Choosing Home

Ginnyrules27 द्वारा

34.6K 1.3K 1.4K

Auradon was at peace. Their King was engaged, and relations between the mainland and the Isle were being rebu... अधिक

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Forty

480 21 22
Ginnyrules27 द्वारा

Claudine smiled as she caught a glimpse of herself in her ivory dress. It was a simple A-line dress, with lace sleeves and bodice but at the same time, it was elegant enough with the tulle skirt to make her feel like a Princess. Especially with Henry's medallion hanging around her neck.

Five months had passed since Audrey's death and while Henry and Claudine had offered to postpone, Aurora and Phillip had insisted they hold their wedding.

Aurora couldn't help but smile as well as she walked into the room.

"Nervous?" She asked Claudine.

"A little," Claudine said, biting her lip but taking care not to mess up her makeup. She knew Audrey's death was still raw for Aurora—Claudine had spent the planning process trying not to rub it in Aurora's face that she'd never see her own daughter get married.

Not that Aurora had acted anything but kind and helpful, walking her through the myriad wedding dress designs until they found her dress. And Phillip had taken Henry under his wing, you know once the King got over the shock of Henry being Claudine's fiancé. Phillip had taken Henry suit shopping and of course Phil went with Henry to get the suit fitted by Evie after the blue haired VK had found out that Henry was trying to get his suit off the rack for his wedding.

Aurora wasn't entirely sure if the inflections were truly Evie's doing or if they were Phil adding some embellishments when he was retelling the story much to Henry's embarrassment.

"It's normal to be nervous," Aurora told her.

"Really?" Claudine asked. "I don't mean to be, I mean I love Henry and I want to spend my life with him. I'm just waiting for Freddy to jump out of a shadow and tell me to stop being such a shame to the Frollo name. Not exactly the best thing to think about on your wedding day."

Aurora couldn't help but give Claudine a sad smile. "Every bride is a bit nervous on their wedding day and it probably doesn't help your nerves to have grown up with Freddy as a brother."

Claudine nodded. "I...I used to hide up in the bell tower of Dragon Hall when I was a kid. That was one of the three schools on the Isle—Frollo used to always say that women should be seen and not heard anyway. And that was fine. Until one day Freddy came down to the common area of where we lived and told me I wasn't going to be someone he was ashamed to say he was related to anymore."

"Hmm, so he was always charming," Aurora said dryly.

"Yeah," Claudine sighed. "He taught me how to throw my daggers. Probably the only 'nice' thing he's ever done. But, in all honesty, I'm done letting him control my life. Especially on my wedding day."

Aurora smiled as she heard that. "That's the spirit."

"I...I think it's more 'is this real' nerves," Claudine told her after a few minutes of standing in silence. "We spent so much time in secret that it's hard to believe it's actually happening or that we don't have to hide anymore."

Never again honey, Aurora thought with a sad smile as she thought about how Claudine and Henry had lived before coming to Auradon.

"You look beautiful sweetie," she told Claudine.

"Thank you Aurora. I...I feel beautiful."

"You should. Every bride should feel that way on their wedding day."

Claudine couldn't help the small smile she gave Aurora, a smile that was readily returned.

"Oh! One more thing," Aurora said as she pulled a dark wood box out of the tote bag that she was holding.

"What is it?" Claudine asked.

Aurora's smile grew sad as she opened the box to pull out a tiara.

"Aurora, it's beautiful," Claudine gasped as she saw it.

"Thank you honey. It's been in the family for years, in fact Leah gave it to me to wear on my wedding day."

"But...if it's been in your family, why are you bringing it out fo my wedding day?" Claudine asked as she looked at Aurora for a moment before her eyes widened in realization. "No! Aurora, I mean...I'm honored but...I can''s yours..."

"And now it's yours," Aurora said gently as she brought it out of the box. "It's to be given to daughters of the Rose line on their wedding days."

"But...are you sure?" Claudine asked, her voice soft as she looked at the tiara.

"Of course I am. As long as you want it that is."

"I do! It's just...I'm not...I mean...biologically...wouldn't you rather save it for Ari or even Paige? They're your granddaughters after all. Shouldn't they get it next?"

Aurora gave Claudine a small smile and brushed a wayward lock of the young girl's brown hair out of her eyes that had escaped from the bun it'd been put in. "Yes they are my granddaughters and they'll always be my granddaughters. If you want, you can give it to them when they get married. But Claudine, you are my daughter. You're Claudine Rose, both by choice and by us."

