lip with the shame I felt. And when he looked up at me, he read my expression perfectly.

"No. I don't want you to feel bad, I want you to listen, okay"?

"Okay", I agreed with a strong nod.

"It is very weird to me to think that I love a Fae... but I do, and I will because it also feels right. And yes, it would be weird for me to kiss you when you're this size, Ri. But will I? Unquestionably, because as weird as it is, it doesn't feel wrong. And I love you, because of what you are, and who you are, in addition to the foundation we built as friends. And if you think I only realised my feelings for you because you were my size, then you're wrong, because I realised the extent of them when I thought I'd never see you again".

My eyes widened with his confession as he finished, "And I'm just assuming  that this is what all of this is about, because you used to wake me up in the morning by jumping on my face," he shook his head with a smile, "and now you're afraid to be near me even though we kissed last week when you were human... am I wrong"? His eyes searched my expression.

"ALRIGHT", I yelled standing up, completely taking him off guard. "Fine"! I aggressively put my hands on my hips and looked down, though the expression of shocked concern was hard to miss on a large face.

I let out a huge breath to ready myself for a verbal outward expression of deep feelings.

"Owen, you haven't made me feel small since I was grounded... So this isn't really your doing". Though it was deep sensitive feelings, they came out like a lecture due to my abhorrent ability to express them.

"Owen, look," I glanced up at him and then moved my eyes back down, "I have.. I have never actually had feelings for anyone before, so I'm not sure how to do this".

"For real"? He said with an honored smile.

"YES" I stated loudly, "ALL OF THIS IS NEW! New emotions that are so so strong. And I don't know, there's other stuff too, that I knew but, I just now sort of realised it how much it affected me because Meeks brought it to my attention, and I know she's right, but basically I went from a world that was too small for me to a world that I'm too small for. Not that there's an issue with it", I rambled quickly, "because I love exploring and stuff, but I guess I'm just scared okay! I'm scared and I'm NEVER scared, but I'm just actually really scared, about a lot of stuff including losing you and you not wanting me—"!

"—Woah! Woah, woah", Owen cut off my loud breathless rant when my tears started to break. Though, I'm not even sure if he noticed. He sat up and crawled over to me as I collapsed to my butt on the root catching my breath.

"I feel so pathetic Owen", I said casually holding back the water in my eyes. I'm not going to cry again.

He chuckled. "You are the furthest thing from pathetic", he said reaching out a finger to my bent knees that I was holding, "I know plenty of humans that don't have half the courage you have".

I looked up at him and released my knees to lean back onto my palms. "I'm really glad you think so", I laughed pitifully, successfully holding back the tears that had crept up on me.

He rested his palm a few inches in front of me, and slowly dropped his head and rested his chin on the back of his hand.

My eyes were drawn to his large lips as he gave me a soft grin. I looked up to his eyes briefly, the weight of his stare was still too hard for me; The depth of his sympathy shown through his eyes would surely make the tears fall again.

He whispered softly to my feet, "Can you not  go to another world next time, and maybe just open up to me"? 

"Opening up isn't one of my strengths, Owen". I said before I sat forward with a sigh. I felt too guilty about not telling him, "but... ...I went to that realm this morning".

I looked up momentarily to see him raising a brow softly, his eyes still gently fixated on me.

"I was gone for 3 weeks", I confessed defeatedly, and shut my eyes tightly in preparation for his anger. But I didn't feel any... I looked up at him again. 

His lips folded in as he took in a deep breath. He slowly exhaled patiently without breaking eye contact, the releasing breath gently blowing loose strands of hair out of my face. "Did anything happen"?

"Well, nothing of consequence. I-I had a lot of nightmares", I tried my best to open up to him as I looked down at my knees. His understanding and patience encouraging me to continue. He sat back and adjusted his position further to my left as he waited for elaboration. 

"I... I kept dreaming that you changed your mind about me. A-and that you didn't care about me anymore". I paused for a moment. And I continued as I noticed he started start to lean in towards me, "and that you". He leaned in closer.

"Yo-u, uh"... I trailed off and closed my eyes tightly when I realised he wasn't going to stop. 

Warm soft skin pressed against the side of my face, with a gap of pressure near my ear. My cheeks grew molten hot when I recognized their texture. Warm air blew past me from above as I relaxed, leaning into his lips .

