๐ŸŒผDandelion๐ŸŒผ (Zenitsu x Nezu...

By OceanEmbers

283K 6.5K 8.5K

Completed!! This is just a story about the ship Zenitsu x Nezuko in their high school AU. This does not conta... More

The Beginning
First Impressions
Cherry Blossom
Tanjirou's Invitation
The Butterfly Estate
Truth or Dare
Scared Together
A Scary Tanjirou
Midnight Kiss
Save Me
A Flustered Dandelion
Falling for You
I Trust You
The Party Starts
Dancing in the Dark
A Dream Come True
Making Memories
Cookies & Cupcakes
Fun in the Snow
Mistletoe Accident
Embrace Me
Gift Exchange
Birthday Preparations
The Perfect Present
My Decision
Tips and Tricks
Valentine's Day
I'm Yours
Info II
First Date
Game Night
Love Sick
Summer Shenanigans
Rainy Days
Laundry Day
Noisy Dandelion
Perfect Love
Water Park Special
Firework Festival
Pinky Promises
Sneak-Peek: A Growing Crush
Just Us Two
Overprotective Onii-chan
Word Vomit
Operation: K-I-S-S
Jealous Boi
The Sleepwalker Incident
Secret Admirer
Lover's Rings
Anniversary Fiasco
Crazed Trespasser
Lost and Found
The Thunder Brothers
Home Sweet Home
Attention Hog
Tokyo Night Terror
Medicine Mishap
Crimson Crankiness
LDR Heartache
Itty-Bitty Infant Time
Lovely Catastrophe
Sakelicious Lovebirds

Kamado's Abode

2.3K 46 80
By OceanEmbers

Wow, I actually don't have a Zennezu drawing this time, that's surprising. BUT I do have something else at the end that I put there just in case you wanted to see.

Request: "The gang goes back to Tanjirou and Nezuko's hometown, they visit the graves, and Nezuko tries really hard to not let anyone see her embarrassing baby pictures." ~that_one_lesbain6 & AgatsumaNezuko01

That's the topic of the chapter, but I also took another request from hilmDeadpool1 about Zenitsu playing a prank on Nezuko, making her even more embarrassed, so she decides to get revenge on him by being extra lovey-dovey and PDA.

Quick side note: I'm going to be taking a break from writing because I just need some time to relax. I don't know when I'll be back though, but hopefully you understand.

Anyways! Here's the chapter! Sorry it took so long!

Nezuko's POV:

Man, it sure is a beautiful morning....the air is so clear.

The gentle pitter patter of our feet on the dirt sidewalk filled our senses as we strolled, our eyes adjusting to the ginger sunlight breaking from the clouds. It was a lovely morning and the gang and I decided to go for a walk, just for some fun, to stretch our legs, and maybe a bit of early morning exercise.

"Hwaahh...." I yawned, covering my mouth with my free hand-- the other one was interlocked with Zenitsu-kun's. At the sound of me yawning, he turned to me.

"Are you feeling sleepy?" Zenitsu-kun giggled, his face and eyes sunkissed from the daylight.

I rubbed my eyes, yawning once more. ".....Yeah kinda. We got up at 8:00am, so I'm not fully awake." Drowsily, I smiled. "But it's fine, so don't worry like you always do, Zenitsu-kun."

"Hmm...." He nodded, but then began to think about something. Suddenly as we walked, our hair flowing in the mild breeze, Zenitsu-kun loosened his grasp on my hand. His soft hold gone, his warmth fading from my palm. I was confused.

"Huh..? Why'd you let g-" I tripped over my last word once he randomly took his arms and lifted me up off the ground. Before I could question anything, he brought me over to him, nestling me in a bridal hold, carrying me close to his chest as if I was a princess. I instantly glowed red. "Z-Zenitsu-kun?! I told you not to--?"

He used his finger against my lips to shush me. "If I remember correctly, you said don't worry, not-- don't help, Nezuko-chan~" Zenitsu-kun gave me a cheeky smile, leaving me at a loss for words.

This boy....does he always find a way to twist the meaning of what I say?

"Plus," Zenitsu-kun said. "I like carrying you! It's fun and I get to have you all to myself." He laughed seeing a hot blush spread across my face. I didn't really have much of a choice since he wouldn't let me down, so I just tightly wrapped my arms around him and rested snug against him, breathing in his smell. Tanjirou, who had watched this whole thing unravel, was looking at me with a teasing expression on his face-- a smirk painted across his face just to make me more flustered. I turned away and concealed my face in Zenitsu-kun's shirt.

