Club Echo

By camrenruinedmylife

871K 24.3K 60.6K

(Book 1/3 of Club Echo) Y/N is a very well known DJ at a popular club in LA. What happens when one day a cer... More

Where Have You Been
your text
Turn Me On
Hungry Heart
I Melt With You
love is so hard!
It's You
Come On, Come On
Break My Heart Again
I Kissed A Girl
Cherry Wine
Hands To Myself
So Weightless
Be the Song
Lover of Mine
Not Afraid Anymore
Supermarket Flowers
Missing Piece
Falling Apart
Off My Face
Love Like This
What They'll Say About Us
maybe we need a break
Like I Want You
In My Dreams
Everything Has Changed
Chasing Cars
Daddy Issues
Meant To Be
I'm Nothing Without You
Winter Things
I See the Light
It was nice while it lasted
La Vie En Rose
you were good to me
Love Is Gone
No Time To Die
Strangers, Again -

we fell in love in october

14.4K 376 709
By camrenruinedmylife

we fell in love in october by girl in red



As the night grew stronger, Lizzie and I decided to go for a night swim despite not having a change of clothes. We acted like two stupid teenagers, splashing water toward each other as our life depends on it. Our laughter fills the still, breezy air of LA, the constant longing gaze we would share when our eyes would lock makes us feel as though we are the only people in the entire world.

We stood still in the shallow area, both of my hands resting calmly beside her face, admiring Lizzie's true essence. Her emerald eyes sparkle brightly through the moonlight, sweeping my heart from its stance. I could feel the soft, gentle beating of my heart as we gaze upon each other as nothing mattered but us.

"You're the blood that runs through my veins, the reason why my heart skips more beats than it should. My happiness, my purpose, it's all you, my love." I spoke gently, allowing my words to caress her. "There is truly no one else like you, Olsen."

Lizzie's smile faintly appears on her face, "There's no one else like you, Y/LN." The sincerity in her voice was enough to give shivers down my spine.

We share a soft, innocent kiss that heals all wounds. Everything else stood still, and nothing mattered but us. The suppressed sound of the waves rushing beneath our feet couldn't be bothered by us. We didn't care about our surroundings and anything else in between. It's truly something beautiful. What we created. Lizzie and I met in a dream-like fate, and it's almost too good to be true. I'm lucky that this is the reality I live in. Yes, this is real. Oh, I sure hope it is.

Lizzie and I walked toward my apartment complex entangled together, her arms slinging loosely against my left. I placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, this moment feeling awful a lot like we just got back from our first date. We showered together like two couples of kids, sharing cute giggles as we washed shampoo off of our hair. I remembered accidentally irritating my eye with the residue of the shampoo liquid and Lizzie laughed at my pain. She teased me about being clumsy and normally I would tease her back, but I let her have her fun. She seems to be enjoying herself and that's more than enough for me.

We didn't feel any ounce of exhaustion, so we decided to munch on some cereal, watching Lucifer. Every once in a while, I would look at her longingly and she would do the same. Everything seems perfect, like the stars are finally starting to align for me. For us.

"Damn, I'm out of cereal already." Lizzie pouted, showing me her bowl.

"Here, have mine babe." I switched our bowl so she could have mine that's still full. "I'll pour myself another one." I gave her a smile, placing a quick but sweet kiss on her lips before making my way to the kitchen.

I plopped myself beside her as soon as my bowl was filled once again. We flashed each other an ear to ear smile before indulging ourselves in the show that's playing on the television.

Three episodes later, Lizzie stood up out of nowhere with a smile plastered on her face.

I squinted my eyes, in thought, "What are you plotting Olsen?" I asked.

"Dance with me." Lizzie offered her hand for me to take.

My face didn't waste any more time before drawing a picture worthy smile, "Okay." I graciously took her hand.

I watched as Lizzie grabbed her phone from the coffee table, in search of a song to play. Seconds later, the music started to play.

