The girl with the bad reputat...

By DeniceWarburg

1.3K 72 2

While we sat at our table eating lunch. A few of the queen bee's minions crossed by, sending death glares tow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 A
Chapter 29 B
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Author note - How the characters looks like.

Chapter 26

12 1 0
By DeniceWarburg

Kadens pov.

BUT HEATHER, HEATHER WAS SOMETHING ELSE. I couldn't allow myself to love her knowing it would make her a target. She deserves someone who could be there for her, without endangering her. She didn't deserve a life where she couldn't walk in the street at night scared of who might want to kill her. I'm certain she would be able to protect herself, but that didn't mean she was prepared for my world. I'm the most wanted person in the criminal world. Most smaller gangs would like to see my head on a silver plate. My mafia was in the lead at the moment. That means I'm careful. Careful who I trust and careful who I let close to me.

I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she got hurt or killed. I simply need to let her go. That should be easy, I've done it several times.

We had finished our ice cream and laughed at something each other said. I felt young again. The kind of young where you didn't know the meaning of responsibilities, but simply followed your dreams and what you liked to do.

Of course, when I was younger I had to be careful as well. But it wasn't the same. My dad had the mafia in the palm of his hand and we were below some other. So people weren't as angry with us. My dad always had someone to watch me from a distance. That I learned when I got older. When I took over, I had to get used to the new circumstances. Everyone in the underworld knew I was the inheritor of the gang. Nobody questioned it. They only questioned who I was. No one knew who I was. They only knew my reputation and it wasn't pretty. Andrew and Mateo had said no to our father's offer to take over the company. So I was the last one. I enjoyed the power and fear. I loved to fight and was the most feared fighter in the fight club until the black widow came and took my status.

When they saw his heir, people feared the war I'd start. I started it all. I spilled a lot of unloyal men's blood on the floor and a lot of other gangs or leading mafia's who wouldn't listen. Which is why being with me would endanger her.

It has been a while since I've been happy. I wanted to enjoy this moment for as long as it lasts. I was scared it might disappear or be a dream. My heart blossomed when the last thing I saw before closing my eyes enjoying the moment was her huge smile. Knowing I was this happy for a moment and it would make me happy with every thought. Was enough.

I looked out the window seeing we went away from the main road onto a smaller road. My mind went to her comment earlier on. Which gave me an idea. "Am I going to die?" I faked a shocked expression and her laughter filled the car. Everything about her was angelic. I couldn't stop smiling at the way her lips stretched out revealing her straight teeth.

She glanced my way and told me to close my eyes which made me send her a skeptical glance. Not that I don't trust her. But the timing was simply wrong. She chuckled and said, "Just do it fool".

She walked out of the car and helped me out. We walked for about three minutes before she told me to let go of the blindfold. I took it off and looked out at where she had taken me.

Her memory I painted for her. The field that was dear to her. She took me to the sunflower field. What would that mean?

I glanced down at her and her eyes were filled with memories. She wasn't next to me at the moment. She was in another world reliving every single one of them. Her eyes were filled with tears and my heart clenched. This place brought back a lot of memories. I pulled her into a hug and shushed as she burst out in tears. She chuckled in between and told me it was stupid. That so many years later she would still cry like the little girl she once was. I glanced around and kissed the top of her head. I told her some things to stick and they take more than just a few years to get over.

This is right here. I would burn down the world if someone hurt her. If anyone touched a strand of hair on her head they would burn to death. They would've wished they never existed. I might be the villain of a fairytale, but if that meant that she would be mine and safe. I would choose to be the villain any day over the hero.

This was a beautiful view. I understood why her grandpa enjoyed it as much. I removed her tears and looked down at her. She sniffled and laughed. "My mascara is all over the place, ain't it?" I chuckled and nodded. "But it doesn't matter. You're beautiful without." I removed her tears with my thumb and her lips gathered my attention. I sought for her permission and her head nodded with small movements. I gently grabbed her waist and moved her even closer than before. My hand found her cheek and my lips connected with hers.

Her lips felt amazingly soft, she instantly replied back. Her mouth opened softly giving me entrance. I bit her lower lip causing her to laugh. We broke the kiss and her eyes shined with pleasure. She'd looked straight at me with a small shy smile, yet still confident. She'd tiptoed up and pecked a kiss on my lips once more before running out into the sunflowers. The smile on her lips was sad, yet happy and strong at the same time.

It was incredible how she was able to hide everything behind a strong facade. When she turned her head to make sure I was coming, the sun made her hair shine bright. I walked after her and looked where she went, it was at the back of the sunflower field. Two gravestones, with names that had Heather's last name.

My thoughts wondered how they had gotten that allowed on private property. I already knew who this was and I didn't need to ask her for clarification. A few tears left her eyes again and my arm found its way around her waist again. She leaned into my touch and placed her head on my chest. Small sniffles came here and there. She looked up at me and smiled, as she asked what I wanted to do? I thought about it for a moment before looking down at her again, it was getting late by now.

Something about watching the sunset down through the flowers had a peaceful silence to it. It felt as if nothing could hurt you the moment you stood here.

She ran around, dancing and spinning around. Her face was filled with a smile and her eyes followed. She laughed as she spun again yelling for me to join her craziness. Maybe, I did need her.

Could I really have her?

I followed her move and spun her around as she jumped and danced like a child not caring about people watching. She danced with her whole body, not the lame party dance you often see when people just stand and jump or move their hips a little.

