It's Coming Home

By caseycan

124K 1.7K 1.2K

Jack Grealish X Love Island Fan Fiction set during Euro 2020 with lots of throwbacks 2009 Aged 14, Jack is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 - The Final Chapter
Bonus chapter

Chapter 30

2.4K 39 77
By caseycan

A scandalous chapter!
Let me know what you think

Tuesday 13th continued...

Luckily, the rest of Amy's day was busy so it was a good distraction from the rest of her life. First of all she had a magazine interview, thankfully it was only a small feature in their Love Island special ahead of the final. All the contestants who had left the island their own section.

'So Amy, you were only in the villa for a short time, what was the best bit for you?' Asked the interviewer.

'Honestly, the best part for me was the other contestants. The girls and I gelled really well and some of the boys too. Then of course there was Brad, he got me through that last week. I don't know what I'd have done without him'

'Aww that's so sweet. We've all seen the pictures of you and Jack reunited, but do you ever think there could be more than just friendship between you and Brad. We definitely saw a spark between you'

'I'd rather not answer that at the moment if that's okay'

'No problem, so what's next for you?'

'I've got a lot of things coming up actually. You've probably seen the campaign I've done with Love Honey. I'll be working with them again and hopefully be doing some TV work too'

'Do you have a message for anyone thinking of applying to Love Island'

'If you want to do it then go for it and enjoy it because, and I know it's cliché, but YOLO! And you never know, you might just fall in love'

It was a relief when the interview was over, it was hard to be so positive when her head was all over the place. As she left the magazine office, she bumped into Brad. Wow, she hadn't expected that.

'What a nice surprise' he said, before giving her a kiss on either cheek. Very continental.

'I'm really sorry but I can't stop just now, I'm in a rush to get to an appointment, but I'll see you tomorrow, okay?'

'Can't wait' he replied happily. He was so looking forward to spending some time alone with her. He'd been surprised to hear from her after the kiss, but surely it was a good sign. He watched her get into her fancy new car. How did she have that? He wondered. Or was it Jack's? The whole thing was driving him mad, but after tomorrow night it should all be clear.


Peter met Amy outside a fancy looking block of flats with a concierge desk. As they waited to go up, two very well turned out women came out of the lift. This place was clearly pretty upper class.

'So here we are' said Peter unlocking the door.
It was small, but unbelievable. It had an open plan white gloss kitchen/living room with a huge window. The bedroom was big enough for a king size bed and some drawers, but it had a decent size built in closet. The bathroom was just big enough for a toilet, a walk in shower and sink. Peter could see the way she was looking at it.

'Property in London is extremely expensive, what you need to do is balance size with location and amenities. This place is perfectly sized for a single person, and it's in a great place for transport. It comes with a dedicated parking space, and 24 hour access to the gym and pool in the basement. What do you think?'

'I think it's unreal' she said excitedly. 'But, I'm still thinking over my options' she explained, trying to keep a clear head.

'Well we've got the option on this until the weekend, but after that this will get snapped up like' and he clicked his fingers.

'How much is it?' She asked out of interest'

'£2100 a month, but that includes all facilities'

'Seriously!?!? My mums mortgage on a 3 bed house in Glasgow is only £450'

'You're not in Scotland now' laughed Peter.

He wasn't joking.


The boys were worried about Jack, he'd been like a bear with a sore head all day, and he wouldn't tell anyone why.

'Right mate, I'm sick of seeing your face tripping you. We're days away from Mykonos and you need to get into the mood because you're not coming if you're going to be like this. We're going out tonight' Mason told Jack.

'I don't know if I'm up for it' groaned Jack, that meant being social and he really didn't want to have to give that level of effort to anything right now.

'Well get in the mood, because we're leaving in half an hour. The bar is only open til Midnight so we've got to cram a lot in' he laughed. 'Jack, you deserve to have fun. I doubt very much Amy is sat at home with the same face on as you'

That made Jack think. Laura would have had time to talk to Amy, but she still hadn't been in touch. Clearly he was wasting him time, and to be blunt, he was sick of all the drama.

'Alright then' he sighed. He knew he wouldn't enjoy it, but nonetheless, he would do his best. He dressed casually in a black t-shirt and jeans and fixed his hair.

'Finally!' Shouted Dec, as he emerged from his room to a round of applause from the boys. 'Let's go'

The bar was pretty decent, good music and an abundance of alcohol. The England boys were immediately the centre of attention, and if there was one thing Jack loved, it was attention. Everyone wanted their photo taken with the winning goal scorer, and he didn't pay for a drink all night which wasn't bad, even on his salary.

'Maybe this was a good idea after all' he laughed as Mason approached the table with three stunning girls. He'd got under girls to get over Amy last time, maybe it would help this time too, he wondered.

'Hi Jack', a stunning brunette purred in his ear. His head was definitely turned, but the music was so loud he could barely hear her, he leant over to talk to her.

