Test Subject A862: The Warrio...

By RSLShift

1.4K 77 159

Aria arrives in the Glade surrounded by more than fifty boys. No girls....she's the only girl. As her time in... More

Chapter 1: New Greenie
Chapter 2: The First Experience
Chapter 3 - Kindling Fire
Chapter 4 - A Griever's Posion
Chapter 5 - The Greenie vs The Maze
Chapter 6 - Keeper Meeting
Chapter 7 - Another Girl???
Chapter 8 - Survival
Chapter 9 - You said....
Chapter 11- Safe...for now
Chapter 12 - Life at the Right Arm
Chapter 13 - ...No way
Chapter 14 - Unexpected News
Chapter 15 - Last Night Alive
Chapter 16 - WCKD
Chapter 17 - Not like this
Chapter 18 - Burn
Chapter 19 - Safe Haven
Chapter 20 - My dearest friend
Chapter 21 - Little one
Chapter 22 - The Right Time
Chapter 23 - Do Me The Honor
Chapter 24: That's my dream
Chapter 25 - I Wonder...
Chapter 26: The Warrior....but not the end

Chapter 10 - The Goodbye

53 4 12
By RSLShift


Aria and Minho kept jogging to find the area of the exit. Minho clears his throat.

"Took you long enough. For you to kiss Gally." Minho says

"If it's the last time I ever see him then yeah, I was going to tell him how I felt." Aria says.

The rest of the jog was silent.


Aria and Minho finally caught up with the rest of the gladers. Chuck hands her the spear. She grabs it and looks around the rock wall corner to see a Griever blocking their path. It's only one way in. Fighting it.

"Everyone ready?" Thomas said.

The group nods. Teresa keeps Chuck close to her. Aria and Minho grip the spear tightly in their hands.

"CHARGE!" Thomas shouts as the group runs to attack the Griever. Teresa and Chuck make it to the alcove to try to open the door. But the door had to be open with a code. A code if the sections of the maze. In order.

As the group fights off the Griever, more of the deadly creatures climb up the wall. Some flinging a few boys off the path and plunging them down below.

"We need the sequence!" Teresa yells, hoping that Thomas or anyone else heard her.

"Minho! Aria! What's the sequence?!' Thomas shouts to them.

"7!.. 1!.. 5!..2!..6-" Minho was grabbed up by the Griever. As the gladers rushed to help him, Aria finishes the sequence.

"4! 8! 3!" Aria shouts.

Teresa and Chuck were able to enter in the code and soon the door flashes green and opens.

"Hurry run inside!" Teresa yells as her and Chuck enter in.

Aria was guiding the gladers when Minho was still attacked by the griever. She was going to run in and save him when Jeff got there before her. The grievers take their attention from Minho and head to Jeff.

Jeff meets Aria's eyes before he is taken and eaten by the Grievers. Her heart pinged of pain. Knowing Jeff, he only wanted to help.

Minho and Aria run into the door before it closes shut. They look at their surroundings. A hallway with fluorescent lights hanging on the ceiling.

"Let's find our way out." Thomas declares as he gets a move on.

Everyone follows him to a door, he opens it and what they saw was horrific.

Dead people, scientists maybe, on the ground. Laying in a pool of their own blood. Some soldiers too. Electric sparks from cut wires, broken shards of glass.

As they look around at the advanced technology in front of them. Thomas presses a button and a screen displays right in front of the gladers.

A woman came across the screen, her name was Dr. Ava Paige. She explained why they were there, why they couldn't let them leave into the outside world. "Protecting them" so they wouldn't have to face the truth.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Thomas says

Just as the group was about to leave, a gun clicks from behind them.

"No." A voice said sternly

Aria turns around and sees Gally, she was going to go to him but Newt stops her.

"He's stung." Newt says pointedly showing the shade of purple in Gally's veins. His eyes almost filling the sake color.

Gally points the gun at Thomas, aiming for the heart. Thomas slowly puts his hands up and walks slowly towards him.

"Gally, this is our way out. We are free."

"Free. You think we are free out there? No. No, there is no escape from this place."

"Gally, you can leave with us. No one's stopping you. Come on man, we can be free from the maze away from here. This isn't home." Minho pleads.

"Gally please...come with us. I wouldn't want to say goodbye to you." Aria begged.

Gally lowers it a bit but gets ready to pull the trigger.

"I belong to the maze." Gally says as he pulls the Trigger. Everything happens in one swift motion.


The bullet fires and Minho throws the spear into Gally.

Aria screams and runs to her fallen love. She was able to catch him before he fell, resting his head in her lap. She takes off the jacket she was wearing and wraps it around him, hoping to slow down the blood flow.

As Aria tended to Gally, her eyes look up and sees Chuck being lowered to the ground. Chuck's shirt stained red...he had been shot. Thomas tries to keep Chuck awake, but Chuck took his final breath.

A soft grip touches her hand. She looks down to Gally. His eyes brimming with tears as he looks into hers. She plants a kiss to his forehead and whispers in his ear.

"I love you Gally." Aria says as tears started flowing.

She turns her head slightly and sees the gun that laid a few feet away from Gally's hand. She looks at the group and slowly starts to make a decision.

She picks up the gun and the clicking noise got the other's attention. Minho, Thomas, Teresa and Newt looked at her. They see her holding it and her gaze meets their's.

She smiles slightly...

...And points the gun to herself.

"Aria, no. Please." Frypan pleads.

She shakes her head and looks at each and every one of her friends.

"I love you guys remember that." Aria says softly

As the doors open and sunlight hits the lab. The gladers attention is attracted to the door, not seeing Aria slightly move the gun away from her and pulls the trigger.

She lays there, holding her breath as she hears the shuffles of feet move away. The last thing she hears is Thomas's screaming before it echos.

As she was about to get up, she hears movement from the left side of her. Glass scraping the floor as a figure walked to her. Their heels clicked the floor and stop at her body. Their fingers stroking her hand. Finally, the person speaks. A woman.

"Too bad, you both had to die. Such a clever girl." The woman said as she walked away to another door. That door closes shut.

She finally sits up, looking around and sees the bodies of Chuck and Gally. Aria leans down to Chuck's body and says her final goodbyes. She gets Gally up and help him to a table somewhere. Hoping to fix him up and get him out of there.

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