The Unkillable: Death Sworn [...

By da3dalus_writes

32.9K 1.1K 240

This is an Invincible x reader story, but as in the entire series, not Invincible himself (sorry, but there w... More

To Get You Hooked
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 13

854 34 3
By da3dalus_writes

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Grayson! Have a nice vacation!" You waved them goodbye and left out the door, not giving Debbie time to tell you to call them by first name. Letting out a huff, you massaged your head, walking towards your car. You hopped in, shutting the door behind you and sliding down against the back of the cushioning. "Ugh, this headache has been killing me."

It's been a day since the whole break-in thing, but outside of that, the Grayson's had been preparing to leave on a vacation to make use of their time without Mark. You were pretty sure they were heading somewhere around Italy, and a part of you hoped they would bring back souvenirs.

Turning the key, your car revived to life, and with your pounding head you began to make your way to the Parr's current whereabouts, which at the moment happened to be their actual home, rather than a summer home. Being your sudden bout of loneliness, you hoped they would allow you to spend your time there. Just in case, you called Uncle Parr, just to check in with him.

Dialing the number, you set your phone on your center console, making sure it was on speaker.

Uncle Parr: "Hello, Y/n! What's up?"

You couldn't help but smile- he sounded so much better now.

Y/n: "Oh, nothing much. You sound better- how are you feeling?"

Uncle Parr: "Much better now, thank you. Colin's helped a lot-"

Uncle Colin: "Hi!!! Who are you talking to? Oh- Y/n? Hi Y/n!"

Y/n: *laughter* "Hi, Mr. Colin. You two aren't busy, are you? I'm not interrupting anything?"

Uncle Parr: "No, you're fine. We're just finishing up brunch. Why? Is something wrong?"

Y/n: "Oh- no, I'm fine. I was just wondering if you guys would be alright with me hanging out with you guys for a few days?"

Uncle Parr: "Of course you can! We're at home, by the way. You remember where that is, right?"

Y/n: *scoffs* "How could I not? That mansion is a masterpiece of modernism mixed with ancient japanese architecture. It's frickin beautiful."

Uncle Parr: *chuckles* "Well, Colin would be very happy to hear that. He designed it himself."

Uncle Colin: *silverware clattering* "What? Are we talking about me?"

It sounded like they were doing dishes in the background- probably cleaning up brunch.

Uncle Parr: *dishes clanging* "Yes and no. Y/n will be here in a bit- you can gush to them about architecture in a bit."

Y/n: "Detec- Brian- wait, please-"

Uncle Parr: "Too late. I'll see you here!"

And with that the tone went dead, beeping for a moment before the screen returned to the contacts list. You chuckled, shifting in your seat as you made a turn. "Great, now Unlce Colin's going to talk my ear off about architecture." Normally you'd be all for it, but with your headache... you weren't so sure.

When you arrived at the mansion you took a moment to take in the scenery again. It had the look of a more modern house, with the sleek lines and somewhat minimalist colors, but had a roof that expanded from the ceiling of the building, spreading flat. There were many windows and halls, and for the most part, it was a one story building. The only rooms that were on the second story was a fine dining room, which was met by a balcony that reached out over their pool. You hoped some of your things in your guest room were still there- you were looking forward to the possibility of swimming in their cave-like collection of pools and spas.

You headed for the entryway, ponds and plantlife surrounding you as you knocked. It opened within seconds, Colin greeting you with a big smile. "Y/n!" He immediately brought you in for a hug. "It's so good to see you!" Releasing you, he led you inside, prompting you to remove your shoes in light of the tatami flooring. "How long do you plan on staying? Hopefully more than just a few days? I was planning that we might all be able to go to that new mall this weekend. Apparently they have an orchestra built into it!" You laughed, waving your hands awkwardly. "It depends on when the Grayson's get back- and I'd love to- but right now I have a raging headache." Another twinge went through your head, prompting you to wince. "But honestly, I'm starting to think it's a migraine." Colin looked into your eyes with a concerned expression, and seemed to notice the pain reflecting within your orbs. "Oh- sweetheart, I'm sorry. Would you like to get tucked into the kotatsu or relax on the living room couch?" You snickered. "The living room couch- I'm a little warm for the kotatsu." Colin nodded, leading you to the living room.

