Age Of Huntsman: The Hunter's...

Von devoncruz23

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Lexington Hunter, a cynical young man part of a Aeltonier mercenary band will have his world turned upside do... Mehr

1: Awakening
2: Confrontation
3: Dreaded Maiden
4: Odd Day
5: Way Of The Flames
6: Hunters
7: Dance Of Wolves
8: Shapeshifter
9: Bloody History
10: Phoenix King
11: Academy
12: Blooming Friendships
13: Robin's Song
14: Family Matters
15: Wolf Prince
16: Cruelty
17: Brother and Sister
18: Magic
19: Learning Pains
20: Odd Mistakes
21: Blood of Lightning
22: Death's Omen
23: Legacy
map Rework
24: Knowledge
25: Plans
26: Bygones
27: Crowe
28: Survival Training
29: Shit hitting the fan
30: Nightmares
31: Reaper's Harvest
32: Doubts
33: Releasing Stress
34: Framing
35: The Three Lies
36: Athorazen
38: Phoenix Queen
39: Wolf King
40: The Hunter's Call

37: Battle of Griffin Island

33 8 57
Von devoncruz23

1078 AP (after phoenix)

Lexington is currently sitting at a table with Elyria as everyone is still shook by what happened two days ago with Aiden revealing himself to be Athorazen after the death of his mother, the Phoenix King dying afterwards. Lexington can't help but think of Aiden or Athorazen wondering what he could've done differently, sure he couldn't stop Aiden physically but Lexington feels as though he didn't try hard enough.

Elyria: "it wasn't your fault Lex." She says soothingly whilst affectionately rubbing her head against his as Lex returns this.

Lexington: "I just wish I could've done more." He says as Elyria understands his regret and kisses his neck gently which he appreciates when they see Lyra enter with Sigurd and Edmund. "Hello... Your grace." He says not sure if he's supposed to say that yet.

Lyra: "it's... Not official till I come home, which will be tonight and Sigurd's also coming along." She says as Lexington and Elyria acknowledges this but get the wrong idea. "Don't tease me please." She says chuckling with amusement.

Elyria: "I'm certain you'll be a great Queen Lyra, I can't imagine the dresses they'll put you in." She jokes as Lyra laughs somewhat.

Lyra: "no you can't." She says with a friendly smile but soon turns to a friend. "Can't imagine what Petra's going through right now." She says feeling bad knowing that she and Aiden began spending time together a lot recently.

Sigurd: "I think Zeke's actually talking with her now." He comments as Zeke meanwhile is trying to talk with Petra who's hitting a target over and over again.

Zeke: "Petra?" He questions while tilting his head but Petra continues striking the target with a shield and stabs it.

Petra: "if you're here to talk about Aiden then save it! Talking about him won't help." She says with her voice breaking as she tightens her grip on her short sword.

Zeke: "we can talk about other things." He says kindly trying to help Petra not feel upset.

Petra: "like what?" She asks with attitude as Zeke sighs wanting to help her. "I'm sorry just... I was on the verge of trusting him and then yesterday happens." She says with her back still facing Zeke.

Zeke: "if anyone of us were a half-breed Demon would we admit to it immediately?" He asks as Petra chuckles finding the way he said that to be humorous. "And while I don't necessarily agree with him killing the Phoenix King, he had his reasons... There's no denying that." He says as Petra turns her head to him.

Petra: "maybe but that doesn't change the fact he killed someone like a monster would." As Zeke has a comeback for this.

Zeke: "maybe in that moment but he never once treated us that way... Hell he danced with you when nobody else would." He says as Petra looks away while crossing her arms.

Petra: "I ever see him again? Well it'll be a long ways to regain my trust." She says as Zeke gives an understanding nod as any normal person would take that precaution. Dante meanwhile is finishing writing a variety of letters to every Huntsman and Huntress making them aware of recent events.

Roxanne: "I still can't believe Aiden the recruit I brought in could be that." She says as Alec is seated in a chair. "I couldn't see that coming, not even on my best day." She says as Dante looks up seeing her regret.

Dante: "none of us could, but there's no use in wallowing in the regret." He advises as Roxanne nods understanding but she can't help but feel terrible for what happened.

