Por CrescentRWBY

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"Why I want to be a hero...? What kind of hero I want to be...? I... I... I'm not sure myself... I don't know... Más

Chapter 1 (S1)
Chapter 2
Sleeping Kuuga
Chapter 3
Kuuga and Jiro
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (S2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not a chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (S3)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New chapter?
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thanks for 2k
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sayo: "Yoohoo!
💞Save The World With Love!💞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 1🎞
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 2🎞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 3🎞
Zero: Q&A and Feedback section
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 4🎞
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (S4)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Announcement (important)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Gear check!
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 (S5)
Surprise! (Special Chapter)
Status update (not a chapter)
How original
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Not a chapter update
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
In All of Our Hearts
Competitive Bowling (Zero OVA)
Chapter 68
Photo issues (not a chapter)
Chapter 69
Father's Day Special Chapter
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Plans and Curiosity
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 1
Advanced happy new year
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 2
New Art
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 3
Meet the characters
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 4

Chapter 10

1.1K 44 8
Por CrescentRWBY

Kuuga: "That's gonna be tough to defend."

Kuuga notices Izuku having a determined face as he clenches his fist.

Kuuga: "Guess he's willing to put up a fight, that's good."

He looks at the sides to see the cloaked individuals still staring at him.

Kuuga: (Mentally) "Seriously, they're starting to creep me out."

Midnight: "Now then, I will explain the rules of the Cavalry battle. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members' points, and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until the time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or if your team falls, you're not out!"

Kuuga: (mentally) "42 players will get to play, so there will be ten to twelve teams… if I think of this correctly, it will be a team up against ten million points, so teaming up with Midoriya is gonna be a nightmare."

Midnight: "During the game, it'll be a cruel fight where you can use your quirks. But it is still a cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You'll be removed immediately!"

The screen behind Midnight shows a timer of fifteen minutes to make a team.

Midnight: "Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!"

Everyone begins to scramble and approach each other to team up.

Kuuga: "What a mess…"

Some students begin approaching Kuuga, offering him a spot on their team, but he shrugs it off and walks around aimlessly.

From afar, Jiro is seen standing with Koda and Sato, looking for one more member. She spots Kuuga walking around, looking at the ground.

Jiro: "Kiriu-!"

Multiple tapes suddenly went over and stuck on him.

Kuuga: What the-!"

The tapes then pull him towards Sero, who is standing with Kirishima and Bakugo. Jiro pouts again and crosses her arms as her Earphone jacks rise up.

Sato: "Hagakure is joining us!"

Jiro turns to see a floating gym uniform moving excitedly.

Hagakure: "Let's do our best!"


Kuuga uses his mist to cut the tape and cushion himself as he lands in front of his assumed team.

Kuuga: "Why did you just pull me like that?! You could've called me in a proper way!"

Sero smiles nervously as he scratches his head.

Sero: "We want to make sure you become part of the team!"

Kuuga stands up as his eyes meet with Kirishima and Bakugo.

Bakugo: "Why did you bring this Stupid Mist Boy here?!"

Kuuga: "Why is the possum here?!"

The two glare at each other.

Kirishima: "C-Calm down, you two, Sero brought Kiriu here because we figured he could be a good defense and attack!"

Sero: "He can make the strongest wall and make unexpected attacks!"

Bakugo gave out a "tch!" Before reluctantly agreeing.

Kuuga: "So Bakugo's gonna be the rider, Kirishima will be the horse, and me and Sero are the defenders, with our quirks, we can attack and defend at the same time. So I'll be the right wing?"

Sero: "Yes! And I'll be on the left!"

Black mist forms around Kuuga's neck, acting like a scarf as his purple eyes glow.

Kuuga: "I understand, you tell me who to attack if needed."

Bakugo: "You focus on defense, you extra!"

Kuuga: (rolls eyes) "Whatever, however, I need someone to hold on to my eye drops."

Kirishima: "For what?"

Kuuga: "Knowing the rider, he'll literally play aggressive and go attack everyone, especially the ten million. So it is possible that I will be forced to go all out on manipulating the water droplets around them. If Todoroki is near us and he produces ice, I can make more but it will hurt my eye, so someone has to drop it on me if I need to, like a pit-stop."

Bakugo: "I will hold on to that, now stop talking!"

Kuuga: (sighs) "Fine…"


An alarm is heard, telling everyone that fifteen minutes is up.