Inosuke, noticing how his silly best friend was holding me, hatched a brilliant idea of his own. "Aoi!! I wanna be carried too! Carry me like Monitsu is with Tezuko!"

Aoi, sighed, her cheeks red. "I can't do that, I'm not that strong! You're too heavy!"

"Okay....Then I'll carry you instead!"

"W-Wait a minute- No!"

"Oh my gosh! I totally forgot!" Tanjirou interrupted their little dispute. "Nezuko, our old house is near here! We should visit!"

I felt a spark of joy light up inside me. "Yeah! That would be so fun! We could show everyone around, and maybe even spend the night!"

"Spend the night?" Kanao arched an eyebrow. "But wasn't your home destroyed?"

"Don't worry, it was renovated and rebuilt, so it looks like nothing happened at all! And we also have pajamas and extra clothes there ready for us!"

"Ohh...." Zenitsu-kun smiled. "So that's why you guys asked us to borrow spare clothing that one time."

"So what does everybody think?" Tanjirou was pumped up. "Wanna come see our house?"


Happily, we all went forth towards our destination, ready to arrive and look around. I was really excited already, Zenitsu-kun had already showed me his home, and now it was my turn! Only sadly, I don't have any parents or caretaker to introduce him to, but that's alright! Just getting the opportunity to welcome him to my home like he did to me makes me elated. Now he'll learn what it's like to live in the mountains instead of the city!

Zenitsu's POV:

Not even a few minutes passed when we saw a small, traditional-looking house off in the distance. It looked so cozy and comforting, and even though I've never been there before, just gazing at it made me feel like I was suddenly home. Welp, I guess that's just the Kamado effect, I bet anyone who visits feels that same loveliness-- like being wrapped in a gentle blanket with a cup of hot cocoa in your hands.

I carefully let go of Nezuko-chan and plopped her on the ground. I could tell she was eager to walk around and give all of us a tour, definitely seems like she's fully awake and ready now.

With a bright, eye to eye expression, and rosy cheeks, Nezuko-chan reached out to grab my hand once again. "I know it's small, but there's a lot to show! Come on!" I only laughed, smiling as well just like the rest of the gang. Both the siblings brought us around so we could get familiar with our surroundings-- we paid our respects to the graves of their family, bittersweet, but I'm really glad we did it. They showed us the little garden they had for veggies and fruit, but they told us they mostly got food from up in the mountains. The little pond they had nearby was cool, it was also where they got water from. Inside the house was calming, it even smelt just like Tanjirou and Nezuko-chan even though they hadn't been living there. There was a living room, a huge bedroom where everyone slept, a humble kitchen, and only one bathroom. It made me wonder what it was like to live with so many siblings together in a house like this.

Though, for some reason when the tour was over, and everyone was inside chatting, I found myself kneeling down in front of the graves again, just observing them, almost even mourning. I couldn't tell what I was feeling, I wasn't upset or devastated, yet something in my heart made me come back to this spot.

Tanjirou and Nezuko-chan even planted flowers for them....

I cradled a flower growing from the ground in my hand, my fingers delicately running against the soft petals, my thumb accidentally touching the yellow pollen.

"Zenitsu-kun...?" Out of nowhere, Nezuko-chan's worried voice startled me from behind. "Is something wrong? Why are you out here by yourself?"

I turned around to look her in the eyes, a somewhat solemn smile across my mouth. "No, I'm fine. I guess I just wanted to pay them another visit or something...."

She sat next to me and placed her hand on my arm, gentle condolence. "Are you sure that's it?"

"I honestly don't know, Nezuko-chan." I sighed and scratched my head, my eyes scanning each and every grave-- one, two, three, four, and five. "Maybe....I just wish I could've met them, seen them smile when you'd introduce me....Hear their hearts beat with joy, and watch them prance around like children should. As for your parents, I wonder what they'd think of me."

Silence fell over us momentarily as Nezuko-chan absorbed what I had just said, only the wind could be heard as it blew. Then she giggled surprisingly. "Don't dwell on the past, dandelion. It's okay," Nezuko-chan looked up at the sky, the puffy clouds filling her vision. "My parents would've loved you, they would've loved everyone. As long as you're kind, and they know I'm truly happy with you, they'd accept you as part of the family, they wouldn't have any objections to a caring soul like you."

"Nezuko-chan..." I was taken aback, her words seemed to hit me like cupid's arrows straight into my heart. She's too precious.