(Please play Moon by Sleeping at Last for a sweet, better experience from this point on 😇)

Lizzie gently hung her arms loosely around my neck as my hands found its way beside her waist. Her innocent smile tugs at my heartstrings, making my knees weak. We moved softly along to the melody, and I easily found myself getting lost in her emerald eyes. They sparkle even without any light shining through them. My heart is beating erratically, but at the same time I have never felt so calm. The way she would stare right back at me with so much tenderness and sincerity, makes me feel like I could do anything. God, don't even get me started on her adorable crooked smile and her nose scrunch. I swear, this girl is trying to kill me.

"I could look at you all night and I would never get tired." Lizzie murmured softly, her palm resting gently on my face. "You're so beautiful inside and out." I take comfort with the way her thumb is mindlessly caressing my face, drawing imaginary lines and shapes.

"I try to be the best version of myself not only for me but for you as well." I answered, my gaze softened. "The way I look at it, me, myself, I'm my own person. I make my decisions on my own accords. But, along with those decisions and everything else in between, you're always involved in them because you're a part of me now. My missing piece. No matter what happens or where I may go, I just know that my heart will always lead me back to you. I know this is all sappy and I wasn't planning on doing a monologue regarding my undying love for you, but I feel as though this is an appropriate time to let you know that you mean to me more than you think. Your presence itself, it brings a sense of companionship and happiness that words can't even explain. You make me whole. You lift me up. I could spend a hundred lifetimes loving you and I would still think that I don't deserve you. Not because I'm a shitty person because I'm not. It's just that from time to time, I have to constantly remind myself that I'm the luckiest person alive to be with someone who makes me feel like I could achieve anything I set my mind to."

Lizzie sniffles, "Wow, that was a lovely speech. I wish I recorded them so I could listen to you speak about your feelings. I personally love it when I get to hear you speak from your heart. The passion running through your pretty Y/EC (your eye color) eyes, it's bringing me to tears. Truly." She pushes her tears away with a smile as she continues to speak. "I have never had anyone tell me about their feelings as genuine as you did. It's crazy how we've only been together for two months but I feel as though it's been longer. We have gone through so much shit together and I'm glad that you have been patient with me through it all. I know I'm not perfect. I know that I will keep making stupid mistakes but through it all, I will always know that whatever challenges might carry us apart, I just know that we will always find our way back to each other."

I chuckle softly, "Through faith, trust, and. . ."

Lizzie laughed along with my antics, "Pixie dust." She rolled her eyes at my childish ways as we remained slow dancing in the middle of my living room.


The next couple of days were as perfect as they went. Lizzie and I made breakfast together every morning like two teenagers who are madly in love with each other. It's been a blissful couple of days and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Everything is so perfect. Will this last? Only time will tell.

Today is the day my mom flies back to France. Her hectic work schedule prevented Lizzie and I from spending quality time together. Luckily for us, her flight schedule gave us the chance to spend lunch with my mom one last time. Then, after, Lizzie gladly volunteered to give her a ride to the airport. She's getting all the brownie points and she doesn't even know it.

"Are you ready baby?" I asked through the living room.

"Yep, I'm just looking for something and I'll be right out." She answers.

While I wait, I decided to check my email knowing that it's probably filled with unread messages. I haven't opened my email since before the accident and I already know that I will be bombarded with late bill payments. Just as I anticipated, I was right. I'm late on my credit card monthly payment and as well as my student loan. I was also late on my utility bills and my rent so that's a bonus. Those two were easy to deal with considering that I was only one click away from paying my rent and utility. The credit card and student loan are a bit more complicated. But, in the end, I was able to pay the amount I'm supposed to. When I checked my bank account, it was like I got punched in the stomach. Paying bills definitely made a dent. I don't think my paycheck from last month got processed, so I definitely have to talk to Matt about this as soon as possible. I'm at the verge of going broke. Good thing I have money in my savings.

Occupied with transferring money from my savings to my checking account, I didn't even notice Lizzie's presence until she made herself known.

"I'm ready." Lizzie stripped all of my attention away from the screen of my laptop.

My eyes seemed to want to escape my sockets the second I laid my undivided attention to my girlfriend. She's effortlessly beautiful. Wow, what a goddess.

"Wow, baby, you look wonderful." I uttered softly as I walked a little closer to her."It should be illegal to look this good."

"Stop it, you're making me blush." Lizzie smiled shyly, making my heart flutter.

