Carina Black: Fanfic

By BiancaEvans2

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This story starts from when Regulus Black was a death eater. Why he turned against Voldemort. It's all becaus... More

Prologue: Twins
Regulus' Death
Hogwarts Letter
Missing Toad
Draco Malfoy
Sorting Ceremony
First Day
Halloween Troll
Harry's First Quidditch Match
Search for Proof
Christmas Holiday's
Exams and Music
Through the Trap Door
1991-1992 House Cup
Summary of Second Year
Escapee Uncle
Two Cats
Dementor Vs Two Patronuses
1st Third Year Classes: Part 1
1st Third Year Classes: Part 2
Christmas Necklace
Gryffindor Vs Ravenclaw 1994
Hogsmeade with Hermione
Quidditch Final
Third Year Exams
Snuffles is a Wizard
Who Betrayed the Potters?
It's a Full Moon

Halloween Attack

140 4 1
By BiancaEvans2

Carina's POV

It's now Halloween and not a lot has happened since school started. Rodger Davis has been pushing us hard to be ready for our first Quidditch match. Which won't be until after Christmas. He says he wants us to be prepared for anything. Also we have a new seeker Cho Chang who is in her fourth year. Rodger, Jeremy Stretton and I are the chasers. With Randolph Burrow as a back up. Our team beaters are Jason Samuels and Duncan Inglebee. Lastly Grant Page is our keeper.

Sirius Black has been sighted getting closer to Hogwarts and still hasn't been caught. Also for our first DADA we faced a Boggart. But I was behind Harry in line. And before Harry could face it Professor Lupin stood in front of him. The Boggart turned into a full moon. I wondered why that was his worse fear. He turned it into a deflating balloon and he had Neville finish it off.

So me being the inquisitive Ravenclaw that I am. Decided to spy on my new professor in my animagus form. While on stake out I found out that Professor Snape is brewing wolf's bane potion for him. The only reason he'd need wolf's bane potion is if he was a werewolf. I watched him turn on a full moon and curl up in his office by the fire. I decide to keep it to myself.

During my stakes out I also noticed a stray black dog on the school grounds. I'd leave food in the boat house. The next day it'd be gone. I decided to call him Snuffles. Though we haven't meet yet. I plan on being there next time he has the food I leave out.

Anyway as I said it's Halloween. I pray this year we have an uneventful feast. First year I was nearly killed by a troll and last year the Chamber of Secrets opened. I had a nice day though. As it was our third years first trip to Hogsmeade today.

I went with Hermione and Ron as I hadn't seen a lot of them recently. Harry was stuck at Hogwarts as his relatives hadn't signed his permission form. Also Hermione wanted someone to talk to as her and Ron are on rocky ground since her cat attacked his rat. Honestly it was being a cat, not like she can control him.

When we returned to Hogwarts I gave them the sweets I had gotten Harry. Telling them to tell him that I'd join them at the feast. I did my homework for the weekend. Then went to the feast and joined the others at the Gryffindor table. Harry told me about the potion Snape gave Lupin.

"Honestly Harry, Snape isn't going to poison Lupin just to become our defense teacher" I tell him. "I'm sure it was just a pepper-up potion" I add. The feast begins and it was delicious as always. Hermione and Ron, who were full to bursting with Honeydukes sweets, managed second helpings of everything. I stuck to only one. Harry kept glancing at the staff table. Professor Lupin looked cheerful and as well as he ever did; he was talking animatedly to my head of house. "Drop it Harry and enjoy the feast" I tell him and he does so.

The feast finished with an entertainment provided by the Hogwarts ghosts. They popped out of the walls and tables to do a bit of formation gliding. Nearly Headless Nick, the Gryffindor ghost, had a great success with a reenactment of his own botched beheading. I join Luna and head back to Ravenclaw Tower.

"So how are your studies going? I know you and Hermione are doing many classes this year" Luna says.

"I'm doing well, but kind of regretting taking on some many classes. I'm thinking of dropping Muggle Studies after exams" I tell her.

"Can you do that?" she asks me.

"Professor Flitwick says I can" I state. We reach the entrance and a riddle is told. "Spider" I answer and we enter the common room. "Need help with any homework? I've already done mine" I tell her.

"Sure you can help me with my essay on trolls" she states. I groan but agree to help. We claim a spot by the window over looking the lake. I start to help her. We were nearly done when Professor Flitwick appears calling for all Ravenclaws. We all gather around him.

"I am afraid that Sirius Black broke into the castle during the feast and attempted to enter the Gryffindor common room. While us professors search the school. We agree it'd be safer if all the students slept in the great hall tonight. So please grab your wands, pillows and change into your pj's. We leave in ten minutes" he tells us.

I rush to my dorm room and change. I grab my wand and Honoria. We all gather in the common room then followed Flitwick to the great hall. I notice everyone looking at me and keep my head down. This is what I didn't want. I spot Harry and the other two. I join them and Hermione gives me a hug.

"Did he try to break into your common room?" she asks me.

"No, but now everyone is going to treat me differently" I tell her.

"We won't" she assures me. Harry and Ron nod their heads in agreement. Sleeping bags appear. We grab one each and a pillow. We claim a corner and set up our sleeping bags. As gryffindors told the other houses about what had happened. I heard my name mentioned a few times.

"Ignore them" Harry tells me.

"Do you think he is still in the castle?" I ask them.

"Dumbledore obviously thinks he might be" Ron states.

"It's very lucky he picked tonight, you know" Hermione tells us and I nod my head in agreement. "The one night we weren't in the tower" she clarifies.

"I reckon he's lost track of time, being on the run" I state. "Didn't realize it was Halloween" I tell them.

"Otherwise he'd have come bursting in here" Ron adds. Hermione and I shudder at the thought. All around them, people were asking one another the same question: How did he get in? I wish I knew the answer to that.

"The lights are going out now! I want everyone in their sleeping bags and no more talking" Percy tells us all. The candles all went out at once. The only light now came from the silvery ghosts, who were drifting about talking seriously to the prefects. And the stars of the enchanted ceiling. I lay down and hold Honoria close falling asleep.


Picture above of Carina's animagus form and picture on the external link of Snuffles.

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