No Equal

By BuckSteve_17

135K 4.2K 615

Salem Starkov is Alina Starkov's cousin who like her is a cartographer for the first army but when they both... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 54

802 25 0
By BuckSteve_17

The next day we are all getting ready for the exchange tonight, I am ready to see Inej again. Safe and unharmed, hopefully. Nina, Matthias, Wylan and Jesper are all out, setting up for the exchange while Kaz, Kuwei and I are all waiting in the tomb Kuwei hasn't left the tomb since we first got here. Mostly because he and Wylan look the same and if someone finds out it could mean trouble. Silently I pace the shelter nervously and try to ignore Kaz's intense stare. I am not in my usual dress outfit but instead (media) incase anything goes south. Kaz lets his cane drop to the floor and he stands up "please stop pacing you are setting me on edge" I pause and glance over at him, bringing my hand away from my mouth I say "well talk about something, distract me from later" he hesitates, not sure what to say "what do you want to talk about?" he asks softly. I shrug pushing my hair from my face before I suddenly have an idea "we never spoke about that outburst" I say quietly biting my lip and looking down at my black boots.

I hear Kaz step forward "I didn't think there was anything else to say" he admits to me, I look up and note how his gaze is soft. Like he would do anything for me and for some reason that's terrifying. Stepping forward, feeling more confident but not too much more because I still wrap my arms around my body "I do. I have more to say" I say trying to keep eye contact with him but I am still nervous. Kaz raises his eye brow and for a second I admire the handsome features of his face, his dark eyes, sharp jaw, taught mouth. The mouth that has come out with so many plans, so many things that makes me attracted to him more and if he ever let me, I could kiss that mouth all day. I pull myself out of my thoughts and take in a deep breath, I look him deep in the eyes and say "the truth is that I love you too" I pause, trying controlling my breathing so I don't start panicking, "I think I have loved you since we started the journey from Ravka more then a year ago but I'm scared" I notice that he has gotten closer and I start to panic.

"why are you scared Salem?" he says so low I barely hear him myself, I swallow hard "I don't know what that would mean for us" I tell him honestly, clenching my fists to stop them shaking. I back away but Kaz still steps forward until I am against the wall, I can feel the heat from his body. "I'm not sure ether" he admits, his voice gravelly "I have never felt like this before. I didn't know I could" I blush and look down at our shoes. He reaches a gloved hand and lifts me chin so I look at him again his eyes are dark pits, looking right into my soul "but we can figure it out. One day at a time" I can't help but start laughing and I throw my head back. Kaz looks at me puzzled "I have never known you not to have a plan" I say between laughter, Kaz starts to smile then an expression that transforms his face "well get used to it darling, when it comes to you not much is planned" that makes my heart flutter slightly. I watch as he pulls a watch out of his pocket to check the time, he looks back up at me and steps away slightly "its time" I start to feel nauseous.

Kaz and I enter from the west, his cane tapping the pavement noisily, I however don't make a noise. I stay as silent as I can which is pretty silent considering Inej was giving me lessons before, on how to stay quiet. The crowd starts to part for us, as though sensing the importance of our mission. I am dragging Alice Van Eck beside me, the blindfold safely in my pocket and she is singing. Kaz has a sour. The look on his face and I try not to smile at how ridiculous it makes him look. Her husband is approaching the other side of the bridge audit takes everything in me not to grab for my weapons, we have a plan Salem, I tell myself, don't mess it up for Inej. Van Eck holds himself straight, arms kept tight to his body. Kaz promised me that once we get Inej and the money that he is fair game, I can do what I want to Jan Van Eck and I have been daydreaming about the ways I am going to torture him when the time comes.

He has come surrounded by guards, coward and surrounded by three huge guards is Inej with a bag over head but at least very much alive. I let out a shallow breath but I don't let myself relax, now I know what the merch is capable of. We all reach the bridge at the same time, how poetic. Kaz, Alice and I step onto it, Van Eck signals the guards to bring Inej forward, so close. Vank Eck is trying to keep his face neutral but failing, that man couldn't play poker. For a brief moment he and Kaz take in one another as one might take a particularly good deal, they exchange the briefest of nods and Kaz signals for me to bring Alice forward, Van Eck's men does the same with Inej when Alice asks me "do you think he is handsome?" I shake my head unclear on what she said "what?" I say sharply. The young woman tilts her head slightly, looking at her husband "something happened to Jan's nose" she points out, I look over and notice that indeed his nose has been broken. Such a shame.

