
By N1ya3h

73.5K 1.3K 52

la·cu·na /ləˈk(y)o͞onə/ noun 1. an unfilled space or interval; a gap. Evi Jenson moved to Seattle from France... More

Sᴇᴀsᴏɴ Oɴᴇ {1.1}
Sᴇᴀsᴏɴ ᴛᴡᴏ {2.1}
2.26 & 2.27
Season 3 {3.01}


899 19 0
By N1ya3h

Evi stands on the opposite side of George as he bangs on a window of the hospital with Izzie standing on the other side of him, arms crossed holding a leash with Doc on it.

"Cujo has to go!" George yells to Meredith.

They move to the Intern locker room to get ready for rounds. Meredith is sitting down on a bench, already in her scrubs with Doc laying next to her.

"He peed on my bed. My bed, Meredith!" Izzie complains.

"He ate a hole in my shoes!" Evi says next.

"He's our dog!" Meredith says defensively.

"No, he's not my dog. You three bought him, without even asking me." George denies.

"We rescued him from certain death." Evi tells George.

"Come on you guys." Meredith pouts.

"I'm putting my foot down. Either the dog moves out or I do. Foot. Down. Now. Me or the dog, which is it?" George says.

Meredith looks down at Doc contemplating and then back up at George.

"You hesitated! She hesitated!" George says shocked.

"You hesitated?!?" Izzie says.

"I didn't hesitate. I was thinking." Meredith defends.

"You have to think about it, fine! I'm moving out right now." George says. He heads to the door to exit the room but as he opens the door, Bailey is revealed standing there. He swivels back towards his locker. "Later. I'm moving out later because right now I have rounds."

Bailey walks into the room. "Tell me that is not a dog."

"It's not a dog." They all say.


Bailey is standing outside the emergency double doors with all of the interns. An ambulances double doors open up and paramedics start wheeling out a patient.

"Rick Freeark. 29. Severed 3 fingers on his left hand. Controlled the bleeding in field. Vitals stable. Gave him 5 of morphine on the way in." The paramedic says.

They all start wheeling the patient down the hallway.

"The fingers?" Bailey asks.

"Had some trouble retrieving them so we took off. Rich behind us found them. They're iced and ready to go. 10 minutes out." The paramedic says.

"Continue with IV fluids and start a course of antibiotics." Bailey demands.
She stops Cristina. "Yang, wait outside for the fingers." Cristina heads back out.


"You can sew them back on right? Cause they sewed that guy's penis back on after his wife chopped it off, right?" Rick asks.

"Penises and fingers. Like apples and oranges." Bailey says.

"How did it happen?" George asks.

"I was loading my gear onto my truck for a gig and my hand got caught in the lift gate."

"You're a musician?" Evi asks.

"I play the friggin guitar." He turns to Bailey. "You can sew them back on right? It's not that big of a deal right? Oh dude I better not be out of the band."


Evi was in a trauma room where a young Asian woman named Yumi sits on a bed continuously hiccupping. Yumi's Coach, Mr. Kamaji is also in the room.

"Yumi Miyazaki. 22. She presented this morning with persistent hiccups." Evi presents.

"She was given 50 chlopromazine which stopped them for a while but then the hiccups returned so she needs a surgical consult to rule out esophageal perforation." Izzie picks up.

"When did your hiccups start?" Bailey asks.

"A few days ago. She doesn't speak English." Mr. Kamaji says.

"Are you her boyfriend?" Bailey asks.

"Her coach."

"Oh she's an athlete." Evi says.

"Ah, Yumi is a competitive eater." Mr. Kamaji tells Evi.

"Eating is a sport?" Izzie asks.

Alex nods. "Miyazaki ... yeah, yeah. She's like a Rock star in Japan." He says.

"Again, eating is a sport?"

Alex turns to Mr. Kamaji. "Tell her I saw her on TV. Tell her that I'm an athlete too. I'm a wrestler."

(The young doctor wants you to know he's a wrestler. I think he's flirting with you.)

Yumi gives Alex an appraising look.

(Tell him I eat little boys like him for breakfast.)

"She wonders how a wrestler got smart enough to be a doctor. Most wrestlers she knows are dumb." Mr. Kamaji tells Alex.

Alex and Izzie smile. Izzie more of a 'oh my god' smile.

"Just tell her that she hasn't been hanging around the right gyms." Alex says.

"How 'bout instead you tell her that persistent hiccup could be an indication of something much more serious." Bailey butts in.

She turns to Alex and Izzie. "Schedule an esophogram."

"Oh she's competing this afternoon at the 'Taste of Seattle'. Can't you just give her a stronger dose of that drug? It seemed to work." Mr. Kamaji asks.

