All is fair in War and Love

By potterhead_fic

7.1K 132 8

Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa Black. They used to be inseparable, they used to love each other. But they... More

Chapter 1: Andromeda
Chapter 2: Narcissa
Chapter 3: Bellatrix
Chapter 4: Andromeda
Chapter 5: Narcissa
Chapter 6: Bellatrix
Chapter 7: Andromeda
Chapter 9: Bellatrix
Chapter 10: Andromeda
Chapter 11: Narcissa
Chapter 12: Bellatrix
Epilogue: Andromeda
Epilogue: Narcissa
Epilogue: Bellatrix

Chapter 8: Narcissa

364 9 0
By potterhead_fic

AN: For me, the story of the Death Eaters is like the Nazis in some way. At first nobody or only a few people knew the atrocities that they were doing, until it was too late.

TW: Violence and Abuse

May, 1972

Narcissa had been chatting with her friends all morning. It had been a pretty normal day. Narcissa was happy. Happier than usual. Because Narcissa was in love. She could talk all day about how perfect Lucius was. Because he was so romantic. And they both had lost their virginity over the summer. Cissy was already planning their life together in her mind. They were surely going to get married. Narcissa was living a fantasy. But soon she was going to wake up and see the reality.

"I heard they flooded the third-floor bathrooms entirely" one of her friends giggled.

Narcissa's dear cousin Sirius was on everyone's mouth all morning. Apparently that little devil had found himself a group of friends as obstreperous as himself. He was a Gryffindor, thing that her aunty and uncle weren't happy about. Sirius was only a first year but he had already got into more trouble than Cissy had done her entire school life.

She rolled her eyes.

"Sirius is going to become a delinquent" she said annoyed "Straight to Azkaban"

"I actually thought it was pretty impressive" another friend smirked.


Narcissa turned to see one of her dormmates, Jessica. A petite witch with ginger curly short hair.


"Your boyfriend is in The Hospital Wing..."

Cissy stood up immediately "What?"

Jessica giggled "You should see his bloody face..."

Narcissa ran as quickly as possible to The Hospital Wing. There was a couple of Slytherins there. Lucius' friends. They were all gathered across his bed, so Cissy couldn't see him.

"Luci..." she chanted worried

"Cissy?" Lucius' voice asked

"Get away..." she said to the group of boys. They were grinning, trying not to laugh. But they let her through.

The boy seated in the bed was unrecognizable. He was not handsome anymore. His face was swollen and it was covered all over with pimples; red large and gross pimples.

"Oh Lu..." Narcissa sighed, because she didn't know what else to say.

"Don't look" he covered his face "My pretty face is gone!"

Lucius' friends giggled; they were dying to crack up laughing. Narcissa gave them a harsh look. They were bloody idiots sometimes.

"What happened Lucius?" she sat on the bed next to him. She patted his back.

"I don't want to talk about it!" Lucius cried

Goyle giggled "It was that Bones girl... Emily something"

"Ameline..." Crabbe corrected "I think..."

"Who?" Narcissa asked

"Amelia" Lucius spatted "Amelia Bones. That Ravenclaw bitch"

Narcissa had never heard about this Amelia girl.

"Lucius called her a 'disgusting cow'" Goyle laughed

"Lucius?" Narcissa needed a better explanation

"Shut up Goyle" Lucius spatted, then he sighed "Amelia had always been jealous of me. She couldn't resist that I do better in Flitwick's class than her. She began attacking me. I had to respond!"

"It was pretty funny actually" Crabbe grinned "She slapped him across the face and then fired the spell"

"Funny? You imbecile!" Lucius yelled "She could've ruined my face forever. I could be like this forever"

"Not quite, Mr. Malfoy" The school healer, Mrs. Pomfrey made her way through. She was rolling her eyes, suggesting that Lucius was exaggerating "Take this potion, and the effects will be down in two hours"

"TWO HOURS?" Lucius asked shocked "I cannot look like these for two hours"

Crabbe and Goyle giggled. Pomfrey sighed. "You can stay here, I guess. But no crying or moaning anymore. I have other patients"

The healer walked away.

