The Assassin And The King [Co...

By Mystery_Angel6

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▪︎ Kaitlyn Winchester. ▪︎ Lycan by birth. Assasin by occupation. During her entire life after being found in... More

| P R O L O G U E |
| Chapter One : The Assassin |
| Chapter Two : The King |
|Chapter Three : The Confrontation|
|Chapter Four : The Selection|
|Chapter Five : The Duel With The King|
|Chapter Six : The Wandering Mouse|
|Chapter Seven : Hot And Bothered|
|Chapter Eight : Poisoning|
| Chapter Nine : The Pain |
| Chapter Ten : The Wings |
| Chapter Eleven : The Pie |
|Chapter Twelve : Attack In The Woods|
|Chapter Thirteen : The Cave |
|Chapter Fourteen: Little Birdie In A Trap|
|Chapter Fifteen : The Amulet|
| Chapter Sixteen : The Twisted Prophecies |
| Chapter Seventeen : The Lycan's Call|
| Chapter Eighteen : The Ball |
| Chapter Nineteen : High On Brew |
| Chapter Twenty : The Lycan Princess' Shift |
| Chapter Twenty-One : The Lie |
| Chapter Twenty-Two : A Tale |
|Chapter Twenty-Three : Decisions|
| Chapter Twenty-Four : Theory |
|Chapter Twenty-Five : Compulse Me To Kiss You |
|Chapter Twenty-Six : Giver Of The Scars|
|Chapter Twenty-Seven : The Crow|
|Chapter Twenty-Eight : The Comforter|
|Chapter Twenty-Nine : Snow Surprise|
|Chapter Thirty : Let Me Be Your Protector|
|Chapter Thirty-One : I Hate Gentleman|
|Chapter Thirty-Two : Coronation|
|Chapter Thirty-Three : Dance & The Masked Man|
|Chapter Thirty-Four : Make Me Yours|
|Chapter Thirty-Five : I Trust You|
|Chapter Thirty-Six : Shock And Death|
|Chapter Thirty-Seven : Make Your Choice|
|Chapter Thirty-Nine : I Love You|
|Chapter Forty : The Unexpected Army|
|Chapter Forty-One : The War And The Ultimate Queen|
|Chapter Forty-Two : Prophecies Come True|
|Chapter Forty-Three : The Drunk Queen And The Vision|
|Chapter Forty-Four : The God Of The Underworld|
|Chapter Forty-Five : The Birth Of The Twins|

|Chapter Thirty-Eight : Truths and Traitors|

13.8K 714 263
By Mystery_Angel6


Unprecented pain shot through my abdomen every once in a while reminding me of how Keith still had control over the minds of the lives growing inside of me.

He was doing it intentionally-hurting my babies to warn me, scare me, I don't know. But the feeling was terrifying.

By the time the third wave of pain shuddered my body, I was shaking.

I lean back against the headboard of my bed and rest my head over the lathered cushions marring it as a shaky whimper leaves my mouth.

Why? Why did it have to be like this?

Everytime I thought of loosing one of the two Keith had asked me to choose from, I feel my mind spiral with dread.

I bring my hand to rest it over the flatness of my stomach.

I didn't even know about them until a few hours ago and yet. . . yet the attachment I felt for them wasn't any less from the people I've known my entire life. If anything, it was more. So much more that I couldn't even think of letting their lives go.

And then there was the other person.


My mate.

Even the thought of not seeing his face as he smiled at me with that ever present warmth glinting through every feature or not being able to see his gentle eyes staring into mine wordlessly or not sensing those hands holding mine assuringly or those lips kissing me with the softness of a hundred feathers ever again sent a painful chill down my gut.

I. . . I couldn't loose him. I didn't want to loose him.

Somewhere in the deepest parts of my heart, I knew the exact reason why but accepting it, accepting those feelings would bring more pain than joy. It was too late now.

Despite the thousand rants I'd prepped myself with about how I should not give Keith the privilege of my tears, I couldn't for my greatest endurance, stop the lone salty drop trickling down my cheek.

I shut my eyes as another drop followed and then another and then another until I was a pathetic sobbing mess.