Claudine smiled as she gently took the tiara. "I...I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything honey," Aurora told her as she watched Claudine fit the tiara gently on her head. She'd been telling the truth—after Audrey had been put under her enchanted sleep, Phillip and Aurora had approached Claudine about legally adopting her into the family.

Sure she was past the age where she needed a mom and dad but...Aurora could still remember when she was sixteen and wanted a more stable life after the excitement of being whisked away to the castle only to fall into an enchanted sleep.

She knew Claudine could never replace Audrey but...Aurora would never ask her to.

Claudine couldn't help but smile as she looked at her reflection.

Wow...I...I look like a Princess with this tiara...who'd have thought the little bell ringer from the Isle would have a life like this? It truly was amazing.

" I ready?"

"I think so," Aurora said as she handed Claudine her bouquet.

"I believe that's my cue," Phillip Sr. said with a smile as he walked into the room, holding Ari close to him. After all, she was to be the flower girl; the two Smee twins acting as joint ring bearers while Hubert graciously watched Paige for them. Phillip couldn't help but gasp softly at the sight of Claudine.

"You look beautiful Claudine," he told her.

"Thank you," Claudine said.

"Antee ooks wike a pwincess!" Arabella said with a smile. "Antee vewy pwetty!"

Claudine chuckled as she saw her niece. Somehow, Evie had continued to work her magic and made Arabella a dress to match the bridesmaids' dresses. Sea foam green, which was a color according to Evie. It had a hex code of #93E9BE and then she started saying words that Claudine really didn't understand so she just nodded.

The dress also had a navy blue band around the middle to match with Henry and his groomsmen's navy blue suits and sea foam green ties.

"Are you ready?" Phillip Sr asked as Aurora took Ari from his arms.

"Uh huh," Claudine nodded and took the offered arm, making their way onto the beach that Eric and Ariel had let them use. It had been originally free of charge but neither Henry or Claudine were exactly comfortable with that though being married near the ocean was the one thing nether one of them would compromise on.

He was a pirate. She was a pirate's daughter.

In the end, they came up with a deal that satisfied everyone. The beach would still be free for the wedding and in return, Claudine and Henry would work at one of the lighthouses along the coast of Eric's kingdom. Paid of course despite the objections from the bride and groom but neither Eric or Ariel would hear otherwise.

Claudine had to smile as she felt the sand under her feet and heard the waves crashing softly in the background, smelled the salt water on the air. All of that, plus the sun shining in the brilliant blue sky, just made everything perfect.

Well that and the aisle in front of them, rose petals scattered in front of them leading to one grinning groom. Claudine knew there was a light flush to her cheeks as she saw the look of awe that grew on Henry's face though she also knew the same look was on her's.

The man looked good in a suit, what could she tell you?

God...this is real. I'm walking down the aisle and I still can't believe it, she thought before stopping at the end of the aisle.

Phillip Sr. gave her a sad smile; gently kissing her cheek before going to stand next to Aurora. Claudine went to stand next to Henry; brown eyes looked deep into blue.

If you asked Claudine, years from now, what it was that the officiant had said or what her vows were, she wouldn't have been able to tell you. What she could tell you was that the sun had done Henry good—his skin was now a healthy tan rather than the pasty pale that seemed to be a giveaway that he'd been from the Isle.

It made his blue eyes sparkle in a way that they'd never done before.

"Henry, do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and respect Claudine above all others, from this day forward until your very last day on earth?" The officiant asked, pulling Claudine out of her thoughts and to the present.

"I do."

"Claudine, do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and respect Henry above all others, from this day forward until your very last day on earth?"

"I do."

The officiant smiled. "May I have the rings please?"

Claudine had to smile as Derek and Ryan gently nudged the Smee twins toward the two of them, the rings shining on the red velvet pillows they were holding.

"Henry, please repeat after me," the officiant said as Henry and Claudine picked up the rings. "Claudine, please accept this ring as a token of my true, pure love for you. With this, I give you my heart and soul. They are yours forever more."

"Claudine, please accept this ring as a token of my true, pure love for you. With this, I give you my heart and soul. They are yours forever more," Henry repeated though Claudine knew the words weren't necessary.

