With The Beatles

By angelthefirstcolumn

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Fame can literally change a person and forget who they really are. What happens when the arrogant fab four s... More

With The Beatles
Take 1
Take 2
Take 3
Take 4
Take 5
Take 6
Take 7
Take 8
Take 9
Take 10
Take 11
Take 12
Take 13
Take 14
Take 15
Take 16
Take 17
Take 18
Take 19
Take 20
Take 21
Take 22
Take 23
Take 24
Take 25
Take 26
Take 27
Take 28
Take 29
Take 30
Take 31
Take 33
Take 34
Take 35
Take 36
Take 37
Take 38
Take 39
Take 40
The Final Take

Take 32

106 6 4
By angelthefirstcolumn

WARNING: I am not an expert of drugs. I'm just writing all of the information I found on the internet and compiled them here as if it was a research paper. So if you want to know everything about LSD, please don't expect much from this. So much for writing a book about friendship, huh?


Watching George and Ringo sip on their 'beverages' was something I don't prefer to see on a lazy Monday morning.

I mean, we're all British so typically we have tea sessions any time throughout the day. We wake up, we drink tea. After lunch, we drink tea. Before going to sleep, we drink tea. When we wake up in the middle of the night—

"John, you really should try this drug. I swear you won't regret it." Ringo tells me while watching something on Jude's computer.

"Aye, he's right. I've written a lot of songs during the past hour. Whatever this is, it's making my mind pour out all of my creativity. If I had half a chance, I’d put this acid in the Government’s tea." George spoke in a proper manner this time.

Unlike last time where he just completely forgotten what proper literacy means and sounds like.

"Nahh, they're drugs, mate. It's dangerous for our health and all that." Ringo laughed off my statement. "Oh c'mon, Johnny. Don't talk as if we haven't tried experimenting amphetamines before."

"Hey, that was just for our nonstop live performances back in the days. We needed something to keep ourselves awake to ensure our eight-hour shifts." I immediately defended myself and Paul's point, too.

George shook his head at me, "Doesn't that make it similar to when you feel mental blocked sometimes? I mean look at me, I have a lot of song ideas in less than an hour!"

"You've said that twice, for Christ's sake." I sighed and scratched my head in annoyance much to our guitarist's pride.

"Because it's true! I swear, I'm not being high right now. I'm convincing you as one of your best friends because I knew you'd do better than me." George waved his hands in the air to prove his point.

I know I'm not really the best person in the world. Jude had fixed my crazed mindset so as much as possible, I swore to abstinent myself from these obvious things that would do me no good.

Except... this is a drug.

When I was reading about my biography– which I'm really disgusted with right now– I knew that I was a massive drug user. Specifically in heroin, marijuana, and acid.

Those drugs made me write songs in which I still find unfamiliar today. But I had written a few of them without the drugs' influence so I bet I'll do fine as long as Paul and Jude are here.

But then Jude never mentioned anything about it being harmful, right?

Oh damn.

"Come on, John. You've got nothing to loose if you try." Ringo threw a paper blotter in the air just in time for me to catch it. I observed the tab sealed inside of it.

George added, "Yeah, we'll let Paul join the trip as soon as he arrives."

I cleared my throat, still clutching on the capsule. "How long does the effect last?"

"About twelve hours or so."

My eyes widened at this, "Twelve hours?! But what about Jude? And our club gigs?"

Ringo scoffed, "Since when have you been so time conscious?" I crossed my arms at him, "These drugs are illegal, mate. You hear me? Illegal."

"So?" George chuckled, "Isn't time travelling illegal, as well?" Running my fingers through my damp hair, I tried to think of a more further retort to this matter.

"It's an anti-depressant, John. I see no reason why the government had to ban these colourful stuff.  I think LSD changes everybody. It certainly makes you look at things differently. It makes you look at yourself and your feelings and emotions." Ringo explains.

"And like I said, a light bulb went on in my head during my first time. An illumination goes on inside, imagine, in ten minutes I lived a thousand years." George expresses as if he were a child dreaming to be an astronaut.

"B-But what about Jude?"

"She can handle herself, John. She's a strong, intelligent, independent woman who knows so much more than us. Do you think she would not hide these narcotics the moment she found this in the attic if she thinks it's not good for us?"

"And besides, Paul is with her. Our good 'ol pal will protect her and so are we." George reassured.

Having no more questions to ask, I chunked the pill in my mouth to which George and Ringo did the same.

It was George who first raised his glass of water, "To best mates?"

