Choosing Home

Ginnyrules27 द्वारा

34.6K 1.3K 1.4K

Auradon was at peace. Their King was engaged, and relations between the mainland and the Isle were being rebu... अधिक

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Forty Two

523 23 25
Ginnyrules27 द्वारा

"Hey, are you free tonight?" Akiho whispered in Elle's ear about a month and a half after his little texting conversation with Ben, Chad, Mal, and Emir. It had taken that long to a: finish getting the ring made, b: ask for permission and c: tell his parents.

Let's just say his mother had sat him down and grilled him for two hours about everything there was to know about Elle...and she had already met her.

After the grilling, his father had reached out to his friend Ryder to enlist the help of some other reindeer for his plan to propose to Elle. Plus his dad also called Aunt Elsa to ensure that the Earth Spirits of the Enchanted Forest wouldn't run rampant during his son's date.

Aunt Elsa had given her word that the Earth Spirits would be on their best behavior.

"Well I was but I'm guessing I won't be?" Elle said, a teasing tone to her voice as she looked over at him as they lounged in the gardens . "Where're we going?"

"It's a surprise," Akiho told her. "But wear something nice and your bathing suit underneath. We'll be swimming but that's all I'm telling you."

Elle grinned, despite her chair she'd been gifted the ability to swim by her grandfather and great-grandfather at her christening. So even though she couldn't walk...she could always swim.

Plus it took a load off of her parents' minds every time she went to Cotillion. Elle still wasn't sure why it was always on a yacht but it was.

"Ooh a surprise," Elle chuckled. "Now my interest is piqued for sure! How nice are we talking though? Like Ben's coronation nice or picnic nice?"

Akiho tilted his head as he considered the question. Based on what he was planning, he wanted to say coronation nice but then again they were going to be in the woods. The last thing he wanted was for Elle's good clothes to get ruined.

"I'd say picnic nice," he told Elle, trying to ignore the sense of nervousness forming in his stomach. "But that's all I'm going to say. I don't want to ruin your surprise by spoiling too much. I'll pick you up at seven?"

"Sounds like a plan," Elle said, returning the kiss Akiho had given her and giving him a small smile. "Love you."

"Love you too. See you in a couple of hours," Akiho said as he got up. "You want me to help you back to the castle?"

"I'll ask mom, don't trouble yourself," Elle told him. Akiho gently kissed the top of her head before heading off.

Elle smiled as she watched him walk off before pulling out her cell phone. "Mom? Can...can you come get me please? I need to go through my wardrobe."

"Of course Elle, I'll be right there," Ariel said and Elle could hear the smile in her voice. If Elle was more paranoid, she would have thought that her mother knew what Akiho had planned. But her mother was always happy if her kids were.

"Thank you."

"Akiho taking you out on a date?" Ariel asked as she walked into the gardens a few moments later.

"Yeah. He won't tell me where, just that I should dress picnic level nice," Elle said with a grin. "And to have a bathing suit on underneath, we're going swimming later."

"Right then. Let's see what we have to work with clothing wise," Ariel said, gently pushing Elle up to the castle. The gardens were very beautiful but unfortunately had a hill that made it difficult for Elle to go into them by herself.

"Thanks mom," Elle said. "I wish I knew why he was being so secretive about this."

"I'm sure you'll find out soon," Ariel told her eldest daughter as they entered the castle and made their way to Elle's room. "Now, what are you thinking in terms of your outfit?"

"Well he said picnic nice so..." Elle said, making her way to her closet to look through her clothes. "Maybe a nice sundress? Since he said to have my swimsuit on underneath?"

"That sounds nice. Which one?"

Elle paused as she looked at her dresses. Her fingers paused over a blue dress, almost aquamarine in shading as she looked it over. It was pretty...and it seemed to fit the 'nice picnic' qualifications Akiho had given. Plus it was short enough that the hem wouldn't get caught in her chair's wheels.

"Mom? Do I look better in green or blue?" Elle asked, her voice soft.

"Well you look beautiful in any color honey," Ariel said gently. "But if it's those two options...I'd say blue."

"As my mother, you're kinda obligated to say that," Elle said with a giggle. "But okay, this one it is."

"I'm only telling you the truth Elle," Ariel said, a smile growing on her face as she saw the dress Elle selected. "But that's a beautiful dress and you'll look beautiful in it."