She continued, her voice tender and sweet. "And my siblings-- you don't have to be sad about not meeting them in person because I already know what they'd say when they'd meet you! Something like: 'This is the dream guy you were talking about? Ha, you're so weird, big sister!' Even though they'd tease me, they wouldn't doubt my choice at all either. And they'd like you a lot too, asking you things like: 'Did you kiss our big sister yet~? If you're dating, does that mean you'll get married~?'"

While she said a few examples of silly questions they ask, and how'd they interact with me, it was like they were here with us. I could see them going up to Nezuko-chan and asking her about our relationship, laughing about how I got struck by lightning and my abnormal change in hair color. They teased me for childish things, like my eyebrows or about our matching rings, next they tugged on my shirt pleading for me to play tag and hide & seek with them, all while chanting: 'Zenitsu and Nezuko sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G'!

It was something magical.

Such a tragedy that I couldn't experience this in real time, even so, I wasn't missing out because in my imagination I could actually see it all through Nezuko-chan's words. I know it wasn't real, but it still felt like it really happened.

"Yeah.....I just know they'd- Aah! Zenitsu-kun??!" My thoughts were interrupted by my girlfriend shrieking.

I looked back at her, concerned. "W-What? Did I do something wrong? Sorry, I was spacing out."

"You're crying!"

"Oh..." All of a sudden I realized that big tears were flowing down my face, glistening as they fell to the ground. It's crazy that I had only just now noticed this. "Ah, I-I guess I got a little emotional....I didn't mean to though."

"A little? More like a lot!" Nezuko-chan rubbed my back as I wiped the wet tears from my eyes. Thankfully I was able to get them to stop.

"Anyways," I sniffled, regrouping from the wave of emotions I just felt. "You said something about your 'dream guy' earlier, a-and I was wondering...."

"If you're anything like that?" Nezuko-chan questioned, snickering as I nodded. "Well, if I had to say....you actually are pretty similar to what I had in mind. Although, I didn't expect you to be a soft yet cool dandelion boy~"

I blushed at the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. "I-Is that so?"

"Yeah! What about you?"

"For me? You're really similar too, but there's only one thing that didn't fit with what I expected."

"And what might that be?"

"....The fact that I fell in love with my best friend's little sister."

Nezuko-chan bursted out laughing. "Ahaha! Me too, I didn't expect to fall in love with my brother's best friend either!" The two of us stood up from where we sat, then as a quick show of affection she gave me a kiss on the cheek, making me blush even more.

"Nezuko! Zenitsu!" Tanjirou peeked his head outside to find us. "Come inside, I've got something to show you!"

With a hop in our step, the two of us, excited, walked back inside to see what the commotion was. What we saw was everyone gathered around Tanjirou in the living room. From what I could tell he must have had something interesting in his grasp. Nezuko-chan and I were intrigued.

"Guys, look at this!" Tanjirou held up a very old polaroid. On it we could see a smaller, and insanely cute, toddler version of himself wrapped up in puffy winter clothes and the blue scarf he still has to this day. He looked so gentle-- just like a baby. The same hair, face, nose, everything looked exactly like how he looks now.

"Awwwww~!!" We all squealed at the tiny Tanjirou presented upon us. It was one of those moments where you see something so pure you just wanna squeeze the daylights outta it.

"How old were you there?" I asked, Tanjirou chuckled.

"Maybe 1 and a half, Nezuko wasn't even born yet!" He held his hand to his chin, the polaroid now in Kanao's possession since she was admiring it. "Speaking of which, Nezuko, we should find your baby pictures!"

Nezuko-chan suddenly turned a little red, she started fiddling with her hair. "U-Um....no, I think they were destroyed, I don't know where they went....."

Tanjirou was completely dense and oblivious to his sister's embarrassment. "Haha, no they weren't! They're in the bedroom in that drawer, remember?"

"Ah!" She yelped, now even more fidgety. "Is that true? W-Well then, if you'll excuse me, I'll be right back!!" Nezuko-chan dashed towards the bedroom out of nowhere, leaving us all in surprise. In the blink of an eye we ran after her!


"Sis? Why'd you run off like that?"

"Mini Monjirou is acting weird..."


When we caught up to her we saw her standing in front of the drawer, her hands behind her back, it was pretty clear she was hiding something from us, and I decided I was the one who was going to find out what.

"Whatcha got there, eh?" I slowly walked up to her and tilted my head with a grin.