Ringo and I raised our glasses, as well. "To best mates."



I waited for my body to start shaking like crazy or maybe puke my guts out, whatever the aftermath is. It's not meeting my expectations and it's making me even more excited for some weird reason.

"S-So when is this going to effect?" I can't help but ask my mates. Err, drug mates.

"After twenty to ninety minutes."

"Ringo and I had consumed a crazy amount in the attic when you saw us yesterday. Probably took us ten to fifteen minutes or so." George casually said.

How could he say that as if it was something normal?

"I'm curious," I started, "How were we involved with drugs during, you know, the original timeline?"

"Aside from amphetamines the club waiters would give us?" I nodded. Ringo thought for a second, "Well, Bob Dylan introduced us to marijuana in 1964."

I shifted my back up on my position, "No way! The Bob Dylan?"

George seemed unbothered so he continued Ringo's statement, being the strenuous researcher he is, "And in 1965 some dentist spiked you and I's drinks with this acid. We got Ringo try it with us. While Paul had it with another set of friends."

"I see." I leaned my body forward to reach the glass of water that I drank from. My vision was getting a little fuzzy but I figured this is probably because I wasn't wearing my glasses.

That's when Ringo changed the topic, "Say, what happened to your errand boy duties, by the way?"

"Ahh, I just stopped, really. The lady already had her own business going so she doesn't need that much help anymore." I said.

George furrowed his eyebrows at me then stated, "Can I just say that the woman you work for looks a lot like—"

"Yeah, I know, Cynthia. Paul and Ringo had told me that over and over, thank you for reminding."

The youngest Beatle smirked, "Just as I thought."

"The woman had just divorced her abusive husband, I'm proud of her. Cynthia would've done the same if only I had just realized it sooner."

"Nah, it's alright, mate." Ringo pats my back. "Though a lot of memes are spreading about you beating your wife."

It was my eyebrows' turn to crease, "What are memes?"

The drummer's mouth gaped, "It's a fun thing posted on Facebook and Tumblr."

"What's a Facebook? And what? Did you just say tumbler? Those tall cups that you use in—"

"John," George calls and shook his head. "Well how am I suppose to know? I'm not even alive during this era."

Ringo laughed, "You've got to admit the modern world is a blast."

"By blast you mean erratic, messy, and confusing." I snorted and stood up. "I'll just grab a book in Jude's room and sleep. You guys enjoy your trip without me."

The two of them gave me skeptical looks, "We'll see about that."

Choosing through the long list of book choices is a struggle for a bookworm like me. If I were to choose something that I like in this modern world, it would probably all these good books.

Paul seemed to agree on that, though. He wasn't that much of a reader but he managed to be fond of it because of Jude's collection.

While reading the classic 'Alice in Wonderland' by Lewis Caroll, my vision was getting fuzzy again. But this time I was already wearing my granny glasses so I knew this was it.

I closed my eyes for a second, trying to feel the steadiness of my head and the book on my hand. As I opened them, everything around me seemed to be screaming colours.

Where am I?

It seems like I'm still in Jude's room but in a cartoon manner. There are trails around the objects as if they were being outlined with a black marker. Some objects were moving like a pattern and... and...

Everything is just so colourful!

"John?" There was a voice. This made me froze for a moment. Despite not hearing that for years, I am certain who that could be.

"Mother?" I replied.

This is dope! I'm actually hearing my mother's voice.

"Hello, Johnny." Wait, is that... Stuart?!

Oh damn, I'm hearing dead people. So now what? Should I be hearing myself and George during this trip, as well?

Suddenly, with the surroundings still moving in a wavy manner, I could hear an electronic sound from somewhere. It's inaudible and terrible but for some reason I could make something from it.

Seeing that I could still stand up and walk, I went to grab my guitar and notes then started scribbling before it leaves my mind.

"Turn off your mind,

Relax and float down stream,

It is not dying, it is not dying,

Lay down all thoughts,

Surrender to the void,

It is shining, it is shining.

Yet you may see the meaning of within,

It is being, it is being.

Love is all and love is everyone,

It is knowing, it is knowing...

That ignorance and hates

May mourn the dead,

It is believing, it is believing,

But listen to the colour of your dreams,

It is not living, it is not living,

So play the game,

Existence to the end,

Of the beginning, of the beginning...."

When I was done, I directly ran to the living room to Ringo and George with ecstacy. Can't wait to show this to Paul and Jude when they get back.

"Boys! Boys!" Looking back at my mates– who are also blurry and chromatic to look at– George got his head resting on Ringo's lap while starring at something on the ceiling.

