Ereri oneshots

By Jace_Ackerman07

4.6K 38 19

Just a book with Ereri oneshots. Some of them are kinda smutty. Triggerwarning out (sh, suicide, rape, ED) More

As long as you're with me
Maby you're just a monster named Eren
Happy Birthday
AOT texts part 1
My boyfriend on his period
Last chance
Date night
Don't send me away
Toung piercing
I'm coming home
Shitty brat
My little angle
I love you, Eren
The innocense of desire (part 1)
The innocense of desire (part 2)
The german boy
Wedding night
One in two
My boyfriend on his period (Version 2)
My Toy
Happy Birthday (vers 2)
Long time not seen
Only Mine
Band contest
Dirty dog
Good morning
Baby, don't cut
Always (part 2)
Sorry, Levi
Mind change
The Letter
Family Dinner
Are we wrong?

Ocian eyes

75 1 0
By Jace_Ackerman07

,,Come on, Eren! Please!" I role my eyes annoyed. ,,I'm not going to the fucking aquarium! I'm way to old for this!" I push my best friend Armin away and cross my arms infront of my chest. ,,You're always just at home! You have never any time for me!", he says and looks at me in a creepy way. Shit, wy's he always so fucking creepy? I sight. ,,Fine. But just this one time." Armin jumps up in joy and pulls me into the train, wich just arrived.

1 hour later

We stand infront of tge ebtrace of the aquarium and I role my eyes annoyed. Armin pulls me in with a big smile, buys us tickets and hands me some money. I look at him confused. ,,Go buy us some milkshakes. I'll get us a plan. I want strawberry!" With these words the blond dissapears. I hope he's fast with looking at everything, because I really don't wanna be here. I slowly walk to the drinkbar and order us some milkshakes. I go back to Armin, who's reading the plan and reaches him his milkshake. ,,Thank you." He takes a sip and looks at me dissapointed. ,,I wanted strawberry." ,,Strawberry were out. Cherry is red too so it doesn't matter. Anyways, what do you want to see first?", I reply and take a sip of my chocolate shake. ,,I wanba go to the minifishes." ,,They're not called minifishes." ,,I don't care. And if you don't want to come with me, there's a new section called 'rare creatures'. This could be something for you." I nood bored. ,,Fine. Call me when you're done. See you." ,,Yea, see you." With these words Armin runs into one of the hallways and dissapears. I sight annoyed and start walking, looking for the 'rare creatures' section. I think I'm just gonna sit down there and relax. I just don't care for any of this things. I keep walking until I find the section, wich is coverd
by a black curtain. Strange. I pull it away and enter the hallway. It's very dark in here and the only light comes from a big tank. I can take a look, because wy not? I look into the tank and look through the clear water. Nothing. Is it empty or what? But there I see something. Looks like a human, like a man to be exactly. But just until his waist. From there on is a fishtail. ,,Is this a mermaid or something?", I mumble. ,,Yea, it is. Isn't it beatifull?" I turn around in surprise and see a big, blond man standing next to me. ,,We got it one month ago. Some fishers caught it and brought it too us.", he says and smiles slightly. I just say nothing and stare at the man in confusion. ,,I have to go now. Have fun!" With this words  he dissapears. I shake my head and look back at the merman, but he's gone. I look around in the tank, but can't find him. Suddenly he appears right infront of my face and I jump back a few meters. The merman gots raivenblack hair and his eyes are a cool grey. He's really beatifull. But his eyes are red, like he just cried. He looks very unhappy. I step a little closer to the glass and he swings his black tail around. Now I realize what's wrong with him. ,,The tank is way to small you. You're trapped in this small tank.", I say and the merman noods. Wait, he can hear me? Seems like it. ,,I know how you feel. After my mother died when I was ten, my father became very abusive and looked me up in the basement until I was fivteen." He also raped and hit me multiple times until I told Armin about this and called the police and now my father's in jail, but I'm still traumatized of the things he did to me. The merman seems to listen to every word I'm telling him. I'm probably the only one who talks to him. ,,I'm Eren by the way. Do you have a name?", I ask. He lifts up his hand and a bubble shaped of an L comes out of it. ,,Are you trying to tell me your name?" The raven noods and makes more bubbles. L,E,V,I. Levi. ,,Levi? Is that your name?" He noods and presses his hand against the glass and I do the same. I want to help him, but I know I can't. ,,I wish I could help you, Levi.", I say and smile slighly. I can't leave him alone here. I want to stay with him even though that's littelary impossible. Suddenly my phone rings and Levi swims away. ,,Hey, it's nothing dangerus. My best friend just called me.", I say and try to calm him down. He slowly swims back and looks at me confused.

,,Hey Armin."

,,Hey, Eren. I'm done now. I'm waiting at the exit for you."