Nezuko-chan's cheeks were burning up, she shook her head. "N-Nothing! It's r-really nothing at all!"

"Oh, really? Then why don't you let us see?" I attempted to peek behind her, but she turned the other way to block my view. This went on for a few seconds, me teasing her as to why she wouldn't share what she had while I tried to snatch or sneak a look at it, and her blushing a bunch and crying out that it wasn't important, dodging everything I tried to do. It was really cute how she was so protective and shy now. Everyone else was giggling at the fact too.

Then Nezuko-chan accidentally made a mistake. As a way to deter me, she used her arm and held it all the way up, the item she had up at the highest point she could manage in the air. Although she didn't think about her action, because it ended up helping instead of hindering me.

"Nezuko-chan....hehehe....I'm taller than you, you know~?"

"Oh crap!!" she screamed as I reached up and picked it from her fingers. "I forgot! I always did that to my siblings and it worked...."

Everybody, now huddled around me, waited for me to reveal what Nezuko-chan was keeping from us. My girlfriend stood a little off to the side, accepting her defeat. It was another polaroid, noticeable a little newer-looking than Tanjirou's, since this one did come after his. I flipped it over to show the picture on it, and what I saw made my heart explode: It was a picture of their mother handing a itty bitty baby Nezuko-chan to a tiny toddler Tanjirou, he was patting her head, a bright smile painted on his face. Nezuko-chan herself was wrapped up nice and comfy in a white blanket, she looked barely over a year old. The little bit of hair she had was tied up in a pink bow, like the ones I see her wear all the time. Her expression was the most adorable thing too, just by looking at the picture I could tell she was laughing.

Holy shit, the Kamado siblings are too wonderful for this world...!

By now everyone was screeching, especially me of course. It was just too much to handle, first a baby Tanjirou, and now a baby Nezuko-chan?! At this point we might die from these two siblings.

"Nezuko-chaann!! This is so adorable!!! You were so small!!" I went up to her and held her face in my hands, pinching her cheeks. "You still have the cutest face and those gentle chubby cheeks just like that photo~ I just wanna hug you so tight right now!!"

After that whole show and tell picture thing, Tanjirou suggested we make their favorite snack-- rice crackers. He told us that they used to eat them all the time, and it would be a nice blast from the past if we did it again together. I don't remember the last time I myself had rice crackers, so I was excited to have some, and so was everybody else!

There was a bit of preparation we had to do before we could make them, like crushing some rice cakes and heating up the grill, so we were all assigned mini jobs to do.

"I call crushing the rice cakes!!!" Inosuke shouted, already fired up. Anything that involves smashing he loves to do, so no wonder he called dibs instantly. Kanao and Aoi also wanted to help out which would make the process faster, the more hands the better.

"Oh, we're all out of water," Tanjirou turned to me. "Hey, Zen? Could you fetch some from the pound outside? Just use those two buckets to your right. Nezuko could help you bring them back too if you need it."

I nodded, picking up the two buckets he instructed me to grab. "Alright! I'll be back soon then!" I smiled as I walked out the door, even humming a tune, hauling those two buckets over my shoulder. I really was having a great time. I totally understand how Nezuko-chan felt when she came to my old house, it's just such a welcoming sensation, it made me feel just so accepted. Even though I was in the mountains, and I wasn't used to it, it was still so wholesome.

Although, I did miss the privacy we had at my house, when it was just me and Nezuko-chan, with all my friends here I couldn't spare the time to be all couple-y like we were at Gramps'. I didn't care what Kaigaku thought of me, but if it's my friends it's a little....embarrassing.

The fresh air filled my lungs as I walked, slowly approaching the pond. Once I got there I set both the buckets on the little dock leading into the water. Next I took the buckets, dipping them both in the water to fill them, as I did I started to think.


Maybe I should play a little prank on Nezuko-chan. That'd be fun~

I wonder what I'd get outta it, I could also get a little time with her in the process.

I set the buckets --now filled with water-- back on the dock, trying to come up with a quick plan. It didn't take long for me to find one: I was going to pretend to be asleep. Stupid, but it'll work.

Since I've heard it so many times, I know exactly how to regulate my breathing to make it sound and look like I'm fast asleep. It's a little hard, but I can do it and it's actually quite fun. Everyone knows that I can hear everything in my sleep-- you can tell me a bedtime story and I'll hear it all even when I'm in a deep dream. But what they don't know is that when I wake up there's a small chance I won't remember what you said. You see, talking to me while I'm asleep sorta works like dreams, sometimes you remember them in the morning, sometimes you don't. So pretending to be asleep is a great way for me to listen in on stuff. And who knows? Someone might share a secret when they think I'm dozed off.