While Ringo was watching something on the computer with a smile on his face. Both of his and George's eyes are getting pale and red. I could only say that I probably look the same.

The drummer noticed my presence and his smile grew wider as he looked at me, "Hello, John. How are you?"

I snickered and spoke, "Feeling good, mate."

* * * * *

It was a great experience, I must say. It's not the type of drug that would make you loose your morals. Yeah, it makes the world animatic and fake. But we did got to do a lot of better stuff being high, yeah?

Eventually Jude found out the minute she saw the three of us during the last hours of our trip. She was bothered at first, but we were all on our way to being sober that time and rest assured, we got to do a show at D'Oldies without anyone growing suspicious on what we just did.

Whereas Paul didn't seem to be impressed on what just happened.

"Why don't you just try it out with us? If you're scared, I'll be here to guide you." I tried to persuade.

My best mate shook his head with conviction, "Not gonna happen, John. If we're all high then what about Jude? What if one of us would hurt her without even realising it?"

"The drug won't let you loose your senses. Your trip depends on your mood while taking them. So I advice you to take them when you're feeling good and not worried about a lot of stuff." George explains his research on his own since, Ringo went out to accompany Jude to theater practices.

Paul rolled his eyes, "I don't need to take them, y'know. I'm better off living a normal healthy lifestyle like I always intended to be."

This made me laugh, "You wanted to be the modern version of yourself, huh? The legendary old man who only eats vegetarian food and quits smoking?"

"How dare you discover that." The bassist blushes a light shade of scarlet and slumps back on the couch to sleep. "Still, I'm not taking that drug. Never have, never will, y'know."

"Whatever you say, my love." I stood up and grabbed a few of my essentials such as a coat, a hat, my glasses, and a guitar.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to wait for Ringo so we could have another trip?" George asks, curious. Paul furrowed his eyebrows as well.

I flashed the two of them a cheeky smile and said, "I'll just pay someone a visit. He needs these stuff as much as I do." I grabbed a paper blotter containing one tab and slid it down to my coat's pocket.

Paul lets out a soft chuckle, "I could guess you're both terrible and messed up?" I smirked, "Close to that."

As soon as they had no more questions, I stepped out of the house, carrying the guitar case into the streets until I stopped at my destination.

Once again, it's been a while since I've been here. There seems to be no difference with the dark ambiance surrounding the majestic palace-like mansion except the plants that were once vibrant and healthy are now withered since their keeper isn't here to take care of them anymore.

I'm not even high to say that this place is naturally dark and lonely.

I was about to press the doorbell but I immediately noticed the black gate was slightly opened enough to invite any intruder inside.

Considering that this should be a very wealthy household, I doubt the owner would let anyone step into his expensive property.


Call me trespassing but I knew there's something wrong here. I do expect him to be here, but I admit I never thought I'll be seeing the man in an awful state.

"Well, would you look at that? It's the nowhere boy." The deep, raspy voice said without showing his face to me. I observed everything around him and just like the plants outside, all of the precious stuff in here are all disarrayed.

Some are broken, while some are spontaneously being thrown out from where they were sitting on, out of anger by whoever did this mess.

But what really caught my attention, as always, was the large portrait that was used to be hanging on the staircase for everyone to see the minute they step foot on the household...

... which is now on the floor. Its glass frame was shattered in front of the photograph of what used to be a family.

"Are you proud of what you've done? Are you here to see what your infidelity has got me into?"

I sarcastically clicked my tongue, "Ahh, no. I don't go wasting my leisure time to watch a miserable man sulking at his own sins."

Speaking with confidence, I found Philip Romanoff sitting on a soft couch through his reflection on the large television screen. He was wearing nothing but boxers and the man that used to be so professional- looking is now wasted to the core.

Seriously this is what he did to himself after divorcing Julianne?

"I should be the one asking you, are you proud of what you've done? And just to tell you, even if I am cheating on my wife, at least I don't get to beat her when I'm bored."

Liar. John Lennon the big, fat liar.

Phil laughed and finally stood up, showing up with his half-naked body. That's where I also noticed there are expensive wine bottles everywhere that are now empty.

But he seemed to be not running out of supply since he walked towards the kitchen counter and brought out a Johnny Walker and two glasses.

I watched him then he gestures for me to sit on the carpeted floor since, all of the furnitures are also being torn down to the ground.

He puts the glasses in front of us and started pouring out the contents from the bottle. I snickered at this, "After calling me a cheater you're just going to treat me free drinks?"