"Claudine, please repeat after me. Henry, please accept this ring as a token of my true, pure love for you. With this, I give you my heart and soul. They are yours forever more."

"Henry, please accept this ring as a token of my true, pure love for you. With this, I give you my heart and soul. They are yours forever more."

She gently slipped the ring onto his finger, smiling as Henry gave her hand a small squeeze. This was actually happening!

"You may now kiss your bride."

Henry smiled and gently connected his lips to Claudine's as their guests burst into applause. That didn't matter to Claudine, who smiled into the kiss as she happily returned it.

"I love you," Henry whispered.

"I love you too," Claudine told him. "My wonderful husband."

Henry looked a bit stunned at the new title before grinning. "That's going to take some getting used to but I definitely enjoy hearing it."

They made their way back down the aisle before making their way over to the section of the beach that'd been designated for the reception as it was slightly more inland.

"Congrats you two," Mal said with a grin. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Mal," Henry smiled before giving her a small bow.

Mal shook her head. "I'm not Queen yet Henry. You don't have to do that, especially not at your own wedding. I'm not here as Captain or Queen, just as a friend."

"Well...thanks Captain. I'm really glad you could come."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Mal promised before smirking and leaning close to his ear. "And you should probably talk to Jay. He's got something that could help for the wedding night. You know, to make sure there aren't any surprises in about nine months?"

Henry could only hope his face didn't resemble a tomato. The wedding night, it'd been the thing he was most nervous about. He had always had the mantra of never going too far with Claudine, he didn't want her to wind up pregnant especially on the Isle and having Frollo for a father.

Plus after everything his mother'd gone through, sacrificed so that he could live...Henry didn't want to spit on her memory like that by getting another girl pregnant.

But tonight...he wanted to make sure everything was perfect for Claudine. He hoped he could perform...

"Brooke's doing well," Mal said softly as the blonde left Nick's side and ran up, giving Claudine a hug. In the background, Henry could see Morgan looking rather cozy with Jake while Jay and Lonnie danced to music only they could hear.

"Yeah, she is," Henry nodded. "From what Harry's said, Gil's never left her side."

"You blame him? The last time he did, Locklyn dragged her off to Freddy's crew. Any word on them?"

"Joined the Casters from what I heard. At least that's what Derek told me. Thanks by the way, for getting him, Nick, and Jake off the Isle."

It hadn't just been those three, it was anyone who wanted to join to see the wedding. Of course the offer was made for permanent residence of Auradon though most of the crew just opted for the day pass.

"You really think I'd leave my crew on the Isle any longer than I had...Henry?"


"Is that Dustin kissing Jace Baddun?"

"Yes, I do believe it is considering Jace was his plus one."

Mal need never know that Henry had almost fainted when he saw that. But then, with the threat of Freddy gone, it allowed everyone the freedom to do things they might not have with the French Fanatic roaming the Isle.

"Good for him." Mal said with a smile. "He may be a prat but he deserves happiness too."

Henry grinned as Claudine came up and wrapped her arm through his. "Come on. It's time for the first dance."

"Well then let's go," Henry said, the grin never leaving his face. The two of them made it onto the dance floor as the first song began to play.

Perhaps I had a wicked childhood...perhaps I had a miserable youth. But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past, there must have been a moment of truth...

Henry smiled as they swayed in time to the music, gently kissing Claudine's forehead. "You know it's funny how Auradon somehow managed to get a song that fit us so well," he whispered.

"Well, they do have magic," Claudine teased.

"That they do," Henry chuckled.

For here you are, standing there loving me. Whether or not you should. So somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.

Claudine reached up and gently pushed a strand of Henry's red hair out of his eyes. "Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could..." she sang softly.

Henry smiled. "So somewhere in my youth or childhood...I must have done something good."

The two of them stood there, smiling lovingly at each other, as the music faded.

"Even as a married couple, they're still nauseating."

"Hush Dustin!"

"Yes cap'n. Only teasing Henry!"

Henry and Claudine chuckled. "Thank you Mal!"

The reception went on into the night, not that Henry and Claudine had anything negative to say about that. They continued to dance, and cut the red velvet cake they chose in honor of Claudine's mother. They spent so much time at the reception in fact that by the time Henry and Claudine climbed into bed in their new home, all they had the energy to do was lie there; holding each other close to them.

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