The living room leaned more towards modernism, but still had nice touches to it, with small potted plants and paintings. As you sat, you curled up, still rubbing your head. "Where's Mr. Par- I mean- Brian?" Colin, having been getting you a cool blanket, replied as he draped it over you. "At the grocery store- he needed to get something really quick. He'll be back soon, though, I'm sure. Do you want him to get you anything while he's there?" You thought about it a moment, wrapping the cold covering around you. "Uh... if he could get me a small thing of (f/d) that'd be nice. If it's not too much trouble, of course." Colin shook his head, smiling softly as he took out his phone. "Of course it isn't. The TV's yours- feel free to watch whatever you want." You smiled, collecting the remote from beside you. "Thank you." He smiled back, texting Brian as he left the room. "Of course, sweetie."

You shivered- why was it so cold all of a sudden? Heat had been overwhelming you only a moment ago. Hugging the blanket, your teeth chattered as you turned the TV on, flicking through different movies and shows. They had Disney Plus, due to the both of them being avid Disney fans, so you decided to put on a random movie to listen to in the background. Releasing a shaky breath, you clutched your stomach, pain coming to it as well- but minor. "Ugh- what's with this all of a sudden?" You shifted, trying to relieve your pain somewhat as you groaned in complaint. "Some fucking migraine."

Brian arrived shortly, bringing you your drink and some Advil. "Colin told me you had a migraine." You nodded, giving him a pained look as he sat beside you. It was a little odd seeing him in regular clothes, but you couldn't care less as you downed the pill, taking it with the (f/d). "That bad?" He asked, worry etched on his expression. You nodded again, rubbing your temples. It felt impossible to focus. "Well, Colin's upstairs working, so you're stuck with me." He joked, hoping it could take your mind off of the pain. "What do you wanna do?" He paused, watching your eyes flickered to the TV, that of which was still playing the movie. "We can keep watching the movie if you want. Although, the spas could help you feel better." He smiled, thinking that mentioning the spas would get you to perk up as least a little- maybe to get you a little happier. But you only shook your head, frowning, the thought of it making you hot again.

Brian's brows furrowed as he sighed, rubbing your head. He flinched at the touch. "Oh- you're burning up. Give me a sec-" He left for a moment, coming back with a thermometer. Checking your temperature, he grimaced. "101 degree fever. Alright- I'm gonna start making you some soup, and get you a cool towel for your head. Hollar if you need me, okay?" You nodded, smiling gratefully as he patted you on the shoulder, leaving. You couldn't help but feel a little bad, though. What were the chances- you show up to hang out with the Parr's, only for you to turn up sick and have to have them take care of you.


That night everyone had dinner in the living room, serving an expensive tasting chicken soup. You were wrapped in blankets and given some peppermint tea, and a wet towel for your forehead. It was a lighthearted and fun night, even though you were sick. After watching another movie with the Parr's, they finally decided it was time to sleep, and helped lead you up to your guest room.

For the most part it was an ordinary guest room, save for the fact that there were clothes in the drawers that fit you, along with a few trinkets that you had left behind. They tucked you in, Colin sternly making sure you knew to wake them up if you ended up feeling any worse. You had simply nodded, smiling at them both as you rolled over and nestled the blankets, still quivering and shaking with hot and cold flashes.

Surprisingly enough, you were able to fall asleep within the hour, the shivers not bothering you in your slumber. Although, something else did.

You awoke frozen in place, not even able to blink. Darkness still overtook the room, meaning it was still late night. With eyes darting from left to right, you came upon the terrifying realization that you were having a bout of sleep paralysis. Shit! Nononono- I am not fucking with this shit! Why can't I close my eyes?! A pit formed in your stomach, the feeling of unease slithering its way through you, coiling around your rapidly beating heart. There were no figures. Yet. you reminded yourself.

