How To NOT Be Straight✓

By salemmiles_

16.6K 1.9K 1K

🏆Featured on Wattpad ×4 ************** "She's weird." "She isn't the same person she was years ago." "She's... More

Author's Note
1: All-White, You're Not Invited
2: Meet Cute...Kind Of
3: Rules Baby
4: Rule 1: Stand your fucking ground.
5: Daddy Dearest, Don't Worry
6: Rule 2: Make Sure You Look Normal Though
7: Okay
8: Rule 3- Don't be afraid
9: If You Want A Change, Be The Change
10: A Stone
11: Run It Up
12: Rule 4- Be Strong
13: Clubbing...Right?
14: Ha, Best Friends For Life!
15: Seems Rosy
16: All Roads Lead To..
17: Falling For Ya'
18: '#Camis!' Really People?
19: Rule 5- Not Everything Needs Your Attention
20: Confessions of A Black Lesbian
21: Let's Wrap It Up
22: Rule 6- Always Be Kind
23: Flowers Make Me Sick
24: Wish They Knew
25: Bullying Awareness Campaign
26: Rule 7- Help them understand that we're all human
27: I wouldn't have done it to you
28: Hark The Demons... Sorry, Did You Mean Angels?
29: Rule 8- And that humans make mistakes
30: The Fool
31: Rule 9- Then take time to process your feelings
32: Rule 10-make a conclusion based on your emotions/intellect
33: I Don't Heart(Hate, I mean)You
34: Cruel summer
35: So It Was You
36: What Would You Do?
37: Fuck you and your cruelty
38: Justice Is Served...Kinda
39: Tell them
40: 'Support'
41: Pain
42: You aren't alone
43: #Camis is Real... I'm not Kidding
44: I'm Still Your Daughter(Part 1)
45: I'm Still Your Daughter (Part 2)
46: Fake It Till You Make It, I guess
47: Rule 11- Remember Your worth
48: Prom Problems?
50: My Chance at An Okay Ending
Final Author's Note
BONUS CHAPTER: Have A Holly Jolly Christmas
BONUS CHAPTER: Have A Holly Jolly Christmas (Part 2)
Author's Note

49: Rule 12- And Remember To Always Be Yourself.

191 25 2
By salemmiles_

I descended down the stairs, feeling queasy. I didn't tell Alexis I was going to be her date, even though it would've made sense. After arguing about going for prom, it was only proper for me to surprise her with my presence. Little did she know this was my very first prom, and here I was, wearing a tuxedo instead of a dress.

But fuck it, I look good.

When I finally got down the stairs, I saw my mom cover her mouth. Dad was besides her, holding my purse. He smiled at me, and handed me my purse. I stared at him, and he stared back.

"My daughter." He said, and I dropped my purse, hugging him tight.

He rubbed my back, and that's when a tear left my cheek. "I love you. So, so much."

"You're making me cry." I sniffled. "I tried putting on makeup today."

He let go, and wiped my tears away. "I don't care, you look beautiful today."

I smiled, and walked to the door. "I need to catch my girlfriend before she leaves me for prom."

After letting my parents say their goodbyes, I rushed over to her house. I knocked on the door, holding a white corsage. When the door opened, she was there, her mouth open.

She looked so stunning.

She had tied her hair into one long braid, and her red lipstick matched her fiery red dress. Her dress was puffy, and not that long, and her heels were also blood red. I looked her up and down before bowing.

"My little demon." I chuckled.

"Shut up, Jones." She laughed. "You look good. I wasn't expecting you to come."

"I had to, I mean, this is going to be our time." I shrugged. "The first ever appearance as a couple."

"We're already late." She pointed out, and I grinned at her.

"Fashionably late." I corrected her, putting the white corsage on her wrist. "Had I known you wanted to look like the devil's wife, I would've brought a red corsage."

"If I'm the devil's wife, does that mean you're lucifer?" She quipped, linking her arm with mine as she stepped out.

I kissed her cheek. "Of course, Lele."

"Let's go, dumbass."


As expected, we were fashionably late. There were different people there, and a couple of eyes darted our way. But this time, I didn't give two shits about that; tonight was all about me and Alexis.

We stood in the hallways, hesitant to go in. She looked at me for support, and I nodded, grabbing her hand gently, and giving it a squeeze. She visibly relaxed, and we walked in together, watching people move for us. Rose and Terry were together, slow dancing, and when they saw us, they passed us a grin.