Slowly, their pressure released and disappeared. I blinked my eyes open and looked up at the man they belonged to, who was resting his head on his hand again with a small grin.

I didn't realize I was smiling until I felt my cheeks grow sore. Shae shook from beneath me in excitement, and he leaned away as I stood up growing a bit pink.

"I'm sorry if you weren't ready for that", he said softly, his words sounding more apathetic than apologetic. 

I shrugged with a giggle, "I'll survive".

"Good", he smiled pleased with himself as he looked at the ground with... Is that a blush?

"You know Owen, I'm not actually going to leave you, you can go back to work".

He looked over at me with skeptical eyes and a bright smile, "I was thinking maybe I should take you with me".

I laughed, "What, to hide? Or as your size"?

"Honestly Ri, I don't even care anymore. You can show the whole bar what you are". He chuckled, before mumbling, "You could destroy every person in that bar before my protection would be any good". He glanced over at me with a defeated grin.

I scrunched my nose playfully, "O-o-o, that sounded so hard for you to admit". I placed my hands over my mouth, to hide my smile.

He smiled lightheartedly with a nod, "It was".


Another week passed. A week of awkward interactions on my part, though, I do think Owen found it endearing, or at least entertaining. We were nearly inseparable. I spent the night with him most nights, seeing as we spent a few extra hours at the bar with each other after he closed it.

Our banter grew more flirtatious, and we both seemed relish in our nearness. But for the most part, our interactions hadn't changed. Being around him seemed to keep my insecurities at bay, especially since he seemed to reassure me with sincere compliments and sweet comments.

But this morning... I woke up on my stomach, to the wonderfully chilling sensation of his finger running down my back and a deep breathless voice sighing, "I do love you".

I didn't stir when I was pulled from my sleep. He had climbed out of bed quietly, trying not to wake me as I remained still on the pillow adjacent his. When I heard the noises of his morning routine downstairs, I sat up with a stretch.

It had now been 2 weeks since I returned to him; Two weeks since our last kiss, if we discount the a week ago when he kissed me at my normal height. He hasn't asked why I haven't gone into human form, nor did he question me about the realm. Regardless, my insecurities seemed to seep in stronger today. I knew very little of human courtship and human love. 

When it came time for us to go to the bar, I conjured my wings to follow him to his truck. He opened the door for me, and I immediately flew to the dashboard and waited for him to climb in. I waited for him to put his seatbelt on, before I flew over to his shoulder. He chuckled as he started the engine as I nestled myself against his neck. His pulse and warmth calming my worries about the extent of his love.   

He drove the short distance to the bar and he parked around the back, so that I could remain unnoticed. I hopped off his shoulder and onto the 'Arm-rest', and waited for him to exit the car. He hopped out looking around and held the door open as I flew out quickly and into the trees. He entered the bar shaking his head knowing I wasn't about to give up my secret entrance. When he disappeared behind the door, I flew over to the Aldans dwellings and climbed discreetly through the rafters.

It was a regular bustling night per usual and I enjoyed watching him mix drinks next to his friend as an eclectic mix of music played. People laughed in groups and talked to my human who's smile seemed endless.

Until... Two human girls started making passes at Owen, and my. Face. Turned. Red. I didn't think I could be more territorial than what I had experienced when he was with Lee, and I was wrong. I wanted more than anything to go down there and fight them, but Owen made a point to look up and me and discreetly shake his head with a calm smile.

Towards the end of the night, the short blonde girl got really brave. I was keeping a keen eye on them, when she got up from her seat and walked directly up to Owen. Within a second I stood, my whole body felt red with rage, as she leaned in to kiss him.

The second before I took flight, Owen quickly grabbed her arms creating a barrier between them. My wings drooped, and I calmed immediately as he spoke, "Woah. Excuse me!" he said harshly dodging her advancement, "I'm taken, and this is highly inappropriate".

I smiled, pleased with his harsh tone. I was completely satisfied with his reaction, and I crossed my arms and backed away from the ledge of the shelf to remain hidden. Actually, my heart lurched out to him. As annoyed as I was, I was glowing with the fact that he said 'taken'.

"You know what?" He announced loudly in annoyance, "Sorry guys we are going to close early tonight"!