I return a smile before shutting her up with a kiss. We kissed for longer than I anticipated but I'm not complaining. Her lips are so soft and kissable that I will never get tired of kissing them. Lizzie is such a great kisser.


"This is all your fault you know," Lizzie mumbled under her breath as she made a turn toward the end of the intersection. "You technically seduced me." She chuckled in between sentences.

I scoffed, "Seduced? You were the one that told me to sit down on the couch so you could straddle my lap. Tell me, was I right or was I right?" I fire back, making my point known.

Lizzie kept her silence but I decided to push further, "You said and I quote, 'Sit down on the couch so I could be on top of you.' Now tell me, does that ring a bell, Olsen?"

"Nope. I definitely don't remember saying that." Lizzie puckered her lips together, her eyes bouncing off to the rearview mirror.

"Oh?" I cocked my eyebrows, smiling mischievously. "You don't remember kissing my neck like this." I leaned forward, teasingly trailing kisses on her neck. I continue to do this, barely allowing my lips to add the pressure she wants. Without a warning, I let my tongue graze her skin and she moaned almost instantly. "It still doesn't ring a bell?" I asked again, my left hand rubbing up and down her thigh.

"This isn't fair," Lizzie spoke, almost to a whisper. "You're taking advantage of the fact that I'm driving and I can't do anything."

"Who says you have to do anything?" I smirked, gently sucking on her neck.

"We're not doing this right now." Lizzie chuckled, urging me to stop.

"But, why?" I mumble under her neck.

"Well for starters, I'm driving. Second, I do not want to show up in front of your mom with a hickey on my neck." She rolled her eyes at me playfully.

I pull away, "Ugh, fine. I guess. Way to suck the fun out of it." I fake pouted. 

Lizzie laughs at my pain, making me want to tease her more but I can't. She'll face repercussions later. Oh, she will one way or another.


We were definitely a few minutes late because my mom already got us a booth for seats. Lizzie and I entered the restaurant, hand in hand. I smile to myself a little bit, feeling like I won at my life because I have the most exquisite woman with me. We gathered a few looks but I didn't care about what they thought. All I cared about was Lizzie and her happiness.

As soon as I made eye contact with my mom, I waved at her happily. We joined her in the booth, Lizzie and I facing her. There was a moment of silence until I decided to break it.

"I'm sorry we ran a little late." I apologized. "You know, LA traffic can be a bit time consuming." I laughed to myself as my inner thoughts teased me about my sexual altercation with Lizzie before we left the apartment.

"That's okay sweetie. I got here just a few minutes after you." My mom offered me a smile before her attention diverted toward the woman next to me. "How are you doing Lizzie?"

"I'm good, Mrs. Y/LN. What about you? Were you able to seal the deal for the charity mission in Ukraine?" Lizzie propped a question, catching my mom's interest.

"Y/N told you about the mission?" My mom gave me a look. Lizzie nods as an answer. "As for the mission, it got approved for next year. If you're not busy, I would appreciate it if you join us. I know your schedule can be a bit unpredictable, but if you're free, the team would love to have you ride with us."

"Of course, I would love to do the mission with you and your team. If nothing major comes up on my calendar, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Lizzie gushes, definitely earning more brownie points as if she doesn't already have a lot.

Not that I didn't care about the things they discussed because all I could pay any attention to was how well Lizzie is getting along with my mom. Their conversation seemed so genuine and natural. It didn't sound forced. I find it quite funny because it's almost as if they forgot that I was with them to begin with. But, I didn't mind the lack of attention from the two most important women in my life.

I never realized how much time I spent admiring what was unfolding in front of me until we had to order our food. Everything went in a blur and I totally forgot what I ordered because as soon as the waiter left, Lizzie and my mom continued to converse about how I would always cause trouble when I was a little kid. I'm a little bit embarrassed because she also showed pictures but I couldn't do anything about it. So, I just let it happen. Somehow though, I found some type of entertainment in it. The way Lizzie would scrunch up her nose as she giggled innocently would almost immediately make my heart flutter.

Even after the food came, they still conversed about different topics that they both showed interest in. At this point, this is their lunch date and I'm merely a third wheel. And I don't mind that. Eventually though, time passed by.