Midnight: "Now then, it's about time to get started!"

Present Mic: "After fifteen minutes to form teams and strategy, twelve cavalry teams are lined up on the field! Now, raise those battle cries! It's time for U.A's bloody battle! Light the signal flare!"

The crowd bursts into cheers as Bakugo produces small explosions from his palms.

Present Mic: "All right! You've made your teams, right? I'm not gonna ask if you're ready or not!"

Kuuga: "Sero, stay alert, Kirishima, don't break your wall, Bakugo, stay alert and look out for potential grabs."

Sero: "Of course!"

Kirishima: "Yes!"

Bakugo: "Shut up!"

Present Mic: "Now, let's go! Counting down to the brutal battle royal! Three!"

Bakugo: "We're aiming for one thing."

Present Mic: "Two!"

Kuuga: "We know."

Present Mic: "One!"

Midnight raises her whip excitedly.

Midnight: "Start!"

Bakugo: "Deku!"

All of the teams rushed towards Izuku's team, trying to fight over the ten million points, his team started to sink but quickly got away using some support items.

Kuuga: "They have someone from the support course!"

They followed after Izuku from the ground, Kuuga turned to see Jiro trying to attack Izuku with her ear jacks but were stopped with black cold mists, she grits her teeth to see Kuuga staring at her with his eyes glowing, making her grit her teeth.

Kuuga: "That ten million is ours."

They continue to follow but Bakugo suddenly blasts off from Kirishima, flying to catch Izuku's team in the air.

Kuuga: "Idiot!"

Bakugo tries to blast Izuku with his quirk but Dark Shadow comes in front just in time to stop Bakugo from blasting Izuku's head off, the crowd bursts into cheers.

Present Mic: "He's gotten separated from his horses! Is that okay?! "

Kuuga: "Sero, grab him!"

Sero nods as he uses his tape to pull Bakugo back to them.

Kirishima: "Nice catch!"

Bakugo lands on them but the headband on his head slips away.

Present Mic: "Bakugo? What?"

They look in shock to see Monoma holding their headband.

Monoma: "Class A is too simple-minded."

Kuuga: "He got us! You idiot hot-head!"

Bakugo turns behind him, angrily facing the Class B student.

Bakugo: "What'd you say, bastard?! Give that back, I'll kill you!"

Monoma: "Since Midnight said it was the first game, it wouldn't make sense for them to cut a ton of people in the qualifier, right? Assuming they'd keep about forty people for the next stage, we just made sure we stayed within that number as we ran, observing from the back the quirks and personalities of those who would be our rivals. There's no point in being obsessive over winning in the prelims, right?"

Bakugo: "You did this as a class?"

Monoma starts to wear Team Bakugo's headband.

Monoma: "Well, it wasn't a consensus, but it was a good idea, right? It's better than going after a temporary "top" like a horse with a carrot waving in front of its face. Oh, while I'm at it, you're famous, aren't you? As the victim of the sludge incident! Tell me about it sometime about how it feels to be attacked by villains once a year."

As he speaks, Bakugo grows angrier every second.

Bakugo: "Kirishima, Kiriu… change of plan…"

Kuuga: "Got it."

Kirishima looks behind and is shocked by Bakugo's dangerous aura.

Bakugo: "Before we get Deku, let's kill all these guys!"

Kuuga: "Got it."

Present Mic: "Less than half the time is left now! The Cavalry Battle is about to enter the second half! In this unexpected rise of class B, who will wear the ten million points in the end?!"

Kuuga: "We have less than six minutes left… following your lead, Bakugo."

Monoma continues to taunt Bakugo, his anger increasing.

Kirishima: "Calm down, Bakugo! If you don't calm down, we won't be able to get the points back!"

Bakugo's palm explodes as he instructs Kirishima.

Bakugo: "Forward, Kirishima, Kiriu, hold them, right now, I'm totally calm!"

Kuuga: (nods) "Mist Dominance! Bakugo, don't make the explosions too strong, it can destroy the mist!"

Kirishima: "We're seriously counting on you!"

Black mists form around the feet of Monoma's team as Team Bakugo advances towards them.

Bakugo: "Go!

Their team approaches fast as Bakugo swings his right hand, making explosions.

Bakugo: "Die…!"

Monoma casually leans, avoiding Bakugo's attack, he turns around angrily but was blasted by his own explosion from Monoma.