"Thanks mom," Elle said as she grabbed up her bathing suit as well.

"You're welcome dear. You want some privacy while you change?"

Elle shrugged. "Up to you mom. I mean you've seen it all before. You used to change me after all and it's not like I'm shy about anything around you guys. Can...can you zip me up?"

"Of course," Ariel said as she went over to help. "You want me to do your hair and makeup?"

"Yes please," Elle said with a soft smile. "I don't know what it is but Akiho seemed almost...eager for this date."

Ariel smiled, she knew the reason after all. "Well how long has it been since the last time you two went out?"

"Honestly I'm not sure. I know it's been over a month," Elle said. "Though Emma said it's been the same with her and Emir so maybe it's just a shadow thing?"

Elle couldn't help but smile fondly at the thought. She loved how loyal Akiho was to his friends and she knew when they started dating that her guy's loyalty to Ben and even Emir was part of the package. So did Emma. Hence why she, Emma, and Mal would joke that they had gained three boyfriends for the price of one.

"Now I would make it a bit more intricate but I figure since you're going swimming, your hair's getting wet and any fancy hairstyle would make it come out in five minutes anyway," Ariel said, smiling as she tied Elle's hair up in a simple ponytail after brushing it out.

"It's perfect mom, thank you," Elle said as she admired herself in the mirror, once again congratulating herself for her decision to go back to her natural red hair. For a while she'd gone brown and then blonde. But there was no arguing with the fact that red was her color. "You're amazing."

"It's nothing honey. I'm glad to do it."

Elle smiled but then sighed. "What about makeup? If I'm swimming, it'll wash right off."

"We could do a bit of eyeliner? If that comes off it won't be too noticeable," Ariel said; thankful for the lessons her sister Alana had given her.


"Do you want me to do it or do you want to do it?"

"Can...can you do it?" Elle asked. Her mom could get a better angle than she could.

"Of course," Ariel said, getting an eyeliner pencil from Elle's makeup kit. Elle smiled as Ariel began to help with the eyeliner. One perk of having mermaids for aunts—the eyeliner is always waterproof if needed.'s amazing how much you look like me Elle, Ariel thought with a smile. It's almost like looking into a mirror at times...if the mirror showed you as a de-aged version of yourself. The only difference is that you've got your father's eyes while your sister got mine. But other than that difference, it's clear you favored my side of the gene pool.

Ariel knew that Elle's life hadn't been the easiest, with girls messing with her chair and being unable to join in the fun as she grew up. It was why she was so thankful for her daughter's friends like Emma and Jordan, and now Akiho. Honestly Akiho was probably the best person Elle could have gotten for a boyfriend—he was always content to do things that Elle liked to do, even if that was just spend hours in the garden looking up at the clouds; holding her close.

Which was why it was so easy to say 'yes' when Akiho had asked, his voice shaking in nerves and barely able to get the question out. But when he had managed to ask if he could propose to Elle, the conviction in his voice was what made Ariel knew there was only one answer she could give him. She had thought the poor thing was going to collapse when he heard the 'yes'.

The poor boy must have been terrified to ask us. Thank Gods Eric managed to grab him before his knees hit the stone floor, Ariel thought. Half of her had been glad when a squealing Melody had dashed over and given Akiho a bear hug.

At least then he had someone holding onto him should he fall again. The other half had been worried, just in the off chance Akiho fell forward instead of back. Otherwise Melody would have gotten hurt—and Akiho would have felt terrible.

"Mom? you think I'll be able to have kids someday?" Elle asked, her soft voice breaking into Ariel's thoughts.

Ariel bit her lip. "It's a possibility Elle, since you've got the divine linage from my side but..."

It was Elle's turn to bite her lip. Some hope was better than none, but it was just another reason why she wouldn't be that surprised when Akiho eventually broke up with her. As heir to Arendelle, he would need kids of his own at some point. After all, a snowman couldn't be expected to run the kingdom and he had no siblings.

She would always treasure the moments she had with Akiho even if it would break her heart when it happened.

"Hey honey, no one has said you can't have children," Ariel said gently, seeing the look on Elle's face. "After all, you've got movement in your lower muscles from your swimming. It's a slim chance true but it's not impossible."

