It's Coming Home

By caseycan

127K 1.7K 1.2K

Jack Grealish X Love Island Fan Fiction set during Euro 2020 with lots of throwbacks 2009 Aged 14, Jack is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 - The Final Chapter
Bonus chapter

Chapter 11

2.8K 38 5
By caseycan

June 2021

'I've got a text' shouted Amy, to the other contestants in the villa. She waited until they all assembled, then read out the message before her.

'Tonights the night. It's time for recoupling. Ladies, it's your turn to choose, who you keep and who you lose. #LadiesChoice #BoysBeware'

Brad caught her eye and smiled, after a week together as a couple he was feeling pretty good about her choosing him. Even more so after their kiss the night before, which had been unexpected but most definitely welcomed. He knew she wasn't the kind of girl who would go much further than a kiss in the villa, but every time he looked at her be found himself getting very turned on. She wasn't like the other girls, caked in make up and always wearing as little clothing as possible and he liked that. There was almost an innocence about her, and to have only slept with one man by 24, that was almost a rarity these days. It wasn't just physical though, Brad was already thinking about taking her home to meet his Nan.

Brad and Amy spend some of the day together in the pool and then working out with the gym equipment. Brad was quite shocked at how athletic she was.
'I think you can lift heavier weights than me' he laughed.

'Maybe' she said, before doing another 10 bicep curls. 'I actually find working out really helps chill me out. I used to hate it but I got dragged along to the gym a couple of times and now I'm hooked' she explained.

'Your hard work has definitely paid off' he said, checking out her bum as she began her squats.

'Why, thank you' she said, blowing him a kiss over her shoulder.


Unsurprisingly it had been Jack that had gotten Amy into fitness. As his career had progressed, he'd taken his fitness more and more seriously. Only allowing himself one day off a week, and when their time together was often short it, according to Jack, made sense for her to go and work out with him. He'd set her up with his personal trainer at his gym and slowly it became just part of their routine. Not only that, it meant that she got to see Jack when he was hot and sweaty, just how she liked him. They snuck off to the disabled changing room on more than one occasion. They'd even been busted by their personal trainer at one point, who luckily saw the funny side to it.

When they'd split up Amy had made sure to stick to her work out routine. She wasn't going to slack and allow herself to lose the figure she'd achieved. It was also a great solace in the gym. She could just go in, pump her work out playlist in her AirPods and lose herself. When she did her box fit class it also helped to imagine that the pads were Jack's cheating face.


Ahead of the recoupling, the girls had headed upstairs to get ready. They'd just had their latest delivery of clothes and it was so exciting trying to find something to wear from the bundle of free clothes.

'Oh my God Amy, you need to wear this' said Kaz pulling out a navy flared leg jump suit. It was low cut at the front, with thin spaghetti straps and the trouser legs had huge slits right up the side that went so high that underwear wasn't even a possibility.

'You think?'

'I know! Brad's going to go crazy if he sees you in that. Well if you choose him again. What are you thinking?' Kaz asked. All of a sudden all of the girls were listening.

'I think I'd better get this jumpsuit on. You'll see soon enough' she said sticking her tongue out.

All too soon it was time for the recoupling. The girls lined up whilst they boys sat around the fire pit, all looking a bit nervous. Brad looked handsome in a pair of beige shirts and  a short sleeved baby pink shirt, which made his blue eyes stand out even more. He did look handsome, and she did like him. So why was she hesitant to choose him again. She had no more time to think though, because she was first up.


Karen, Keira and Holly sat watching Love Island. As much as it felt strange to see Amy with someone else other than Jack, she was doing them proud by being herself. The whole of Jack's family had nothing but love for her, and for a long time Karen had waited for her to come back to Jack. In fact, she'd prayed for it to happen, because no one had ever been so good for him as she was. By now she'd thought they'd have been married, and maybe a baby Grealish on the way, but instead Jack kept getting himself into trouble publicly, doing laughing gas, drink driving and then the pictures of him half naked staring at a woman's breasts had mortified the whole family. That was not how he'd been brought up whatsoever.

