Choosing Home

By Ginnyrules27

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Auradon was at peace. Their King was engaged, and relations between the mainland and the Isle were being rebu... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Forty One

477 26 14
By Ginnyrules27

A couple of weeks went by before Chad and Ben found themselves lounging on the back deck of Beast Castle. Ginny and Mal were off in the distance, spending some quality time with Genevieve. As Mal often argued, Ben couldn't hog her all the time and she was to be Mal's sister-in-law.

"I get it now, you know," Chad said softly, pulling Ben out of his thoughts.

"What?" Ben asked, his voice soft as he looked over and gave Chad a smile.

"I get how you can look at Mal like she's the only girl who exists in the world," Chad explained.

Ben's smile only grew and he patted Chad gently on the shoulder. "It's a good feeling isn't it? I'm happy for you Chad. She seems like a good girl."

"She really is," Chad said, returning the smile. "I guess I owe you a thank you too. For getting engaged to Mal I mean. I'd have never met Ginny otherwise."

"You're welcome I guess. It really was nothing too difficult," Ben said with a chuckle.

Chad couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Yeah, except for the whole 'concussion' thing."

A dark look graced Ben's face before it faded as he shook his head. "Yeah well...there was no way I was going to let him ruin Mal's night. Plus you know I kinda owed Mal one from when she saved the day at my coronation."

Chad nodded. "Sorry I wasn't at Cotillion by the way."

"No worries dude. You really didn't miss much."

"I missed my oldest friend getting engaged. I'd call that missing something," Chad said with a slight smile.

Ben shrugged but smiled back at Chad. "Technically, if you were watching on the television, you didn't miss it."

"I wasn't. I mean I heard it on the radio so I heard it but I didn't see anything. I was...I was helping Audrey change the tire on her limo. She kept the radio running so we could hear what was going on. She...she wasn't exactly happy when she heard you..."

"I figured," Ben said with a small sigh as he ran his hand through his hair. "Considering what all she did..."

" you think she ever really loved either of us?" Chad asked, his voice not above a whisper.

"I think...I think she loved the idea of our titles," Ben said. "Of what we could give her status wise."

Chad shook his head. "I used to tell myself that she loved me...even though I knew that if she ever got a shot to have you back she'd take it in a heartbeat but now...having someone who actually cares for me and not my title...I sometimes wonder how I never picked up that she never cared at all."

"Hey I missed it too," Ben told him. "Remember all the debates Akiho and Emir would have with me about breaking up with her because all she cared about was my crown? Wasn't until I met Mal and realized all I was missing that I saw that they were right. Audrey was a good actress. It's not your fault."

Chad let out a small sigh. "It's not your fault either Ben. She made her choice. Though...and this is going to sound cruel but some part of me wants to laugh at the irony that with obsessed Audrey was with status...she lost everything for a guy who had none at all."

"You want to laugh? I've been holding it in as best I can but I can find the irony in it amusing," Ben shook his head. "There's a larger part of me that feels bad for her though...though considering she cursed Mal, that part gets smaller by the day every time I remember that fact."

Chad snorted in amusement. "Hard to believe Audrey's a mom twice over though. And truthfully? Aurora and Phillip might be the only reason I feel bad about the whole thing. I...I just felt relieved when I heard Audrey had died because it meant she wouldn't be able to shove me in another closet. And then I felt guilt for thinking that because not only was she one of our oldest friends but she was also my ex."

"I know," Ben whispered. Seeing the look on Phillip's face was a look Ben would never be able to get out of his head. That being said, there'd been a small part of him that felt some relief because he knew that the whole mess with the contract was truly behind him.

Chad shook his head. "You wonder what the kids are going to hear about their mom and dad growing up?"

"Knowing Phillip and Aurora? They'll tell them the truth," Ben said. "Thankfully though, both girls will have Phil and Claudine and Henry lavishing them with love. Not to mention, as Mal said, they'll have me...and you. We knew her all the way back in infancy after all. Plus they won't have to deal with Leah potentially verbally abusing them or worse."

Chad shook his head. "Leah was the worst."

"No need to tell me dude," Ben said.

"Oh yeah, you'd know better than anyone," Chad nodded.

Ben sighed. "I'm sorry that she did that to you by the way. Hypnotized you I mean. I knew Leah was horrible but I...I didn't know..."