Alec: "think we could hold this place against a bunch of Demon Knights along with their King?" He asks as Dante retorts saying that's why he's writing to every Huntsman and Huntress. "The moment to attack would be now and the students won't be safe at all should it happen."

Dante: "are you suggesting we leave?" As Alec hates the idea of this as well.

Alec: "we don't have the numbers at the moment, it'll be wise to retreat to Rhodesia and use that as a temporary base to work and devise a strategy." He says as Dante interlocks his hands.

Dante: "I already know the public's morale will deteriorate if we do that but it is the best move to regroup and form a proper plan, have the students gather their things... We'll leave with the Queen." He says standing up as Alec and Roxanne nod and take their leave. Many hours pass as Lexington is helping some get on the ship as Tempest is sheathed across his back.

Zeke: "how's it coming along?" He asks rushing over.

Lexington: "slow but we should all be out by tonight, still waiting on a few others to finish up." He says as they can feel a storm coming in as Lexington glances seeing Athorazen flying towards them. "Oh shit." He says aiming his fingers at Athorazen charging up a blast as Athorazen narrowly avoids it as he lands before them.

Aiden: "wait! I'm not here to fight!" He says surrendering as Elyria and Zeke make their presence known.

Elyria: "what are you doing here?" She asks cautiously as Aiden gets to his feet.

Aiden: "I came to warn you, my father and his Demon Knights will be attacking the island in an attempt to take it but they will not harm you three including Lyra, Sigurd and Petra along with the other students but only if they don't get involved." He says as Lexington walks up to him face to face.

Lexington: "you really expect me to stand back as my father, sister and others fight for their lives? I thought you were better than this!"

Aiden: "I'm doing what I can, where were they when my mother was murdered!?" He snaps as Lexington is up in his face.

Lexington: "they're supposed to be neutral!" As Aiden barks back saying it's not an excuse but they hear a Demonic roar in the distance.

Crowe: "hear that?" He asks Simon nods feeling tense when a Demon Knight from out of nowhere clashes with Crowe as he's sent back crashing against a tree.

Valerhan: "I hear you're the one who tortured my kin." He says as Crowe stands up holding Death's Omen.

Crowe: "your point?" He asks circling each other as Valerhan snarls in anger.

Valerhan: "prepare to reap what you sow!" He roars out while Simon hears Grállagaia shrieking as he runs to the beach finding Grállagaia knocked out finding the Demon Knight Rergikhan being the one responsible.

Simon: "you're gonna pay." He says unveiling Reaper's Harvest as Rergikhan turns to him and seemingly smirks.

Rergikhan: "ah Simon Hunter III... It'll be my honor to kill out your bloodline, starting with you." He says bit Simon zooms past him and slashes him all over as Rergikhan is surprised by the speed. Lexington sees this fight going on and sees more Demon Knights flying overhead.

Lexington: "shit... We aren't strong enough to fight them but we can still help, find the ones who aren't here and bring them back." He says as Elyria and Zeke nod but he turns his attention to Aiden.

Lexington: "get involved in anyway and you'll regret it." He says sternly and runs with the other three as Aiden sighs heavily and flies up. Dante is in his office grabbing the written messages but his door bursts open as he sees some typical demons.

Demon: "that's the headmaster? Ha! This should be-" when he and the other Demons are decapitated easily by Dante as his cane is actually a short sword in disguise as their heads drop to the floor when Roxanne arrives.

Roxanne: "you okay?"

Dante: "I'm fine! Protect the recruits!" He orders as Roxanne nods running off as she sees a female Demon Knight about to kill some recruits as Roxanne wraps her morningstar whip around a pillar and swings over kicking her in the face.

Roxanne: "focus on me you demonic whore." She says twirling her morningstar whip as the recruits run off bumping into Zeke as Roxanne sees him. "Get them out Zeke." She says as Anninel charges but Roxanne dodges wrapping the chain around her neck and slams Anninel's head into a wall but sees Roz about to attack her but Lexi comes in with her speed kicking Roz in the face sending him outside.