Snickering at my genius plan, I quickly laid down on the dock and closed my eyes, concentrating hard on my breaths. Now all I had to do was wait for my lovely Nezuko-chan to come outside confused on why I was taking so long. A minute or two of me breathing in and out, not moving an inch passed by. To be honest, I could actually fall asleep in this calming area, but I made sure not to do that by accident because before I knew it I heard the voice I was waiting for.

"Zenitsu-kun? Did you get the water?" I listened as she walked closer, my heart was fluttering from a bit of anxiousness and giddiness at the same time. As she grew near Nezuko-chan realized exactly what I tricked her into thinking. "Ah....you silly, how did you fall asleep out here??"

She crouched down beside me and giggled. "Did being under the warm sun make you drowsy all of sudden, dandelion? Well, I can't blame you, we did wake up early to come out here."


The only flaw in this plan is that I can't see her pretty face --or frankly anything-- as she talks to me!!

I whined internally as I eavesdropped, Nezuko-chan didn't seem to notice at all though. "I know I'm supposed to bring the water back inside, but....staying out here with you for a bit won't hurt, right? It's not like they need the water right this minute..." Nezuko-chan's hand made its way into my hair, she played with it, her finger running through the blond strands. It was making me blush an intense amount. Now it was getting a bit difficult to contain myself and not ruin the plan.

"Aah~ I see why you fell asleep in this spot," she sighed. "It does feel really nice out here. Hehe....even so, you always doze off in the weirdest places at the most random times." My heart was pounding as she continued to delicately rub through my hair, patting my head in such a way it was super comforting.

Mmh, Nezuko-channn I love it so much when you do things like this....

Nezuko-chan almost made me lose concentracion on my breathing as she went on. "Y'know, you're very cute when you're sleeping, I just can't help but stay by your side sometimes. Hahaha, you really can hear me can't you? You're cheeks are bright red~"

My lord, is she trying to kill me with her charm??!

".....I love you. I-I'm not sure why I felt like telling you that right now, I guess it's just that....uhh..." Nezuko-chan was struggling to get her words out all of a sudden, I could hear her own heart thumping a little faster than earlier. I didn't show it but in the inside I was screaming from all the things she was saying. "I know we're both dumb teenagers and we don't really know what we're doing, but I know we're doing it right. I feel it, y'know?"

Nezuko-chan's hand now made it onto my face, resting on my hot cheek. "Like.....when you kiss me, I don't know why b-but I always want you to do it again, even if you already did, or if it's just a quick peck. A kiss is only a bonus to a relationship, yet that little act of intimacy sweeps me off my feet, even if it's only for a brief moment. Sorry, this is a bit random, isn't it?" She gently ran her thumb across my bottom lip, her caress was making me hardcore flustered.

"But," I could tell she was tucking her hair behind her ear from the scent of it wafting around me. Whispering, Nezuko-chan bent down closer. I could feel her breath against my mouth as she talked. "I also wonder.....how it makes you feel....when I kiss you..."

She turned her head and pressed her lips onto mine. At this point I couldn't focus at all! I felt her hands slowly ease their way to both sides of my face, holding me as she kissed me blissfully, the sun shining down on us through the trees. I could hear Nezuko-chan let out a sigh of satisfaction, kissing me warm and sweet once again. I wanted to kiss her back, but I was frozen, so when she pulled away I just stared at her wide eyed and bright crimson.

"You....Y-You were awake this whole time?!" Nezuko-chan was burning up a ton just like me.

I started to stutter, laughing a bit. "Y-Yeah....ehehehe~"

"Uuuu....Zenitsu-kun!" She covered her face with her hair. "If I'd known that I w-wouldn't have said all that!! Aahh....d-did you just do that to see if I would kiss you?? You sly dog!" Nezuko-chan flicked my forehead to express her humiliation, I shrieked at the stinging pain.

After the agony went away I sat up and booped her on the nose, replying to what she had asked me before. "All my emotions feel like explosions when you kiss me, Nezuko-chan~" She couldn't even think of anything to come back with, she was so red she looked like I would die if I did anything more. So I decided to call it quits for now, besides, we needed to bring the water inside before it was too late.

Nezuko's POV:

That is the last time Zenitsu-kun is going to embarrass me today! He already did it twice!