I peeked back out, slightly shocked that he'd close the bar early because of it. My feelings began to overwhelm me and I knew he had never deserved a kiss more than now... I was elated with how he handled that. It took an hour for the customers to finish their drinks and shuffle out. He told Rob he'd close down the bar so he could take the rest of the night to himself. And When '10' came around he had walked Rob out and locked up the bar.

Still annoyed, the first thing he did after locking the door was grab the damp cloth and start wiping down the larger counter.

"You can come out now", he said with a sharp tone as he continued to wipe down the bar. I stepped out to where I was visible on the shelf with my arms crossed, still contemplating my next words.

He glanced up at me and paused. "Please don't tell me your mad", his tone was still drenched with residual annoyance as he scrubbed the bar. I flew down to the counter he had just wiped down and dropped my hands.

He stopped and stood up straight. "Alright," he said flipping the towel over his shoulder, "let's hear it". I couldn't blame him for thinking I was mad, or upset, or whatever he was thinking I was. 

"Owen." I started sternly and squinted up at him, "Close your eyes".


"—JUST DO IT", I yelled and watched him close his eyes impatiently, "I'm trusting you not to open them"!

"Okay, okay", his voice seemed to slowly be losing the tone.

I flew off the bar wrapping the chain around my finger, and with whirl of light that Owen wasn't able to see, I was big... He had his arms crossed impatiently, as I quietly walked up to him. He was still taller than me, but only by a few inches. I leaned in slowly avoiding his touch so the first thing he felt the sensation of my lips on his.

Startled, he opened his eyes and dropped his arms as he pulled away. But when he saw it was me, a small grin grew on his face as I leaned in again, this time not avoiding his touch but welcoming his arms that wrapped around me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist. And though our arms couldn't have been tighter, he kissed me so softly that it tickled my lips. He slid his hands below my waist and lifted me into the air with ease. I wrapped my legs around him in reaction, as he carried me over to the bar and set me atop the counter.

We pulled our lips away reluctantly as our eyes searched each other's. We smiled and laughed breathlessly trying to regulate our breathing, as I looked deep into his eyes. I ran my human sized hand through his hair and down his cheek, caressing the top of his cheekbone with my thumb. 

His eyes lit up as he smiled softly, questioning my private thoughts.  "What"? He whispered.

I shook my head softly as my cheeks glowed pink. "I don't like sharing", I admitted softly with a shrug.

He chuckled briefly before he swallowed hard. He shook his head softly, "Then don't".

Those two words were an invitation and a tease to keep going. An invitation that I quickly accepted as our lips met again this time with more vigor. My hands were desperate to feel the warmth of his skin as I lifted his shirt to slip my hands under it. I was completely taken off guard with how satisfying his skin felt against my palms and how enticing it was to feel the curve and twitch of his muscles. I paused our movements and opened my eyes slowly to try to slow my breathing.

But my break was cut short when I felt his hands shift and his thumbs gently caressed the inside of my mid-thigh; and I had to fight to keep my eyes from rolling back. This.. All of it  was new to me... I could see he was allowing me to take a breath, but, his simple touch drove me to obsession. And it was then I decided fighting it was useless. I sat up straight removing my hands from his shirt and he backed away holding my hand to help me off the counter. He gave me that same tender smile that I adored, and soft confusion drifted across his face in reaction to my firm expression. I led him over to the stage with the night deepened bay window at the end of the room.

I could see his eyes were searching mine for answers; but no words could describe what I wanted. Standing on my toes I extended my neck to meet him in a soft kiss as my hands began to remove his shirt, only for him to complete the task. I watched the shirt drop from his hands and when I looked up to meet his eyes, I was met with fierce intensity; his eyes showing a hint of concern. I swallowed hard again as my eyes and hands drifted down and inspected every curve of his chest and abdomen.

A small part of me was embarrassed with the innocence and curiosity that I was so sure transparently shown on my face. I met his gaze again before turning my attention to the silver straps that tied above my shoulders. With two gentle tugs, the straps released the silk dress and it slipped down my body exposing the strapless formfitting silk one-piece. I looked back up to see him take a small step back, his chest rising and lowering rapidly as it was his turn to inspect my curves.