Lexi: "thank me later." She says winking and dashes out slashing Roz in the face as he's irritated by this. Cedric meanwhile is holding back a Demon Knight from reaching some recruits as he headbutts Rograz and swings his waraxe hitting him in the side and tries going deeper but Rograz grabs him by the neck and throws through him a door into the mess hall.

Rograz: "with strength like that you could be an excellent Demon Knight." He says as Cedric turns and throws his waraxe hitting Rograz in the chest and sends him back against the wall as the waraxe is stuck in his chest.

Cedric: "no thanks, I like who I am just fine." He says calling his waraxe back as Rograz charges him as Cedric hardens his skin to be like diamonds as the punch lands but Cedric hardly felt it and retaliates with a stiff punch of his own.

Lexington is running through the academy escorting any recruits back to the ship but stops in his tracks seeing Roxanne in the middle of a fight with Anninel who coming in with a strike but Roxanne sends out her morningstar whip which Anninel barely avoids as Roxanne wraps her fist with the chain and uppercuts Anninel stunning her temporarily.

Roxanne: "get out of here Lex!" She orders as Lexington heads into the next room as a wall crumbles open seeing his father be thrown against the wall with blood dripping from his head as he struggles to get up as Rergikhan enters with many cuts and slashes but nothing major.

Rergikhan: "I expected more of someone with your bloodline." He says noticing Lexington in the same room. "Stay out of this boy, if you know what's good for you." He says approaching Simon who unleashes a gale of wind which shatters Rergikhan's arm shocking him momentarily when Rograz is thrown into him as Cedric jumps going for a downwards strike on the two demons. Simon having a clear shot blasts lightning into the waraxe as Cedric slams it down onto the demons as Lexington covers his face seeing a small detonation. Cedric rolls forward helping Simon up.

Cedric: "need a hand Simon?" He asks as Simon heals the wound on his head.

Simon: "Lex your mother is a couple rooms down with the last bunch of recruits, get them out." He orders as Lexington hesitates but nods.

Lexington: "please survive dad." He says running as both Rograz and Rergikhan stand up ready to fight. Crowe meanwhile is landing multiple slashes Valerhan but he's healing faster than Crowe can cut.

Valerhan: "even with your strength you're no match for me!" He says punching Crowe in the gut as he collides with a boulder as Crowe vomits some blood. "I was expecting better from you." He says grabbing Crowe by his head but his violet eyes glow as he punches Valerhan right in the jaw shattering it as he's dropped and takes a moment to relax.

Crowe: "how's that for strength?" He asks as Valerhan's jaw tries healing itself but Crowe takes this chance to slam Death's Omen right through his shoulder splitting it in half as Valerhan wails in pain which Roz hears and begins running to the position with Lexi chasing him.

Crowe sees Roz attempting to swipe his head off but Lexi tackles Crowe away as he finds her on top of him.

Crowe: "oh how convenient of you to show." He says as Lexi gets off him as he stands up.

Roz: "you okay Val?" He asks with concern as Valerhan heals his shoulder.

Valerhan: "I'll be fine." As they stand ready to fight again.

Crowe: "been awhile since we teamed up." He comments to Lexi who scoffs lightly.

Lexi: "that it has." She says holding her hook swords tightly. Meanwhile Lyra is with Edmund treating an injured Petra as she barely gets.

Lyra: "Edmund get her to the ship." She orders as Edmund nods carrying Petra when Sezroroth goes through the roof landing fifteen feet away.

Sezroroth: "oh you, I assume you don't know where the headmaster is?" As Lyra grabs her spear as Sezroroth scoffs seeing this. "I'm not here for you princess or Queen now." He says intentionally getting under her skin as Lyra sends out a wave of fire but Sezroroth isn't at all phased. "Ah pyromancers, thinking your flames are impressive." He says putting out the flames but Lyra gets up in his face thrusting her spear around but Sezroroth is easily ducking her attacks and grabs her spear.

Sezroroth: "not bad form." He compliments but lightly shoves her away. Lyra twirls her spear a few times as Sezroroth again dodges each attack but is impressed with her talent with the spear as Lyra swings upwards barely grazing his nose as Sezroroth rolls with a counter lightly palm striking her in the stomach that sends Lyra back as she collapses. "You're skilled but you're nowhere near ready to fight someone like me." He says as he hears a growl turning around to be bitten in the neck by Sigurd in wolf form as Sezroroth gets him off as Sigurd shifts back to human form.