He hangs up. I look back to Levi, who still looks kinda confused. ,,Sorry, I have to go." Suddenly he comes very close to the glass and bangs against it, opening his mouth like he's shouting, but there are just bubbles coming out of it. He doesn't want me to go. ,,Hey, calm down, okay? I promise, I'll come back tomorrow. Just don't forget me and wait.", I say and smile at him. Slowly Levi calms down and smiles back at me. ,,See you tomorrow.", I say and leave the section. I feel really bad leaving Levi alone, but I can't stay there. After a while I reach the exit, were Armin already waits for me. ,,And? How was it?", he asks with a smile. ,,Yea, it was quite interesting.", I say and smile back. ,,See, I told you it'll be fun! Anyway's, we should go home now. It's late." ,,Yea, you're right."

,,Shit, the damn fish broke the glass! We have to fix it bevore we loose more water!" ,,Yes sir!" ,,And someone get this fucking fish, bevore he messes around even more!" The merman lies in the shards of the glass he broke and they cut deep wounds in his body. The owner of the aquarium, Erwin Smith leans over the twitching merman and lies his foot on his face, not much, but enough to hurt Levi. ,,There's no running away, pretty fish.", he says and smiles. ,,Put him in anesteshia!" The merman starts to twitch even more. He doesn't want to be put to sleep for an unknown time, but he can't resist and gets a needle rammed in his arm. ,,Put a thicker glass, so he can't break it anymore. We can't him trying to break out again."

After that one day I come to visit Levi ever day. I tell him about my day, my friends and my worrys. He always listens interestet and seems like to love when I come. I feel so bad, that I can't help him. The only thing I can do for Levi is visiting him, so he isn't completely lonely. I don't know how to describe our relationship. All I can say is that I really like him. I'd do anything for him and when it makes him happy, when I visit him, then I'll do it until I fucking die. Today I'm visiting him again. I go down the hallway and reach the black curtain. I pull it away and go to Levi's tank, as I suddenly notice something. The glass is way thicker then yesterday and the tank is even smaller. Suddenly Levi apears infront of me and presses his hand against the glass. I notice multiple cuts on his body and tail and a huge scar in his face. ,,Hey Levi what happend? Shit, this looks terrible!", I say and press my hands against his. Levi bangs against the glass and leans his forehead against it. I understand. ,,Did you try to breake out?" He noods. It breaks my heart to see him like that in this way to small tank. I have to get him out of here. I just have to. Every tank has a cover, wich can be open from the outside. I just have to find from were. ,,I'm getting you out of here.", I say after a while of scilence. Because Levi can't talk to me, I learned how to read his looks and now he's looking like he wants to tell me, that I can't free him. ,,I can, Levi. I promise. Just wait a few minutes." With these words I go away from the tank and starts to look for a door, wich could maby lead me to Levi's tank. Because it's very dark, I use my phone light and after a while I find a black door, wich I would've never found, if I didn't have my handy light. I push the pawl down and hope, that the door isn't unlocked and it isn't. Fuck, please be the right one! I walk past the gear until I reach some stairs. I start to climb them, hoping they'll lead me to the cover and yes. The covers are right infront of me and  a few meters away from me is the exit to the outside. I can run away fast. Now I'll free Levi, so he doesn't have to suffer any longer. I open the cover and see Levi looking up to me surprised. But then he seems to get it and swims up to me. His head breaks through the water and he wraps his arms around my neck. ,,Eren.", he says  and burries his face in my neck, making my shirt completely wet. I'm surprised by his voice, wich is way deeper then I expected. ,,Let's get you out of here.", I say and smile. ,,But I don't know what'll happen when I get out of the water.", Levi replies and looks away. ,,We'll see. I'm pulling you out now." I lift him out of the water and sit him on the floor infront of me, his tale still in the water. ,,I'm still not completely out yet." I nood. I lift Levi up in bridgal style, as suddenly something weard happens. His tale starts to turn into Levi's usuall skintone and splits into two. It turned into legs. ,,How about that." He says and looks at his legs. ,,And what the hell is that thing?" I have to giggle. ,,I'll explain it to you later. I just have a question: Can you walk?" ,,I don't know. I could try." I nood and place Levi on the floor. He instantly colapses and falls down. Okay, he can't walk. I pick him up again. ,,I feel pathetic.", he growls and crosses his arms infront of his chest. Tgen I remember something that maby will become a problem. He's completely naked. Now I'm glad I made my drivers liscence a month ago and own a car. But it's still weard, so I have an idea. ,,Wait a second." I sit Levi on the floor again, take of my jacket and put it around him, earning a confused look. ,,To cover up a little.", I say and pick Levi up again. ,,Wy should I do something like that? It were never neccesary bevore.", he replies confused. ,,It' because you're naked." ,,Wy's there problem?" ,,Because you have a godamn penis." After I said that I regret it. ,,So that's what this thing called? Is it a problem for humans to see it?" I sight.  ,,Let's discuss that later. We have to get away from here now." I open the exit door and run with Levi in my arms to my car. I unlock it, place him on the backseat and sit on the drivers seat. I'm glad Levi doesn't ask any questions and start to drive. ,,Were are we going?", he asks after a while. ,,To my house. I don't know were else we should go.", I answer. After a few more minutes we arrive at my house and I sight. I leave the car, lift Levi out of it and enter the house. ,,Do you live here?", the raven asks and looks around. I have to smile. ,,Yea. I know it's not much, but it's enough for me.", I answer and place him on my sofa. ,,Thank you, Eren. For getting me out of there.", Levi says and leans his head against my chest. ,,I just couldn't let you there.   It were obviosly you sufferd.", I reply and go through his still wet hair. We stay a while like that until I go a step away and look at him. ,,I'm getting you some clothes. Wait here for a second.", I say and go into my bedroom to get Levi some clothes. I don't care if he thinks it's weard, because I can't have him being naked all the time. I find an old shirt and some pants and go back to reach it to Levi. ,,Here, take this on.", I say shortly. ,,Do I really need this? It's weard.", he replies and crosses his arms infront of his bare chest. ,,Yeah. I can't have you being naked all the time. It's embarissing.", I say and throw the clothes at him. ,,I don't know how to take this on. Can you help me?" I sight and start to take Levi the clothes on. ,,This feels wrong.", I whisper to myself a little to loud. But the raven doesn't react to it, even though I'm sure he hears it.