Monoma: "Wow, what a nice quirk!"

Their team gets pushed back as Monoma smacks Kirishima and Kuuga's head.

Kuuga: "He just smacked me."

Kirishima: "Bakugo, someone has the same Quirk as you too?"

Bakugo didn't respond as he angrily tried to blast Monoma.

Bakugo: "Damn it!"

Bakugo blasts him, creating a huge smoke.

Monoma: "Really, such nice quirks. Mine's better, though."

The smoke clears to reveal Monoma using Kirishima's hardening quirk.

Bakugo and Kirishima had a surprised face, Kuuga narrowed his eyes.

Kirishima: "Wha…? Mine…? The same again…?"

Bakugo: "No, this guy copied them."

Kuuga: "He made contact with me, so he may have copied it as well, but I doubt he can use it."

Monoma: "That's right! Well, even an idiot can figure it out, huh?"

Monoma's eyes glow as he tries to use his mist, but he shuts his eye in an instant, and begins to scream in pain.

Kirishima: "What?"

Kuuga: "The annoying weirdo tried to use my Quirk, guess his eyes can handle it."

Monoma opens his eyes as blood comes out of it, he wipes it off as Kuuga calls out to him.

Kuuga: "How unoriginal, copying others' quirk. Good luck trying to use mine, let's hope you can still see afterwards."

Suddenly, white liquid (don't get the wrong idea) fell over Bakugo and his team, pushing them back.

Monoma: (wiping blood) "Bondo! Picking a fight, huh?"

Monoma's team started to go away.

Bakugo: "After them!"

Kirishima: "It's solidifying! I can't move!"

Kuuga: "I'll destroy it! Bakugo, prepare my eye drops!"

Kuuga's eyes glow as he forms multiple mist spikes, destroying the solidifying liquid at a fast pace.

Sero: "Hurry! We've got zero points right now! Hurry!"

Present Mic: "One minute left!"

Kuuga: "Dammit! Bakugo, go after them, I'll increase my pace! Do what you tried to do to Midoriya a while ago!"

Bakugo turns to face the other team angrily. Before blasting towards them.

Kirishima: "Don't act on your own!"

Bakugo tried to blast them, but was stopped with solid air. Monoma's team starts to walk away but Black mist spikes go to both sides of Bakugo, helping him break it. He broke the solid air, taking two headbands from Monoma, shocking his team.

Present Mic: "Team Bakugo seizes two headbands to move to third place! The ranking keeps changing in the final stages! It's the passion of youth!"

Kuuga manages to break the solid material as Sero pulls Bakugo back.

Kuuga: "Nice one, Bakugo! Give me the drops! My eyes are about to bleed!"

Bakugo opened two bottles and poured all of its contents on his eye, making Kuuga scream angrily.

Kuuga: "What the hell?! You poured all of it! Whatever, let's go!"

Bakugo starts smacking Kirishima's head like an angry driver.

Bakugo: "We're gonna go for the indisputable first place! We'll get our points back and then go for ten million!"

Their team continues to chase Monoma's team.

Kuuga: "Got it."

Bakugo: "Flat face! Tape!"

Sero: "It's Sero!"

Sero fires his tape after Monoma.

Bakugo: "Mist boy! Use your mist and hold them in place and cover our direction with mist to smoothen our path!"

Kuuga: (eyes glow) "It's Kiriu."

Kuuga did as instructed as Bakugo blasts and slid the team after Monoma, they tried to make the solid air but with Bakugo's quirk and Kuuga's mist, they broke through easily and grabbed their headband.

Present Mic: "Bakugo is merciless!"

The crowd erupts to huge cheers.

Present Mic: "If he's gonna do it, he's gonna be thorough! He's, you know, a perfectionist! Now, there are only a few seconds left!"

Bakugo: "Next, we're going to where Deku and Todoroki are!"

They rush over to the location, Kuuga prepares to destroy the ice but Bakugo blasts through and jumps towards Izuku.

Bakugo: "Damn Deku!"

Kirishima: "Bakugo!"

Bakugo changed direction and went towards Todoroki.

Bakugo: "Half-and-Half bastard!"

Before they collide, the alarm sounds, telling that the event is over, making them stop their advance with Bakugo falling face flat on the floor. The crowd cheers.

Present Mic: "Time's up! That's the end of the second round. The Cavalry battle!"


What a disaster of a chapter.

2127 words

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