I thought to myself as we walked back inside, Mr. Dandelion carried those buckets of water while I tried to calm down. I mean seriously! Did he really have to prank me like that, when I was vulnerable to his appeal? All of it only made me heat up more, it also made me ponder.

He heard all I said and earned a kiss for his mischievousness!

Well, if he really wants to hear what I think so badly, then maybe I should....

I smirked to myself, a plan of my own had formed in my head. This for sure was going to be entertaining.

The sun was setting a bit. When we both got inside the others were basically done with the rice crackers, all they needed was to heat them up to finish them, the water wasn't even needed for them, we would use that for drinks. It didn't take long for the snacks to be ready, earlier while Zenitsu-kun and I were outside Tanjirou also made a tasty loaf of bread for us to share. Sure this wasn't the healthiest meal, but we don't care. Since we don't have a TV here unlike the Butterfly Estate, we played games while we ate.

"This is nice and all, but...." Zenitsu-kun was blushing. "W-Why do you insist on sitting on my lap, Nezuko-chan?"

"Oh, you know.... You're the one who pulled a trick on me so you could be closer to me, so I thought I'd just do you a favor." I nestled into him a little more and pulled his arms around me, Zenitsu-kun was malfunctioning.

"But....since we're sitting this way I can s-see your Uno cards...."

"Well, then don't look, you cheater~"

Aoi laughed. "Wow, looks like you made a mistake, Zenitsu. What exactly did you do to make her act like this?"

"I d-don't wanna talk about it...."

"Yeah, he pranked me into kissi-" Before I could finish teasing him Zenitsu-kun covered my mouth with his hand, but I pulled the classic move of licking his palm, so as a natural reflex from the weird feeling he yanked his hand away, he let out a super high-pitched scream which made everyone chuckle.

As the game went on and came to an end I still sat on Zenitsu-kun like he was some sort of throne, he didn't really mind, but I could tell he was a bit scatter-brained because of it. He did really enjoy the rice crackers we made though, I could tell, it made me super happy to see! But when no one was looking I decided to pull a little stunt.

Zenitsu-kun grabbed another rice cracker to happily munch on, but as soon as he took it I snatched it from his hand.

"Hey!" He whined. "Nezuko-chan, what are you doing? That was mine!"

I giggled, keeping his snack from his reach. When he was about to take it from me I turned around to be face to face with him to make him watch as I put it between my lips. "If you want it that badly, then take it from my mouth. You're not allowed to use your hands to do it either~"

"Ah! U-Ummm...." Zenitsu-kun flared up, fiddling with his fingers nervously. He gulped as I inched a little closer to him.

"Not such a big fan of PDA now, hmm? Now that you're on the receiving end." My voice was muffled as I moved the rice cracker up and down with my lips, egging him on to take it. It was a simple task, it would be all his if he just did what I said. But Zenitsu-kun seemed to be struggling. Even though nobody was paying attention to us at the moment, he was acting really timid because of the fact they were in the same room and could look at us at any given time.

Zenitsu-kun scratched his neck, avoiding looking at me. Eventually he gave in. With his cheeks a hot crimson, he leaned in. Right when he was basically touching me he paused for a second to hesitantly gaze into my eyes, I snickered. Then finally his lips almost grazed mine as he bit the small cracker and fit it all the way into his mouth, when he completed his task I rewarded him with a smooch since he was already close enough to be in kissing contact.

"Mmmhh... N-Nezuko-chan..." That tiny peck made his whole face look like a cherry. "Don't do that....! Are you t-trying to make me feel all....w-warm and crap...?"

I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a squeeze. "No, of course not, honey~" I sarcastically laughed. Zenitsu-kun laughed a little too.

"And this is all b-because I pranked you?"

"Yep! But that's not where my vengeance is gonna end. Since you wanted to hear me spill all of my feelings and secrets about you out loud, how about I do that for you, dandelion?"

"Uh- what do you mean by that-"

I held my hand to my mouth to call out to the person Zenitsu-kun gets the most embarrassed with when it comes to our relationship. "Hey, Tanjirou!" My brother turned to me confused. Zenitsu-kun now understood what I was going to do so he immediately tried to stop me, but once I got Tanjirou's attention --along with everyone else's-- it was over for him.

I opened my mouth and started to speak very loudly. "I love Zenitsu-kun so, so, so much! I'm so glad you're letting me date him because he's really thoughtful, and cute, and very handsome!! I love to give him hugs and kisses when he's sad! And he's allllll mine, he's my dandelion, my heart belongs to him!!!"

