
By Chicagox

121K 2.2K 162

A lieutenant from the military police force assists the intelligence unit, along with her team of military po... More

The pleasure's mine
Hit the road
We hit a block
Its urgent
Thanks for your service
Do not shoot!
You're patient
so stubborn
Am i hearing things?
You'd be a great fit
fire it at me
a pending holiday?
you all know them
things happen...
end of debate
tone it down
no im not!
yeah me too
she's mine
im here...
good luck girl
you wouldn't
tough cases
i understand
you can say that again
ping her phone
it's a no
how could i?
did you?
egg shells
slow your horses
uh what?


1.9K 51 2
By Chicagox

*seventeen days since the incident*

                     Olivia had a pounding headache, she has achieved a total of 9 hours sleep in 3 days and she was paying for it alright.  Her messages to jay had become less frequent, or when she did message him it was either, 'you okay?' Or 'rues doing fine', something like that anyways. But she was fully losing hope, she feels like he doesn't want to come back anymore and in all honesty, she was starting to accept it.  She quickly swallowed 2 Advil's without water and picked up rues car chair before leaving for work.

She arrived at work and headed straight upstairs since trudy wasn't at the front desk, Kevin saw her struggling so he took the car chair off her, "easy tiger" he laughed as Olivia stood up straighter. She laughed, "you're looking a little pale" he added as he placed rues car chair on the floor of the break room. Olivia raised her eyebrows, "is that a nicer way of saying I look like shit?" She smirked. Kevin laughed, "you said it not me, but seriously liv, you don't look too good" he squeezed her shoulder. She smiled, "it's just a headache, I'll be fine" she tapped his shoulder. Kevin sighed, he knew he wouldn't be able to talk her into going home so he gave up before even trying.

                     At around 3:45pm Olivia wandered into the break room to feed rue but soon stopped when she felt the babies head, "oh honey, you're a little sweaty huh? Let's get this off you" she pulled her fleece jacket off gently.  But it felt like a fever so she was a little worried, she left rue to sleep again before going back to work. 

                   About half an hour later it was dead in the bullpen but Olivia felt the urge to throw up so she ran to the locker room and threw up the half a sandwich that she had eaten at lunch.  Kevin saw the woman bolt to the locker room so he followed, "there you go..." he rubbed her back and held her hair out of the way as she threw up. Olivia sat down on the bench afterwards, "liv you need to go home..." he rubbed her back. Olivia shook her head, "no, this is the only thing keeping me distracted. Please don't tell voight..." she spoke shakily.  Kevin sighed, "alright, I won't. But you need to take a break from worrying, I'm sure jays fine" he rubbed her back again.  Olivia nodded but continued to massage her temples.

Hank sighed, "clear out guys we got'em" he spoke through his radio. Kevin looked at Olivia and nodded since they were stood next to hank on the south side of the building, Kevin began walking but bumped into Olivia who was just stood there, "woah" he laughed it off but turned serious when Olivia nearly collapsed to the floor. Hank turned around as Kevin caught Olivia before she hit the floor, "woah... liv?" He helped Kevin get her up to her feet again. Olivia regained her eyesight, "you're going to med, Olivia..." hank helped her gain some kind of balance back. Olivia shook her head, "no I'm fine, I just need to eat something" she reassured them. Hank sighed, "fine, but if it happens again then you're going to med" he raised his eyebrows. Olivia sighed, "I'm taking rue to med after shift so I'll get them to check me over then" she nodded.

At 7:55pm Olivia walked into med with rue in her arms, "hey Maggie, rues got a bit of a fever and she's not eating her food" she sighed. Maggie nodded, "Is she the only one feeling like that? You're looking a little queasy too" she smiled. Olivia smiled weakly, "I'm just tired that's all" she nodded. Maggie pointed to the free treatment room, "head on in" she smiled. Olivia nodded and but her lip as she tiredly plodded into the hospital room and put the down on the bed.


                       It was 8:15pm when jay grabbed his duffel bag, "you finally going home to liv?" Will poked his head around the door.  Jay nodded, "yeah, I've pushed her away for too long now" he sighed nervously.  Will smiled, "I'm glad you've got your common sense back" he laughed.  Jay smiled, "thanks for everything man, you know I love you" he threw his phone in his pocket.  Will accepted his brother's hug, "don't go all soft on me here" he laughed.  Jay rolled his eyes, "shut up" he nudged his arm on the way out.  Will just laughed as his brother got into his truck, finally he was back to his nearly normal self.

                     Jay was confused when he pulled up outside of his home, Olivia's car wasn't there and the lights were off which was strange since the team supposedly got off shift 35 minutes ago. He walked inside anyways and put his duffel bag down on the couch before double checking the place. He was shocked at how clean the place was, but he was more proud than anything, he knows that he abandoned the pair and he feels awful but he still doesn't know where Olivia is to apologise. He grabbed his phone then left the house, locking it on the way out, then drove to the district in hopes that they were still there.