Sigurd: "stay the hell away from her." He says with an intense glare as Sezroroth scoffs hearing this.

Sezroroth: "Sigurd Wolfson, should've known Lars Maston would be useless in killing you." As Sigurd is surprised as he never considered Lars would be responsible but it makes sense the more he thinks of it.

Sigurd: "why? Why did he agree to it?" As they circle each other.

Sezroroth: "a common interests." As Sigurd swings his duel axes as Sezroroth like with Lyra is toying with him but Sigurd predicts his next dodge and slashes him across the face as Sezroroth growls feeling this as he gets in Sigurd's face within a second and palm strikes him into against a wall as he grabs Sigurd by his neck but his arm is suddenly cut open as he finds Sigurd and Lyra gone as he turns seeing Dante protecting them as he's a short sword of some kind.

Dante: "don't touch my students." He says fatherly like as Sezroroth's arm heals easily.

Sezroroth: "ah headmaster, the mortal who's lived far too long." He says judging him as Dante with one hand behind his back has his blade pointed at Sezroroth who looks seeing Athorazen shaking his head disapprovingly as he catches the hint and takes his leave.

Roxanne uses her morningstar whip to destroy Anninel's arm who's surprised with Roxanne going for the kill but Anninel regrows her arm and slashes open Roxanne's stomach as Roxanne is stunned with Anninel tackling her down slashing across her face and goes to finish her off but another morningstar whip comes with a surprising amount of force that sends Anninel back on impact as Roxanne looks seeing Zeke.

Zeke: "ma'am you okay?" He asks as Roxanne says she'll live whilst healing her wounds as Anninel growls in annoyance as Roxanne gets to her feet.

Roxanne: "ready for round two bitch?" She asks with a smirk.

Anninel: "I'd love that but unfortunately at the behest of my Demon Prince I can't exactly fight if it means harming the one known as Zeke." She says as she flies off as Roxanne grits her teeth.

Zeke: "come on let's get these guys to the ship." As Roxanne nods at this. Crowe meanwhile is constantly clashing with Valerhan as Lexi hops off Crowe's back and stabs her hook swords into Valerhan's back but she's forced to avoid an attack from Roz who's keeping pace with her as he claws her right bicep open which is bleeding profusely.

Crowe: "Lexi!" He says punching Valerhan away as he rushes to her and heals her injury.

Lexi: "don't worry about me." She says as Crowe looks her in the eyes as she sees the concern in his.

Crowe: "be ready to run to the ship." He says as lifting Death's Omen high and slams it down making a sand cloud allowing for him and Lexi to escape. Lexington meanwhile enters a room finding his mother protecting some injured recruits as some demons are taunting her.

Lexington: "hey!" He says pulling out Tempest as the demons turn their attention to him as he zooms to one decapitating him with a lot anger as he ducks an attack from the other and splashes water into it's face.

Demon: "what the!?" He asks baffled by this as Lexington blasts his head open with lightning causing a volatile effect as he turns to his mother.

Lexington: "mom! You okay?" He asks whilst hugging her.

Mary: "I'm okay... Surprised you killed two demons but more on that later, help me move them." She says as Lexington nods while Elyria is headed for Volmir's cave but she finds Volmir smashing a Demon's back across his knee snapping it and soon decapitates.

Volmir: "sharp-ear, glad you're here I was beginning to think you've forgotten about me... Help me escort my tools and materials." He says as Elyria nods without hesitation while Lexington helps his mother and the others but they come across an injured Simon and Cedric as Rergikhan has blood all over him. Lexington steps up standing his ground.

Lexington: "back off!" He says as Rograz laughs in amusement.

Rograz: "boy we manhandled your father even with his partner, you don't stand a chance." As Lexington charges lightning through Tempest.

Lexington: "maybe I'm really motivated to shove this blade up your ass and blast lightning through it to your mouth." He says as Rergikhan laughs finding that to be hilarious.

