By oreommeow

13.4K 709 42

BEYOND A SERVANT - Royal.Servant.Secrets When Prince Maxisismillian Xaview Mattew have given up his life afte... More

Hello again!!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - A month later
Chapter 20 - 3 weeks later
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 4

422 27 4
By oreommeow

The door opened slightly, before Anna knew it a vase was being thrown towards her and luckily it hit the wall. Just like every day, she has come at the right time. She opened the side door fully and walked in, Prince Maxis was on the bed with his hand covering his head, trying not to scream again like how he was everyday.

"Good morning your highness!!" greet Anna rosly like how she always greeted him but he did not have any reaction wish she miss. She roll her trolley near him and place it beside the bed. Maxis run to Anna and sigh out, again she saw his pathetic self. Even with a lot of scolding Anna without fail to be the first one he saw everyday.

"Anna, get out !!" he said, trying to not get frustrated.

"Your highness you make a mess of the room again! Never mind, let me clean it!!" Anna, knowing what he means, she ignores him and starts to clean the room which he messed up. Maxis looked at her, with every move she made made him more frustrated than before, it felt that she was mocking him and felt more pathetic. Maxis without thinking turned over the trolley that she rolled in where his medicine, water and breakfast that she made for him. Anna jumped and turned around to see everything that she brought for him was on the floor.

"Your highness!!" she called him with tears in her ears. Maxis looked at him and it made him more angry, it made her pity him and his condition.

"Get out Anna!" He shouted which made Anna scared looking at her with his wide eyes which were red with anger that it was so pathetic that he could not hide it anymore.

"Get the hell out ..NOW!!" He screamed at her, made her cry and ran out of his room. Looking at her run away, Maxis felt more pathetic than what he wanted to feel. He falls on his back, clenches his hand into a fist before banging it on the bed a few times hard. He just wanted to die so that everyone would stop looking at him with pity, so that he does not wake up from his bad nightmare that killed him every time.


AJ pulls the trolley that was given to her after being warned by Bethany not to wander around without permission and to mind her own business. She walked into the guest room on the second floor on the right wing. There were about 5 master bedrooms on the right wing for royal guests to stay. Even though there is no one staying at the moment, Bethany always makes sure it is always clean so that in case there are some unexpected guests the room is already ready for them. Today AJ was told to clean 3 of the rooms, she was told to finish it before lunch if not she would not get any lunch at all.

AJ opened the first door and looked at the big master bedroom, she signed and wondered if she could even finish one before lunch.

"Let's get to it AJ!!" cheered AJ to herself so that she can have the motivation to clean the room as fast as she can or else she would just sneak into the staff canteen and make herself some lunch, that was the backup plan.

AJ went to the bed and removed the covers, then she removed the bed sheet and placed it on the sofa. She followed what was being taught to her, but it was taking too long that she had to do it the way she knew how. The shortcut way she knows how.

She vacuumed only the seen area, wiped on the seen area, she put back the same cover back as it was not dirty and finished it less then an hour before she walked into the next room when she was about to do the same, she overheard some other servant talking.

"He screamed at her!!" said Eva as she was helping Jenny take out the bedcover.

"Sarah heard it as she was about to walk in." whisper Jenny as she does not want Bethany talking about Anna, everyone knows that Bethany is like Anna mother and is very protective of Anna, once a girl talked badly about Anna, the poor servant got an earful from Bethany that she ran out from Bethany office crying.

"Anna deserves it anyway...she always wanted the prince to look at her and now he did!"

"That slut, now she knows that the prince has never liked her even if she were to stand naked in front of him!!" Both ladies started to laugh when they heard someone cough from the hallway which they immediately continued to work and act as though they did not say anything. Just like the devil Bethany appeared in front of their door, staring at them with her disapproval gleamed in her eyes. She will deal with them later but she needs to find the person who she asked to clean the first guest room as it was not up to her par and she wants her to clean it again.

AJ who was hearing the conversion suddenly went to work when she saw Bethany at the turn and turn to her.

"You come with me!!" said Bethany, AJ heart almost drops when she points at her. AJ followed her to the previous room almost immediately. AJ knows why she was being bought here.

"Is this what you have been taught?" said Bethany sternly as she pointed to the bedroom, she knew immediately if the room was not made up the way they should.

"No...but it is almost impossible for me to do 3 rooms alone before lunch!!" said AJ as she walked in and started to re-do the room.

"If you don't like how we do things here you are always welcome to leave!!" said Bethany before she left the room making AJ mocking her action.

"I can see that!!" said Bethany as she walked away from the room and expected AJ to know what she needed to do. AJ continues to do the cleaning while reenacting Bethany's facial reaction. 

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