By CrescentRWBY

80.5K 2.6K 1.3K

"Why I want to be a hero...? What kind of hero I want to be...? I... I... I'm not sure myself... I don't know... More

Chapter 1 (S1)
Chapter 2
Sleeping Kuuga
Chapter 3
Kuuga and Jiro
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8 (S2)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
not a chapter
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (S3)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
New chapter?
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thanks for 2k
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sayo: "Yoohoo!
💞Save The World With Love!💞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 1🎞
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 2🎞
🎞Futari no Hero chapter 3🎞
Zero: Q&A and Feedback section
🎞Futari no Hero Chapter 4🎞
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (S4)
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Announcement (important)
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Gear check!
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 (S5)
Surprise! (Special Chapter)
Status update (not a chapter)
How original
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Not a chapter update
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
In All of Our Hearts
Competitive Bowling (Zero OVA)
Chapter 68
Photo issues (not a chapter)
Chapter 69
Father's Day Special Chapter
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Plans and Curiosity
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 1
Advanced happy new year
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 2
New Art
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 3
Meet the characters
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 4
🎞 Zero: Heroes: Rising Chapter 5
Chapter 74

Chapter 7

1.5K 54 13
By CrescentRWBY


THIS STORY WILL NOT ONLY BE A KUUGA X JIRO, FEM. OC X TODOROKI, THERE IS AN ADDITION, FEM. OC X KAMINARI (Since I destroyed the Jiro x Kaminari ship, this one is made to compensate for that)

The Pro Heroes managed to take control of the situation along with the police and managed to arrest all the villains except for two. Pro Heroes EraserHead and Thirteen, along with injured students are treated by Recovery Girl. Due to this event, the school is forced to cancel classes for the next two days.


Kuuga is seen inside a café near a hospital, wearing an outfit that is somewhat similar to his hero costume but a grey scarf and a bandage over his right eye. He is seen sitting by the window, drinking his morning coffee as he checks out the news on his phone, seeing multiple articles about the U.S.J incident. With some netizens criticizing U.A's security systems.

Kuuga: (sips coffee) "People just judge and judge, not everything's perfect. (Sighs) It can't be helped."

He continued browsing until he reached an article, relating to people questioning the Arcane Hero Agency on their activities and how Arcane became the number 17 Hero. A video is shown with a man wearing a black cloak over his head, making a statement as other members of the agency of two different genders, wearing the same all black outfit with black cloaks as well stood from behind.

Cloaked Sidekick: (video) "Ms. Arcane along with her assistant, Haze, is not available to answer your questions at the moment, our agency is not authorized to disclose any information to the public. What we can only say is that our agency is extremely private and is independent. Thank you."

The Arcane Hero Agency sidekick left along with the others while the media chased after them.

Reporter: "W-Wait up! When can we get to interview Arcane?"

Fem. Cloaked sidekick: "That is a question we cannot answer yet. (Bows) Thank you for your time."

The video cuts as a notification on his phone shows a scheduled doctor's appointment happening now. Kuuga sighs as he drinks the last of his coffee and begins his walk towards the hospital.


Doctor: "Seems like you're pushing your eyes a bit for the past few days. These results don't lie, have you been excessively using your devices or is it your quirk?"

Kuuga: "Doc, we both know I rarely use my phone, it's my quirk."

Doctor: "I see… well, if you're going to push your eyes, the least I can say is be careful in pushing it, since we both know you're aspiring to be a hero, you need your eyes in check always, so if you're going to push it, you need constant application of the eye drops, which you will be receiving now, also, you need to rest your eyes constantly after excessive usage. So if you get the chance to get some shut eye, better take it, we don't want you getting blind. So anyways, I will be writing a receipt for your eye drops and you should be good to go."

Kuuga: (nods) "Thank you."

Doctor: "Don't worry, your mom would've killed me if you got your eye blind."

Kuuga: (looks down) "Yeah…"


The scene opens to the next day with Class 1-A talking about the U.S.J incident.

Hagakure: "Hey, Hey, did you watch the news last night?"

Ojiro: (nods) "Yeah."