"I suspect he caught a bad case of the Wraith" I answer with a shoot of pride for my friend, always a fighter. Alice crinkles her nose "I think Jan would be handsome, if he wasn't so old" she says and I snort, wow even his own wife doesn't really love him. "Lucky for you we live in a world where men can make up for being old by being rich" I tell her as friendly as I can manage, "it would be nice if he was young and rich" she says with a sigh. A smile dances on my lips "why stop there?" I ask "how about young, rich and royal? why settle for a merch when you can have a prince?" this seems to go over the poor girls head because she shrugs "I suppose" she says "but its the money that's important. I've never really seen the point in princes" this girl is lucky she is pretty.

I look up and notice Matthias in the window of one of the hotels across the street, it gives me a little more confidence. Alice tries to step forward but I hold her firmly in place "you said you were bringing me to Jan" she objects trying to wriggle out of my grasp with little success "and here you are" Kaz says keeping his eye on the enemy "now be still". Alice frowns "Jan" she yells sharply "its me" I can't help but roll my eyes at how ridicules she is. "I know, my dear" he says calmly his gaze locked on Kaz, he lowers his voice "this isn't over Brekker. I want Kuwei Yul-Bo" Kaz glances briefly at me and I look down schooling my features "are we here to repeat ourselves?" he asks "you want the secret to jurda parem, and I want my money. The deals the deal" Van Eck folds his arms in front of his chest "I don't have thirty million Kruge to part with" rolling my eyes again "its a shame, I'm sure somebody else does" Kaz taunts expertly.

"And have you had any luck finding another buyer?" the older man asks trying to hide his panic, good let him squirm. "don't trouble yourself on my account merch. The market will provide. Do you want your wife back or did we just drag her out here for nothing?" Van Eck hesitates "just a second" he says turning to his wife "Alice what are we naming the child?" I raise an eyebrow "very good"I praise earning a glare from him "seems an old dog can learn new tricks after all". Van Eck ignores me "Alice" he prompts and she frowns, like she doesn't understand why he is asking her. "Jan if its a boy" she answers softly "and if its a girl Plumje" that poor child, not only does she have that terrible man as a father but it will also have a awful name.

"we agreed Plumje would be the name of your new parakeet" her husband says slightly irritated, Alice's lip juts out like a little child "I never agreed" she says. Kaz moves his stiff leg "I think Plumje is a lovely name for a girl" he urges "satisfied merch?" again Van Eck ignores us. "come" he orders his wife ushering Alice forward as he signals fort he guards to let Inej go, my heart is pounding in my chest from nerves. As Inej passes Van Eck, she turns to face him and murmurs something making his mouth pinch. Inej shuffles forward, some how still graceful even with her arms tied behind her back. She is thinner, her lips chapped but despite the long days in captivity, the sun catches the dark gleam of her hair beneath her hood. She is with us. I embrace her quickly, wanting to know she is real as Kaz asks "your knives?" we let go of each other and she answers "packed into my coat pockets" this time I do relax more, glad to have my friend back.

"lets get out of here" I say cutting through her bounds and sharing a grin. "Mister Brekker" Van Eck calls breaking our reunion up, "you gave me your word Kaz Brekker!" he shouts. Everyone in ear shot on the Stave stops to stare at us, "you swore you would return my wife and son to me, where are you keeping Wylan?" I notice the movement of purple uniform in the crows, Stadwatch. The little rat. Kaz lifts a brow "seal off the bridge" I hear one of the officers call, Van Eck grins "shall we play for real now, Mister Brekker? The might of my city against your band of thugs?" arrogant ass. Kaz doesn't bother replying but shoves Inej and I behind him, he grabs my hand with his gloved one and gives it a squeeze "I'll see you at home" he whispers and I nod disappearing into the crowd.

A/N: I am so in love with Kaz, what's your opinion on Kaz and Salem's relationship?

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