It was Chad's turn to sigh. They'd gotten that confirmed by Fairy Godmother after Mal had talked to Cinderella about her talk with Chad. While it was no longer present, Fairy Godmother was still able to tell the hypnosis had existed due to the magical...I guess stain would almost be the right word to use.

"I know you didn't. Hell, I don't even remember it clearly but thanks," Chad told him.

"No worries. Now, let's talk about something happier than Leah," Ben chuckled. "Like when you're planning on proposing?"

"Dude—what the—shh! We've only been dating a couple of months!" Chad spluttered but with a small smile.

"Okay, okay," Ben chuckled. "I was joking Chad."

Chad shook his head and smiled as he looked over at Ginny, who was currently bouncing Genevieve on her lap. "This is going to sound crazy but...I could see myself doing a while I mean. But I can see myself proposing to her."

Ben smiled and rested his hand on to Chad's shoulders. "You know your sisters are going to go insane when you do. Kitty and Lucy were so excited when you met Ginny."

"Hey they're your sisters too. Just because you've got Geene now doesn't mean you can get rid of my sisters that easily," Chad told him. "But you're right. And you know they never let me forget it? Lucy physically pushed me out of my room when they insisted I ask her out. Oh that reminds me, what's the policy on bringing animals back from the Isle?"

"...there isn't one?"

"Good. Gin's got some donkey friends that she's worried about but with everything that's been going on, she hasn't had a chance to ask. I want to surprise her with a small cottage in Charmington with a field where the donkeys can roam."

"You know the Coachman's going to need a new way to run his business? At least according to Mal he used the donkeys to run his taxi."

"Yeah well frankly Ben, I don't really care about the Coachman right now. Just my girlfriend's happiness."

Ben smiled and nodded. "I'll grant the visa as soon as I can to get the donkeys over here. I promise."

"Thanks Ben."

"No worries. Now, going back to what you were talking about with your sisters, I think they might be the female versions of Akiho and Emir. You know, considering how obsessed they were with your love life," Ben told him.

"Gods that's scary...we should set up meetings for them," Chad said with a small chuckle.

"You want Kitty, Lucy, Emir, and Akiho to be alone in the same room?" Ben asked, raising an eyebrow.

"...point taken."

"Good. Though I do think I shocked them when I proposed to Mal," Ben said, shaking his head. "No one except her and my parents actually knew. And that's just because I asked for permission to propose."

"Of course you did," Chad shook his head.

"It's how we were raised Chad," Ben told him. "If I can ask the God of the Dead, you can ask Cassandra for permission."

"Thanks for that reminder," Chad sighed. "But going back to the topic at hand...our friends are insane."

"Don't I know it," Ben chuckled. "You know they still insist Mal and I go into another world when we talk to each other? Get ready for them to do with with you and Ginny."

"Nah, they're not as invested in me as they are you," Chad told him. "After all they're your shadows, can't get more invested than that. You know, if you think about it, they're the ones to pester about proposing. I mean how long have they been dating their girls? Don't you think it's time they ask the question?"

"I think they've been dating Emma and Elle about the same amount of time I've been with Mal. They both had their first date on Family Day and officially got together about a week after that," Ben said with a small smile.

"My point exactly. If they wait any longer, their girls are going to be wondering if something's wrong," Chad nodded. "Now I could always sic Kitty and Lucy on them but it'd be more fun if we did it."

"What're you thinking?" Ben asked with a grin.

"I...have no idea," Chad told him. "You three have always been an inseparable trio."

Ben chuckled. "How about send them both a picture of their girls next to a picture of a ring with the caption 'think about it'?"

"That'll work," Chad said with a grin of his own. "Now the real question: do we each take one or do we set up a group chat and send it at the same time?"

"Group text. That way we can see their reactions at the same time."

Chad nodded, whipping out his phone and quickly sent out the text. "Done. Now to wait for the replies."

"How'd you get pictures of Emma and Elle so quickly? I know you could just use the internet for the rings..." Ben said.

"I have my ways," Chad smirked.


"Nah Lucy actually."

"Of course," Ben chuckled before Chad's phone dinged.

Why did Elle tell Chad that she wanted a ring...and also I thought Chad was preoccupied with his new girl?

Dude if this is a hint to what it might be, I'm more surprised Chad's even thinking like that.