I could never choose between them. Never.

Shrouded in my own misery, I don't notice the movement outside my window or the heavy flapping of wings or the gentle footsteps approaching, until my face is cupped by large warm hands and is being lifted to meet green eyes staring down at me with the worry of the whole world glinting in them.

"Kate," His voice is soft yet worried as he runs his thumb over the planes of my cheek, "Why are you crying, love?"

And that was all it took for my resolute to break completely as I lurched into his arms, weeping my eyes out like a stubborn little child.

I don't know how he always gets here when I'm feeling low. I could've said the mating might've let him feel a part of my emotions. But that wasn't it. Even before we mated, he always was there for me at my dullest moments.

Valerian's whole form stilled for a moment but not a second later, his arms wrap around me, holding me close to him.

His hands carressed my hair softly as he dropped down comforting kisses to the top of my head.

"Kate, you're scaring me." His voice was shaky, almost as if he was on the verge of crying himself.

The realization makes me stop.

Through blurry vision, I slowly lift my head off his clothed chest to peer right into his eyes.

The stark anguish in those beautiful beautiful eyes makes my heart stop beating.

He didn't deserve this.

He didn't deserve every pain thrown into his life. Didn't deserve the heartbreak he faced because of losing the people close to him. Didn't deserve to be hated by the ones he pushed away due to the fear of them being harmed. Didn't deserve to be considered cruel by the kingdom's people for whom he sacrificed half his happiness for. Didn't deserve living with the constant worry for the life's of the ones close to him.

And he certainly didn't deserve lies. Or betrayal.

I know one of his own is betraying him. One of his own fed Keith with all the information about us and my heart breaks for how he'd feel when he comes to know of this.

He deserves so much more than this blasphemy.

He deserves truth. Even if they're painful truth, it's better than a thousand lies.

"Valerian," I raise my eyes to meet his as my decision becomes crystal clear.

Brushing away another tear that trickles down my eyes, he rests his forhead against mine, "Yes, Kate?"

"I'm pregnant." I say only to add, "And Keith wants me to choose between you and the babies."


----------Keith's POV--------

Darkness and the smell of rotting flesh lingered in the air. My heavy footsteps were the only sound amidst the deathly silence coating every inch of the long deserted hallway which lead to the self-built court room of the three storey mansion.

I push open the huge metallic throne room doors and enter in. My steps come to a halt as the door shuts behind me—a work of the dark magic that floats in this house's air.

My eyes lift upto the throne made of bones situated atop the raised podium where a man sat shrouded in darkness, not an inch of his skin visible except for the lower half of his face.

I bowed.

The man whose name I'd never come to know despite our centuries of alliance, raised his beringed fingers gesturing me to rise. I do so.

"What brings you here, my dear ally?" He asks in that deep inhumane voice which was anything but earthly.

For all I knew, he might not be earthly either. Not that it mattered. He didn't scare me. But he was needed for me to remain in power. To win against my nephew. And become the sole owner of the five kingdoms like I deserved. His alliance was what I needed.

"I need your help." I say, not beating around the bush knowing very well how he hated it.

"And what might this help demand of me?" The man leans back in his seat, eyes hidden by darkness making it hard to read his expression.

"I would need a few of your men. For a war." A war where I'll kill the remaining member of my family. A war which will render me powerful beyond limit. Which will make me the only raven to exist.

The familiar feeling of greed gripped my soul and I brisked in it, enjoying the feel of it. I'm just a mere man with greed. Who's not in this world? I'm not wrong here. I'm right in what I'm doing. Completely.

"Why would I grant you that wish?" The man's voice remains calm as ever, not showing an inch of emotion.

"I've heard you don't like to keep anyone's favor," My insides grows manipulative just like my inner raven, "Consider this as a return for all those years I'd kidnapped supernaturals from the five realms for your chains of slave establishments."

The slave establishment owner's lips tugged into a wicked smile, "You think your manipulation will work on me, crow?"

"No." I shook my head emphasizing my point before a cunning smile pulls over my lips, "But this shall befit you as well. The ultimate queen. The queen of all supernaturals, Mellisa Castellejo, I know you've been looking for her."