'Look mum, it's Amy's turn' said Keira nudging her mum. 'Bet she chooses Brad, he's gorgeous' she swooned.

'The person I'd like to couple up with is someone who makes me smile and laugh. He's kind hearted, handsome and I'd really like to get to know him better'

The camera panned to Brad who was smiling happily.

'The person I want to stay coupled up with is Brad'

As she sat down he turned her face to his and kissed her passionately. It was unexpected but it felt nice. Everyone whooped and cheered. They sat whilst everyone else coupled up, then when ir was finally over, Brad took Amy by the hand and walked her over to the swing.

'Thanks for sticking with us' said Brad. 'You know you had me worried for a minute there'

'I was a wee bit worried too' she laughed awkwardly.

'What's on your mind love ?' He asked wrapping his arm around her and pulled her in close to him.

'The only boy who's ever given me goosebumps before broke my heart and I guess I'm just a bit scared to feel the same way again as I did about Jack' his name was out her mouth before she could stop it.

'If you give us a chance, I think I might help you forget him' Brad said, before kissing her again.


'A celebrity who plays football named Jack' the entertainment columnist at The Sun said out loud. They'd been searching frantically for that one story about Amy, but she was so clean cut it had been impossible. He got right on to google 'Amy Jack Football' one image caught his eye. No way. No way. Was that her? With Jack Grealish? He zoomed in. That was 100% her.
'I've got our story about Amy, and it's far better than we could have hoped for. You know everyone's favourite footballer right now? Jack Grealish? That's who broke her heart' he told his editor.
'That's a front page, roll with it, and well done' laughed the editor. This was the scoop of the series with both Love Island and Euro 2020 ongoing.


Jack was none the wiser about what had happened the night before on Love Island because some of the team had ended up back in their room for a Fifa tournament after their 1-0 win against the Czech Republic. He'd considered having a cheeky Google but by the time he woke up and he saw the time, he was running late for an interview with BBC Breakfast.

Jack slicked his hair back and checked himself in the mirror, he deemed himself ready and went to meet the interviewer in the press suite. Jack was often chosen to do interviews because of his chatty personality, and because he enjoyed doing it. It was all about building that brand, and Super Jack Grealish's following was definitely growing.

The interview was quite informal. He was asked all the usual questions, about how he'd started the game, how it felt. How he thought he'd played, how he could improve and what was happening behind the scenes of the England training camp. It went perfectly, until the last question.

'And finally, can we ask you the question that everyone is dying to know'

'What's that?' Jack asked, looking at the England Press secretary who was standing by the camera, equally as confused.

'Is it true that you're the man who broke Amy from Love island's heart?' asked the presenter.

'Wait, what? What are you talking about? Jack's stomach started to churn.

'Well it was reported this morning in The Mirror that you're the ex that she's mentioned in the show several times. Do you have any reaction to that?'

Jack sat dumbfounded, what had she said?

'No, I don't. Thanks for the interview, but I need to go now' Jack went straight to the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water. He looked into the mirror, this couldn't go on much longer. He needed to be with her, she needed to be with him, they needed to be together.

He called Keira.
'They know about me and Amy' he said, still feeling as if his chest were being constricted.

'I know, I saw the papers. They've got pics from the awards and messages between the two of you on your old Instagram accounts. There's no denying it'

'I need you to find out, is there any way I can get a message to her?' Jack implored Keira.

'I can try, but what do you want to say'

'I don't even know' said Jack breaking down in tears.

'There's obviously something you want to say to her or you wouldn't be crying like that' said Keira, her heart aching at the sound of her brothers sobs.

'I want to tell her I love her, I want her back and I'll do anything to keep her this time. I want to give her everything she's ever wanted and be the man she deserves. I'm sick of missing her Keira, I need to be with her. I need her here with me'


The jungle drums had been beating loudly and by the time Jack got back to his room, Gareth had sent him a text, asking him to come and see him after training to discuss the media storm that was surrounding him and Amy.

Meanwhile, inside the villa, Amy was completely unaware of what was happening on the outside. ITV we're rubbing their hands together as the viewing figures soared, almost doubling in one night as everyone clamoured to see the girl who was Jack Grealish's ex.

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