"I'll stay with you, babe" Narcissa nodded

"You are the best, sweetie"

Lucius' friends mocked them obviously, Narcissa was used to that.

"I saw a kid covered in scars in the other bed" Crabbe giggled "He looked horrible"

"Sh sh, bloody wanker" Goyle protested "He might still be here"

"Go away" Narcissa demanded "Lu and I need some privacy"

Narcissa was tired that those idiots were always around.

"Uuuuh, privacy eh?" Goyle raised his eyebrow

"Piss off IDIOTS" Lucius spatted


Crabbe and Goyle exited laughing and making obscene gestures. Narcissa rolled her eyes and drew the curtains shut. She casted a silencing spell.

"Cissy, are we going to have sex here?" Lucius raised an eyebrow

"I'm not gonna have sex with you looking like that"

Lucius made a pout offended. Cissy sighed before sitting down again.

"Lucius what happened with that girl?" Narcissa began "And be honest this time"

"I told you..." Lucius shrugged

Narcissa looked down "Why do you always have to act like an idiot?" she asked carefully

Lucius smirked "I know what this is about. You're jealous" he kissed her cheek


"Yes, you are" Lucius continued giving her soft kisses "Don't worry, Cissy you're the only girl for me"

He carried on kissing her neck. She pushed him away.

"Lucius is not that!" she protested "You always have to fight with someone. Last year it was with that Tonks kid and the Hufflepuffs..."

"Tonks was an idiot. Thank Merlin he is gone"

"And this year is with this Ravenclaw girl..." Narcissa continued "Who is going to be next? The Gryffindors?"

"They are all jealous of me" he grinned

"It's not funny Lucius" Cissy sighed "Why can you be the tender boy that you are with me, with everyone else? I always have to excuse you with others..."

Lucius looked down "Nobody understands me as you"

Narcissa simply looked at him. Lucius adopted his serious expression. It happened rarely.

"I am graduating in a few months" he said "And father... He wants me to join this group... Crabbe and Goyle are joining too"

"What group?"

"It is a secret"


The boy swallowed.

"They are called... The Death Eaters..."

"You mean that wizard that had been in The Daily Prophet?" Cissy opened her eyes

Lucius nodded carefully

"I heard he's been killing people"

"There are just rumors" Lucius shrugged "It is for the best. We want a better Wizard Community, don't we?"

Narcissa hugged her boyfriend tightly. She knew that Lucius tried to be a rebel and attracted everyone's attention. But when it came to his father, he did whatever he said. Lucius was scared of him. Lucius had confessed that. Only to her.

"I am scared, Cissy" he whispered "Of the future"

"Whatever it happens" she said "We'll be together"

Narcissa leaned in for a kiss. But Lucius stopped her.

"I look horrible for kissing" he pouted

Narcissa laughed "I don't care"

And she kissed him. In fact, they kissed for a while until Lucius' face turned back to normal.


"Amelia Bones?" Narcissa asked, although she knew exactly that it was her.

Narcissa tried not to be jealous but she discovered that she was a very jealous girl. And she had wanted to put Amelia in her place for days now. Amelia was way more pretty that Narcissa had expected. She had dark straight hair with a fringe. Her skin was pale with a few freckles. Her eyes were chocolate brown.


"I am Narcissa Black" she put her hands of her hips "Lucius' girlfriend?"

Amelia excused herself with her friends. When they left, she adopted the same position as Narcissa. She licked her lips. Cissy hated her.

"Look I don't know what your boyfriend told you..."

"Stay away from him, okay?" Narcissa interrupted "He has enough problems as it is"

Amelia smiled and Narcissa wanted to punch her "I am sorry Narcissa" she said "I don't know how else to put it, but your boyfriend is a dick"

"Excuse me?"