Hagakure: "Did you see how everyone in class was on screen for a second? I didn't stand out at all…"

Shoji: "That's true…"

Ojiro: (sweat drops) "It's hard to stand out when you're a pair of gloves, huh?"

Kaminari: "But man, all the channels made a big deal about it!"

Kirishima: "I was surprised."

Jiro: "Can you be surprised? The Hero Course that keeps pumping out Pro Heroes was attacked."

Sero: "Who knows what would've happened if the teachers hadn't come when they did."

Mineta: "Stop it, Sero! Just thinking about it is making me wet myself-!"

Bakugo: "Shut up, be quiet, scum!"

Kaminari: " We even saw Kiriu for at least ten seconds on TV as he desperately looked for eye drops in one of the ambulances!"

Kuuga: "Shut up! If it weren't for me, you would've been dead, idiot! I just got electrocuted like crazy back there!"

Yaoyorozu: (puts book down) "About that…"

Jiro cuts her off as she asks Kuuga, approaching him.

Jiro: "Are you really okay now?"

Kuuga: (shrugs) "How many times do I have to say I'm fine?"

Jiro: "Seriously, you just got electrocuted."

Kaminari: "Dude, she's just concerned because you were acting like an animal when you're looking for spare eyedrops!"

Jiro blushes and looks down.

Jiro: "I-!"

Kuuga: "At Least I don't become a dumbass when I overuse my quirk! Don't forget who had to face a chad version of yourself and get you out of there while you put your two thumbs up, saying "yay" multiple times!"

Jiro giggles at their argument and returns to her seat as Kaminari laughs nervously.

Kaminari: "Hehe… thanks for that."

Sato: (punching the air) "But man, All Might was great. He pushed back those crazy strong villains."

Tokoyami: (nods) "Yes. His strength is worth wondering about."

Iida suddenly appeared out of nowhere in a sprinting motion.

Iida: "Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!"

Kirishima: "We're already in our seats."

Sero: "Yeah, you're the only one who's not."

Iida walked back to his seat and frustratingly sat while shaking.

Iida: "Shoot…"

Uraraka: "Don't worry about it."

Ashido: "Tsu, who's gonna teach homeroom today?"

Tsuyu: "Well, Mr. Aizawa is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his injuries… kero?"

The front door opens to reveal Aizawa with his whole face covered in bandages, almost like a mummy.

Aizawa: "Morning…"

Everyone: "Mr. Aizawa, you're back too soon!"

Kaminari: (shocked) "You're too much of a pro!"

Iida raises his hand.

Iida: "So you're alright, Mr. Aizawa?"

Kuuga: (yawns) "You need to relearn the definition of 'alright', Iida."

Uraraka: "You call that 'alright'?"

Aizawa: (walking to his desk) "My well-being doesn't matter. More importantly, the fight isn't over yet."

The whole class tensed up.

Bakugo: "Fight?"

Izuku: "Don't tell me…"

Mineta: (shaking) "The villains again…?!"

Aizawa: "The U.A Sports Festival is drawing near."

Everyone: "That's a normal school event!"

Kirishima: (excitedly) "That's a normal school event-!!"

Kaminari places his hand over Kirishima's face as he sweat drops.

Kaminari: "Wait a minute."

Jiro: "Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?"

Ojiro: "What if they attack again or something…?"

Kuuga: "Maybe the security will be tightened for this."

Aizawa: "Apparently, they think of it as U.A showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Kiriu is correct, security will also be tightened to five times the previous years. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains."

Mineta: "But that's a good reason, isn't it? It's just a festival of sports."

Black mist suddenly surrounded Mineta's neck and began to choke him.

Kuuga: "Don't you even know how important this event is for an aspiring hero? Or maybe you have a poor excuse of wanting to be a hero. That's why you keep growing a pair on your head and not below."

Kuuga releases the mist, making Mineta cough and whimper a bit.

Aizawa: "Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country went crazy about them. As you know, with reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken the place of those Olympics is the U.A Sports Festival."

Yaoyorozu: "Of course, all the top heroes around the country will be watching. (Clenches fist) For Scouting purposes!"

Mineta: (sweat drops) "I know that…"

Kaminari: "After we graduate, it's typical to join a pro agency as a sidekick."