Rergikhan: "I'd love to see that, hell I'd help you but we'll be taking our leave." As Rograz looks over in anger. "You wanna risk the wrath of the Demon King? Be my guest but I'll have no part in it." He says flying off as Rograz does follow.

Mary: "come on you old men." She says healing them as they head outside.

Lexi: "Mom! Dad!" She says running on over hugging them both as Lexington soon gets in on the hug.

Roxanne: "where's Alec?" She asks with worry when Elyria and Volmir come rushing.

Volmir: "last I knew he was at the coliseum where the recruits spar." He says getting on the ship.

Dante: "if I know Alec, he'll be facing the Demon King." He says as everyone looks amongst themselves.

Lexington: "can't risk everyone in their current conditions, I'll go find him and bring him back." As Roxanne grabs his hand.

Roxanne: "Lex... Those Demon Knights are much stronger than anything you've faced." As Lexington touches her hand.

Lexington: "I know... But I won't leave him behind, not after everything's he done for me... Allowing me to be around family, making me realize what I can truly be... I have to try." He says as Roxanne sighs heavily.

Roxanne: "bring him back... But that includes you to." She says hugging him tightly as Lexington nods.

Elyria: "you're not going alone." She says prepped to go as isn't Zeke.

Dante: "okay... Go and bring him back, nothing else." He orders as the three nod and hop on Ryris who runs through the forests as quick as he can.

Lyra: "I should be helping them... Not staying back." She asks as Sigurd touches her shoulder.

Sigurd: "Aelton needs it's Queen, Lyra." He says but Lyra shakes her head hating how true that is. Alec meanwhile is walking up the coliseum steps as he finds Aiden standing before him as they're twenty feet away at most.

Alec: "so you're why the Demon King was on the surface twenty-two years ago? You do realize he likely has an ulterior motive?" He asks looking around as Aiden.

Aiden: "he told me." He says as Alec questions that he's willingly at his side. "Ridding this world of it's evils is better than your order saving those who don't deserve to be saved." He says as Alec scoffs in disbelief.

Alec: "you think we do that willingly? there were plenty of times I wanted to let some scum get killed but then that defeats the purpose of our code, while there are evils, that doesn't mean they don't deserve protection cause many have families to live for." He says as Aiden snaps briefly turning into Athorazen.

Athorazen: "you allowed my mother to die!" As Alec snaps back.

Alec: "and you killed the Phoenix King in cold blood! Do you not realize all the chaos you've caused!? Lyra will now have to deal with a kingdom now in fear of this Demon threat with Newcastle still dealing with a civil war! This is the time to stand together now more than ever!" He yells out as Aiden's eyes soften with contemplation.

Demon King: "this is the same man who allowed a good friend of his to die to a spirit called the Dreaded Maiden, so he ain't exactly the one to lecture you about being right." He says landing next to Aiden as Alec's stare softens.

Alec: "Aiden... I'm not saying the Huntsman are perfect but we've maintained a safety of humans, elves from mythical threats for a thousand years... While yes we've allowed unacceptable atrocities to happen, we're not a kingdom or a government that decides what's best for us... We are an order that protects people however we can." He says calmly as Aiden closes his eyes asking one particular question.

Aiden: "then why would you let my mother die? is it that hard to break a code for one instance?" He asks as Alec looks down.

Alec: "Aiden... If we keep kings and queens in check then who keeps us in check if we go too far?" He asks genuinely wanting to hear his opinion as Aiden is shaken by this.

Demon King: "you allowed the boy's mother to die and now you're manipulating him?" He asks as Alec stares in disbelief at this accusation.

Alec: "manipulating? I'm not the one taking advantage of his emotions after his mother's death, I'm trying to help him understand how things are... Yes maybe things have to change for the better but we can't do that if we aren't given the chance." He says hoping to have Aiden see reason but he walks away from them both.

Aiden: "I... I need to think." He says sitting in the empty seats.

Demon King: "I won't accept your manipulation of my son any longer." He says as sword appears in his hand as Alec pulls out Edge of Time as they stare each other down.