1 year later

From this one day Levi stayed with me and we lived together. I thought him how to behave as a human and he did really good. I started to fall inlove with Levi and asked him to be my boyfriend. He said yes. We've been a couple for over eight months now and I can't remember being ever this happy. But Levi isn't. First I didn't realised wy, until two weeks ago. He came to me and asked me to bring him to the ocian. When he did this, I realised it. He misses his home. It breaks my heart to see him sad, so I arrenged a flight to the sea. It's not very easy to get to the ocian, because our country is surounded by mountans. The only way you can get out of here is fliying. Now we're sitting in the plane and none of us says a thing. We're gonna arrive quite late, so we're staying this night in a hotel. This is gonna be our last night together and we both know that. When I'm honest, I don't want Levi to go, but I just need him to be happy. ,,Eren? Wy are you crying?", he asks suddenly. ,,What?", I reply and whipe over my face. It's wet. ,,I-I'm sorry. It's nothing.", I say wuickly and whipe my tears away. Levi lays his hand on my leg and looks at me. ,,I love you, Eren. No matter what." I nood. ,,I love you too." The flight seems like years to me and none of us says another word until we arrive at the airport. An hour late we sit in our hotelroom and I unpack my stuff. Even this night no one says a word.


,,You're crying again.", Levi says and wipes my tears away from my face. ,,I know.", I reply and sight. ,,I'm sorry, I-", the raven starts but I break him up. ,,Don't you fucking dare to apollogice!", I shout and pull the cover away from my body. ,,Sorry, I didn't meant to shout.", I say right afterwards and look away from my boyfriend. There is it again. This akward silence. We just lie there next to eachother and stare in the air. After a while I decite to say something. ,,Can  we please talk about something? This silence is awfull.", I say and force Levi to look at me. ,,Can we just sleep?", he replies. I laugh sarcasticly. ,,I don't think I can sleep tonight.", I say and sight. ,,I can't eather." Suddenly Levi does something I'd never expect to happen. He lies on top of me and looks me deep in the eyes. ,,Levi, what are you-" Bevore I can finish my sentence, the raven covers my mouth. ,,I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'll leave you behind. I really wanna stay with you. I need you and love you more then anything else. But I can't stay with you. I need to go back. But...we still have this one night, so I wanna ask you for something." I look at him confused. ,,Eren-please make me feel good." I can't believe what I'm hearing. Does he want to sleep with me? ,,But..we've never done something like that bevore. Are you sure?" ,,I'd rather ask if you're sure. After what you told me." I sight. ,,It'll be fine for me. I can deal with it. I'm sure if you're too." Actuelly, I don't know if I'll be able to deal with this, but I'll try. ,,If I wouldn't be sure I wouldn't have said that.", Levi says. ,,Then we'll do it.", I reply and turn him around, so I lie on top of him. I place a soft kiss on his lips and slide my thoung into his mouth. I lick the downside of his thoung and earn a little moan with that. Slowly Levi pulls my shirt over my head and I do the same to him. We take our time with everything we're doing, enjoying every single second. His hot breath against my hair while I'm kissing his neck and his icy fingers running down my back, making she shiver. We taste out every single moment. ,,Eren.", Levi moans in my ear and smashes his hips against mine. He pulls down my boxers, leaving me completely naked. ,,Put it inside already.", he says and pulls my face closer to his. I place myself on his entrace and take a breath. ,,Ready?" ,,Ready." I take another breath bevore putting it in all at once. ,,Fuck Levi, you feel so good inside.", I groan while thrusting inside him. I enjoy Levi's loud moans and his nails deep inside my back. A few thrusts later I feel my release coming closer. ,,I'm coming.", I warn and make another one. Suddenly Levi's face is full of worry. ,,Is this gonna hurt you?", he asks. I have to smile. ,,Not at all.", I answer and in this moment I come inside him. Levi's moans start to get louder and I can sense he's close too. ,,Eren!", he screams and comes on our both chests. I fall exausted next to him and stroke over his arm. ,,I love you, Levi.", I say and smile. ,,I love you too.", my boyfriend replies and cuddels into my chest. There comes the sadness again. The thoughts that I'll loose him forever tomorrow and then I'll be left alone again. I wrap my arms tightly around Levi like someone wanted to take him away from me. I can't let him go. I just can't. But I have to. Keeping him with me would be just selfish. I look at him and see he fell asleep. I look at his face, trying to get every inch of it in my head. I go softly over the big scar over his face and over all the other his body. He's beatifull.

