Wife of Bellatrix Lestrange

By hbcmilfstan

140K 3.9K 2.1K

Bellatrix x Reader Based on a shifting experience I had. This is my very first fanfic so please be nice!! More

Newlyweds interupted
Death Eater Meeting
Date Night
The Party
Target Practice
Winter Things
Christmas Dinner
Reverse Jealously
The Opportunity
Dark Acadmia- Paris PT 2
Death To Potter
Change of Heart
I Can't Live
When We Make Up
The Three Broomsticks
My Valentine
3 AM
The Ministry Takedown
My First Time at a Werewolf's Birthday Party
Snape's Crush
Tied Up
Her Bitch
The Dream
Only You
I'll Protect You Forever
The Hospital
Literally Just Smut
When We Met
The First Time
After Azkaban
The Anniversary
Valentine's Day~ Part 1
Valentine's Day~ Part 2
My Little Toy

Merely Blood

1.4K 64 19
By hbcmilfstan

"Bella?" you called, looking around the house for your wife. You walked towards the kitchen.
"She's outside," your house-elf said who heard you calling, "I think she's practicing magic". You thanked him and went out the back door to find her.

You saw her as soon as you stepped outside, doing magic just like he said. You could tell she was very engrossed, so you leaned back against the wall to watch her. She enlarged a spider crawling on the ground, then killed it, a green light coming out of her wand. You clapped supportively, and she looked up at you.

"Thank you, thank you," she said, laughing. She walked over to you, wrapping her arms around your waist.
"So, what are you doing out here?" you asked, snuggling into her chest.
"I haven't killed anyone in a while and I didn't want to be out of practice," she explained.
"Well, what if we change that?"

She smirked. "Who are you thinking of?"
You looked up at her. "My family".
"Really?" she asked gently, "I think they deserve it, but I don't mean to pressure you. I know this is a big deal".
"I want to. I've been thinking a lot about this, and you're right. I just want to end that whole part of my life".
She nodded. "Okay, in that case, I'm very excited to kill again," she told you.
You laughed. "You're crazy".
"Shut it, you know you can't resist," she said, kissing your lips softly.

You kissed her back but broke away from the kiss a moment later.
"As much as I'd love to do this all day, I was thinking we could go today?"
"Sure, we can leave now. Is there anything I should know before we get there?"
"My sister is pretty good at magic, especially dueling," you warned.
Your wife scoffed. "Not as good as us".

"Just do me a favor".
"Anything," she replied.
"Don't torture them please. I just want all of this to be over as soon as possible".
"Of course. Remember, I'm always here for you, okay. You will still have a family because you have me," she said, rubbing your back gently.
"I love you," you kissed her again quickly.
"I love you, too. Now, let's go so I can meet your parents," she joked. You laughed, then took her hand to apperate you both to your childhood home.

"So, this is it," you told her, gesturing to the house in front of you.
"It's not our mansion, but it's okay," she joked, "but seriously, how does it feel to be back?"
"Pretty bad," you admitted, "I'll be happy when this is all over".
"Then let's go, my love," she took your hand as you walked towards the house.
"Follow my lead when we get inside," you said, an idea popping into your head. She nodded and agreed, and you opened the front door.

You crossed the room, but you didn't see your parents or sister.
"Mom? Dad? I'm home," you called out. You could tell your wife was surprised that you weren't trying to stay more incognito. You weren't nervous as you heard the footsteps of your parents walk into the room; you and Bella could handle them.

"Y/n?" your mom asked, shocked. She looked quickly between you and Bella. You looked at your dad, who was wearing a dumbstruck face.
"Hey, it's been a while, hasn't it?" you said nonchalantly.
"Five years," your dad replied, his voice monotonous.
"I also figured it was about time you met my wife," you took her hand, "this is Bellatrix Black".

"Hi," she greeted your parents. You could tell she was sizing them up. Your parents ignored her, looking back at you. Your mom looked into your eyes with a look of disgust.
"Not only do you bring a murderer into this house, endangering us all," she began, her voice quivering, "but your wife?" She spat out the last word.
"We've been married for three years," you told her.

"I can't believe you have the audacity to come into this house and go against everything we ever taught you. When you left home, I knew it was for the best," your mother said, raging.
"Avada kedavra!" Bellatrix yelled from behind you. With a flash of green light, your mother was dead. You spun around to face her, shocked yet happy.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know if you wanted to kill her or not, but I couldn't sit around and let her talk to you like that," she explained. Bella disarmed your dad quickly as he took his wand out.
"No, don't apologize. Thank you for sticking up for me like that," you said, kissing her quickly.

Your dad cringed and looked away the moment you kissed her. Taking his wand out of your wife's hand, you killed him before he had time to react.
"So that's it?" Bella asked gently, rubbing your shoulder.
"My sister might be home. It's not like there was any screaming or anything, so she might not even know we're here. I think I heard footsteps upstairs before".
"Let's go check," she said, holding your hand so you could walk upstairs together.

You didn't have far to go. As soon as you walked towards the stairs, you saw her at the top.
"Well, I didn't break up with her," you joked to your sister.
"Clearly," Victoria replied with snark. She scanned the room, her expression going from confused, to horrified, to sad. "What did you do?"

"What we're about to do to you," Bellatrix said, taking her wand back out. Your sister was quick, taking her own wand out. Within a split second, you were all firing spells, in a three-way duel. You tried to distract Victoria so Bella could kill her, and just as your wife was about to perform the killing curse, your sister fired a stunning spell at you.

As you flew across the room, you saw the green light hit your sister in the chest and kill her. The last thing you heard was Bellatrix scream as you slammed headfirst into the brick wall of the house, blacking out.

Authors note: sorry this is so short. But they're dead yay!

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