Alec: "and I won't allow you to do as you please." He says zooming over swinging for his head but the Demon King blocks his attack. Alec backs away ducking and weaving as the Demon has the size and reach advantage as he slides under his blade and cuts his leg.

Demon King: "hmm not bad." He says as swinging as Alec rolls out of way but is kneed mid roll and sent back as Alec touches his side.

Alec (mind): "superior strength and speed, I have to outsmart him." He thinks while getting to his feet. Lexington and his group arrive seeing Alec fighting the Demon King as Lex wants to yell out but realizes he shouldn't distract him as he sees Aiden by himself deep in thought. Lexington and his group head to him but the Demon Knights get in their way.

Aiden: "it's alright, they won't harm me." He says as Lexington looks at him.

Lexington: "are you seriously letting this happen?" He asks judging as Aiden growls slightly.

Aiden: "my father and Alec are fighting on their own terms Lex, what am I supposed to do?" He asks having severe doubts thanks to his human morality.

Lexington: "you can stop this, but only if you truly want to." He says as Aiden closes his eyes suffering on what to do. Alec uses hit and run tactics but the Demon King is tanking every hit like it's nothing and slams his blade where Alec will be. Alec slows time down allowing him to roll over the blade and slides across the ground.

Demon King: "come on, show me why you were sent to kill me." As Alec looks seeing Lexington, Elyria and Zeke talking with Aiden.

Alec: "your funeral." He says slamming his hand down unleashing a massive wave of ice that covers one half of the coliseum the Demon King is on.

Lexington: "holy fuck." He says in surprise but knows that likely isn't enough as Alec sends out a wave of intense heat melting the ice as the Demon King powers out as he looks around realizing he's surrounded by steam. Alec sneaks up on the Demon King as Alec stabs him through his stomach as the Demon King tries knocking his head off but Alec rolls forward and slashes his chest but the Demon King kicks him across the coliseum as Alec gasps for air.

Demon King: "you're smart I'll give you that but it doesn't matter." He says charging him as Alec tries defending himself but the Demon King overwhelms him as Alec blocks the unrelenting strikes but the force of these causes Alec's forearm to dislocate as he rolls away touching his forearm.

Alec (mind): "damn." He thinks to himself and snaps it back in place making a loud crunch.

Demon King: "there's no shame in yielding." He says as Alec gets to his feet as Lexington looks with worry.

Alec: "maybe... But to save the future of millions? I'll never give in." He says charging as the Demon King swings but Alec gets behind him and lands a succession of deep cuts as he resumes time as the Demon King roars out pain. Alec doesn't let up stabbing his foot pinning him to the ground and lands a flurry of punches to the face of the Demon King.

The Demon King goes to thrust his sword but Alec counters this grabbing his arm locks in a hold snapping the Demon King's arm. The Demon King roars out and throws Alec away who takes his sword with him. The Demon King enraged fires hellfire from his mouth as Alec runs avoiding this but the Demon King cuts him off slamming him against the wall and begins punching him over and over.

Lexington: "crap!" He says to himself as he gets ready to get involved but Alec is suddenly out of the hold and stabs the Demon King in the gut as everyone is surprised by this.

Elyria: "Alec's time magic is the only thing keeping him in this fight." She says as Alec is dodging the ferocious attacks from the Demon King as hellfire is being sent all over as he blasts hellfire towards Alec who puts up a barrier but it's not strong as he's sent back by the hellfire as he lays on the ground almost motionless as Lexington almost on instinct gets involved.

Lexington: "Alec... Get your ass up! Roxanne is waiting for you!" He says trying to motivate him as Alec slowly gets to his feet as his upper clothing are completely burned with severe burns on his upper body as he's breathing rather loudly as Aiden stares uncomfortable.

Lexington: "Aiden you can stop this!" He says as Aiden stands up calling out to his father.

Aiden: "father... Alec is hurt and anymore will likely kill him, please don't do this." He says as the Demon King looks at Alec who's barely standing.

Demon King: "I'm willing to stand down, can't speak for Alec though." He says as Alec controls his breathing.

