No Equal

By BuckSteve_17

135K 4.2K 615

Salem Starkov is Alina Starkov's cousin who like her is a cartographer for the first army but when they both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 55

782 20 3
By BuckSteve_17

The barrel is full to bursting with people, a useful tool when one is trying to disappear. Music is loud all around me, covering my tracks even if I wasn't silent as a ghost. As a wraith. Moving through the crowd I keep my heart beat steady, I don't want it to start to race and I panic. "Perfume for the pretty lady" a vendor says holding out a bottle of something pink to me, friendly i pretend to muse over it before shaking my head, saying nonsense in Ravkan before moving on.

Turning alleyway to alleyway I make my way towards the boat, praying to all the Saints I know that everyone is safe. I am close to the waters edge when I see five Stadwatch guards coming towards me, pushing people out of the way, glaring at those who shout curses at them. If they catch me, Saints knows what they would do, probably inject me with Jurda Parem and use me as their pawn. And what a strong player I would be.

I haven't realised I am frozen in place until I can hear the guards voices and I turn sharply, eyeing anyone that might help me. I catch sight of a boy, a year older then and clearly knew to town and I head straight for him. Close us I notice he has dark brown hair, sharp cheek bones and brown almost black eyes , I give him my most innocent look as I twirl a finger around a piece of hair "hey, I see you are new to town" I say in a way of greeting. The boy looks down at me, his cheeks going red "I um, have been here for a few days" he answers.

I nod my head, leaning against the wall in front of him "ah your from the country, I can tell from the green look about you" I try not to flinch as the guards in purple stalk past us, "I am yes, how could you tell?" I laugh and pat his shoulder and pull him down to whisper in his ear "I'll give you a tip" I whisper and I see him shiver "stay away from the gambling dens" I slide a card out of my back pocket "if you want real fun come to the Crow Club" the boy is bright red when I pull away.

I wave at him in a flirty manner, winking and disappear into the crowd. I should feel guilty for using that boy to get away but it's less then Kaz would do. People are still trying to sell me things, I never come into the this side of the river so they probably think I'm a tourist and not one of the most dangerous women in this city.


Finally back at the cemetery I meet Jesper, Matthias,
Nina and Wylan. Kaz and Inej are not back yet, Nina embraces me in an perfume induced hug and I hold her close "where are the others?" I ask and she shrugs before she fills me in on the attack they faced on the way back. My hand covering my mouth, my eyes wide "that's insane!" I say and they all nod their heads in agreement.

When Kaz and Inej arrive, his eyes immediately land on me and he relaxes slightly and nods his head in my direction, I return the gesture. "Inej" Nina shrieks and we both embrace the Suli girl, Jesper throws his arms around us as well "the wraith returns" he announces. Matthias stays back, formal as ever but smiling. Inej looks between the two same looking Shu boys, "Wylan?" She asks. He breaks into a grin and steps towards her sheepishly "sorry about my father" they embrace one another and Inej replies "we are not our fathers"

Kaz rapts his cane on the floor "if everyone is done cuddling we have a job to do" he says coldly. I step away from the others and fold my arms in front of me "hold up" Jesper says, an arm still around Inej's shoulder "we're not talking about a job until we figure out what those things were on the Stave" he says looking confused. "What things?" Inej asks, "did you miss half the Stave blowing up?" He asks. "We saw the bomb at the White Rose go off" Inej admits "and then we heard another explosion", Nina steps closer to Matthias "at the Anvil" she adds.

"After that we ran" Inej tells us and Jesper sighs "that was your big mistake. If you'd stuck around, you would have nearly been killed by a Shu guy with wings" Wylan nods his head eagerly "two of them" Inej frowns "two wings?" I chuckle to myself and move closer to the door. "Two guys" Jesper confirms "with wings?" Inej probes "like a bird?" Nina drags her towards the cluttered table, where a map of Ketterdam has been spread "no, more like a moth, a deadly, mechanical moth. Are you hungry? We have chocolate biscuits"

Jesper rolls his eyes "oh sure" he says "she gets the cookie hoard" Nina plants Inej in a chair "eat" she commands "there were two Shu with wings and a man and a woman who were..... normal" Wylan starts to wring his wrists "Nina's power had no effect on them" as if reminded of my own power it itches in my veins. It's been a while since I've used it and my power is screaming to get out, wanting to be free.

I don't notice my hands are shaking until Kaz steps forward and his gloved hand reaches for my own, steadying it. I look over and he whispers "do you need help?" I nod my head and without a word we both leave the tomb.

Kaz and I climb through the different headstones, far enough away so I don't hurt the others. Once in a secure place I turn to face the boy "how did you know?" I ask and he shrugs sitting down on a headstone, rather disrespectful but oh well "your hands were shaking and I realised you haven't used your power in a while. Simple deduction" I look up at the greying sky and close my eyes. I let out a sigh and as that happens a wave of electricity falls out of me, dodging Kaz but spreading everywhere else.

I open my eyes and look back at Kaz who is smiling, it's a sigh I could never get used to. "Better?" He asks and I nod sending him my own smile "better"

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