No Heather she used her whole body not caring how it might look. She spun around, jumped, and ran around doing all kinds of movements. She yelled out in happiness, the happiness I want to be the cause of. Happiness I longed to be the cause of.

She came to me, grabbed my hand, and involved me in her crazy runaround. I chuckled.

We had ended up laying in the grass watching the rest of the sunset. Just talking about life.

She had pointed out a few birds and told me how the cloud was formed like an elephant and a treehouse. Don't ask me, I'm not even sure.

When the darkness filled in around us we watched the night sky instead. The night had a few skies other than that it was filled with bright stars lighting up making the dark seem less insufferable.

I had switched from my position on the back to look at her. She was talking, but the words seemed silent. Her face was lit up by the moonlight. Her face had a smile so bright I could mistake it for light. She seemed so happy.

It was like she was impossible to get to. You wouldn't be able to win her over. Because she was a girl who found peace in herself. You wouldn't be able to trick her like the many desperate girls at the high school. Heather lives in her own world and in that world, nothing can face or hurt her. Because in that world she has everything she needs. She's loved. Not only by her friends but by her lost ones too. In that world, you wouldn't be able to hurt her even if you tried.

She was without words the most fascinating girl I've met.

Her eyes were closed and she seemed at peace. I joined her for a bit.

"Mother, I'm home" she yelled out into the house. Her mother yelled back "I love your polite side child, try to show it when we're not home". Heather's face changed from a goofy grin to an amused grin as the laughter filled the room.

Hamilton and I shared a look and started laughing even more. He had heard Heather coming home and went down to check. He stood with a duffel bag and I sent him a glance.

"Heath, I have to get back to college. I'll see you later on, alright? I love you little sis" he gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and she grabbed him into a hug. I'll miss you. Those were the words she mumbled into his chest.

"But it's not funny" she stated and Hamilton chuckled. She dashed him over the head as she laughed. "Now that's funny" He glanced at her with something I knew all too well. Revenge.

That's how a sibling fight starts, ladies and gentlemen. It ended up with Heather on the ground and Hamilton holding her arms above her head with a smirk of triumph. Heather struggled a little more to get out of his grip before giving up and starting to yell at her mother that Hamilton was annoying her.

Younger siblings are a pain in the ass. I'm sure someone can agree with me.

Their mother entered the room and glanced at both of them. She looked up at me and smiled and said her hellos before looking at the two grown-up children.

She told Heather to stop annoying Hamilton so she would end in this situation and Hamilton that he had to get back to college. Heather and Hamilton got up from the floor glancing at each other.

She stuck her tongue out at him and he shook his head at her childish behavior with a smile. Hamilton went out to his car as Heather and I talked for a bit more. She told me that my mother might be worried and I completely forgot to inform her.

My lips met hers for the last time. I had to stop us both from getting into each other's paths and if that meant distance then I would distance myself for her.

We smiled at each other before I started walking home.

Walking down the street gave me time to think about everything that had happened. It's been almost four months already. I remember the day I met her in the school hallways, the way she'd stumbled into me not backing down saying sorry like all other girls do. She just stood tall and confident looking at me and saying I should watch it with a hell of an attitude. How her beautiful lips turned into a cocky smirk while she checked me out, was all I focused on when I saw the confidence that shined through her. When she'd called me 'Mr. Handsome' I lost it, this girl was a true masterpiece and that was no secret. Her beautiful looks, cocky attitude, and her aroma shining bad girls. It reminded me of when we went skinny dipping. The confidence she held; the excitement were incredible. The way she was herself around her friends and people she led her guard down around.

As I turned down my road and was seconds from getting lost in my thoughts. A black van was heading my way with no license plate and darkened windows which meant one thing. They were following me.

I turned right making sure that they had me as their target. They followed close behind. A symbol on the van confirmed my suspicion. They were a small gang and they had gotten a grand amount of money for this from a bigger gang.

They began driving faster and they reached next to me. The window next to me rolled down and a beretta m9 handgun showed out of the window. As my body found the pavement trying to avoid the many bullets. Shots could be heard around. Loud bangs followed in a close rhythm. They were brave. No silencer, nothing. They wanted to be heard. They drove off quickly.

The scorpions.

A little shitty gang. They had it coming.

I found my phone speed dialing Marcus' number. "The scorpions are back" my voice was firm. Silence filled the other line as the phone disconnected and two long tones told me he had hung up.

My eyes watched carefully as I walked home. Making sure they were gone.

As I walked up to my front porch my mother stood waiting. She looked furious. She hugged me and looked at me.

"Hello ma," I said with a smile of relief.

When we had gotten inside the questions started. I was home late, so that might have left her wondering about what we had spent our time doing.

I informed her about Heather and I'd say. My mother smiled. A smile, I missed. She had been completely furious at my father when he let me take over the mafia. Something about it seemed irresponsible in her eyes. I was too young if it stood to her. Nineteen wasn't old enough to be a leader.

She was scared they might see me as a joke and I would get killed. After a year she accepted it. My father entered the room concerned.

"I heard gunshots, son. What was that about?" He asked and my mother joined his concern. She stared at me with eyes telling me to explain.

I started telling them what small gang was back in town and dad's face had a confused glint about it. Something didn't add up for him as well.

I told them that I suspected they might've received a huge amount of money to go for me. My dad nodded while my mother stood thoughtful. Father followed that it would be strange for a small gang to go for the most feared without a reason.

I walked up to my room calling the gang telling them to meet me tomorrow.

(Edited 09-03-22)

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