He took a slow step towards me placing his hand on my lower hip and trailed his hand up my waist as his gaze returned to mine. His free hand brushed my hair off of the side of my face as he trailed my jawline with his thumb until his hand braced the back of my head; and he slowly leaned in for a sensual kiss that nearly knocked me off my feet.

I dropped my hand toward his pants and easily undid the button. He pulled away to undo the metal lining that I believe he knew I avoided do to my unfamiliarity with it. His blue pants slid to the ground with some coaxing, as he stepped out of his shoes. But before I could inspect him further, he picked me up again and laid me gently on the wooden stage draping himself on top of me.

Our kiss turned vigorous again but the sensation was stolen from me only to be replaced with a brand new one. His lips trailed down the side of my cheek and down my neck. He dragged his lips softly across my collarbone reigniting the obsession to touch him. As my back arched beneath him he returned his lips to mine and ran his hand curiously down my side and to my naked thigh. He pulled his lips away and our eyes bore into each other's as if he needed to see my reaction as he dragged his fingertips up the inside of my thigh over my hip and stomach where he gently rested his palm on my breast; his fingers just barley curling over the top of the one-piece.

He paused he motions and looked at me again, his eyes desperately concerning themselves with my approval. I took a shallow breath, and gave the slightest nod, though I was internally hoping my eyes didn't show how desperately I wanted him to explore my body. But that slight nod was the assurance he needed, and his fingers crept under my top and found their way to their destination. My back arched in reaction to his teasing touch, and a warmth rushed down my body that made the obsession to be closer to him even more unbearable.

He lifted himself off of me and chuckled softly with a smile, in reaction to the offense I took to the distance he created between us. Leaning forward he clasped the top of my one-piece, his eyes searching for permission again. I swallowed and nodded as the nerves rattled my stomach. He slowly peeled my one-piece down my waist and off my body, exposing my naturally sun-kissed skin. He paused and dropped my one-piece as he let out a harsh breath that was nearly a laugh before he closed the distance between our bodies. He draped himself along my side, allowing his hand to easily explore my skin without obstruction.

His fingers hesitated, undoubtably knowing where our intensity was about to take us. But his hesitation woke me from my trance. Fae's light!  I cursed at myself when I came to the realization of how far we had come.

"Ri, I..." he looked down and kissed my shoulder before returning his gaze back to mine and removing his hand from my thigh. "I don't know what this means to the Fae, Ri. Or to you. And I don't want to move too fast for you".

I could feel he was concerned about my nerves and my feelings, but I knew he was curious about otherworldly repercussions as well. I can't believe I didn't...

He Kissed my forehead and propped himself over me. Words.... I need to find words.

I sighed nervously, "Owen, I love you, and I trust you," I looked away contemplating how to explain what this step would mean. I turned my face back to his, "To the Fae... to me..," I hesitated knowing the words that were about to come out.

Tears swelled in my eyes in fear, "This means, that I choose you as my souls mate... that I will be mated to you, and our souls to each other, binding our spirits forever, a-and there's no going back—Humans may mate with multiple people, but not Fae". I rambled, "We'd be connected on a level that even some Fae don't even understand, a-and if you don't want that, I won't blame you—"

"—Wait". He shook his head, "and you weren't going to tell me"? He asked softly. He knew what "Mating" meant according to Fae; We had discussed it a while ago, but what we didn't discuss was the process.

I sighed and shrugged defeatedly, "Not purposely".

"You were going to 'choose' me.. without even telling me what kind of commitment that meant for you"?

"I didn't... I wasn't thinking", I mumbled and looked away from him unable to hold back my embarrassment. I cannot believe I was going to do that, I internally scolded myself.

"Ri" he said, tenderly moving my face back to him and wiping the tears off my cheek. I timidly looked into his eyes and swallowed hard. 

"And it's forever"? He asked, confirming the soul-vow we almost accidentally committed ourselves to.

I nodded solemnly in response. But, instead of pulling away he leaned in and kissed me softly. He pulled away with a tender smile and sparkling brown eyes. He wiped another tear from my cheek, as I searched his eyes.

His eyes never lied to me, and my heart fluttered at what they were telling me.... Tears flooded my eyes again, but this time with relief, as my eyes darted back and forth between his.