"Are you sure it's okay for you two to give me a ride to the airport? I wouldn't want to get in the way of your day." My mom asked, her frazzled state shows that she feels bad for what she thinks she's getting in the middle of.

"Oh no, we don't have anything planned for today. It's okay, Mrs. Y/LN." Lizzie insisted, opening the car door for my mom.

"Alright, thank you."

"It's my pleasure."

The drive to the airport was quick despite the 40 minute drive. This is the part I dread the most. The infamous airport goodbyes. Something about farewells feels like a dagger in the heart. I try to avoid them as much as I can because I hate them with a passion.

"Well, this is my terminal." My mom spoke softly, her eyes plastered on me with a hint of concern. She knows I hate goodbyes. "My sweet daughter, please take care of yourself okay? Eat your green vegetables and stop driving that motorcycle of yours and get yourself a car like a normal person."

I roll my eyes playfully, "Have a safe trip mom. Let dad know that I'm a little mad that he didn't go with you."

"I'll give him an earful of complaints as soon as I see him." She laughs wholeheartedly. "But, I'm serious about you being careful. Lizzie, please make sure this one stays safe. I trust that you'll take care of her because sometimes she has the tendency to not listen to me. I know she'll listen to you."

"I plan on it." Lizzie stated, giving me an earnest look.

"Thank you." My mom released a breath I didn't even know she was holding. "But, anyway, it was nice to meet you. I'm glad that my daughter finally found someone that genuinely makes her happy. You love her dearly and for that, I will be forever be thankful. I owe you."

"Oh please, Mrs. Y/LN, it was my pleasure. She deserves the world and I plan on giving it to her." Lizzie and I shared a longing gaze, her hand intertwining against my own, filling in the cracks. "Your daughter is amazing. Truly out of this world. I'm so lucky to have her." She never broke eye contact when she said those words and quite frankly, it made me want to cry. Not only did I hear them, but I felt them.

We bid our goodbyes, and I swear I felt my heart sink a little watching my mom drag her luggage behind her as she entered her terminal. I despise farewells with a burning passion.

"You think that went well?" Lizzie asked as she pulled away from the curb.

"Which part?"

"Everything? You think she likes me?"

I scoffed, "Like? Try love. I have never seen my mom talk that much to anyone beside me and my dad. So, it's safe to say that she loves you very much. You're good baby, stop worrying so much." I reassure her.

"I'm just making sure that I'm in her good graces. You know, for future reference.." Lizzie mumbled under her breath, but it was loud enough for me to hear.

I chuckle lightly, "You're adorable, you know that?"

"Only for you." Lizzie swiftly picks up my hand, giving my knuckles sweet kisses. "My girl."

I couldn't help but let the warmth flowing through my cheeks win. I felt so fluttery that I could fly. My heart sparkles with every second I'm with her. There's never a dull moment.

"You don't have to go with me inside. You can just wait in here while I go talk to Matt about a couple of things. I won't be long." I let her know as she parked the car by the curb.

"I want to go with you. Is that okay? I'll just wait for you by the bar."

"Of course." I nod innocently.

I smiled almost immediately when Lizzie entangled our hands together. I admire how they fit so perfectly, filling in the cracks so easily. I can't believe this woman is with me. I'm just an average person but here she is, dating me. I'll never be able to comprehend why she chose to be with me, but she is.

I knock gently on Matt's office door, waiting for him to open it. It took less than a couple of seconds until my eyes met the man in charge of the club.

"Y/N, it's great to finally see you up on your feet." Matt flashed me a smile, ushering me to enter his office. I entered the space carefully, a bit anxious about the topic I wanted to talk to him about. "How are you feeling?"

I took a seat in one of the vacant chairs in front of his desk, "I feel great. Better than I did a month ago." I cracked a joke to lighten my mood up a little bit.

"That's good, I'm glad you're all better. Some of our regulars miss you. They've been asking for your return. Speaking of which, have you decided when you'll be coming back? No rush, I'm just wondering."

"Hopefully sometime next week." I let him know. "Listen, I don't mean to overstep my boundary, but I was hoping to talk to you regarding my paycheck last week. I noticed that my pay didn't go through.." I drag my words, afraid to meet his eyes.