Alec: "I got a another trick up my sleeve." He says as Lexington tries objecting this but Alec looks over giving a smile. "Trust me Lex." He says as Lexington reluctantly nods seeing Alec's brown eyes turn white as his blade glows white as well as don't his veins. Alec and the Demon King charge each other as Demon King swings to cleave him but realizes he's gone and he can't process where he went as his arm is sliced in half surprising him. He glances at Alec who looks like a man possessed.

He goes to retaliate as Alec disappears before his eyes and feels his other arm sliced in half as Lexington can't believe he's seeing this as white energy is being thrown all over the place. Dante looks in the distance seeing white energy as well as his eyes widen as don't Roxanne's.

Roxanne (mind): "Alec! That enhancement will destroy your body! Don't do this!" She thinks trying to move but her injuries keep her down as Alec keeps slashing the Demon King all over.

Alec (mind): "I have to do this Roxy, I just need to be quick." He thinks to himself as he stabs the Demon King violently twisting it as his chest is split open as the onslaught continues. The Demon King heals his arms and goes to try something but Alec slices his left arm into tiny pieces.

Demon King (mind): "he's completely using time magic constantly and not in short bursts, I have to outlast him till his body gives out." He thinks as he falls to his knees as Alec sliced behind the kneecap as Alec tries going for the decapitation but the Demon King falls forward avoiding this and unleashes hellfire forcing Alec to back away as the Demon King heals as much as the damage as he can in a short time.

Alec is up in his face as the Demon King punches him in the side shattering most of his ribs but Alec fights through the pain and slices the arm in two as they both letting out pain filled battles cries as the Demon King punches the other side of the ribs as Alec coughs out blood but he keeps slashing him with no hesitation as the Demon King roars out as his bodies feels as though it's being destroyed as Lexington and his group think Alec might actually win but Alec freezes and backs away falling on his back.

Demon King: "that's the consequences of Time magic, it wears your body down the more you use it... And once you've reached the limit? You slowly die... A fate I wouldn't wish on anyone." He says going to put Alec out of his misery but Lexington snaps.

Lexington: "no!" He says bolting to the Demon King and stabs his hand and stands before him. "El! Zeke! Get Alec out of here! I'll catch up!" He says blasting lightning at the stunned Demon King. Elyria and Zeke hop down with Ryris and place Alec on him as Aiden stares in shock as the Demon Knights try chasing them but Aiden turns into Athorazen and gets before them.

Athorazen: "don't try it!" He says as Lexington signals for the others to go as he tries flying off but his foot is grabbed as he looks seeing the Demon King who is pissed.

Elyria: "Lex!" She says in surprise.

Lexington: "El go! Lovar Yuï Nia." He says as Elyria's widen as hearing him say that he loves her as Lexington is thrown against a wall as he gasps for air. Ryris runs off as Elyria calls out to Lex but Zeke holds her.

Zeke: "Elyria it's too dangerous!" He says as Lexington looks up as the Demon King backhands him as he skips across the ground. Lexington spits out some blood as he gets up and shoots lightning at the Demon King hitting him the face which only angers as Lexington is kicked against the wall as the Demon King holds him by his neck.

Demon King: "look at me you pathetic boy! I've fought and caused wars that makes the fight with Alec look like child's play! I caused the genocide of those disgusting Averial elves 250 years ago... What chance do you have?" He asks as Lexington is struggling greatly.

Lexington: "I may not be stronger, faster, or have that healing factor you demons have, but you can do whatever you want to me! Cause I. Will. Kill you!" He exclaims as the Demon King roars his face trying to intimidate him but Lexington isn't afraid he in defiance yells in his face.

Demon King: "I've just the thing for someone like you." He says carrying him to the middle as a hole opens up.

Aiden: "father wait!" He says as the Demon King looks over. "Lex is... I know he attacked you but he's not a threat to you." He pleads but Sezroroth speaks up.

Sezroroth: "my King, Prince Athorazen's judgement is clouded by his friendship with Lexington... He's in no position to logically counter this outcome." He says being honest as the Demon King looks Aiden in the eyes as Lexington tries getting free.

Demon King: "I know he's your friend but what are the odds Lexington here thinks you're a threat just by you being a half-breed?" He asks as Aiden looks at Lexington.

