All is fair in War and Love

By potterhead_fic

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Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa Black. They used to be inseparable, they used to love each other. But they... More

Chapter 1: Andromeda
Chapter 2: Narcissa
Chapter 3: Bellatrix
Chapter 4: Andromeda
Chapter 5: Narcissa
Chapter 6: Bellatrix
Chapter 7: Andromeda
Chapter 8: Narcissa
Chapter 9: Bellatrix
Chapter 10: Andromeda
Chapter 11: Narcissa
Chapter 12: Bellatrix
Epilogue: Narcissa
Epilogue: Bellatrix

Epilogue: Andromeda

350 12 2
By potterhead_fic

December, 1975

Andromeda received an unexpected letter from Euphemia Potter, inviting her and Ted for Christmas dinner. Andromeda had never met the woman, but she knew Sirius was behind it. Andromeda had heard about her cousin running away from Grimmaund Place and was disowned. Andromeda had been sending him letters since she left, apologizing for leaving that way. Sirius never responded. At first Andy thought Sirius was not getting them. But then it made sense that he was just simply angry.

Andromeda missed her cousin so much. The fun they used to have making pranks or laughing at silly things. And she was proud of what Sirius had accomplished, she was proud that Sirius was different than everyone else. Andy wanted to tell him that. So, she convinced Ted to go.

Mrs. Potter greeted them with a big hug and smile, even if she didn't know them. Andromeda immediately felt welcomed.

"I am so glad that you agree to come" Mrs. Potter said "Sirius had been excited and nervous all day"

"Thank you for having us" Ted smiled back. Andy did it as well. Ted was the open one, not her.

"Aaw who is that little one?" Mrs. Potter smiled to the girl in Ted's arms. Dora was three. She was Andromeda's world now. She was so proud of her little daughter.

"Nymphadora, our daughter" Andromeda smiled.

"Oh, hi Nymphadora" Mrs. Potter smiled

"Say hi to Mrs. Potter, Dora" Ted demanded softly

"Hi.." the little girl said. Her hair turned bright red when she was embarrassed.

"She is Metamorphmagus" Andromeda explained

"Oh! That's fascinating" A voice said. An old gentle wizard with gray wild hair and round glasses

"My husband" Mrs. Potter smiled

"Hi. I am Fleamont" the man said "Ted and Andromeda. It is a pleasure to meet you"

"Same" Ted added

"Sirius talks about his favorite cousin all the time" Fleamont nodded

Andromeda was overwhelmed. She really wanted to see him.

"Where is he?"

"Upstairs I think..." Euphemia smiled "JAMES! BOYS... THEY ARE HERE!"

Andromeda's heart started beating fast. Fleamont was asking Ted about his band, the one he had to quit years ago when Roger died and Adam became a professional Quidditch player. But Andromeda stopped listening.

Four boys came downstairs. The first one was recognizable as a Potter. He looked like Fleamont but in a younger version. There was a short chubby blond boy. And a tall skinny one with a big sweater and some scars on his chin. Then Andromeda saw him. Sirius.

Sirius had grown into a fine young man. He was taller than when he was 12, the last time she saw him. His hair was longer. He was wearing a cool earing and a Gryffindor jumper. He was hugging himself nervously.

"Sirius!" Andromeda smiled widely

"Andy!" Sirius smiled back

They closed the gap between each other, hugging tightly. Andromeda had missed him so badly.

"Merlin!" Andy snorted, trying to swallow her tears "Look how tall you are. You're a young man"

The Potter boy laughed "Tall she says" he grinned "Hi, I am James"



"I am Andromeda and this is my husband Ted, and our daughter Nymphadora"

"Oh cool! She has purple hair" Peter gasped

"It was red minutes ago. She is Metamorphmagus" Ted explained "It is nice finally meeting you Sirius, Dromeda talks about you non-stop"

"Hi" Sirius grinned

"Daddy" Nymphadora hid her face on her father's chest.

"It's okay sweetheart. They are friends"

"Well you've grown Sirius" Andromeda sighed "I last saw you when you were twelve"

"So, it means that you were shorter than this Padfoot?" the boy Remus joked

His two Friends laughed

"Ha ha ha" Sirius answered "Very funny, Moony. Don't listen to them Andy. They are savages..."

But the boys continued giggling.

"I am so glad to see you" Sirius sighed. Andromeda could tell that he was overwhelmed and nervous, just like her.

"Me too" Andy nodded.

"Well..." Mrs. Potter smiled kindly "Who is hungry? I reckon we should have dinner. If these boys are not fed, they would get grumpy"

"Mum!" James protested "You're embarrassing us in front of our guests"

"You know us too well, Mrs. Potter" Peter commented.

Everyone laughed at that. Andromeda really felt welcomed.