"I...I know mom but Akiho deserves someone who can guarantee him an heir. He's first in line for his kingdom after all, and right now the only one after him is Olaf," Elle said with a small sigh. "I...i guess I'll just enjoy the time with him while it lasts...because eventually...he'll be someone else's."

"Oh sweetheart," Ariel said with a sad smile. "Akiho loves you too much to break up with you over something like that. Besides, as you kids say, it's not the 1400's. There are ways to have an heir even if you can't give him one yourself so don't you worry about it. On top of that, you won't be giving him an heir tomorrow so don't think about it right now. Just enjoy your date."

"Yes mom," Elle said, giving her mom a small smile.

"Good. Because you're all ready."


There was a soft knock on the door. "Is our Princess ready? Because there's someone come to call on her," Eric said with a smile.

"I'm ready dad," Elle said, returning the smile as she wheeled herself to the door.

Eric couldn't help but feel a small lump in his throat as he looked at his eldest. When...when did she grow up so fast?

"You look beautiful," he said softly.

"Thanks dad," Elle said with a slight smile. "Mom did all the work though."

"I brushed your hair and put some eyeliner on you honey. The beauty is all you," Ariel said as they made their way to the front door.

Elle couldn't help but give her parents a small smile that grew as she saw Akiho standing in the front hall, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand.


"Hi. You look beautiful," he said, his eyes soft as he kissed the top of her head.

"Thanks...and you shouldn't have. They're beautiful though," she said as she took the flowers.

"Only the best for you," Akiho told her.

"Oh stop it," Elle teased.

"As my Princess decrees," Akiho teased her back. Elle chuckled as she handed the flowers to a grinning Melody.

"What time would you like Elle back by your highnesses?" Akiho asked Ariel and Eric.

"Usual time? 11pm?" Eric suggested, looking at Ariel.

"Oh we can go a bit later, she won't turn into a pumpkin if she gets home by midnight," Ariel said with a small chuckle.

"Okay, now I know there's something going on," Elle said, shaking her head.

"Ah ba ba ba missy, don't spoil it. You'll find out soon enough," Akiho told her before giving Eric and Ariel a small nod.

"You ready to go?" Elle asked. "Cause I'm ready and eager to find out what this surprise is."

"Have fun you two," Ariel said with a smile.

"I'm sure we will mom," Elle said as the two of them headed out. Elle had a grin on her face throughout the car ride—she knew this route. Akiho would often take her on a picnic to the edge of the Enchanted Forest when he wanted it to be just the two of them.

But even though she knew where they were going, nothing could prepare her for the sight in front of her.

"Is this...?"


"How are we going to get...?" Elle asked as she saw that there was no picnic on their usual spot. They normally didn't go too far in due to her chair—the last thing she wanted was to get caught on a tree root.

"Not to worry your highness. I've arranged for transportation," Akiho said with a grin before letting out a small whistle. Before Elle could blink, Sven and another reindeer, both adorned with wreaths of red roses, trotted out pulling a sled.

"Oh Akiho you shouldn't have!" Elle said with a small grin as the reindeers stopped in front of them. "Oh Sven, you look so handsome! Is this your lady friend? Don't worry, I won't tell King Kristoff."

"I wanted to and he won't tell but I'm glad you think so too," Akiho said with a chuckle before helping her onto the sled. Sven bayed at her softly, snuffing her with his nose as she passed.

"Well it's amazing," Elle said, giving him a small smile. "And it's beautiful here, you've gone all out for our date and you still haven't told me what the surprise is you know."

"You'll find out after our swim," Akiho teased as he drove the sled to the lake.

"You are such a tease," Elle chuckled as she looked at the stunning view around them.

"You won't be saying that when this is over," Akiho said, chuckling to try to hide the nerves.

Oh Gods...he's breaking up with you, Elle thought as the realization broke into her brain. Giving you one last date before he lets you down gently. After all, like you told mom, he needs someone who can guarantee him an heir.

She bit her lip. Better enjoy this, it was nice while it lasted. But I should have known it couldn't last forever. I wonder if Grandfather could turn me into a mermaid, I could live under the sea.

"We're here," Akiho said, his soft voice breaking Elle out of her thoughts and causing her to gasp as she saw the sparkling lake and picnic set up there.

"It's beautiful," Elle gasped as Akiho helped her out of the sled. "Akiho, this have must taken you days to set up!"