The man ignored my question and raised a glass, "To two horrible husbands and fathers."

There was a moment of silence as he realized I didn't raise my glass and directly drank from it in disrespect. His mouth gaped at this but that didn't stop me from taking the gulp.

"Look," I burped, "You may not have been the best husband to Julianne, nor a good father to Peter. But at least it's not written on any history books."

Phil might've thought the last sentence was a joke but little did he know it's technically true. "I don't see you as someone becoming a historical figure, though."

"But still, you really should make it up to them. Just because you're divorced doesn't mean you have to cut all ties with her, especially with your son."

"What do you care?!" He roared, "You saw me hurting her, you told her to file a divorce from me. And now you want me to– what? Make it up to them? Are you some walrus with a loose screw or something?"

Shaking my head, I only managed to look at him with an amused expression. That's where I revealed, "I chose career over my own son. Thinking about it today, I should've thought through about it. I also don't know why I divorced my wife and replaced her with someone who isn't even half as good as her."

Phil decides to listen to my story so I continued. "So everyone thought... this guy is a mess. He used to be someone who despised his own father yet he did the same to his son.

"I regretted all of those decisions, mate. If I could go back in time, I would but the chances are obscure. You have the chance to make it better with your family. Why don't you?"

He ran his fingers through his dry hair and sighed, "I was a d*ck."

I nodded, "Strong beginning."

"Do I even deserve a second chance? I treated her like an object just because she was given to me by my parents. She's better off without me and..." He trails off for a second, "I only got to appreciate her now that she's not mine anymore.

"She's a good baker and a businesswoman yet I ignored that fact. Seeing her bakery was a huge slap on my face how horrible of a man I was for wasting such a gem."

Burrying his face in his palms, he started bursting into tears. You know what they say, a man gets stronger when he cries. "A-And Peter doesn't miss me."

"That's not true." I scooted closer and hands him a cloth I found somewhere on the floor to wipe his tears. "I don't wanna sound cheesy anymore but, I know you can do it, mate."

The man looks up to me with his specs wet with tears. I had to say Peter got his eyes from him. "You think?"

I nodded, I hate to admit I really do feel sympathetic towards Philip Romanoff. I'm no difference to him so I came all the way here to convey that it's not too late to make up for his mistakes as a husband and father.

If time travelling was a solution for me, I'd gladly take the chance.

"So uhh, take this." I cleared my throat and handed him the pill. "Make sure no one sees you during the trip and be sure to stay quiet about this and—"

"I know what this is, idiot." He sniffed and took the cloth and drug from me. "But thank you, I really appreciate you doing this and talking senses out of me. You're not much of a nowhere boy, after all."

We both let out a soft laugh as we shook hands as a sign or reconciliation. "And I'm sorry for accusing you with my wife. I also didn't got to sincerely thank you for taking care of Julianne and Peter when I wasn't here."

"It's a part-time job, no worries." Phil chuckled at my reasoning, "And I'm sorry for—"

"Gahh, don't bring up that garden scene. We're divorced now anyways." He cuts me off while lightly punching my shoulder which caused me to stumble back a bit.

We both shared fits of laughter and I took this as a sign to grab my guitar.

"You remind me of that singer, John Lennon. You know, that guy who sang Imagine all the people~"

"Never heard of him." I only said and smiled. Before Phil could speak some more, I started strumming and singing at the same time to another song I wrote during the acid trip yesterday.

"When I wake up early in the morning,

Lift my head, I'm still yawning,

When I'm in the middle of a dream,

Stay in bed, float up stream,

Please, don't wake me,

No, don't shake me,

Leave me where I am,

I'm only sleeping..."

"Thank you, George McStarkey." I stopped as the man muttered his gratitude in between the song.

I flashed him one of my rare sincere smiles and continued to sing for the two of us.

* * * * *

"No! You're not going! Not now, not when you're on LSD, not when you boys are under my wing."

"But the salary! And the people, they'll go looking for the Skittles. They'll be disappointed once we're not there."

Jude face-palmed, "Then you should've thought of that before taking drugs in the middle of the day!"

"Mates, stop, come on. Jude has a point. The drugs you took are illegal, y'know, and if people sees your weird behaviour, it would be chaos before we knew it."

I let out a hearty laugh, "Oh, Paulie. If you only know how this drug made our world so colourful. Oh, look, your face is red. Hihihi..."

"Oh dear."

"But we have a new set of songs that we wrote during the *hiccup* recent acid trips." George reasoned out. "It would be a waste if no one hears it."