"He told you I've been harassing him or something?" Amelia snorted. She shook her head "Lucius Malfoy is always calling me names. Because of my weight, my Hispanic roots, because I get top marks. He had been making my life miserable for years. He also makes fun of my thirteen-year-old brother because he is more delicate than other boys"

"That's not true" Narcissa spatted

"He is racist and he thinks he is better than everyone else" Amelia continued "I think he deserved that jinx"

Narcissa didn't answer. She had a horrible sensation on her throat.

"He might be an angel to you" Amelia said sympathetically "But he is a nightmare to a lot of students, ask anyone. Well anyone who is not a rich pureblood"

Amelia was playing with her. She was manipulating her into believing that Lucius was a bad person, just because she was jealous of him. Lucius was different. Lucius was different than anyone believed. Narcissa had learned his most vulnerable sides. He was being manipulated by his father. He was pressured by the stupid Slytherin boys. Narcissa didn't believe her.

"I'll say it again" Narcissa took out her wand this time, and approached the girl slowly "Stay away from boyfriend or I will personally deal with you"

Amelia didn't seem scared or anything. She smiled full of pity. Narcissa decided to get away from her before she did something that was going to get her into trouble.


Late August, 1972

Andromeda had been missing for days. Things had been a bit of tensional at The Noble House of Black. Andromeda had left after having an argument with their father and mother about not wanting to marry Jasper Parkinson, a boy who was clearly interested in her. She left.

Narcissa knew that her parents were angry. Cygnus had been in a terrible mood cursing everyone and treating the elves like trash. Druella always agreed with her husband. But Narcissa, she was bloody worried. She had cried a lot praying that her sister was safe somewhere. But partly, Narcissa was angry. Because Andy hadn't said anything to her. She just left.

Bellatrix had been staying for a few days as well. But she had been acting very strangely. She had been saying very mean and sarcastic comments about Andromeda, calling her 'weak', a 'traitor'. It seemed as she didn't care at all about Andromeda. She'd been laughing and making fun of her little sister. Bellatrix had been acting odd, out of herself since she got married. Narcissa frightened that Rodolphus had changed her already.

"Don't worry, Cissy..." Bellatrix said that afternoon "Andromeda will not bear without us any longer. Without all the luxury and money..." she laughed

Narcissa bit her nails nervously. They were at the garden. It was a beautiful day. But nothing could make Narcissa's bad humor improve. And above all, Lucius hadn't owled her since they got home for the summer. She was worried. For both her sister and boyfriend.

"How do you find this funny?" Narcissa asked "What if something happens to her?"

Bellatrix snorted "Andy is a big girl"

"Father and mother will be furious when she returns"

"Andromeda is a coward" Bellatrix whispered "There are bigger things happening in The Wizarding World and she is scared of a boy..." she rolled her eyes

"She is not in love with Parkinson" Narcissa protested

"Not everyone else has a love story like you, Cissy" Bella said annoyed.

Cissy wasn't so sure anymore. Everything was fine with Lucius. And now he just simply decided to ignore her.

"Speaking of Romeo..." Bella continued amused "Have you heard something from him?"

Narcissa turned to look at her. She spoke as she knew something was up.

"Do you know something?" Narcissa asked hopefully "Rod goes to those meetings too, right?"

Narcissa knew Lucius joined that group. The Death Eaters was their name. That's what his father wanted. Cissy knew Rodolphus and Bellatrix participated in those meetings sometimes. But her sister didn't answer, she just simply smirked.

"You go to those meetings as well, don't you?" Cissy continued "Have you seen him?"

"Malfoy is a bit weak, you know?..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Before Bellatrix responded, they heard an apparition noise. Narcissa jumped. Bellatrix didn't even flinch. The figure of Andromeda walked towards them slowly. She didn't seem hurt. She looked okay, wearing strange clothes. But she was pale and embarrassed. Andy smiled weakly.