It was that moment that Amy walked into the bar to get a drink as Dutch courage to face Laura. Amy saw Mason first, then Jack leaning in towards the girl as if he were going in for a kiss. Fuck that, she wasn't hanging around to witness that. She turned on her heels and fled, clearly the night before meant nothing to him, it just confirmed what she'd already decided.

Jack couldn't believe how forward this girl was.

'Do you want to come back to my place, just the two of us?' She asked, fluttering her eyelashes at him. He looked at her and smiled.


Amy went back to the hotel without a drink, she'd lost the taste for it after seeing Jack like that. She opened the door tentatively, she didn't really know if Laura would have left but she really hoped not.

'You're still here' said Amy happily.

'I was just checking what time the next train is' sulked Laura.

'You're lying, you always do that thing with your eyes when you're lying' Amy pointed out. 'But anyway, i just want to say that I'm so sorry about how I behaved earlier, I honestly didn't mean it. I really, really don't want you to go back to Glasgow, I want you to stay here with me' apologised Amy.

'I know it's been tough and I'm still pissed with you, but I accept your apology' Laura was still sulking, but Amy could see that her mood was lightening.

'So you'll stay then?' Amy was relieved.

'I love you Aims, we've been best friends since we were wee and we'll always been there for each other, but it's time for me to go home now. This is your life, not mine. I need to go back to work and I can't stay here forever. I miss Irn Bru, battered Mars bars, Tunnock's bloody tea cakes and square sausage. Don't get me wrong, I've had a ball with you, but my life is in Glasgow. So on Friday, when you go to Majorca, I'm heading home'

'I'm envious of you, do you know that' Amy admitted.

'Of me? You're the future tv star with a footballer and a model fighting over you. How could you possibly be envious of me?' Laura was bewildered by Amy sometimes.

'Because you always know what you want and you go for it. I'm over here feeling like I'm being pushed and pulled all over the place but going nowhere'

'But you used to know what you wanted as well. I'm not saying this is a bad thing all this happening to you, but just make sure it's the right thing for you'

'I will, but what you said about the footballer, he's not fighting for me. I just saw him with another girl in a bar, so I'm guessing he's done with me. It's no less than I deserve though, is it?' Amy sighed.

'Are you sure of what you saw?' Laura wasn't convinced at all, in their chat he'd seemed so genuine.

'Yeah, I guess its for the best, one less problem. But anyway, it's been a long day. WITH NO ALCOHOL. So I'm going to shower and have an early night, I am exhausted.

Laura looked at Chilly's private Instagram and sure enough, there was a picture of Jack leaning in next to a girl. She shook her head. That boy would never learn.


Wednesday 14th July

It was another busy morning for Amy, but she'd cleared her afternoon and took Laura for some pampering at a spa, they gave her it for free, she of course just had to share on her Instagram. Amy had realised she'd been so wrapped up in her own world that she'd been ignoring the people who mattered the most. No man was more important than her friendship with Laura.

When she left to meet Brad, she told Laura she was going to a business function to explain why she was so dressed up, and warned her that she wouldn't be back until late. She knew Laura would absolutely flip her beans if she knew where she was going, let alone who she was going to see, although she was bound to find out soon enough.

The taxi dropped Amy outside the place that Brad had suggested they meet. It was a bar/restaurant and boy did it look expensive. There was a roped off queue of people waiting to get in. Amy could see that the two doormen were closely scrutinising the clientele, she hesitated but apparently she had met their standards as they let her straight in. Amy looked around her as she handed her jacket into the cloakroom, it seemed very fancy, or boujie as Laura would have called it. Not really the kind of place she was used to and light years away from her student union bar with its 50p shots and £5 bottles of wine.

As always, Amy had made sure that she was early to arrive, she liked to get the feel for places, and it meant she would also have time for some Dutch courage. She took a seat at the bar in nervous anticipation of his arrival and ordered herself a pornstar martini. She could do this, she'd been practicing what she was going to say all day. It would be fine, she reassured herself.

She'd only just been given her drink when Brad arrived.

He walked in and kissed her on the cheek.

'You look amazing Amy' he complimented her.

'So do you, very flash' she laughed tugging at the open collar of his pale blue shirt.

'I was delighted when you text me. I felt like how we left it wasn't right. I should have been more respectful and not tried to kiss you, but don't worry lesson learned, we take things at your pace from now on. I'm just glad you're giving me another chance'  he smiled.

Jack stood up from the table where he was having dinner with his family on their last night in London. He was on his way to the toilet when he saw Amy and Brad at the bar, deep in conversation. What the hell? His blood was boiling, he wasn't going to stand back and watch that, he was going over.

He couldn't get past a guy at the bar, but he could just make out their conversation. That would have to do.

Amy took a deep breath and began to tell him what she'd planned.

'The thing is Brad, we won't be taking it at any pace. I asked you here tonight to tell you that as much as I care about you, we'll never be anymore than friends. I know I've led you to believe otherwise, but I am still in love with Jack. I know he's moved on because I saw him with someone last night, but I can't, I'm not ready yet. So I'm just going to be by myself again until I can sort my head out and leave the baggage I'm carrying behind' it was such a relief to have it off her chest.

