The New Normal

By nekolumina

5.9K 89 43

Rey, determined, accepted Kylo's hand and after five months abroad The Supremacy, has become restless. Everyd... More

The Hall
Excuse Me
Small Talk


175 2 1
By nekolumina

 Rey was surrounded. She was not allowed to simply walk away, and running was out of the question. She only needed to endure the moment. Rey knew no matter how many times she closed her eyes, once they were opened, she would still be surrounded by stormtroopers, officers of the First Order, maintenance crew, and even droids.

It had been a month since the summit on Chandrila and most importantly, almost a month on bed rest. After a week on Chandrila, The First Order pulled out of the outer rims, thanks to Rey's persuasion and not only did the Resistance removed all spies, but they agreed not to intercept any shipments headed to the Order.

After coming back from Chandrila, Rey took it upon herself to attend every meeting in the Order, voiced her opinions and even attended some in Kylo's place. Unlike Kylo's aggressive approach to everything, Rey was understanding, yet firm when she needed to be. Like her dyad, Rey was not above idle threats when things did not go as planned. During the meetings, the officers started to acknowledge Rey as their superior and some went as far to treat her equally to that of their supreme leader. Not because she was his fiancé, rather because of the way she respected those in the room and kept Kylo in check when he became irate with them. To Kylo's dismay, she once defended Hux, earning a silent thank you from the general.

At first Ben confined Rey to their quarters with only Commander Nala as company. The commander had become some sort of a confidante for Rey as she soon came to know of the commander's shadowing when she first came to The Supremacy. However, that was not enough, if she had to stay put on the ship and have someone "babysit" her, it should be someone she considered a dear friend. To Ben's dismay, he found himself saying yes to her request.

Because of her condition, Rey was sitting on a crate, iced blue milk in hand and, along with everyone on the hanger, staring at Chewie. The Wookie had just come back from a spice run on a nearby planet and was carrying crate upon crate of something Rey did not want to know and placing them on the hanger floor.

"Chewie has lived here only two weeks and already turned the ship into a black market." Rey informed Finn through her communicator. "Everyone is staring, Finn. What do I say to them? 'Oh, mind the giant Wookie, the crates contain his clothes?'"

Finn was howling from his end. "You were the one who invited him to keep you company. You know what him and Han did for a living."

Rey looked back at her dear friend with a smile. "Yea, well." She suddenly felt Ben's presence nearby and it was not a happy one. "Kriff, got to go Finn. Tell Leia I'll call her tonight."

"You got it. Don't walk too much and take care of yourself and those babies."

"Please, I get carried around everywhere, I do nothing but wish to walk where I please." Rey amused.

As the communication ended, the crowd which had gathered around the unloaded crates, scattered at the sight of an unmasked Kylo. Rey did not need the use of their bond to know Ben was pissed; it was written all over his face.

"Hey, hey!" Ben stood by the Falcon's boarding ramp, still unable to find himself inside his dad's ship.

Chewie was carrying another crate down when he tilted his head as a "hi" to Ben, unfazed by the clearly annoyed leader.

"Hey, get these things off my ship." Ben ordered. "This is not some backwater smuggling post like Jakku."

"Hey!" Rey bellowed, somewhat offended.

Chewie made no hint of stopping and simply stated, "Arrrgrrr. Raaawwrrr."

Ben blinked in disbelief, "Oh, really, your Dejarik collector's cards?" Chewie nodded while Ben tried his best to stay composed. He knew this was a battle he would not win. He looked down at the crates and breathed in hard. "Count your loot, put it back on that piece of junk, and take it to where it needs to be!"

"Sweetheart." Ben acknowledged Rey as he walked away.

Rey giggled at the transaction. Kylo would deny it, but Chewie would always be uncle Chewie to Ben. 


Author's Note: I kept thinking about this for two weeks and decided to add it to the story. My friend called it a "deleted scene" haha but I hope you enjoyed this little exchange. Thank you for the support, reviews, and votes. 

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