Chad chuckled before firing off a text back. First off, I unlike some people, can focus on more than one thing at a time. Secondly...any ideas? Your girls won't wait around forever guys. They might think there's something wrong.

...Ben put you up to this didn't he? Akiho texted.

Ben is right next to me and would like to let you know this was my idea.'re not going to stop with this are you Chad?



Because it's a valid question. You've been couples for what feels like forever. If you're not going to propose soon, when are you? I thought you two and Ben did everything together?

We do!

We just don't want to take the shine from Ben's moment okay! Besides the girls haven't said anything's wrong...though Emma's been flipping through jewelry magazines more and more...

Guys, Mal and I have been engaged for months. I think the shine's worn off, Ben texted, adding his two cents.

Ben, you're the King. At some point, there'll be an actual wedding right? You don't need us taking focus.

No wedding until we're twenty, that was one of the conditions from Lord Hades for him to give his permission for me to propose.

So what he's saying is the time is right for you boys to pop the question, Chad typed. Particularly you Emir. Emma seems to be hinting. But that doesn't put Akiho off the hook either. At the very least you two need to start designing if you're not going to use your family rings.

...oh Gods do I need to ask permission? Because I'm not going to lie. Eric scares me.

Eric scares you? At least neither one of Elle's parents are proficient with a bow and arrow!

Bows and arrows? Elle's got a God for a great-grandparent, dude!

You've got an Aunt with ice magic Akiho! Not to mention rock trolls who can alter memories for grandparents!

If I can break into this argument, yes it probably would keep both of you on the parental good side if you ask permission. You know, the way we were all raised? And come on Akiho, I faced the God of the Underworld for Mal. If I can do it, so can you. Poseidon's reasonable if that's your worry and you're not going to bee asking your girl's grandparents or great-grandparents, Ben quickly typed.

I'd like to reiterate that my girl's mother is rather proficient with a bow and arrow and would probably skewer me alive...if not for the fact that she's probably the nicest person alive. Besides, Ben, you have no sense of fear. Asking Lord Hades for permission was probably cake for you.

And she's more likely to skewer you if you don't ask permission Emir.

Okay, okay, you're right. But...Ben, Aziz hasn't even proposed yet. Isn't there an order I'm supposed to follow, being the younger sibling? Older sibling proposes first, all that fun stuff?

Wait...Aziz has a girlfriend? Chad asked.

Well not one that he's said but he's gotten really friendly with Rachel Fitzherbert.

Emir, no one is saying you both need to propose right this minute but as Chad said, at least start designing a ring if you don't have one in the family.

...I've actually been designing one, Akiho typed and sent the photo to the group chat. What do you guys think? Is the mermaid too corny or does it seem fitting?

I think it's very fitting dude. She'll love it.

Oh good. Emir, what about you? Any thoughts? Especially since Chad's right, sounds like Emma's hinting.

I...I actually looked at the jewelry magazine just to see what she was looking at and this one stood out...Emir typed and sent a picture of a Halo Oval Cut Sterling Silver ring with a yellow opal in the center and diamonds surrounding the jewel and going up and down the band. Thoughts? Opal's her birthstone being born in October and yellow's her favorite color.

I think she'll really like it dude. Not to mention it shows that you thought about her and not just the ring, Ben typed. Chad, I gotta say, giving these two the necessary kick in the pants may have been just what they needed. I tip my hat to you, this was a good idea.

Why thank you, Chad typed with a chuckle.

...hey Ben? How'd you keep from passing out from nerves? I swear Eric may just kill me.

Oh believe me guys I was shaking in my boots. But really just keep thinking about your girl, how happy she makes you, how much you love her, the life you want together. Really this is just the first step toward that.

Okay so I just got flashbacks to when Ben was convincing us to ask out our girls. Ben, dude, I gotta ask. Do you ever get tired of successfully navigating our own love lives? Emir teased as he typed.


Knowing him, he'll be giving us the push to have kids, Akiho teased.

Knowing you two, your kids will be shadowing my kids so they'll need to be born around the same time, Ben teased back.

Knowing how connected you three are, it wouldn't surprise me if one or all of your kids ended up like dating each other, Chad chimed in.

Oh I like that! Hey Ben, if one of us has a girl and the other has a boy, we could be in laws!

