Love Lost

By MzKnowitAll

24.2K 1K 114

Caroline was there in 1922 when Klaus and Rebekah met Stefan. She fell in love with Klaus and he with her. Re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

1.2K 58 4
By MzKnowitAll

Hello everybody, I would like to thank anyone who commented on the last chapter. Also anyone who followed or favorited my story recently. I am starting where I left off with Klaus and Katherine. But, I am going to skip the part where she explains everything to him, like his Jenna problems and who is who. I am starting off where they meet up at the Salvatore house. That was a really long A/N.

Klaus POV


    As soon as Katerina had finished explaining to me everything that's going on in Mystic Falls Alaric's phone buzzed. I checked it, he had no password, and it was a text from Elena. "Ahh, my dear doppelganger." I sighed. Katerina looked at me perplexed and Maddox asked, "What is it?" I looked down at the phone and said, "It is a text from the doppelganger. Apparently, there is a big problem and I must join them at the Salvatore's residence."

"It might be dangerous. In this body you will be very vulnerable. It is possible that they already know about the body switch." Maddox said. I was about to say something but I held it back, deciding to think for a moment. If they did know then I would be vulnerable, but it is highly unlikely that they would know. I made sure that Isobel was stealthy.

    Trusting my gut I had made my decision, "I'm going to go. I could finally lay eyes on my doppelganger and I might be able to find out what they are planning to do when it comes to my demise." Maddox nods, I could tell he wants to disagree but he holds his tongue. I walked towards Alaric's closet, trying to find something suitable. When I finally find something that is semi-presentable I walk towards the door. As I am I about to walk out the door I have a thought and walk towards Katerina, "I want you to take this knife and stab yourself in your leg repeatedly until I return. If you don't Maddox will take your daylight ring and let you burn in the sun." I can see a hint of terror in her eyes, which causes me to smile, "Oh, and if you get bored, switch legs." I walk out the door and into the car, driving towards the Salvatore's house.

    When I pull up to their house I stop at the door, preparing myself for what lies behind it. As I walk through the door I remember what Katerina told me about the history teacher's alcoholism. I head straight for the liquor, which I see as soon as walk in. Not wanting to draw too much attention to myself I give them a quick excuse for my tardiness, "Sorry I'm late. Had something to type up at my apartment." I say, remembering that Alaric is a history teacher. Obviously saying that I was getting information from Katerina, known as Katherine Pierce to them, would not be wise. When I pour my drink I allow my eyes to roam the room, looking at the ones who are, as we speak, planning my assassination. But instead of my eyes locking on the straight haired brunette, who is the spitting image of Ms. Katerina, I stumble upon beautiful golden curls.

    I almost choke on my drink as I stare at her in awe. It couldn't be, could it? I was clearly daydreaming, wasn't I? This couldn't be the girl, scratch that, woman that I left in 1922 without her memories of me. But my suspicions were cleared as soon as she turned around and looked at me. I quickly looked away, worried she would look into my eyes and see the real me. Even though it was impossible, it was a nice thought, to believe that she still loved me, even without her memories. I had to restrain myself from running to her and running my hands through those luscious curls, smashing my lips against hers.

    I would have given anything to wrap my arms around her perfect waist at that moment, anything. I could hear them planning, I would have smiled at the irony of it all if I wasn't so focused on her. Caroline Forbes, the girl that stole my heart. I got bits and pieces of their conversation.

"I can take him down." the witch, Bonnie, had said. "Are you sure you can do this Bon? We could always find another way." the doppelganger, Elena, had said . "There is no other way Elena, I can do this." the witch stated again.

I got the overall discussion, but I didn't really get all the details. I couldn't help but stare at her, and I knew she could feel me because every once in a while she would turn around and look at me. I look away, hoping that she couldn't see all the love in my eyes, the adoration. But at the same time, I wanted her to see it. Soon, too soon for my liking, the little "meeting" was over with the little Mystic Falls gang. The only one actually leaving was Caroline. It was too soon, she couldn't leave yet, I needed to talk to her, to be near her. "Caroline!" I call, she turns around and looks at me. She has the same eyes, the deep sea blue ones that a person could get lost in. "Hey do you need a ride, I wouldn't mind." I say.

She takes a minute to answer me, every second that passes by kills me. Why won't she just answer me? Is she uncomfortable with this Alaric person? Has he hurt her before? As these thoughts are going through my head I plan Alaric's painful death. Her voice cuts through my murderous thoughts, "Yeah sure, why not?" When she gets into the car our proximity is almost overwhelming. My thoughts are going to dark places. I decide to not look at her during this painful drive, but just enjoy the fact that she's near me. I grip the steering wheel tighter, trying to keep my hands occupied. The idea of running my hands through those blonde curls are more tempting than ever now. I am pulled out of my thoughts by her voice, "Are you okay Ric?"

I loosened my grip on the wheel, realizing I was freaking her out. "Yup. I'm perfectly fine. I'm just worried about this whole plan to kill Klaus, that's all." I say. To pull off my little charade I give her a smile, praying that she can't tell it's forced. I look at her out of  the corner of my eye, she is all but squirming around in her seat. I'm making her uncomfortable. I still can't help but wonder if it's my actions or this body. I push those thoughts aside, they are too upsetting. When I try and think of a way to get her to talk about something, anything, I remember that there is a dance coming up at her high school. "So who are you going to the dance with?" If she said she had a date it would surely kill me. She looks at me, "I haven't been asked so I guess I'm going by myself." Relief, and dread, floods through me at the same time, but I quickly compose myself. We spend the rest of the ride in silence. It's not a painful one though, and it gives me time to think. I go back to how I felt when she told she didn't have a date. Men should be coming from all over the world just to ask her. Even though it's just a high school dance, it's her high school dance.

    She gives me directions to her house and when we get there she gets out of the car. She thanks me and walks towards her door. I don't leave, not even when she is at her door. I sit there for a minute after she goes in, it takes all the strength I have not to run after her.


    When I walk inside of Alaric's apartment I have settled on being infuriated. I walk towards Katherine, grab the knife in her hand, and stab her right in the stomach. She gasps and goes to pull it out, but I beat her to it and yank the knife out. She screams, "What was that for?" she demands, her teeth clenched. I look at her, wanting nothing more than to rip her head off and be drenched in her blood. But I control myself, she deserves far worse than death.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I bellow. She looks baffled. She grinds her teeth again, "I told you everything I knew Klaus. If you found out something than they were apparently hiding it from me." I laugh, a menacing laugh, "So you are telling me that you've never heard the name Caroline Forbes?" I ask, my voice a little more controlled.

I know that I probably shouldn't have said her name, now Katherine knows that I have a weakness. I clear my head of those thoughts, Caroline is not my weakness. If anything, she gives me strength. But Katherine can't know about her. No one can know about her.

I decide to get my answers now and when I'm back in my body I'll compel her. "What! You came barging in here and brutally assaulted me over that blonde! Are you kidding me!" Her words just add fire to the flame that is my anger. I lunge at her and grab her by the neck, squeezing, "You will not speak of her in that way." I command, my voice low. I then stab her again, this time in the side. Before she can speak I snap her neck.

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