"Did the hiccups come back?" Bailey asks.

"Yes, but-"

"Then it didn't work."

She moves and starts to walk off, but stops suddenly clutching her stomach in pain.

"Dr. Bailey?" Evi asks concerned.

"Be quiet."

"Dr. Bailey, are you ok?" Izzie asks.

Bailey tries to shrug it off, but she still seems to be in pain. "All right somebody page Addison Shepherd." She says.


Evi goes to the door as George prepares to move Mrs. Larson's bed.

"You're not moving out, George." She says.

"Oh yes, I am. I gave an ultimatum. Threw dawn the gauntlet. I drew my line in the sand." George says.

"Well un-give, un-throw and un-draw." Evi demands.

"A man does not give an ultimatum and then back down." George says. Evi helps George move the bed out of the room and down the hallway. "Meredith had a choice and she chose the dog."

"A girl chose a dog over you?" Sophie asks.



Evi and George stare at each other.


"Are we gonna do this or what?" Alex says as Cristina, Izzie and Evi sit at the table.

"Yeah, let's go." Cristina says.

George comes up running with his own plate of hotdogs. "Don't start without me."

"We're not gonna start if Izzie doesn't focus." Alex says.

"Izzie, come on." Cristina says.

"What should I put on the flier?" Evi asks looking at the printout picture of Doc. Izzie looking over her shoulder.

"I don't know." George says.

"Destructive, aggressive, uh hell dog available." Cristina says.

"That's not helping." Evi says.

"Fine, uh playful, protective puppy needs loving home." Cristina says.

Izzie nods approvingly as Evi begins writing those exact words. "Good."

Meredith comes with her own set of food and Doc on a leash. She sits down. "Hey, George." She greets.

George was looking down at his food. "Don't talk to me! You'll only make me mad. You're gonna mess up my game and I'm in the zone."

"Okay." She turns to Izzie and Evi. "What are you guys doing?"

"Oh it's a flier that I'm gonna put it up-" Evi begins explaining.

Cristina yells. "Izzie, come on!" At the same time George yells. "Izzie!"

"Okay! Keep your panties on!" Izzie says. Izzie picks up a stop watch as George, Alex and Cristina all prepare to have a hot-dog eating contest.

"All right." George picks up one of his hotdogs. "No touching!" Evi says. George puts down his hotdog making a face at her. Izzie struggles not to laugh. "Go!"

George, Alex and Cristina start wolfing down their hotdogs. Though Cristina opts for eating the actual hotdog meat first quickly, rather than bun and dog like Alex and George.

Meredith looks at the flier. "You're advertising for a home for Doc? I said I would do it."

"And you haven't and you won't. And I don't want George to leave." Evi says. She makes a funny face when she looks at George's eating.

"Well at least put down he's not house-broken." Izzie gives her a look. "What? It's the truth."

"Ok, so you want me to put the truth. Fine." Evi says.

Cristina finished her hot dog meat and only is only left with the buns with she is now wetting down with water, mushing up and then stuffing into her mouth.

"Vicious, hyper devil mutt is available. And will pee on the bed." Evi says towards the sky.

"He's your dog too. We got him together." Meredith says to the two girls. She gives the others a weird look at their eating contest. It seems Cristina is winning, Alex followed closely behind, and George is pretty much screwed.

"We got him together, please. He's not your dog either. He doesn't even know us. We are not home enough for him to know us." Izzie says.

Cristina stuffs the last of it down her mouth and shouts victorious. Though it's very muffled and hard to understand since she still has a mouth full of bread. Alex and George also protest muffled as she hasn't chewed it all down. Cristina stands up and starts gloating and making hand gestures. "You want to be! You want to be me but you can't be me! You want to be me..." She stops abruptly and looks like she's gonna puke.

"Uh, oh." George says. She sits back down woozy.

"Crap, she's gonna blow." Izzie says. They all stand up quickly and run off, leaving Cristina sitting by herself trying not to throw up.


Meredith, Cristina and Evi are in the OR gallery. where a surgery is being performed. They are all standing at the edge of the gallery with cups of coffee as all the seats are taken.

"McDreamy's being McDouchey. He's making me stand at the back of the O.R while he re-attaches Rick's fingers. I can't even touch a retractor. I hate him." Cristina complains.

"Truth. Did you move in with Burke or not?" Meredith asks.

Cristina sighs. "I told him I moved in with him. I'm keeping my old apartment."

Evi turns around and gives her a look.

"What? I sleep with Burke every night. My clothes are there. So I still have my apartment, big deal." Cristina brushes of Evi.

"You have to tell him." Evi says.