The queen who I'd only heard about in ancient scripts but knew very well my nephew was close to. That boy had trusted me, his greatest enemy, with the information. It wasn't my fault his trusting over me had risked his friend's life.

"Go on." The creature in front of me said, his interest peeking with each word.

"She'll have to show up when the lives of the monarchies from five kingdoms will be threatened." I say.

The man's lips tugged into an appeased smile, "You've given me quite the information. I shall grant you my men. A few of them. But they should be enough for those people. Although I'm curious about something."

I gave a curt nod letting him know I was ready to answer.

"What do you plan on doing with the children of the beautiful Kaitlyn? Let them free once she finishes your nephew or kill them?" He asked making my eyes snap upto him in shock.

I'd never revealed this peice of information to him.

"There's nothing unknown to me." The man ran his thumb over the bones marring his throne, possibly thinking about the people who they belonged to.

But that was his mess.

I had no fetish of getting into these hidden higher-ups mess. I am content being the sole ruler of the kingdoms everyone knew of, not the one's in the hiding.

"I'll end them anyways. They're a threat to my position." My reply is firm enough for the man's smile to widen into pure evil.

"Know what," He began, "If you ever decide to keep them alive, trade them over to me. They'd make quite the slaves. I'll turn them into weapons for myself. They're meant to bring destruction anyways, aren't they?"

So, he knew of the prophecy about the children awakening beasts too? Whatever dark energy had let him know of it, I knew better than to ask.

"As you say, Sire." I bow my head, deciding it was time to get away from the place and the man who burried people alive in his garden.

I wasn't any better. But I wasn't as worse either. Or that's what I'd like to believe. Surely wanting to kill the nephew whose sitting on the throne which rightfully belongs to me doesn't make me worse. It was mine the moment I set my eyes on it. And so is Kaitlyn.

Once I get rid of Valerian and his bastard children, I'll have them both. My Kaitlyn and my throne.

Ah, the things I'd done to gain that throne. Some very very cruel things. Which involves framing my sister as a traitor by planting my slave trade papers in her drawers.

"You may leave."

And that was all it took for me to walk out of that demonic place.

Once out and about from the dark enchanted mansion, I head towards the forest of Helvon to meet my newest ally.

My best addition. I'd received every single useful information from the guard.

Spotting the lone figure standing under the tree-top, I make my way over to him.

"What's the news?" I inquire the moment I am in front of him.

The guard pulls his hood lower to hide his face completely, "She's in her room. The whole duration I was outside her room, she'd been in there. Haven't left at all."

"I'm impressed. You've been quite good at this work." I muse, tapping my chin thoughtfully.

"You know what I want in return." He reminds.

"Yes I do." My smile turns cunning, "Free your mate of all duties against the Raverian Court so that you both can have a happily ever after as you wish."

The hooded man nodded, "I shall do my work as long as you are firm with your words. May I leave now? She could sneak out during my absence too."

"Oh, with all due respect." I raise my hand gesturing him to go on.

He was about to leave but paused on his steps last moment, "How do you plan to win against them in the war? The raverian army, the merfolks will be on Valerian's side. There's no saying that the vampire army would join you now with Darwin gone. And although lycan army was with you before because of Narcissa, now with Kaitlyn as the queen, they could change sides if she ordered them to fight against you. The demon army won't play any role knowing how the queen prefers staying away from any disputes. But you'll still have four kingdoms armies against you."

"Oh, don't worry. I've taken care of it." The smile on my lips turned evil remembering about the allies I'd gathered from the creature, "They'll not be prepared for what's coming their way."

He nodded in understanding, "You probably knew better about this. I shall leave then."

I gave a curt nod before raising my brows in mirth,

"By the way, you've been the best last addition, commander Julian." I address Valerian's trusted third-in-command.

What do you think Keith is upto?

Any guesses on why Julian betrayed Valerian?

Views on the creature Keith met although it has nothing to do with this story plot😂

Lastly, how do think Valerian will react to what Kate said?

One more filler chapter and then we're off to the war. I kinda feel the next chapter is going to be a bit sad:(

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