"I'll listen to them. I'm here. Let me hear them. I have all the time in the world. Just... please don't go out. I don't know what I'll do if one of you boys get caught with those drugs, I'd be in peril." Jude cries.

Ringo pats her back, "Nice acting, honey. You're improving."

I rolled my eyes at this, "Fine, we're all at fault here. Let's just settle in for the night till this acid trip is over. Just so our little birdie won't have to worry so much."

"Thank you, John. I love you for that."

"I love you, too." I was about to go over to Jude and give her a hug since she's all covered in rainbows but then she reminded, "Now, let us hear the song. Just so I wouldn't have to upset you for not performing today."

"As long as it's you, we'll be happy to perform without the large crowd." Ringo wiggled his eyebrows.

"Well, *hiccup* aren't we going to the attic yet?" George asks so we all went down to the attic that's now became our improvised studio and arena at the same time.

I was having difficulty to walk towards my piano due to my body shaking but I managed with a little from Paul.

Wow, this'll be my first performance with LSD. If this turns out well then we know what to do. "Could you guess what this song would be?" I asked Jude.

She narrowed her eyes at us for a while before saying, "I don't know if it's a coincidence. But your colourful outfits and the fact that you're high says it all." She says, "I'm going to guess you combined three songs altogether for this track?"

A smirk formed across my face upon hearing this and I nodded back at my band mates to indicate the song to start.

George, Paul, and I started our instruments while Ringo waited for the time signature before starting his drums. Soon enough, it was time for me to sing.

"I am he, as you are he, as you are me,

And we are all together,

See how they run like pigs from a gun,

See how they fly, I'm crying...

Sitting on a cornflake,

Waiting for the van to come,

Corporation tee shirt,

Stupid bloody Tuesday,

Man, you been a naughty boy,

You let your face grow long.

I am the eggman,

They are the eggmen,

I am the walrus! Goo goo g' joob!

Expert texpert choking smokers,

Don't you think the joker laughs at you?

See how they smile like pigs in a sty,

See how they snied, I'm crying...

Semolina pilchards,

Climbing up the Eiffel Tower,

Element'ry penguin singing Hare Krishna,

Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe,

I am the eggman,

They are the eggmen,

I am the walrus! Goo goo g' joob!"

"How does it feel like, exactly?"

I clicked my tongue, "Ah, the pasta tastes great. If I were to compare the first meal we've had—"

"No, I mean the drugs." Jude interrupts with her question. "How does LSD affect you in a way that you got to write all of these songs?"

In the side, Paul was shaking his head in disagreement, "Oh no, don't tell me you're being curious, love. Curiosity always kills the cat. I'm not referring to Martha, y'know."

Jude fell silent as Paul continues to set up the bed for sleep. George and Ringo are both sitting on the mattress at the side, starring at the ceiling with wonder while everything around us continued on its colourful movement.

The drug's effect is still killing my mind.

"Can I try it?"



All heads turned to our bassist who's still being stubborn. Even the focused Ringo and George can't help but eye him.

"Why not? It'll just be an experiment if LSD really does make our brain pour out more creativity." Jude tells.

"Jude, you're the chemical expert here. You should know that these drugs are made illegal for a reason, y'know." But our girl scoffed and reached for her cup in the kitchen. We all followed her.

"The only reason why the government made it illegal is because they fear that the people who uses it will outsmart them. Besides, it's the attic that delivered these substances, right?"

I flashed Paul a victory smile while Jude continues on making tea for her first trip. "C'mon, mate. Just this once, it'll be fun when we're all in this together." Ringo persuades.

"Jude is on board. Do you have any more reason to back out?" George wiggled his eyebrows in temptation. Paul seemed to be frustratingly confused whether should he follow his morals or his urge to be curious.

The four of us gave him meaningful looks till he finally gave in, "Fine, just one time."

Our girl squealed as she prepared more tea for all of us, "This calls for a tea party!"


"JohnNnnN, stop, I have homework to dooOoo." I pouted at this, "This is your first acid trip and all you're going to do is your schoolworks?"

Jude glances her head at me which I can see her eyes are starting to get red. Her hair is all over the place and her thick pajamas isn't helping her body heat cope up.

"I-I'm feeling *hiccup* nauseous. I can't.... sleep! And there's colours everywhere!" She almost fell from her chair but thankfully Ringo had caught her just in time.

Our girl giggles, "Ringo the red nose reindeer. Beep! Boop!" And she presses our drummer's nose several times like a button. The latter seems to be enjoying the cute gesture as he kisses her forehead in return.