Gently he dipped himself down for a kiss again and his soft lips moved passionately with mine our intensity growing as rapid as his breathing. He draped himself half on me once again and his hand moved around my chest lubriciously. My breathing became uncontrollable and my back arched again. Instead of pulling away he quickly wrapped his arm around my back pulling me close with force. I could feel desire radiating off his body that only intensified my own. He pulled his arm out from under me, moving his hand to the apex of my thighs. 

My breathing sped up as his fingers explored me at a new depth. I forced my eyes open unwilling to wait anymore and pulled at his form fitting undershorts signaling the need for their removal. He obliged quickly and climbed over me slowly. 

"You're sure", he asked softly, sincerely, one last time.

I shook my head and my voice came out shaky, "If not you, then no one". His eyes locked on mine as if that phrase left him breathless.

He lowered himself on top of me and progressed slowly. Immediately my eyes rolled back as he spread me apart. I gasped and grabbed his neck as he pulled back before pushing deeper. Our bodies prickled against each other as if our nerves were sharing sensations, and our bodies began to let off a soft yellow glow. He groaned as he pushed my hip to the ground holding me in place as he advanced deeper. I could feel my Fae Spirit entangling with an unknown warmth that strengthened and then weakened my power like the ebbing and flowing of the tide in Avalon.

His hand moved from my hip to my face pulling me into a passionate kiss as our souls, bodies, and spirits intertwined fervently. Fae Empathy was nowhere near the altitude of this collision. I could feel the deepest parts of his soul and the feeling of memories; the spirited child who grew into a warrior, who then settled into a defeated man that again sparked into life with new hope—and then I could feel myself through him. It was journey through his life thus far, though only through emotion and soul.  He groaned again, as my breathing halted. The ebbing and flowing grew in strength, speed and depth until finally we were left motionless seizing each other in utter euphoria. 


The next day I woke up as a confused and sore Fae in Owens bed. I had my silver dress on, but not my one-piece.

My necklace!!   I smacked my hand on my chest panicking; but it was still there. I pulled up the small blanket or cloth that was draped over me, for cover. 

"Owen"? I shouted in question, before my tone became a bit more panicked.  "Owen"!

"Yes! Yes, I'm here", Owen said rushing into the room in shorts. He quickly knelt down beside the bed with concern.

"Oh, for the love of Fae", I said relieved, my breathing starting to slow down. "How did we get back here"?

"I drove us back", he said patiently.  I don't remember taking off the ring.

I squinted at him, "But how did you... Did you"? He must have, I thought, and then immediately gasped with wide eyes,

 "WE"! I smacked had over my mouth when the memory hit me.

Amusement brightened his face, as he smirked elatedly and looked down.

"Owen...." I said in surprise and crawled out from under the cloth and closer to him. He raised a brow at me, his eyes smiling wildly. He nearly looked to be blushing himself. 

"Did you really—I mean, I know you did, I was there! But, you really mated  me"!

He scoffed with a smile, "Ri, can we please use like 'married' or anything besides that term".

My jaw dropped with a huge smile. "Owen we can use whatever term you want to"! I yelled emphatically, as he chuckled at my excitement. And I could feel him stronger than before; I easily felt his gratification with my excitement over the matter. It was almost as if my Fae Empathy was no longer necessary to feel his emotions. 

"Owen no, like, you really do love me. I felt it"! I said and nearly fell over trying to stand up. He quickly caught me and helped me up as I continued.

I balanced my self against his palm as I continued theatrically, "You bound yourself to me forever...WILLINGLY"! 

"Yes". He laughed affably, shaking his head, "I did, why are you so surprised"? 

"Owen..." My voiced cracked and collapsed onto his hand that softened in response.

Curious concern struck his face, "Ri, What's wrong"?

I covered my face as I took a few deep breaths. "Nothing", I waved him off.

He chuckled lightly before his thumb brushed my arms to uncover my face, "It doesn't sound like nothing".

"No. Really, I'm so happy", I said fanning my face before conjuring my wings and launching myself into his shoulder.

He caught me, as was normal, and his chuckle shook me. "Come on", He said standing up still holding me in a hug, "Let's get some food".

Before we made it down the stairs I could smell he had been up for a while. When we made it to the counter, he gently pulled me from his chest and opened his palm to allow me slide off the rest of the way. 