'But I'm happy to wait for you, you know, until you're ready' Brad said, sounding slightly desperate.

'But that's the thing. I don't want you to' she said firmly.

'You can't just finish things like this Amy, it's not fair'

'I'm just being honest with you' this wasn't going well.

'Wait, is this some kind of set up?' Asked Brad angrily. Confused followed his gaze over her shoulder. Amy turned round and saw Jack standing behind her.

'Jack....' She said, shocked. She could see by the look on his face that he was anything but happy.

'It's not a set up MATE, I didn't know either of you would be here' said Jack. He wasn't going to take any crap from this guy. 'But I did hear what Amy just said and she's not interested in anything with you, so why don't you listen to the lady and just jog on?'

Amy could feel the testosterone levels rising, and you could cut the tension between the two of them with a knife.

'What's it to you anyway? She just said you'd moved on, or are you trying to keep her around as a spare?' Brad was now off his chair and squaring up to Jack.

'Woah this is getting out of hand' said Amy, stepping into the middle. Brad tried to gently move her out the way. Big mistake. Jack swung a punch that connected firmly with Brad's jaw.

'You don't touch her like that, you never touch her again because if you do, I will not be held responsible for my actions' warned Jack protectively, as Brad held his jaw. Luckily the bouncers appeared and pulled Brad out of the bar. Technically Jack should have been turfed out too, but he was the man of the moment, so he got special treatment from them.

'You didn't need to do that for me' she said in a tone that told him that she wasn't impressed. He knew she hated seeing people fight.

'Maybe I didn't, but I did it anyway. That guy wasn't going to take no for an answer' Jack said, whilst shaking his hand. She could see his knuckles were grazed and it was starting to swell already.

'Come on, let's get some ice for your hand' she sighed, signalling to the woman behind the bar for some ice.

'You said you saw me last night?' Jack asked as Amy wrapped the ice filled towel around his hand.

'I walked into the bar and left again when I saw you all over that girl' The thought of what she'd seen still churned her stomach.

'If you'd hung about, you would have seen that I wasn't all over her. I couldn't hear what she was saying so I leant in. She asked me to go back to hers and I turned her down. I told her I was still in love with you' he said with a smile.

Kevin had come over to see what the commotion was and saw Amy holding the ice on Jack's hand.

'Is everything alright?' He asked worriedly.

'I think so, give us a minute and we'll be over' said Jack confidently. Kevin nodded and left them to it.

'Us and we' she repeated his words back to him, raising her eyebrows. 'Jack...'

'There's a lot to talk about, but my feelings for you haven't changed, and I now know yours haven't either, so why are we holding back? Why aren't we talking about this to each other? The only thing stopping us from being together is us being stubborn'

'I'm scared. I'm scared to let you in, in case I lose you again, that's why I'm holding back' she admitted. She could feel the tears prickling in her eyes, as finally she allowed herself to open up to him.

'Not this time you won't. I can't promise everything is going to be easy, but what I can promise you is that I'm going to give you my everything and that you will never have to worry about me and any other girl ever again, you're the only one for me. So, what do you say? Are you in?' He smirked at her, knowing by the look on her face that she was putty in his hands.

'Is that really the most romantic way you could ask me that' she laughed.

'You want romance?' He said, his eyes twinkling mischievously. She watched, mortified, as he got down on one knee and took her hand in front of everyone.

'Oh my god, what are you doing? Jack, get up, everyone's looking' she said trying to pull him back up, but he was having none of it.

'Amy Shaw, you're the love of my life, will you please be my girlfriend....again?' He said loudly, not giving one hoot as to who could hear him.

'Yes I will, but only if you stand up and stop embarrassing me' she hissed at him, blushing to the soles of her feet. The whole restaurant gave them a round of applause as they kissed each other, oblivious to the world around them.

Kevin came back over, 'Jack, it's time to order, now will you put her down for one minute so you can both come to the table and have a family dinner to celebrate you two FINALLY sorting yourselves out. Your Mums over there crying like it's an episode of Emmerdale'

Jack and Amy walked over to the table hand in hand, she could see people taking pictures of the two of them together, but she really didn't care. She was with Jack and that was all that mattered.

'Excuse me waiter, can we have a couple of bottles of champagne, we're celebrating' Jack said. Still with the stupid grin on his face.

'Let's have a toast to family, love and sharing our future' Jack said, tipping his glass towards Amy.

Karen was off again, dabbing her eyes with a hanky. 'Can you two stop making me cry, this mascara isn't waterproof' she laughed through her tears.

Everyone around them was so happy to see them back together, but there was a person looking in through the window who was beyond furious- Brad. That should have been him in there with her, not Jack. One thing was for sure though, he wasn't about to disappear quietly.

He'd already had a meeting with the management agency who'd palmed him off about his lack of work. That was now obviously Amy's doing, because she didn't want to work with him again, but she'd regret it. He'd make sure of that.

This was not the end.

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