Andromeda understood why Sirius loved The Potters so much. They were so kind and amiable. They made everyone feel welcome. And Sirius' friends had made Andromeda and Ted laughed a lot. Over dinner, they talked about Sirius adventures and mischiefs with his friends. And Andy and Sirius shared some of their own at family gatherings. Andromeda easily got into conversation. And Ted talked with James and Mr. Potter about Quidditch like they had been friends for a long time. The Potters were something that The Blacks would never be, family, home. And Andromeda was so happy that Sirius was safe and sound with them.

After dinner Ted and James played some guitar for them. They were all cozy and comfortable around each other by now. And even Nymphadora was very infatuated of the boys. Specially the Lupin boy. She had been giving him things, trying to play with him. And she even sat on his lap. He looked very uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry about that" Andromeda apologized smiling "She seems to like you"

"Oh, Moony always gets the girls, don't you?" Sirius teased

"Shut up Padfoot" Remus blushed

"Can I talk to you, Sirius?" Andromeda asked

"Yeah let's go to my room"

Andromeda was surprised that Sirius had his own room at The Potters. They even let him decorate it the way he wanted. The boy sat in his bed and Andromeda sat next to him.

"Well I am listening" Sirius smiled politely

"Sirius, I wanted to apologize for everything..." Andromeda sighed "For just leaving in such a rushed way... Everything happened so fast... And I..."

"Hey hey..." Sirius interrupted "You don't have to apologize..." he sighed "I was really angry at you first. I mean we all were..." he looked down, his eyes watering "And now I understand it. I mean, who wouldn't want to leave..."

"I did it all for Ted" Andromeda's eyes were filling with tears as well "He changed me for good. I love him" she sniffed "Ted and Nymphadora are everything to me now. They are my family..."

"The Potters are that for me too" Sirius nodded "And Remus... and Peter. All my friends..."

"I want to be there for you too, Sirius" Andromeda grabbed Sirius' hands "I know that we are no longer part of their family... But we can be our own, okay?"

Sirius nodded, trying to swallow his tears "Andy, I am glad that you are with Ted. He seems like a good lad. And your daughter is precious..."

Andromeda smiled.

"I really missed you" Sirius continued "I think I need you in my life"

"Oh darling" Andy sighed; a few tears scaped from her eyes "I will need you in my life as well. I want a cousin to gossip with, who would corrupt my daughter..."

Sirius snorted "Oh you bet on it"

Andromeda giggled "I heard you drive the teachers, insane?"

"They love me. Even McGonagall"

Andromeda laughed. She hugged Sirius tightly. She was glad to have Sirius back. It was as if she had part of her family back. Yes, she had Ted and Dora. But she always felt she needed someone from her side. It had always been Ted's family, Ted's friends. And Sirius was blood after all. They had so much in common. They had gone through similar things. They needed each other more than ever.

Andromeda cried onto the hug and she could feel that Sirius was crying too. They were interrupted with a knock on the door. Sirius immediately wiped off his tears.

It was Remus who opened the door.

"Sorry to interrupt but Effie is serving dessert and she says Sirius is going to whine like a baby if he doesn't have his piece"

Andromeda laughed.

"Oh, we both know who gets grumpy without Effie's apple pie, Moony" Sirius winked

"You know me too well, Padfoot" Remus rolled his eyes, he was kind of blushing.

"Will be down in a second"

Remus nodded "Okay"

Andromeda noticed the way Sirius watched at his friend leave. He was watching at the boy like he was the most gorgeous person in the planet. The way Andromeda sometimes looked at Ted. Eyes of love. Andromeda had met queer people now. She had become too close with Will and Tammy. She had become more and more comfortable with them. They were incredible people. And Andromeda figured she wouldn't mind if her cousin was the same.

"Moony and Padfoot?" she asked, once Remus closed the door

Sirius laughed "It's a long story..."

Andromeda nodded in response "You really like that boy..."

Sirius shrugged nervously "Yeah he is my friend..."


"Let's go" Sirius interrupted standing up "I really like Effie's pie and if we don't hurry up James and Peter are going to finish it"


Andromeda didn't pressure. Sirius would realize it in time. And Andromeda was going to be there for him. Because they were family now. And they would never be apart from each other again.

Andromeda would remember that moment years later, when the news came. Sirius couldn't be a death eater. He couldn't have betrayed his friends like that, he loved them. Sirius was better than that. He was different. A different Black. Just like Andromeda. She would fight and talk to Dumbledore, The Ministry, anyone that would listen. But they didn't. Even Remus lost faith. So, after years, Andromeda had to drop the subject eventually. And when Sirius scaped, Andromeda tried to reconnect with him. They were family after all, they would always be.

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