The next day

The cold wind blows through my hair while I hold my boyfriends hand tight.   I feel like throwing out and just want to run away, but I can't. I look at Levi and sob. He takes off his shirt and cubs my cheek, wibing my tears away.   ,,Please don't cry.", he says and forces a smile on his face. Then I remember something and pull out a little case of my pocket. I open it and pull out a neklace with a little metal plate on it. ,,What is it?", Levi asks and takes it in his hand. ,,So you don't forget me. I've got one too.", I answer and grab the neklace around my neck.  ,,It has your name on it.", the raven says and puts his neklace around his neck. Suddenly he wraps his arms around his neck and kisses me. The kiss is full of love and pain like I never felt it bevore. It's clear that this is goodbye. After a while Levi pulls back and I can see a single tear running down his cheak. ,,Goodbye, Eren. I love you." No I burst out in tears. ,,I love you too.", I sob, as he breaks the hug and walks towards the edge of the cliff we're standing on. He looks at me one last time bevore he jumps of the cliff and I hear him landing in the water. I see black fishtale rising out of the water bevore Levi comlpetely dissapears. He's gone. The love of my life is gone.

Five years later

I walk down the beach and listen to the calming sound of the water. I always come here to calm down. After Levi left everything went wrong. I lost my job, Armin broke up contact and I'm just fucking depressed. A year ago I then moved into a little cabin near the beach and have barely social contact. I sight and open my hair, feeling it falling down my shoulders. I just stand there and watch the waves hitting the sand. Wy do I have to live like this? Wy can't I just be happy and live a normal life like everyone else? No, I had to fall inlove with a merman and ended up getting my heart broken in thousend peaces. I sit down on the sand and sight. How peacfull. I'm probably gonna stay here for the rest of my life. Wy should I leave? It's beautifull here. No need to go. I look around and lay my look on the cliff like hundret methers away. The cliff were he left. But there I see something. I see a little creature sitting on a rock under the cliff. Is this person stupid? That's dangerus as fuck. I stand up annoyed and walk towards the rock until I'm close enough to see the person. But it doesn't look like a human. It has something like a black fishtale. Could it be? No. I look at the persons face and see the man who stole my heart. This can't be. He left me years ago. This has to be some weard dream or something, this just can't be real. But what if it is? Without thinking any further I start to run. ,,LEVI! LEVI!", I shout as loyd as I can, scared he might not hear me, but he does. ,,Eren!", he shouts back and jumps back into the water. I climp on a near rock and look into the water. Levi's head breaks through it and he looks at me like he doesn't believe it. ,,Is that really you?", he asks unsure. I nood. ,,Yea, it's me.", I answer without daring to breath. ,,You changed." ,,And you still look the same." I still can't believe this is happening. Suddenly Levi pulls me into the water and presses his lips against mine. I pull back and look at him. ,,I missed you.", I whisper and lean my forhead against his. He looks at me and roles his eyes away from me. ,,What is it?", I ask and look at Levi confused. ,,I've just...never seen such empty eyes. They're not like I remember them.", the raven answers and sights. I shake my head. ,,I just became older." ,,No. The light dissapeard. And it's my fault." ,,Maby it is. But I understand wy you had to do it. And now stop thinking about this." Levi wants to protest, but I shut him up with a kiss. What is going to happen now? I don't know, but I don't wanna think about it now. I have Levi back and that's everything that counts  now.

Damn, this was the longest oneshot I've ever made, but I think it was worth it. What do you think about it? I would be happy if you'd give me feedback.


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