"NEZUKO-CHAN, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????" Zenitsu-kun screamed at the top of his lungs, desperately trying to get me to shut up. "OH MY GOD STOP IT!! IT'S SO- AAAHHHH!!!" He didn't even finish his sentence before he was screeching again. I even demonstrated what I was saying by giving him another kiss, but while everyone was watching. The whole disaster filled the room with loud laughter and screams. Zenitsu-kun was on another planet at this point, he hid his face in my arms since he was still stuck in my hug, the heat he was accumulating was intense, like he had a horrible sunburn. Well, what can I say? It's all fun and games for him until I decide to get a little revenge.

The night sky was painted black now that the daylight was absent. We had all moved into the bedroom and changed into some pajamas to get ready to wind down, then we picked out a few futons to sleep in.

"Huh? Where did it go..?" As I searched for my one futon I realized I couldn't find it for some reason. I looked around at all the ones everyone else had picked out, my eyes landed on Zenitsu-kun and his futon, the more I looked at it I figured out he had taken mine. Since a lot of things were destroyed when our home was attacked, only a few futons made it out in good shape-- me and Tanjirou still had our old ones, and they were as good as new. A few others made it out too, but many were lost which resulted in us buying new ones. We must have miscalculated the amount though, because there wasn't another one I could use.

Zenitsu-kun seemed to understand the situation. "Ah, I'm sorry, is this yours? No wonder it smelt familiar." He reached out to hand it to me. "You can use this one, I'm okay with sleeping on the floor."

"What?" I disagreed. "I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable. I can sleep on the floor instead!"

"No way! You'll be cold!"

"Okay, then...." I twirled my hair around my finger as I thought. "If you don't want me to sleep on the floor, and I don't want you to sleep on the floor....Then let's just share my futon together!"

".....Are you sure t-that's okay with you...?" He asked me, but was looking at my brother instead.

Tanjirou chuckled. "It's fine, Zenitsu. Me and Nezuko used to share futons, and even if it's different than sharing a bed with a sibling, I know you wouldn't do anything weird."

"Yeah! Plus, all the times you've slept with me you didn't do anything because you were crying or scared." I smiled.

"Ehhh??" Zenitsu-kun was blushing again. "Don't say that....it's embarrassing." He set the futon down on the ground and slipped into it.

I followed and sat down, climbing into the bed too. "It was cute, though!" Zenitsu-kun averted his gaze, meanwhile I just leaned into him, slowly embracing him, as an instinct he almost instantly hugged me back. I bet we looked like two puppies snuggling each other, from the way everyone looked at us it sure seemed so. Seeing us be so comfy, the rest of the gang was basically itching to share a bed with someone. Welp, looks like everyone was going to be sleeping with their partner tonight.

Things soon were quiet as we laid in bed, trying to get a bit of rest. Zenitsu-kun and I were huddled up together under the blankets, he had his eyes closed, actually trying to go to bed unlike me. I couldn't tell if he was sleeping already, so I tested it out with a few things. First, I gently poked his cheek, I got no response. Next, I slipped my hands up his pajama shirt, placing my slightly cold hands on his warm, bare back. He made a small noise but still he showed nothing. He didn't budge, so I kissed the tip of his nose, his cheeks, everywhere on his face. Finally, when I kissed him on the lips he actually softly returned the favor.

Zenitsu-kun opened his golden eyes and looked at me. ".......Nezuko-chan, you're making it extremely hard to doze off." He mumbled, giggling a bit. "Just what are you doing...? I thought the teasing was over..."

I moved in for another kiss, connecting both our lips. "Mmh....You thought wrong then, dandelion."

"Reallyyy?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "But it's late, and the others are sleeping....w-we should be asleep too...."

I sat up as well and patted his head. "You're just trying to find a way out of this mess you've got yourself in. Besides, do you not want my affection? This punishment is a pretty good one if I do say so myself."

"I mean- I-I guess you're right..." he shrugged.

"Alright," I held my finger to his lips to hush his worries. "Then just go with the flow." Zenitsu-kun stared into my eyes, rosy cheeked as I tried to come up with something I could do to make him glow red.

I wonder what'll happen if I.....

Zenitsu-kun blinked as I moved a little closer. "What are you do- Aah!" Realizing he shrieked, he covered his own mouth in shock as I delicately blew on his ear. To a normal person this would only be but a tickle, but to Zenitsu-kun it seemed to have a huge effect on him. In an attempt to say something he pulled his hand off his mouth. "I......I really can't handle it w-when you do stuff like that...." He always says something along the lines of that, it made me giggle.