"Nope, only a couple of hours but then I had some elves to help me," Akiho told her.

"Why do I get the sense that 'elves' is code for Ben and Emir?" Elle asked.

"Because you'd be right," Akiho chuckled. "Swim or food first?"

"Swimming if you're up for it."

"I brought you to a lake to swim," Akiho teased as they started to strip down to their swim things.

"You look nice by the way," Elle said, realizing she hadn't mentioned it.

"Oh thanks," Akiho said. "So do you."

"You already said that but thanks," Elle said, rolling herself to the edge of the lake before slipping into the lake. She took a shuddering breath as she felt the water against her skin. No matter how many times she went swimming, it was always startling to feel her legs star to feel almost active once the water touched her.

Akiho smiled and carefully folded his clothes as to not lose anything and gave Sven a pat of thanks.

"Thanks for the help bud. I really hope she says yes," he whispered before diving in after his girlfriend.

Sven snorted as the two humans swam in the lake.

"Took you long enough," Elle teased Akiho as they surfaced. "I almost thought you'd gotten lost or something on the way to the lake."

"Hey, not all of us are part mermaid," Akiho teased her back.

"Oh shame. It's quite nice," Elle chuckled as the two of them swam around each other. It was a great time, just the two of them.

As far as last dates go, this has to be one of the best, Elle thought, careful not to have her thoughts show on her face. I really hope whoever Akiho winds up with has a good a time with him.

As time passed, they found themselves settled on land, eating some of the amazing spread with towels wrapped around them.

"What are you thinking about?" Elle asked.

"How much fun I've had with you," Akiho told her.

"I had fun too," Elle said with a soft smile before sighing as she saw that Akiho was fidgeting. "You can say it."

"Say what?"

"Whatever's...on your mind. I promise I won't get mad," Elle whispered.

Akiho smiled slightly before sighing. "Gods I should have written this down but no matter. Elle, I love you. I've loved you since that day we met in the library. All I know is that there is no one else I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are amazing. You see the best in everyone, your smile can light up any room and you've become one of my best friends as well as my girlfriend. And I don't ever want to lose that."

He took a deep breath before retrieving the ring box and opened it to show her the silver band. Aquamarine blue stones with smaller Aquamarine stones and diamonds were weaved throughout and the center mermaid dove through them; diamonds on her tail. "Elle, will you marry me?"

Elle stared at him in shock. The ring was beautiful and she couldn't help but smile at the mermaid on it; it almost looked as if the mermaid was diving into the water. And then it hit her...he wasn't breaking up with her. He was...he was proposing!

"Yes!" Elle exclaimed after a minute of stunned silence.

"Wait...really?" Akiho asked, more than slightly shocked.

"Yes," Elle nodded, happy tears coming to her eyes. "Why wouldn't I say yes?"

Akiho grinned and slid the ring on before gently connecting his lips to hers. Elle smiled into the kiss as she returned it.

" you're not breaking up with me?" Elle checked as they separated.

"What? No! Of course not," Akiho said, gently wiping her tears away. "Why would you think that?"

"Just...with how I am, you deserve someone who can give you more certainty for the future," Elle whispered.

"Elle, you are a certainty." Akiho told her, gently cupping her cheek with his hand.

"Akiho...I might not be able to have kids."

"I'm not dating you for your ability to have kids Elle. Would I like kids with you? Of course I would, but it's not a deal breaker."

Elle couldn't help the soft smile that pulled at her lips. "Clearly, since you're proposing and not breaking up with me."

"Of course! Do you like the ring by the way? I was worried the mermaid was a bit corny—."

"I love it! Actually I think the mermaid makes it perfect. Is her hair red?"

"It might be," Akiho said softly. "The original was white but since I was having it custom made, I asked them to tweak it to look like you. you like it? If not I can have it remade, have a different hair color—."


"Okay," Akiho grinned and Elle kissed him once more. "I love you."

"I love you too," Elle whispered. "My fiancé."

Akiho had to smile as he heard that, he liked the sound of that new title. Note to self, thank Aunt Elsa for the picnic idea and not dad's idea of performing a rock ballad with a group of reindeer, he thought as he continued to enjoy the company of his fiancee.

Oh yeah. He definitely liked the sound of that.

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