Paul, on the other hand, is trying hard to fight back his body from shaking rapidly. George was trying to help him but only ended up laughing every minute.

Suddenly growing impatient, he grabs a pillow and hits it on Paul's adorable face. If this was the normal Paul, he would have taken it lightly but since he's on drugs...


"HAHAHA! I wouldn't come closer if I were you~" George grabs another pillow since Paul had already got his hands on what was being thrown on his face earlier.

Next thing we knew, the two are already in on with each other through their pillows which I find it looking fun. So I grabbed my own pillow and intervened between them.

Whack! Apparently, Paul taking the drug in the wrong mood, didn't like me joining their pillow-hitting session and decides on hitting me nonstop.

"Ow! Mate! Don't be such a drama queen. You love me, remember?" I said in between laughter.

Just then, more pillows started flying in the air and we turned our heads to Jude and Ringo who just made themselves a pillow canyon.

"This is war!" The girl declared.

The next hour consisted the five of us, hitting each other with pillows. All of us are already high to even care what time it was but one thing's for sure, Jude had completely forgotten about her schoolworks, much to our surprise.

"Ahh! George! Stop... tickling me, that's.... cheating! This is supposed to be just.... a pillow fight HAHAHA!" Jude whines as our guitarist continued to torture her in the most basic way.

I panted, dropping the pillows which made Ringo and Paul stop as well. When George was feeling tired, we all lied snuggled with each other on the bed in a different manner.

George, Jude and I laid perpendicular to the bed with Ringo's head on George's lap and Paul's head on mine. I could feel Jude's fingers through my hair and the room was filled with our heavy breathing and the stench of our sweaty bodies from that childish pillow fight.

All in all, it was good. The drug just made this moment even more better.

"Hey, little birdie?" I called, "You never told us anything about your love life."

Our girl snorted, "What's a love life?" It was George who first reacted since he whispered quite loud enough for us to hear, "Don't tell them about Cedric Strange. It's our secret, remember?"

Ringo laughed, "Well it's not a secret anymore."

"Secret, huh?" Paul muttered, "Why don't you try confessing to him, though? It's quite possible that the lad also admires you back in your highschool days, y'know."

My eyebrows met in unison at George and Paul, "How come Ringo and I don't know about this Cedric guy?"

George sticked his tongue out and pulled Jude closer to him which made the latter wrap her arms around the thin Beatle, "Jude trusts me more than the three of you."

"I read about Cedric in her journals, y'know. He used to tease Jude a lot by playfully hiding her things or playing with her hair, but he also defends her from the bullies. They walk home from school together, had late night chats, and Cedric even told Jude that—"

"We're good friends, 'lright? He gives me butterflies and he always told me that he doesn't want to see me sad. His words are magical and I like him, so damn much that I can't find courage to tell him what I feel."

"Well, now you have your courage." I handed her a pill. "Besides, Paul is right. The lad could have liked you back before you knew about it."

Ringo supports my claim, "Sometimes men just had to fight back what they feel towards someone out of fear of being rejected. I see no harm in telling him."

Our girl lets out a hearty laugh that tears are forming in her eyes, "I can't believe the Beatles are telling me to confess to my crush!"

She reaches for her phone which ended up somewhere under the mattress and did a few clicks on it before speaking through its microphone, I suppose.

"Hi Cedric, *hiccup* it's me, Jude. The girl you never noticed. I just came to tell you that I'm in love with you since our first year in high school, *hiccup* you idiot. Every time you'd stare at me from the corner of the room and smile whenever I recite in class, you made my heart go booOooOm!"

The four of us tried to hold back our laughter while Jude seems to be enjoying herself and her 'confession.'

With the phone on her left hand, the other was twirling her hair playfully as she continues to speak through the gadget.

"Ask me why, I'll say I love you and I'm always thinking of you. I love youuu wuwuwuwu, 'cause you tell me things I want to know. And it's true wuwuwuw..."

Not being able to hold it back anymore, the four of us bursted into fits of laughter at the way she spoke the lyrics literally.

"Aw, guys. You ruined my *hiccup* confession." She pouts and drops the phone completely. "Oh well, let's just extend this thing."

Jude rips the tab off the paper blotter and swallowed it courageously. Paul, Ringo, George, and I looked at her with awe with what she did.

This is going to be a long trip.

- - - - - - - - - -

"And when I think of things we did, it makes me wanna cry~" The Beatles - The Night Before

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