
By idekanymoretbh2

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No accidental pregnancy ⚠️ Sophia never fails jobs . Efficient, discreet and deadly . Meets the criteria for... More



525 7 0
By idekanymoretbh2


Mason left and i wanted to follow but Ace shut my door .

" Very funny ."

" What do you mean i don't know you didn't have sex ."

" Maybe i did . Maybe i didn't . I can't remember."

I sat on the bed because i know he isn't gonna let this go .

" Give me a yes or no ."

" To what ?"

I was smiling at him . He was anything but smiley . I was sitting in the middle of the bed .
He sat and reached for me .

I backed away .

" Get over hear and give me an answer."

" No go away ."

" Sophia don't play with me right now ."

" You're literally trying to grab me . That's playing ."

" I wouldn't have to if you would just come to me ."

I hopped off the bed on the other side .

" Why do you care ?"

" You know why i care . Now get over here or i'm gonna come get you ."

My heart was pounding . I'm not scared of Ace . But he's a lot bigger than me and he will come knock me down .

I carefully climbed back on the bed with my hands up .

" Ace don't ."

He tackled me pinning me down . I was screeching . It felt weird him touching me .
We aren't fully back to normal yet .

Other than the kiss .

" Get off me ."

I pushed his hands back from my hips . He frowned .
He put his hands back and i moved them off again .

" Why do you keep doing that ?"

" Ace we aren't together you can't man handle me anymore ."

" It's my number one hobby ."

" Get a new one . I'm serious Ace i'm not just gonna come running back to you . We're not together."

" I hate when you're in denial because you're so unbelievably stubborn . I'm getting deja vu right now ."

" This isn't the same ."

" It is ."

" Fine you know what ? Tonight after whatever we have to do i'm gonna find a date ."

" That's funny ."

" What you think i won't ?"

I saw a flash of worry on his face . I won't actually. I'll just make him think i am .

" I need to get ready . You do too ."

He reluctantly got up and left slamming my door . I changed into a classic little black dress.
Cant go wrong .

I got my gun , it was a small one for convenience but it did the job .
I had a knife tucked under my dress in case i need it . Somehow i always manage to poke myself with it .

I went downstairs and got into Masons car . He insisted on driving for some reason .
Then i found out why .

Greg was in the front seat and when i got in beside Ace i could smell the alcohol off him .

" Really ? Real classy Ace ."

" It's a quick job i'm just trying to have some fun ."

The drive was spent going over the plan . Greg and Mason will identify the guy .
He killed his own wife , and his family disowned him .

I personally think we're doing the world a favour taking him out .

" I'll do it . I'm discreet ."

" No i'-"

" Ace i don't wanna hear it ."

I got out and walked inside . The club was hosting some mafia anniversary party .
Ace is friends with the family so he got us in .

I was at the bar when Mason and Greg left to try and locate our guy .
I got a drink and turned .

" Time to go mingle ."

" I don't do people ."

" Neither do i so let's go ."

I saw someone i knew . It was Avery and her husband. They introduced themselves to Ace .

" It's so great to see you again this is my boss , Ace ."

When they left he brought his arm around my waist bringing me into him .

" Boss, seriously?"

" That's what you are ."

I removed his arm and Ace saw a guy he knew .

" It's been too long . Where are my manners ?"

He looked to me and i held my breath for what's coming . I thought he would call me a hooker or something but no .

" This is my fiancé Sophia ."

I nearly choked on my bourbon .

" Wanna play that game ? Let's play ."

Next person we saw i introduced him as my driver .

Next person i was the mother of his children .

Fun fact : going up to someone saying ' it's been too long ' especially old people . Works .
Even if they don't know you .

" Step dad . Really?"

We were both laughing because the guy looked so confused considering Ace was grabbing my ass .

" The hand on my ass really was the cherry on the cake ."

" You gonna call me daddy now ?"

" May as well since mine is dead ."

" Cheers to dead fathers ."

" May they suffer forever more ."

My phone went off and i checked it. Mason said our guy just went into the hallway . It leads to a staircase that has a couple VIP rooms .

" It's time ."

I've always enjoyed the rush i get before pulling the trigger . It's so different to anything else .
Adrenaline was pumping through my veins .

" Be careful ok ."

Ace's hands were on my shoulders and then he reached one up to my cheek .
He leaned in and kissed my cheek . He leaned his forehead against my temple .

" In and out . Discreet . We'll be waiting outside ."

" Hopefully i'll see you there ."

" There's no hopefully . You're Sophia Bianchi , never failed a mission . Remember?"

I blew him a kiss before i walked away into the hall . He was on the phone . Arguing with someone . My hands were steady .

The gun was tucked right underneath my dress along with my knife . There is a slit so i have easy access .

He turned around and noticed me . He smiled and i returned it . He hung up the phone .

" What's a pretty girl like you doing all by herself. No one escorting you ?"

" I do just fine on my own , thank you -"

My smile dropped .

" - Daniel."

He reached in his pocket the second his name came out of my mouth . He was too late .
I held out my gun steady .

" Any last words ?"

He swung at me and i ducked , the knife on my leg dug in painfully .

I actually hadn't meant to pull the trigger . It hit his arm .

" Whoops . My b ."

