Danger Is Destiny//Henry Dang...

Por TabTj011

49.8K 650 73

Mikayla always suspected that she was different from her peers, but when she discoverers the big family secre... Más

1- Prologue
2- New school, new girl
3- Birthday surprise, Part 1
4- Birthday surprise, Part 2
5- A date to remember
6- Date interrupted
7- Prom night
8- Under suspicion
9- Mystery solved
10- Henry and his secret life
11- She's back, Part 1
12- She's back, Part 2
13- Job at Junk 'N' Stuff
15- Return of the ex
16- Boyfriend vs dad
17- Babysitting Bose
18- Calming the waters
19- Detective Piper
20- Telling Piper everything
21- The trouble with Piper, Part 1
22- The trouble with Piper, Part 2
23- Once an enemy, always an enemy
24- Indestructible Drex
25- Omega weapon
26- Like father, like daughter, Part 1
27- Like father, like daughter, Part 2
28- Grounded? Maybe not
29- Ungrounded
30- Plan B
31- 4 years later

14- Overdue explanation

1.5K 18 2
Por TabTj011

Confusion. The only thing on my mind was confusion.

"Mikayla...are you ok?" Henry asked as he watched me sit up. I had been changed by my mom, into my pyjamas, while Henry and the gang waited downstairs. Henry sat besides me, his hand on my shoulder as he made sure I didn't faint or something.

"I-I think so?" I rubbed my head just as my mom walked into my room followed by Charlotte and Jasper.

"Is he here?" I asked, hoping that I could have an honest conversation with R-my dad.

"He's downstairs. You just relax while I go get him..." My mom kissed my forehead as she left my room.

"D-Did I faint?" I asked as I looked around.

"Yeah. But I carried you home." Henry kissed me.

"He's right here..." My mom opened the door, revealing Ray Manchester, the guy who is not only Captain Man, but my dad.

"Henry, Charlotte, Jasper? How 'bout we leave them to talk?" My mom spoke as she ushered my boyfriend and our friends out of the room so my dad and I could talk.

Up until this point, I had never met my dad, or even tried to imagine what he looked like, but as I looked more at Ray, he seemed more like me than I had realised.

"So...you're my dad." I sat on my bed as he paced around my room.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I had no idea you even existed..." His attempt at making this serious situation seem funny was horrible.

"I kinda figured that when we both gave my mom a shocked look when she told us..." My attitude and sarcasm really showed.

"Ok, I can tell that this revelation has confused and shocked you, so ask me anything." He sat down on the bed opposite me, getting ready to talk.

"So, when did you and my mom meet?" It was the obvious first question.

"We met in college...well, I was visiting one of my friends in college and she was studying when we first met. I had just turned 20, and your mom and I really hit it off..." He smiled, seemingly missing those times.

"Did you ever regret...you know...your relationship with her?" I was curious.

"No. At the time, your mom was amazing." He smiled.

"Anyways, I kept hanging out with her, even after...you know. But then...maybe 3 weeks after we...you know...my friend and his cousin invited me on a road trip, and I didn't think twice before accepting. Then...on the day I was leaving, she barely said a word or me...and apparently 9 months later...you were born." He was beating around the bush with some parts.

"So...you never knew that she was pregnant with me?" I was shocked.

"I had no idea. If I had known, I would've tried to contact her..." He took a deep breath in and out.

"Wait...would you have tried to contact her even if she hadn't been pregnant with me?" I was a little cautious.

"Yeah. Your mom was cool and I really liked her, but...when I first started out as Captain Man, one of my very first criminals blasted and destroyed my phone, meaning I lost all my contacts...including your mom." He admitted as he stood up, facing my bedroom window.

"Well...I've been waiting nearly my whole life to meet you, and now that I have...I have never been prouder to be your daughter, since mom never described you the best..." I ran up to him and hugged him as I cried. This was my first ever father-daughter hug, and I never wanted it to end.

"Wait...how did she describe me?" He pushed me away slightly.

"Oh...you might not wanna know..." I tried to end the conversation.

"What? Why not?" He crossed his arms.

"It wasn't the best...and I don't want to ruin this father-daughter moment we're sharing..." I backed away.

"Mikayla Manchester. You will tell me right now." He stood his ground.

"First of all, Manchester? Really? Secondly...no." I backed away further.

"Manchester. You're my daughter...meaning you'll take my last name..." His logic was kinda right, but I wasn't going to give in.

"My mom never put your name or the last name Manchester on my birth certificate, so no. She didn't even give me a last name. She just called me Mikayla Daniels as a replacement." I admitted.

"Well...I'll definitely be speaking to her about that..." He said before changing the topic.

"Anyways...just tell me how your mom described me!" He nearly tried to grab me, so I bolted out of my room and down the stairs to the lounge room. I raced over to my boyfriend who was more than happy to give me a hug.

"Mikayla? Is every thing ok between you and Ray?" Henry asked as he hugged me.

"Uh...he's trying to get me to tell him how mom described him when I was younger..." I smiled slightly.

"Mikayla Manchester you better tell me right now!" He raced downstairs before facing my mom.

"Uh, uh! You are not calling MY daughter Mikayla Manchester. She always has been and always will be Mikayla Daniels." My mom objected.

"She's my daughter too, Erica!" He retorted before stopping.

"Anyways...how did you describe me to OUR daughter when she was younger?" He brought up the subject.

"Ha. How I described you was a blessing!" My mom nearly walked away.

"Just tell me Erica!" He demanded. Jasper, Charlotte, Henry and I watched as my mom and my (new) dad fought.

"Fine! I described you as a deadbeat guy who never cared for responsibility!" She laughed.

"Excuse me! Oh, I'll show you responsibility!" He got angry, grabbing his gum tube from his pocket.

"Ray!" Charlotte had to intervene just as he put a piece of gum in his mouth.

"Dad!" I helped Charlotte stop him.

"Mikayla calling Ray...dad...will never be the same..." I heard Jasper say as Henry nodded.

"Will you just shut up and help us Jasper?" I asked, struggling. Henry pulled Jasper and came over to help us, while I stopped my mom from adding fuel to the fire.

"Charlotte, Jasper, Henry? Take my dad back to Junk 'N' Stuff..." I asked them.

"That will never sit right with me..." Jasper made the same type of comment as Charlotte hit him on the shoulder, helping Henry get my dad out of the house.

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