Oh Gods Chad! You gave them an idea!

Well considering you can't exactly pre order your kids, they can't do much with it anyway.

Ah but you forget Chad, this is Emir and Akiho we're talking about. They'll find a way.

True, true.

Emir, I think Chad and Ben have teamed up against us. This is weird.

I have to agree Akiho.

Hey! You two have seemed to have forgotten that I've known Ben longer than you!

Yep! Chad's known me since practically birth after all!

Still! Chad, your new girl must be good, we haven't had you in this kind of mood since...

Yeah I know, since you all found me in Fairy Cottage, Chad typed with a small sigh.

Hey! When can we meet your new girl? Akiho asked, as if sensing Chad's dip in mood.

Guys...isn't it a little early for that?

We met Mal super early in her relationship with Ben!

...Mal and I weren't even in a relationship when you met her!

I'll ask her but I don't want Emir and Akiho scaring her off, Chad typed.

Scout's honor Chad! We're happy for you after all. We can't wait to meet her.

Please don't scare her with your strangeness.

Oh you wound us!

Do I really Emir? I thought you'd take it as a compliment.

We do.

Thank you for proving my point.

"Please tell me you two aren't texting each other since you're sitting right next to each other?" Mal's voice broke through the silence and Ben grinned as he looked up to see his fiancee staring at him as she held his little sister.

"Chad and I are just chatting with Emir and Akiho," Ben told her. "Giving them a rather important nudge actually."

"Ooh, what kind of a nudge?" Mal asked as Genevieve squealed, the wisps of black hair poking out from her blue and gold bonnet.

Chad and Ben looked at each other before Ben looked at both girls. "Promise not to tell Emma or Elle?"

"I promise Benny," Mal nodded as she sat next to him, putting Genevieve on her lap.

"I don't even know who who those two are," Ginny chuckled as she sat next to Chad.

"You'll meet them soon if Emir and Akiho have their way," Chad told her, gently kissing her cheek.

"We're talking them into proposing," Ben said, lacing his fingers through Mal's.

"Took 'em long enough," Mal said with a small sigh. "Don't say anything to Akiho because I don't want him feeling guilty but Elle's been worried that he doesn't want to marry her..because of the chair."

"Well she doesn't have to worry. He was the first of the two to say he was designing her ring," Ben told her.

Mal smiled. "I'm so happy fo them, though like I said. Took 'em long enough. I would have thought they would have gotten engaged around our engagement party."

"Apparently they thought that if they did, they'd be stealing my moment."

"Seriously? But you three do everything together. How would they be 'stealing your moment'?"

Ben shrugged. "I told them that we'd been engaged for months now, it's not new. And we can't have the wedding until we're twenty anyway."

Mal shook her head. "Emir and Akiho are pretty much the Auradon version of Jay and Harry. How is the school still standing by the way?"

Chad snorted. "I've no idea."

"Probably luck," Ben added with a small chuckle. "But anyway now the two of them are worried about asking permission. Emir's worried about Snow's proficiency with a bow and arrow for one. I told him she's more likely to shoot him if he doesn't ask her for permission than if he does."

"Wait, you guys ask permission before marrying here?" Ginny asked, looking over at Mal. "Kinda old fashioned isn't it?"

Chad shrugged. "Most of our parents grew up in a time when it was common. It's how we were raised."

"We know it's different on the Isle," Ben said. "But most of the Princes were raised with the expectation that we'd ask permission when proposing."

"Benny, marriage barely exists on the Isle. Let alone asking if it could happen."

"Yes King Ben, on the Isle you don't ask. You just take if there's something you want," Ginny said. " is kinda sweet in a way."

Mal nodded. "It's not needed but it's sweet. So what's the plan?"

"What plan?"

"The proposal plans?"

"Ah...they haven't said," Ben said.

Mal chuckled and swiped Ben's phone from his hand. So boys, what are you thinking in terms of planning the thing?

Why are we not surprised you're in on this Mal? Akiho typed and Ben tried to get his phone back. Tried being the operative word as Mal prevented him from being able to grab it. Of course Estelle came to join the fray and soon the yard was filled with the squeals of laughter—both from the King and from his little sister.

Oh and Chad and Ginny as they laughed at the ensuing chaos. It was strange but it was almost like things were returning to normal now.

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