"I know, that's why I'm doing it."

I moved on to his other ear, making him flinch, heat was rising to his face. After a few seconds of that, I decided to kick it up a notch and try kissing his ears. Zenitsu-kun bit down on his lip hard, seriously attempting not to react to me, though he wasn't doing a good job at it. The way his breath would hitch when my lips would make contact just shows how hypersensitive he was, it was kinda cute too. He fidgeted with his shirt to distract himself from me.

Zenitsu-kun was already super crimson, but when I went to the final level and started nibbling on the tips of his hot ears, it seemed like he would blow up. He switched from fiddling with his shirt to hugging me, clinging on tightly as he pinched his eyes shut. I could tell his heart was racing.

"Nnmh....I d-don't think this is a g-good idea, Nezuko-chan...!" He whispered, his voice a little shaky.

"Why?" I asked with concern. "Is something wrong?"

"N-No....It's just that I....I...."

He went silent, and all of a sudden he felt limp. Really confused, I pulled back and stopped to look at him to see that he had fainted from the sensory overload I was giving him. "Ahaha, wow, that ended super quickly....Oops."

Zenitsu's POV:

The next morning I woke up not remembering much. I was hugging Nezuko-chan tightly, our legs were tangled up in a snug way, and she rested her head in my chest as she snored a bit. It seemed like I must have caused this sleeping position to happen after I fainted or something. As I looked at Nezuko-chan sound asleep, a flashback of what occurred last night made my whole face become covered with blush.

Man, I gotta remember not to take pranks so far....

To get that flustering memory out of my head I sat up a bit to see that everyone was already up, they weren't in the room so they must've been outside. Only Nezuko-chan and I were still in bed. I laid back down and gave Nezuko-chan a tiny shake, but she didn't wake up. I shook her harder but that didn't work either. I tried to talk to her, and all she did was snore. Well, she is a really heavy sleeper just like me so I get it.

Nothing I did woke her up, obviously she was still breathing, though. I was about to give up when I got a stupid idea.

This isn't going to work, but I might as well try.

Without a moment to rethink my decision, I carefully flipped Nezuko-chan over onto her back. I rubbed my hand through her hair before making my next move, leaning in and lovingly kissing her lips like she was Snow White. When I broke away from her I wasn't surprised that it didn't do anything.

I laughed a little. "Well, this isn't some movie so I'm not sure why I did that." But then my thoughts began to overflow my mind, making butterflies flutter in my stomach.

Wait a minute, what is she's just tricking me?

Is she just doing the same stunt I did yesterday to get even more revenge?!

I wasn't going to allow that, so I shoved my lips back onto her, much more powerfully just to give her a taste of her own medicine. She probably was just sleeping like I originally thought, but I didn't care. After a while, I was shocked at the feeling of her wrapping her arms around me, pulling me further into the kiss and onto her. Surprised, I released her from my lips and tried to sit up, but then she yanked me back down into a warm hug, she wouldn't let go no matter what either.

I guess that was her way of saying I was still in trouble for pranking her, and maybe that she didn't want us to wake up yet.

A/N: Like I said at the beginning I'm taking a break from writing, but you can still put in requests of course! This was a fun request to do, it started off a kinda emotional with the graves, and then it just got chaotic towards the end. It did take awhile to figure out how to do the requests I chose, so thanks for waiting!

Fun fact: When it comes to writing, you all know I love to use a lot of details, that's one of my favorite things to do, I love to just paint a picture with my words and describe something so it looks like a film in your mind. But besides that, ultimate favorite part might be the dialogue and inner thoughts of the characters, portraying how they speak and act is really fun. I put myself in their shoes and transfer their personalities in what they say/think. I hope I do a good job cuz I personally think it turns out entertaining.

Oh! Here's the drawing I was talking about! It's not Zennezu but I hope you still enjoy it.

I did a color palette challenge with my friends where we randomly chose a song and used the colors from the album cover to make a drawing. If you're interested, my song was Nobody by Mistki and the random kny character selected for me as you can see was Kanao. (I tried to make it kinda look like a magazine cover lmao)

Btw I post my art on Instagram so if you wanna see more my username is in this drawing and in my bio.

Thanks for reading! I hope you all are having a awesome summer, even if you haven't gone anywhere like me haha. Thank you so much for all the support too, (we're almost at 120k reads)! You guys are so wonderful!

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