'Moment 4 Life' by Nicki Minaj and Drake began to play, and Roseanne grabbed my hand, dancing with me. The rest of the girls around the area joined as we formed a circle, dancing to Nicki's verse. Roseanne and Chloe pushed me in the middle, and began clapping. Soon enough, the entire stream began clapping as the chorus began playing. When Drake's part came in, Michael, Darren, Daniel, Felix, and Terry joined me in the middle, laughing and dancing to the beat. Michael twirled me around, before the boys lifted me up as the chorus played again, with everyone singing along.

'This is my moment, I waited all my life I could tell it's time. Drifting away I'm, one with the sunset, I have become alive.'

It was at this moment I knew that I was finally accepted. Finally included, adored, and respected. Looking across the sea of people that were chanting the rest of the chorus, I spotted Rose's face. She gave me a small nod, and I smiled at her, winking.

The boys put me down and gave me a group hug before the song changed to 'Us' by James Bay. People began going back to their respective dates, and I looked for Alexis amidst the people. When I finally found her, I walked up to her, and placed my lips on her instantly. She reciprocated, and when I pulled away, I grinned at her.

We ignored the pairs of eyes as I put my hands on Alexis's waist, with her putting hers around my neck. I pulled her closer to me, and gave her another kiss. She put her head on my shoulder, and I swayed with her.

"I didn't think this would ever happen." I whispered. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Cameron." She mumbled. "Don't make me cry."

"It's true." I reassured her. "I promise you."

She kept silent, and pulled me closer to her. As the song played, everything that had happened flashed before my eyes; how I met Alexis, how we became friends, the club, and everything she's done to help me. A tear slipped from my eye, and when the hook came, I stared into Alexis's eyes, and hers were shining with tears.

I knew she had the same thought.

"Promise me this." I whispered. "No matter where we end up going to college, whether it's here or in Italy or wherever, you and I will still go strong."

"Forever, Cameron." She whispered, sniffling. "I will."

"Stop crying baby." I pulled her in for a hug. "I'm here."

"We're always gonna have each other, okay?" She said, her voice muffled. "Promise me."

"You know we do, baby." I rubbed her back. "Come on, you can cry later, just not in public."

"Fuck you." She laughed softly, and pulled away, kissing me again. "Fuck, you're horny, aren't you?"

I smirked. "It's nice seeing you happy and teary. Makes me think of how you're going to actually cry when I-"

"All right ladies and gentlemen, time for prom king and queen." The DJ announced, and I groaned as Alexis laughed, wiping her cheeks.

"This year, it was something different. We've actually had a landslide victory." The DJ started. "Shit, we don't even have a runner up because this couple won by a lot of votes. So, whose ready to know who the prom king and queen are?"

We cheered, and Alexis put her head on my shoulder.

"The king and queen, I'm even proud to say this, are..." He pulled the card out the box. "Cameron Jones and Alexis Samson!"

"What the fuck, we didn't even run." I cussed, in shock as everyone began applauding.

Alexis took my hand and pulled me onto the stage, and when she received the queen stash and I the king, she put the crown on me, and smiled. I put the crown on top of her head, and the crowd gushed.

Staring at them, I began. "Why, thank you Plata, I guess you aren't that disappointing after all." They laughed and I continued, "It's funny how at the start of the year, you guys shipped me and Alexis together. You even created a hashtag-"

"Camis! Camis! Camis!" They chanted.

"And we didn't know that our soulmates were in each other. As I receive this with my girlfriend, I just want to remind everyone that even as we part ways, please remember to always be yourself wherever you go." Alexis continued. "Honestly, thank you so much. But if we're being truthful, this victory isn't just for me and Cam, it's for everyone. We're all kings and queens in this bitch!"

"Although I'm the head king." I corrected, making the crowd laugh. "But really, thank you guys so much. To make you even happier, here you go."

I turned to Alexis and kissed her deeply, hearing the cheers. Confetti fell from the ceiling, and the partying continued.

When we finally got down from the stage, I excused myself to go find Roseanne. She was with Terry, and when she saw me, she whispered in Terry's ear. Terry nodded and kisses her forehead before walking off.

"Congratulations, Jones." She curtsied. "I mean, your highness."

"Shut up, Roseanne." I laughed. "Did I ever tell you how much you mean to me?"

"Stop the soap opera, I don't want that. I rather-"

I hugged her, abruptly cutting her off. She hugged back, and sniffled a little.

"So much for a soap opera." I laughed.

"Shut up." She chuckled. "Your girlfriend needs you."

"I know."

We gave each other fist bumps and when I walked away to find Alexis, she bumped into me with a drink in her hand. She grabbed my arm and brought her lips close to my ear.

"Are you still horny?" She asked me, and I nodded. "I am too."

"Let's get out of here." I put the drinks on the nearest table, grabbing Alexis's hand as we ran out together.

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