Jiro: "A lot of people miss their chance to become independent after that and become eternal sidekicks, though. Kaminari, I feel like you'd be one of them. Since you're dumb."

Kaminari then looked in shock at Jiro, Kuuga's eyes widened a bit in surprise as he lost the will to sleep.

Kuuga: "That was harsh."

Aizawa: "Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. Some agencies like the Arcane Hero Agency are famous for their mysterious operations and are always being discussed. Joining that agency is entering the unknown, since the individuals who join are not allowed to talk about it. You will be famous there but you can only answer such questions. Anyways, time is limited. If you expect to go Pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event. One chance a year- a total of just three chances. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!"

Everyone: "Yes, sir!"

Kuuga then raises his hand.

Aizawa: (sighs) "What is it?"

Kuuga: "Since the famous heroes around the country will watch, I am aware that the Arcane Hero Agency barely watches the sports festival, since you mentioned that agency, does that mean they're gonna watch?"

Aizawa: "From the information I have, they will, this year. Is that all?"

Kuuga grits his teeth and slowly lowers his hand.

Kuuga: "Y-Yes…"

Aizawa: "Homeroom is dismissed."


Kirishima: "Even though all that stuff happened, I'm getting all excited!"

Kirishima is seen getting pumped up as he hangs around with Tokoyami, Sato, Sero, and Kuuga.

Sero: "If we put on a good show and stand out, we'll have taken the first step to becoming a pro!"

Kuuga: "I have to agree, all you have to do is impress the pros and you're fine."

Sato: "It was worth coming to U.A!"

Tokoyami: "We will only receive a few chances, we cannot afford to lose this."

Kuuga: "Indeed, it makes our careers easier, since there is a pro impressed by your performance."

Kirishima: "I think the pros will be all over you, you know, since-"

Kuuga: "I know, and it's irritating, I don't want to look at multiple agencies one-by-one."

Uraraka suddenly screamed and gained everyone's attention.

Uraraka: (raising fist) "Everyone, I'm gonna do my best!"

Kuuga turns to look at her to see her happy personality replaced by a menacing one.

Kuuga: "Uh-"

Uraraka then turned to face Kirishima's group.

Uraraka: "I'm gonna do my best!"

Sato, Kirishima, Sero, Tokoyami, Kuuga: "Y-Yeah…"

Kuuga: "We understand, Uraraka, we all are going to try our best."

Kirishima: (gasped) "Since when did you become a man of saying kind words?!"

Kuuga: "I figured it wouldn't be manly of me if I don't interact more. Besides, I have to admit, the pressure I'm having in the festival is heavier, being related to a pro hero has its cons. Also, my quirk isn't really enhanced well, my eyes aren't trained enough, so there's a chance of me doing something embarrassing and affecting my eyesight at the same time."

Jiro: "What do you mean it's not enhanced?"

The group turns to see Jiro approaching them.

Kuuga: "Huh?"

Jiro: "I mean, what you did back in the U.S.J is… you know, cool and all, you even saved me, Yaoyorozu and an idiot all by yourself."

Kuuga rubs his neck, slightly embarrassed.

Kuuga: "You're gonna remind me of that everytime?"

Jiro: "That's because you won't even appreciate my thanks."

The group watches nervously as Kuuga rolls his eyes.

Kuuga: (sarcastically, blankly) "Oh, it's my pleasure to save you three."

Jiro pouted and began poking Kuuga with her Earphone jacks, making him drop to the floor.

Kirishima: "Kiriu!"

Jiro continues to poke Kuuga as he struggles on the classroom floor.

Kuuga: "Ow! Stop it you damn Earphone jack!"

Jiro continues to poke Kuuga, much to his dismay.

Kuuga: (Screaming) "Okay! Okay! I only did what a hero must do, thank you for appreciating my help back there!"

Jiro stops poking him as Kirishima and Sero help Kuuga up.

Sero: "You okay?"

Kirishima: "Oi! Are you still with us?! It's not manly to go to the light right now!"

Kuuga: "I'm fine… (whispers) "I told you I'll die by her hands one day."

Kirishima and Sero look at Jiro nervously as she informs that Kuuga accepted their thanks.

Kuuga: (deadpans) "Kill me…"


Kill me for this cringe

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