Lexington: "if you think I'm that naive then you're a sad fool." He says to the Demon King who drops him into the hole as it closes up before Aiden could do anything.

Aiden: "where did you send him!?" He barks in demand of an answer.

Demon King: "Hell." He says as Aiden is stunned by this. "If he's strong then he'll survive but getting out is the hard part, time will tell if he's serious about killing me." He says as Sezroroth asks him about Malakai. "What about him? He can rot in his pit for all I care." He says walking off clearly feeling the effects of his fight with Alec.

Ryris runs onto the boat as Simon helps Alec off who's barely breathing as Mary tries healing but Elyria looks back waiting for Lex but they see the beach being surrounded by demons as Grállagaia wakes up and roars at them blasting the beach with lightning.

Dante: "we have to go!" He says Elyria objects to this.

Elyria: "we can't! Lex might-" but Dante interrupts her giving a soft stare.

Dante: "I know how much Lex means to you, I considered him my best student of your class but... He's a recruit with only a couple months of training... I'm sorry." He says as the ship begins sailing as Elyria falls to her knees as she sees Simon and Lexi looking at her.

Elyria: "I'm... I'm sorry he told me to..." As she breaks down into tears. "Not again." She cries out when Lexi hugs her comfortingly but has tears going down her face as well.

Lexi: "it's not your fault." She says knowing how the two were with each other as Simon gets in on this.

Simon: "I'm sure you did what you could." He says in the brink of breaking as Cedric touches his shoulder comfortingly but they hear Alec coughing violently. "Come on Alec... Pull through damn it!" He says begging for at least one good thing today.

Mary: "my healing... His cells are deteriorating too quickly for me to heal thanks to the time magic, he's dying and we can't stop it." She says with regret as Roxanne can't accept this.

Roxanne: "no there's gotta be something!" She says hoping for anything but Alec speaks.

Alec: "please... Talk to me." He says as Roxanne kneels down holding his hand. "Hey Roxy... All of you." He says barely as Elyria walks over.

Roxanne: "Alec... Please." She says crying for the first time in years as this is a first for everyone besides Alec who wipes the tears away.

Alec: "shh my dear, allow me to say some things." He says as everyone stays silent. "I had a life and lived it, I experienced pain and fought through it, I felt love and cherished it." He says with his breathing picking up. "Simon my friend... I'm sorry Lex isn't here..." He says as Simon cries falling to his knees.

Simon: "it's.... it's fine it's not your fault, you brought him back to us, I could never be angry with you after that." He barely says touching Alec's chest.

Alec: "he fought him head on, no fear... Just like his dad." As Elyria looks at the ground hearing this as Simon nods saying he'd expect nothing less. "Elyria... Come here." He says as Elyria does so with tears in her eyes.

Elyria: "Alec I... I'm so sorry." She says as Alec pulls her head against his chest.

Alec: "it's okay... If there's anything good about this world? It was seeing you and Lex blossom like young lovers usually do." He says coughing as Dante caresses his forehead. "And you? You are the best father I could ask for." He says as Dante looks down reminiscing about when Alec was younger and how dedicated he was.

Dante: "you'll always be my best student." He says as Alec nods and looks over at Roxanne who kisses him sweetly.

Alec: "me and Adam... Will be waiting... My roxy." He says taking his last breath and finally succumbs to his injuries as Roxanne shakes her head as tears fall on the face of the now deceased Alec.

Roxanne: "goodbye... My love." She says cradling Alec's lifeless body.

Sigurd: "and so a legend fades, Úlfuris the wolf God, please guide this one into the frozen valley and protect his soul like he did for many." He says looking down after saying the prayer as Simon looks back at Griffin Island.

Simon (mind): "at least tell me... What happened?" He asks while closing his eyes as the ancestors all say the same thing. "Alive... But trapped." He says to himself and announces this to everyone else.

Dante: "hell... No one's ever returned from there... Elyria would elves know anything about that?" He asks as Elyria thinks for a moment as her eyes widen.

Elyria: "yes actually um... Legends say The Averials found a way to open hell and if one is still alive... We can save Lex." She says realizing what she has to do if it means saving Lex. "I have to find the last Averial." She says as everyone looks amongst themselves.


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