"Hey" she said

"Bloody hell, ANDY!" Narcissa had been so worried that all she wanted to do was to hug her sister. And she did so, tightly. Andromeda let out a protesting sound but then she giggled and hugged her back.

But then Narcissa was angry, because how dare she. Andromeda got her sister worried. And she didn't even care to send a bloody letter or something.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL, ANDROMEDA?" Narcissa spatted "Where have you been?"

Andromeda blinked nervously. She didn't respond, she smiled at Bellatrix softly instead.

"Hello, Bella"

Bellatrix was on her feet. She crossed her arms, like she was offended or something.

"So?" she asked "Where have you been?"

"And what are you wearing?" Cissy added looking at her sister's outfit.

"Muggle clothes" Andromeda responded bitterly, looking directly at Bellatrix. Bellatrix's face tightened, she seemed angry.

"Why are you wearing that?" Narcissa asked. Surely her sister had gone mental.

Bellatrix remained in the same position. Like deciding what to say or do.

"I got married" Andromeda continued; she was trying so hard not to break down.

Narcissa was in shock. MARRIED? How could her sister had missed for days and returned already married?

"MARRIED?" Narcissa gasped "TO WHO?"

Narcissa noticed Bellatrix seemed furious, like she already knew what was happening. Not Cissy, she was completely lost.

Andromeda swallowed hard "His name is Ted Tonks... He is a muggleborn"

Tonks. Of course, Narcissa remembered him. Lucius always complained about him. He was the rebel muggleborn who thought was better than everyone else. The bloke that used to harass Andy. And she married him?

Narcissa was trying to find the words to say, the questions to ask. Andromeda had gone insane. The first thought that came to Cissy's mind, was that she was bewitched or cursed.

Bellatrix finally broke the ice by laughing. Narcissa noticed it was a different kind of laughter, almost evil. She stared at her sister, while Andromeda rolled her eyes.

Narcissa smiled weakly "Enough with the joke, Andy"

"It is not a joke, Cissy" It was Bellatrix who spoke, she was grinning like a maniac "I know what you'd been up to long ago, Andromeda..."

"You knew?" Narcissa asked offended. Her sisters used to tell her everything. They used to get along so well, and lately Narcissa couldn't even recognize any of them.

Bellatrix ignored her. She had taken out her wand, she played with it in her hands.

"At first I couldn't believe it" Bella continued "'That's not Andromeda' I thought 'she wouldn't dare go so low, and betray her family like that'' she started pacing "But you managed to surprise me, sister" she continued "I thought it would be a phase, that you wanted to get attention, try new things. And soon you will come to your senses and drop that mudblood..." Finally, Bella looked at Andy with hate eyes "But marrying him?" she closed her eyes in pain.

Narcissa felt like she wanted to cry, she felt so betrayed. She didn't even know how to intervene.

"It's fine" Bellatrix sighed "We can fix this. You're going to get rid of that mudblood and forget about him..."

"NO" Andromeda spatted. Cissy looked at her like she had gone mental.

Bella smiled evily "No?"

"I love him..." Andromeda answered "He is my husband now. And I love him"

Bellatrix sent a killing glare at her. It even scared Narcissa.


Bellatrix raised her wand, pointing directly at Andromeda.

"Bella!" Cissy cried putting herself in front of her sister. She had tears in her eyes.


"Bella calm down!" Narcissa begged "Maybe we can talk about this"

"WHERE IS HE?" Bella continued, full of rage "HE IS HERE, ISN'T HE? WAITING FOR YOU OUTSIDE?"

Andromeda didn't answer, but her eyes were watery, full of fear.


Andromeda raised her wand as well "Don't you dare touch him!"