"Actually I don't."

"So I'm supposed to go to dinner at your fake apartment with the guy you fake live with?" Meredith asks.

"Oh, I would never have you over to dinner with Burke. That's weird." Cristina says.

Meredith spins around instantly. "This is my point. Stop with the lying."

Cristina whispers accusingly. "And you're being honest? That last time you called him McDreamy you were all a-twitter with love."

"We're just friends." Meredith says.

"Uh huh." Evi says.

"We are." Meredith says.


Evi was in the Pre-op ward where Yumi is lying, breathing difficultly on a bed. Evi is checking her vitals. Bailey, Izzie and Alex are there as well. Including a few nurses. Mr. Kamaji is watching from outside looking anxious.

"Cyanotic with shallow breast sounds. BP is 76 over 42. Tachycardic in the one thirty's. Start her on high flow O2 and give her a second dose of saline." Evi says.

"Alright, let's get her to the O.R." Bailey says.

"They're ready and waiting." Izzie informs.

They're about to start moving Yumi's bed when she grabs Evi's hand pleadingly looking upset as if to say "why is this happening?' Alex looks down at Yumi's hand in Evi's and the looks through the glass wall, shooting daggers at the coach.

"The freaking coach should be the one this gurney." Alex says.

"Let's keep our eyes on the prize Karev. Saving this woman's life." Bailey says.

They start wheeling her out.


Alex, Izzie, Evi and Bailey are in the OR operating on Yumi.

"Dr. Karev, how do I begin the esophagomyotomy?" Bailey asks.

"Cut proximal and distal to the tear to expose the mucosal defect." Alex says.

"Correct. Then we'll move to debridement of the defect-" She gasps suddenly. "Oh!" She backs away quickly from the operating table, dropping the surgical tools and starts breathing in and out quickly.

"Dr. Bailey, those aren't Braxton Hicks contractions. I believe you're in pre-term labor." Izzie says. Bailey gives her an annoyed look.

The chief enters the OR all scrubbed up.

"Why didn't you call me sooner?" He asks. Bailey just shakes her head. "Alright, just get out of here."

"I was gonna fashion a gastric patch." Bailey says.

"I taught you the procedure. Now leave." He says. Bailey sighs and leaves.

"I'll be closing the peritoneal cavity with zero chromic sutures." He says.

Nurse Debbie knocks on the glass window of the scrubs room holding up a piece of paper.

"Chief." Evi says. Richard turns around and sees Debbie and then turns back to the operating table. "Let's get back to it. Pull back on that retractor. Give me more suction. I'll need a sponge on a stick."

Debbie enters the O.R.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"I tried but you wouldn't listen. It is now 6.07. The second shift of nurses started at 6. They're not coming in." She says.

"Do you have any idea what a sick out would do to this hospital?"

"I've already put in the call for temps." She puts down the paper she was holding on a table nearby.

"What's this?" Webber asks.

"Official notification. We go on strike in 10 days."


A nurse is pushing Dr. Bailey dressed to go home in a wheelchair down a hallway. Addison is walking beside her and they are being followed the interns.

"Bed rest at home until the baby comes. You do know what bed rest is don't you Miranda?" Addison asks.

"Yeah hell." Bailey says. She's being wheeled backwards into an elevator.

"Hell with TV and books." Izzie says. She hands Bailey a present. "Here it's from all of us." Bailey takes it grudgingly. They all smile at her from outside the elevator. They elevator doors begin to close, but Bailey stops it with her foot.

"I may be 47 months pregnant..." The group looks apprehensive as they were about to walk off. "I may be on bed rest. I may not be able to see my own feet but I am Dr. Bailey. I hear everything. I know everything. I'm watching each and every one of you. And I will return." The doors close.


Izzie, Meredith, George and Evi exit out of Meredith's Jeep. Izzie hands George some Doc's toys while Evi and Meredith gets Doc out from the back.

"Ok, Doc. Let's go." Evi says.

They're in front of Derek's trailer. Derek and Addison out and meet them. Meredith looks upset.

"Hey Doc. Hey buddy. Welcome home." Derek says.

"Hey. He's beautiful." Addison compliments. They start patting Doc.

"I brought his toys." Izzie says.

"And his food and water." George says.

"Here." Evi says. Evi hands the leash over to Addison.

"Thanks for doing this. I know it's a lot to ask." Meredith says.

"It's all right. It's just a dog, right? Come on Doc." Addison says.

She walks away and takes Doc into the trailer.

"Ah, we'll just wait by the car." Izzie says, then George, Izzie and Evi turn to go back to the car.

A little while later Meredith comes back to the car. They all get in and head home.


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