"Yes, good thing you brought that up because I was going to talk to you about it." Matt spoke, his tone is sincere.

I nod, waiting for him to speak once more.

"You're obviously an asset to this club, there's no denying that." Matt started. "A lot of our regulars come because of you. You bring in people which means you bring in money. You were gone for a month and employees here get paid by the hours they work. In your case, you worked zero hours. Obviously, getting into a motorcycle accident wasn't in your calendar so nothing is your fault. That's why I didn't process your pay through because I was waiting until I spoke to you about the matter." He paused for a second before continuing on. "I normally wouldn't pay employees that worked zero hours but I like you and you bring in people so I'm going to tweak my rule for you. Just this once though. So, don't get into another accident."

I chuckle lightly, feeling relieved, "Thank you so much." I thanked him a couple more times before taking a stand, indicating that I'm ready to leave.

"Of course. I'll have my assistant process your pay. You should be getting it in your direct deposit within 1-2 business days."

I nod, listening to his words intently as we make our way to the door, "Hope to see you next week, Y/N."

I flashed him a genuine smile before exiting his office. I'm relieved that I'm still getting paid despite the lack of working hours. I'm truly lucky that I'm working under someone who I can talk to easily without feeling like I would get treated terribly.

I walk down the stairs with a content smile on my face, eager to see Lizzie, who is waiting for me by the bar. My smile grew as soon as my eyes landed on my beautiful girlfriend. I stopped all movements the second I realized that she's not alone. I eavesdrop from afar but close enough for me to hear their conversation.

"Stop." Lizzie's voice cracks. I can't see her face but I know that she's on the verge of breaking down into a puddle of tears.

"What? The truth hurts?" Rebecca spoke harshly. "I mean, think about it. All you do is cause her pain. You don't deserve her. Y/N, she's too blind to see it, but I see right through you. It's only a matter of time before you break her apart, leaving her alone to fend for herself. I mean, you already kind of did that. Do you have any idea how much you fucked her up when you lied to her? The day she came back from Philly, I have never seen her that broken before. The shit you told her, how can you live with yourself knowing damn well you have repeatedly hurt her countless of times. Just face it, in the end you will end up breaking her apart again. You'll leave her because you don't give a shit about her. You don't love her. And you'll act like nothing is your fault-"

Before Rebecca's palm could collide against Lizzie's face, I stopped her just in time. I gripped on her arm as tightly as I could, my eyes glaring through her skull like lasers were coming out of them.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my girl." I spat, shoving her away from me aggressively, causing her to fall to the ground. "If you do so much as lay a finger on her, I will make your life a living hell, Hunter." I glare at her with every bone in my body before wrapping my arm Lizzie and leading her out of the club.

As soon as we made it outside, I stopped to cup her face, the tears she tried so hard to push away, now seeping through her eyes easily. Her lips quiver in fear, her eyes not meeting mine. God, it pains me seeing her this way.

"Hey baby, listen to me." I spoke softly, making sure that my tone was gentle enough. "Don't listen to anything she tells you. She's wrong. Everything she said about you, about us, doesn't believe her. I know you won't hurt me. We're way past that."

Lizzie said nothing, her gaze remained at her feet.

"I'm here. I won't go anywhere else." Finally her glossy eyes meet mine, and I swear my heart shattered right then and there. "Hell, break my heart Olsen. Break my heart into a thousand pieces. Do whatever you want with me."

I embrace her longingly, rubbing my hand to and fro against her back. Her soft whimpers as she attempts to gain control of her breathing breaks me. I could tell that Lizzie is trying her hardest to stay strong, not only for herself but for me as well.

"You deserve me in every way shape or form." I pull away to look at her mesmerizing emerald eyes. "I love you Elizabeth. With all my heart and more."

Our lips danced with each other like lovers do. The kiss was innocent, yet full of fiery passion in them. With our hearts upon our sleeves, we both tasted galaxies within the kiss.


A/N: A little angsty toward the end but fluffs are here to stay.  I'm sorry I suck at updating. Ugh, I hope y'all like this chapter though. It's definitely a turning point in their relationship.

Also, any of y'all know any good sad/heartbreaking songs? it's for uh... research? thanks 😇

See y'all in the next!

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