Bellatrix snorted "Look how she defends THAT SCUM over HER OWN FAMILY"

"Bella please!" Cissy cried

"I AM GOING TO KILL HIM" Bella grunted

"THAT'S WHAT YOU DO, DON'T YOU?" Andromeda finally said. She was looking at Bellatrix, crying "You'd been killing people, torturing them"

Narcissa turned to look at Bellatrix this time. Her head was hurting with all this new information.


"That's what they do" Andromeda explained "The Dark Lord and his followers"


Andy ignored her "How many people have you killed, Bella? What have you been doing?"

Bellatrix didn't answer. She stared at Andromeda like she was planning what to do with her.

"This cannot be happening" Narcissa grabbed her head, it was hurting too much

"Open your eyes, Cissy" Andromeda continued "It's what they do. It's what all of them had been doing. Probably Malfoy is involved as well"

"No" Cissy shook her head vigorously. She kept on crying.

"Who told you all of this?" Bellatrix asked "YOUR FILTHY LOVER?" she laughed again "He's been manipulating you!"

"Wrong!" Andromeda spatted "He had opened my eyes, finally!"

Bellatrix laughed at this "What a prince charming that mudblood is! HE DESERVES A BLOODY AWARD!"

Narcissa kept on crying. Her head was exploding. This was surely a nightmare. But she had had enough. She wanted to wake up. Now.

"WHAT IN MERLIN'S BEARD IS HAPPENING HERE?" The voice of their father interrupted, followed shortly by their mother. Oh, bloody hell. Things were going to get even more complicated.

"Andromeda!" Druella gasped "Where were you, darling?" she looked at her upside down "What are you wearing? Did someone hurt you?"

Andromeda seemed even more pale and scared than before, but she spoke clearly "Father, mother... I am okay, don't worry"

"WHERE WERE YOU ANDROMEDA?" Cygnus asked losing patience

"Oh, father" Bellatrix smiled "Andromeda has news. Don't you sister?"

Andromeda glanced hatefully at Bellatrix. Narcissa was silently crying. She didn't want for her parents to find out.

"SO? WHAT IS IT, ANDROMEDA? SPEAK UP!" Cygnus yelled impatiently.

Tears rolled down Andromeda's eyes.

"ANDROMEDA!" Cygnus roared

"I married a muggleborn out of love" she finally answered "And I don't care what you say anymore... I love him and I am going to live with him"

Bellatrix snorted crossing her arms.

Silence. Dead silence. Narcissa saw that her mother was pale and shocked. Cygnus' expression was indescribable.

Cygnus approached Andromeda, looking at her. The girl looked at her father. BAM! Cygnus slapped her across her face.

Everyone gasped except for Bellatrix who was smiling.

Cygnus grabbed Andromeda's hair pulling her closer. Narcissa let out a soft gasp. She covered her mouth.

"You have any idea of you had done to me?" he whispered.

Andromeda didn't respond. She continued to cry.

"I want you to stop seeing that scum now" he said calmy.

"No" Andy whispered.

"What was that?"

"No!" she said a little louder "I told you I love him!"

Cygnus pushed his daughter until she was on the floor. He was red of rage. He took out his wand. About to blast a curse on her.

"NO! FATHER PLEASE!" It was Cissy who spoke. But Cygnus pushed her away.

Andy kept looking at her mother. Perhaps hoping she would save her. But Druella just looked at her with disgust.

"GET OUT!" he screamed, spit running down his chin as he spoke "I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU!"

Andromeda stood up. Tears rolling down her face. Cheek red for the slap. Cygnus was shaking from anger. Andy took a sight of her sisters before running away. Cissy cried silently on her mother's arms. Bellatrix looked hurt. Perhaps just realizing what she had done.


Narcissa's innocent world changed after that. She thought she knew Andromeda, but apparently not. She thought she knew Bellatrix, but she didn't know what to believe anymore. And Lucius, the only person she trusted and loved these days, perhaps had always been someone else. Narcissa still loved him. Narcissa still loved her sisters. But perhaps they didn't care about her anymore. Narcissa's little fantasy was about to turn into a nightmare.

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