It was more than just unease tightening your heart.

Something was wrapping around you- cold and slimy and scaly. Scaly- moonlight flickered against slitted and glowing black eyes, glints of purple surrounding them in a misty and barely visible halo. Eyes of a snake, which was twisting and wrapping around your torso. With alarming speed, as well. You wanted to yell, call out to Colin or Brian or anyone else that could help you. The snake hissed, coming back around with a second head, the thing splitting into another snake which wrapped around your left arm. It split into four more, those of which tightening your lungs. The one you had noticed first wrapped around your neck, raising itself up so it could look you in the eyes. It had glossy black scales, and white markings of a skull on its face. Its tongue flickered, taking you in- inspecting you with its morbidly curious eyes.

It didn't seem as though it wanted to hurt you, or as though it intended to. Just curious.

Bannneee. It hissed, edging closer, the forked tongue tickling your nose. Your hands felt cold and wet. Instinctually, your head turned towards your hands, questioning why. The serpents fell away as you stood, since you now realized you could move. your covers were wet, as were the rest of your surroundings. Bane still hung around your neck. We will meet again, during your rise, and the journey it takes. But for now... it ran its fang along your arm, and bit your bicep. You yelled, grabbing your arm as it fell from you, falling into the water that was soaked into the sheets and rising at your ankles. Inky purple venom coursed through your veins, bleeding out of the two marks that showed he had bitten. It soon swirled with the water, as it rose around your shoulders, not stopping. The fear of drowning did not hit you until you began to float. You opened your mouth, trying to yell, only for weakness to come over you in a wave, eyes drooping. With a tight throat, you punched at the ceiling with pitiful force, as you were being pressed against it by the rising waters.

The clear but dark water rose above your head, and you continued to claw, finally screaming with bubbles escaping your mouth. You reached out, and your hand found an unseen ledge. With all your might, you pulled, eyes closed and wet skin feeling the cold of open air. You gasped, coughing up the water from within you as you opened your eyes, blinking and looking wildly. You were in a small stone pool- and with a start you realized you were in one of the spas within the Parrs' pool area. Rolling over to be on all fours, you dragged yourself from the pool, still sputtering, pulling yourself to the dry stone while your wet pajamas weighed you down. Steam rose from you, the water having been warm, but you shivered, the cold air blowing through you harshly. The spot the snake bit in your bicep stung sorely. Sitting on the stone, laying back, you drew a hand to it, and your fingertips came back bloody with ink. Looking at it, you found no wound, just small traces of the thick blackness. Hope that doesn't kill me-

"Who's out there?!" It was Brian. You shuffled back, leaning against the wall as you rose to your feet, legs trembling. "I-It's me! It's me..." You huffed out, still somewhat breathless. From the sliding glass door Brian came around, flashlight in hand and pistol on his hip. He raced towards you, the lights turning on as he put away his flashlight. He held your shoulders, filled with deep worry and utter confusion. "Y/n? How- why-?" His eyes searched yours, and in response you collapsed into him, wetting his pajama tee. Breaths came from you in loud huffs, shaking as they left, nearly sounding like sobs. "Brian? What is it?" Colin called out, having not heard from his husband in a minute. "It's just Y/n!" He lowered his voice down to a whisper, nearly carrying you back inside. "Come on, let's get you dried off."


The Parr's were clearly at a loss having found you after a loud splash sounded at 3 am, only for you to be taking a swim in your sleep. You were just as bewildered as them, though. In the end all you could say was that you had a weird nightmare- possibly due to the fever. The only issue was that your fever was now gone. You felt better than ever somehow, numb to all the pain, even though you had nearly drowned yourself. Even with your lack of the ability to give a proper explanation, Brian took notice of the legitimate confusion and panic in your expression when you spoke of it, and let it drop.

The rest of your week there went on without any issues. After about a day things went back to normal, and you all ended up spending time together and relaxing as you normally do. You'd catch rides to work with Detective Parr, and things were good.

It was a little strange that you got a text from Mark saying he was back after only a week, though. 

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