"What did you make"? The excitement shone in my tone.

He smiled softly as he grabbed my wooden Fae cup from the 'cabinet', and proceeded to fill it with a tea that he must have made before I woke up. "I made a bit of everything".

"Well it smells incredible! You're going to have to teach me". I said as I watched him turn around slowly his eyes fixed on my filled cup intent on not spilling it. When he lowered it to me I could see why; he had nearly filled it to the brim.

I giggled and took it from him carefully. And when it was safely in my hands he spoke up, "You want me to teach you how to cook this stuff? Or do you not know how to cook in general"?

I watched him turn around to face the stove, and pour a bright-yellow mixture into a hot pan. "Truthfully? Not at all, Fae don't really 'cook'... We bake though".

He chuckled as he stirred the mixture before glancing back at me. "I'll teach you then", he winked--which made my heart flutter--before he turned back towards the stove. He's mine. Fae's mercy, He's my Mate.

After another 15 minutes of watching him work hard in the kitchen, he laid out a colorful breakfast of fruit, 'grilled' vegetables mixed with eggs, bacon, and pancakes on the table. Though the pancakes were my size. I sat on my knees in front of his plate as I looked at the assortment of food. I had a bit of everything, starting with the one that smelled the most enticing; bacon.

He had cut off an accurate portion of bacon for me, before I dug into my pancakes. I asked him about the process of the eggs, and as he was explaining, I felt a cramp in my stomach. And an odd type of chills ran up my spine, as I looked down and grabbed my stomach.

"Ri"? Owen gently called my attention. I wrapped my arms around my stomach as my face contorted with heavy pain. "Are you okay"? He asked quickly, dropping his fork down with a sharp clang that normally would hurt my ears.

I groaned and mumbled, "Oh no".

I took off into the air towards the large basin and quickly landed on the ledge on all fours, leaning over it. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for what was to come. I didn't think I could be more sick, until I heard the scraping of the wooden chair and Owens fast approach. 

"Ri"? He ran over to me and knelt in front of me. I held up a hand as if that would help block his view of me.

"Don't look", was all I could say before my stomach emptied its contents. I tried to pull my hair back, but I couldn't balance myself on the ledge and hold it back simultaneously. Surprisingly, I felt Owen's hand behind me and my hair was pulled out of the way as my stomach churned again and released another wave of vomit. And then another.

After one last wave, I spit into the sink and remained still. After a few silent moments,  my hair dropped back down and thudding and rustling filled my unfocused hearing. I peeked open an eye, looking up to see that Owen was ripping off a small piece of 'paper-towel'.

"Here", he offered it to me with troubled eyes. I nodded and took the offered towel to wipe my mouth as I leaned back onto my butt.

I wiped my mouth and adjusted my seated position, sprawling my legs out as I coughed and took a deep breath. I looked up to see him silently studying me in concernment. I gave him a mortified half grin, "Can.. Can I have a damp one"?

"Yeah of course"! I winced at his volume that was louder than normal. He made quick work of dampening the rest of the paper towel with the waterspout above the sink before tearing me a smaller piece. I took the offered towel from him and wiped my entire face before my mouth.

When I looked over, he was kneeling next to me again, and spoke softly. "Are you okay"?

I nodded. "I'm alright". I chuckled uncomfortably, "Haven't been mated for more than a day before doing something unsightly in front of you". I wiped my mouth again, mostly out of discomfort.

He huffed a quick laugh. "You're fine", he said brushing off my 'unsightly' comment. "I'm more concerned with why you got sick".

I looked down. I didn't want to admit it. I had felt my stomach react to it immediately, but I thought I just hadn't chewed it thoroughly. I sighed, "It may..  have been the bacon".

"Okay", he nodded and offered to take my used towels. I set them on his fingertips with a grateful nod as he questioned me further. "Why do you think that"?

"It's meat", I said softly with a shrug. "I haven't eaten meat in over 500 years".

"Oh Ri", he laughed out my name as he tossed the towels in a black bin hidden behind a door beneath the counter. "I wouldn't have given you any if I knew that". He glanced over at me with a patiently scolding grin.

"It smelled really good". I shrugged again and looked down with a smile, "And it tasted even better". 

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