I knocked him back to the ground and shot him once in the chest . I contemplated shooting his balls but decided against it . What a saint i know .

I walked back through the main room and to the door . I found the car easily and Ace was leaned against it .

" There's my girl ."

" Done and dusted . No witnesses no evidence. Just how you like it ."

" How good did it feel ?"

" Euphoric ."

He went to get his coat inside that he forgot and Mason came up to me .

" What's dripping down your leg ?"

" Just a little graze it's nothing ."

It hurt like a bitch .

He lifted my dress slightly and saw the gash in my leg .

" Sophia oh my god ."

" Shut up don't make a big deal . I'll clean it when i get back the last thing i need is Ace freaking out ."

I moved my dress to cover it . I was surprised by how much blood was actually coming out .
I tucked the knife under the seat and got back out to meet Ace .

I took the jacket and quickly slid it on before we left . We got back and i tried to slip upstairs.

" Have a drink with us ."

I turned .

" I'm really tired i don't know ."

" Come on its just one drink ."

I was kinda dizzy . I need to get upstairs.

" I need to get out of this dress ."

I went upstairs and then heard my name being called .

I looked down , where i was standing there was blood smeared on the floor .

It dripped all the way down my leg . I'm fine completely fine . But Ace is going to make a big deal and us being drunk together doesn't have the best track record.

" I'm busy !"

" Sophia you're bleeding ."

" Really? I had no idea ."

I shut my door and peeled the dress off . I pulled on some shorts . There was a knock at my door .

" Im naked !"

" You really think that'll stop me ?"

" No . Just give me a second . Im fine ."

" Just let me see you ."

I put on a t-shirt and opened the door . I had wiped the blood on a black t-shirt from the floor but there was dried blood on my leg .

He opened the door .

" Come with me just for a second ."

" Im fine don't make a big deal ."

" I just wanna see it . I'll clean it that's all no dramatics ."

" Fine ."

I followed him into his room . First time i've been in it since i came back actually.
There was bottles everywhere. Trash .

" Ignore the mess ."

I walked into his bathroom and stood waiting . Next thing i knew i was being lifted like a child onto his counter . I looked at the shower . Memories flooded my brain ...

" You said no dramatics ."

" Spread your legs ."

" Why is it not the first time you've said that to me ."

" Wont be the last either ."

We were both drunk so that was pretty funny . We recovered and he wiped the dry blood off my leg .

The cut itself wasn't big . I didn't need stitches . I think . He wiped it and i heald my breath .
He put a bandage on me and kissed it better .

" That was unnecessary."

" Had to kiss it better ."

" Ok now i actually am going to bed ."

I hopped down and his fingers grazed up my arm . I felt a rush in my stomach .
His hand moved further up and his arm wrapped around my shoulders .

His arm across my chest .He rested his head on my shoulder.

" Stay here ."

" And do what ?"

" Whatever you want ."

" I should really get back to my room ."

" I miss you in my bed ."

I turned around . He smirked and backed me up . My legs hit the edge of the bed .

" No Ace ."

" Yes Sophia ."
He's so tempting.

" Come on just sleep in here . Nothings gonna happen ."

He was smiling like a child . His eyes raked hungrily down my body .

" That's not what you're thinking ."

" Stay with me ."

" I'll see you in the morning."

I tried to walk away but he grabbed the back of my t-shirt . I just continued walking with him holding onto me .

" I forgot how clingy you are when you're drunk . And touchy ."

I moved his hand off my ass . He fell back onto my bed and i brushed my teeth .
He was still there when i came out .

" Go to your room . Goodnight ."

" I've missed you so much . I drank . A lot ."

" Story time over . Bed time ."

" I'm not leaving . Cant get you back if you aren't close to me ."

" Fine . But keep your hands to yourself ."

I climbed into bed and turned over . He raked his fingers through my hair .

" Do you always have to be touching me ?"

" Uh huh ."

" Go to sleep ."

" Come closer ."

" You sound like a serial killer ."

He moved me so that i now faced him .

" Why ?"

" I want to look at you ."

" Again why ?"

" I don't know ."

I went on my phone and he just stared at me . Drunk Ace is a clingy touchy serial killer who stares at you .

Mason sent a mirror picture into our group chat . He was showing off his abs of course .
Greg sent in he had toothpaste dripping down his chin .

I zoomed in . He was only in boxers . Oh god .

" Mason is packing ."

It was out of my mouth before i could even think .

I put down my phone and closed my eyes .

" Did you just say Mason is packing ? Why were you looking ."

" I just noticed ."

" Why are you in bed with me if you think his is bigger ."

" Ew i never said it's bigger ."

" Mine is small isn't it . Some days i can't even find it ."

" It's not small believe me it-"

He was smirking .

" I see what you did there ."

His hand moved to my face and he dragged his thumb down my lip .

" Goodnight kiss ?"

" Nope ."

" Kiss on the cheek ? You do it to Mason all the time ."

" Fine ."

He leaned over and then kissed right by my ear . He took his time . When he was done he slowly moved back to where he was .

I gulped . I wanted to kiss him so bad . But i need to try this friends thing . It's perfectly normal for two friends to sleep in the same bed .

Or at least i hope it is .


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