As he walked inside the station he got a few surprised states but apart from that everything seemed normal. He buzzed himself up but the bullpen seemed empty until Kevin walked around the corner. They stopped and stared at each other, "you have no idea how glad I am to see you right now..." Kevin walked over and pulled him into a hug. Jay expected everyone to hate him but apparently not. He smiled and accepted the hug, "how you feeling?" Kevin grinned. Jay nodded, "a lot better" he smiled and scammed the bullpen for any signs of his girlfriend. Kevin sighed, "she's not here" he shook his head.

                    Jay looked at him in confusion, "she's at med" Kevin added.  Jay furrowed his brows, "why? What happened?" He shook his head.  Kevin sighed, "rues got a fever and she wouldn't eat her food" he smiled sadly.  Jay shook his head, "why didn't she tell me?" He folded his arms.  Kevin raised his eyebrows, "she tried to, she left you a voice mail" he nodded.  Jay sighed, he hasn't checked his phone in two weeks.  Kevin nodded as jays face tensed up, "you should really go see her, she hasn't been doing too well these past few days" he sighed.  Jay looked up at Kevin, "are the nightmares back?" He held his breath.  Kevin shook her head, "no I don't think, she's just tired and worried about you. Besides, rues babysitters on maternity leave so we've been lucky enough to have her at work the past week" he smiled.

                     Jay sighed, god, he really should've came home sooner.  He nodded, "I'll go to med now, thanks for looking out for them Kev" he put his thumb up and ran down the steps. He ran out to his truck and pulled his phone out, he immediately pulled up his voicemails and just skipped along until she found Olivia's.

"Hey, I called but there was no answer. Uhm, I just wanted to see you're doing, rue said your name yesterday. Call me back..."

"Hey, I haven't heard from you in a long time. I'm worried about you, call me back"

"Hey, I know you won't listen this but if you're ready to come home I'm here for you"

"It's just me... Rues got a bit of a fever so I'm taking her to med, just to be safe. Hopefully see you soon yeah?"

He wiped his tears away and threw his phone down, god, hearing her voice made him feel better. He drove to med instantly and pulled up outside before wandering into the ED to find his family. Maggie saw him snd smiled, "treatment 4" she pointed behind her. Jay smiled thankfully and nodded before wandering in that direction. He stopped when he saw Olivia stood by the bed just holding onto the safety barriers as rue slept on the bed, she had her second hand up to her neck just rubbing it anxiously.

               "hi..." Olivia heard a familiar voice call out from behind her.  She shot her head in that direction and sighed in relief, "hi" she let out a thankful laugh then walked over to him.  Jay expected her to tell him to get out, he didn't expect a hug, but he wrapped his arms around her protectively, "I'm so so sorry..." he let the tears roll down his face.  Olivia screwed her eyes shut, "I thought you weren't coming home..." she sniffled a little. Jay brushed his hand over her hair, "I wouldn't leave you both, ever. I wanted to come home sooner but I didn't feel like that was a good idea and I just..." he began rambling but she cut him off by pulling his head down to hers, "it doesn't matter, you're here now" she smiled to herself.

                    The hug was nice, it was what they both needed after so long but they still had a lot to rebuild, "I totally understand if you don't forgive me" he planted a kiss on her forehead.  Olivia kissed the back of his hand, "I never blamed you, the case was bound to break one of us. We're good, and we'll always be good" she wiped her tears away.  Jay closed his eyes, "I love you so, so much..." he practically whispered.  Olivia smiled, "I love you too" she whispered back.  The pair smiled at each other before rue made a whimpering noise, "I know baby, it's not nice..." Olivia rubbed the child's belly. Jay frowned and stood right next to her, "how longs she been like this?" He let rue grab his thumb. Olivia sighed, "since this afternoon, I thought it was just because of her fleece jacket but she never cooled down" she rested her head on his shoulder, partly because of how tired she was.

                      The pair were interrupted by Natalie as she walked into the room again, "well the good news is that rues fine, it just looks like a viral infection. All that needs to be done is a little antibiotic drip that'll go into her food, she won't even notice it's there" she smiled at the pair, she didn't really expect to see jay here but she's glad he's here.  The pair smiled and nodded at each other before Natalie carried on, "you however..." she pointed to liv and turned serious, "you've just got a common cold, but your immune systems a little weak at the minute and your blood pressures fairly high too. So... I can tell you haven't been getting much or any sleep at all, I'm just gonna write you down for some sleeping pills and an antibiotic course to get you feeling better again" she sighed weakly.

Jay looked down at Olivia in shock and worry, "thanks nat..." Olivia spoke softly since she could feel jays growing concern filling the room. Natalie smiled and nodded before checking on rue then leaving.  Olivia turned around to check her phone, it was the first thing she could think of to make jay forget about all of that.  But it didn't work, "you haven't been sleeping? Liv, look at me..." he followed her steps.  Olivia sighed, "look at me..." he spoke calmly.  She finally looked at him, jay could see it; the tiredness on her face, the darkness in her eyes, "I was worried about you..." she looked down.  Jay bit his bottom lip sadly and cupped her cheek, "hey it's okay, we've both had it rough and it'll get better. I promise we'll get through this" he smiled.  Olivia nodded and smiled back, "yeah..." she sniffed.

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