The New Normal

By nekolumina

5.9K 89 43

Rey, determined, accepted Kylo's hand and after five months abroad The Supremacy, has become restless. Everyd... More

The Hall
Excuse Me
Small Talk


172 2 1
By nekolumina

Rey had begged him not to. Begged him to stop; stop the madness. She knew Ben wouldn't dare do this but Kylo, Kylo was different. The darkness had created Kylo and while Rey had accepted all that was Ben, Kylo was someone she did not appreciate. She wanted to believe it was because of the dark persona rather than her sweet Ben, who was the cause of her annoyance.

Ben had planned for Rey and Leia's outing, despite Rey's insistence of how Commander Nala was all she needed and maybe just one stormtrooper to make her dyad happy. However, after what had occurred on the previous day before the summit, with the ill captain, Ben was not taking any chances. His family was everything to him, his light, and so he knew what he had to do. He had connected the Supremacy and was quick to make arrangements.

"Apologies, Leia, your son...your son can be too much."

Leia was speechless but then again, she had expected this. Meanwhile Rey tired to her best to ignore the looks coming her way from the rest of the people in the lobby. Who would blame them? Seeing a pregnant woman followed by six stormtroopers, a commander of the First Order and three terrifying dark figures known as The Knights of Ren, was quite a spectacle.

Leia had never seen the Knights of Ren and after having them in front of her, she understood why even those in the Order were afraid of them; they were menacing.

"Ma'am," Commander Nala approached Leia, "The supreme leader has tasked Ap'lek to be by your side during your excursion and if you wish, ma'am, you may have two troops."

Leia looked at the axe wielding, dark figure and laughed at the absurdity of it all. Nevertheless, appreciated how her son's protectiveness extended to her as well.

After a while, the group headed to the markets where Rey found herself saying "no" countless of times to either Kuruk or Vicrul who assumed everyone approaching Rey was a threat.

"Is it like this on the ship?" Leia asked as they came upon a small stand whose wares were of scarfs, gloves, and small handbags.

Rey was inspecting a yellow scarf with white silk trimming and sighed deeply. "I have more freedom on the ship. Not everyone is welcoming but I manage." Rey looked behind her, hoping her entourage had left. "I rather spent time with thirty Gungan than go back to the ship. It has been a minute since I set foot on a planet."

Leia looked at the direction of her own bodyguard. "He knows what's out there. You can never be too trusting; not all people are good, Rey. It's hard to tell if a person is good or bad by just looking at them. You told me yourself how you assumed Ben was a monster and you could not see pass that."

Rey recalled that once upon a time forest fight with Kylo. He had just killed Han and it seemed the darkness had taken a complete hold of him. At that moment nothing could have convinced her Kylo was not a monster. Presently, Rey did not see a monster in her love, not even a shadow of one. He was slowly changing, and she knew this, yet she wondered if Ben knew this as well. They shared a deep connection, but both still had their secrets.

"I..." Leia started again, taking Rey out of her thoughts, "I heard how you both rallied each side to defeat the emperor."

"Oh, that...that was a one-time truce. It was nothing."

Leia took a hold of Rey's hand and winked at her. "Not a small thing, I gather. The First Order and The Resistance working together! I wish I had been awake to see it. It took tremendous leadership skills to manage something like that. Leadership skills you both demonstrated yesterday. Perhaps, maybe one day, you would consider being more than- "

"Leia," Rey sighed, interrupting Leia, "After Ben and I defeated the elite guards, he asked me to join him. Do you remember I mentioned it?" Leia gestured for her to continue, "I don't believe I told you how he asked me to create something new with him. Something that was not the Order or the Resistance. I agreed only to stop the massacre of our fleet. Trust me when I say, I am not fit to be the leader of anything. I am only here to help as best as I can."

"You could be a brilliant leader, Rey. You underestimate yourself."

"And you overestimate me. Leia, I do not want to be an empress, lady, or queen of anything. I'm...I'm a nobody."

"Hmph, I do not think a 'nobody' would impress Kylo Ren."

"Nah, that was merely our bond, he had to fall for me." Rey giggled, earning a smile from Leia.

Leader of the galaxy? No, she could never be one. Rey was still trying to find her place in the world, whether that be a Jedi or a simple Resistance member. She wanted to do good for the galaxy, that was no question, but to rule it seemed ridiculous.

If she were to be honest with herself, she was afraid. At night, when the baby kept her awake, she would find herself invading Ben's dreams. Often, they were normal dreams but at times, he would dream of them, sitting on a throne. She recognized Kylo but who was next to him, could not be her. The woman was identical to her in every way except she did not feel like her. Her aura was darker than Rey's and she seemed to enjoy having power.

Rey believed power would inflict her to the darkness like it did to Ben and his grandfather, Anakin. She was determined not to make that dream come true; Rey would not become her grandfather.

"Ma'am," Commander Nala approached both ladies, "I am not trying to be forward in anyway but, if it is okay with you Mistress Rey," she leaned in towards Rey, "I saw some cute baby outfits in that shop. Perimeter has been checked and it is safe to go in."

Rey was a little shocked but not displeased with the commander. "Thank you, commander. You lead, I follow."

"You go ahead, Rey. I saw a pair of gloves here Poe would most likely fashion." Leia looked back at the stand, eyeing a scarlet pair of gloves, perfect for the best pilot of the Resistance.

"Don't forget your scary knight." Rey teased as she walked away. She reached into her pocket to insure she still had the credit stick Ben had given her that morning.

"Rey!" Leia screeched as she saw the young girl walk away.

As Rey looked back at Leia, Commander Nala joined Leia in her concern, "Oh my gosh! Mistress! Quick! Get the speeder!"

Soon Rey found herself being scooped up by the Kuruk and having no idea what was happening.

"Leia, what's wrong?"

"It will be alright, Rey. Get her to nearest medical center! You," Leia pointed at the squad that was following them, "go and inform my son! Quickly!"

Everything was happening so fast, there was no time to process anything. As Kuruk ran with Rey in her arms, she demanded to know what was wrong. What had happened to her peaceful outing?

The knight, never slowing his speed, looked down at Rey. "You're bleeding, mistress." 

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