2: Underneath A Thousand Skies

By badcooking

1.1M 62.8K 13.4K

Volume II In the first world she transmigrated into, Song Jia accidentally killed the original host and made... More

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242 Ye Minzhe, Ruler Of The Dead (1)
243 Ye Minzhe, Ruler Of The Dead (2)
244 Transition (1)
245 Transition (2)
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248 Transition (5)
249 This Psychopathic Demon Is Psychic (1)
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277 This Pyschopathic Demon Is Psychic (29)
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279 This Psychopathic Demon Is Psychic (31)
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289 This Pyschopathic Demon Is Psychic (41)
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241 This Psychopathic Demon Is Psychic (63)
242 This Psychopathic Demon Is Psychic (64)
243 Xu Jinhai, The Rank SSS Male God (1)
244 Xu Jinhai, The Rank SSS Male God (2)
245 Reality (1)
246 Reality (2)
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270 Reality (26)
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272 Reality (28)
273 Reality (29)
274 Reality (30)

274 This Psychopathic Demon Is Psychic (26)

6.4K 406 66
By badcooking

In the vast library of the Great Demon King's court, shafts of golden sunlight streaked in through the frosted windows, illuminating dust motes suspended in the air.

Shelf upon shelf of books were stacked haphazardly, some of them so ancient that the spines seemed to be falling apart.

On one corner of the room, a cat demon's ears twitched as he listened to Song Jia's report.

"Are you sure he was sleep-walking?"

Song Jia nodded. "I think so. When I asked him about it, he couldn't even remember his dream. All he knew was that his heart disease had acted up again. Fortunately, I managed to return just in time."

Nova frowned. "Did he say anything strange to you?"

Song Jia shook her head. "Aside from telling me not to leave him and not to open my eyes, he didn't say anything else. What I don't understand is why he didn't want to see my eyes."

Due to having interacted with him for so long, Song Jia also discovered that the Great Demon King had a few weird quirks. Aside from keeping her close, he also liked her scent and her eyes. Every time they faced each other, he would almost always lock his gaze with hers.

Last night, it was almost as if...he thought she was a different person.

His voice was so harsh and cold that it was a bit scary. The Great Demon King had never used such a cruel tone with her.

"He probably just had a nightmare." Nova waved his hand, dismissing the problem. "You should focus more on the vengeful reincarnator. I heard that the other demon lords are beginning to close in on her."

Song Jia nodded. "I know, boss. Now that I reported the situation to you, I'll go first."

Nova watched Song Jia leave the library with a frown. His cat ears twitched again, which was a sign of agitation and nervousness.

He sighed and leaned backwards on his chair, tipping it back until only the back legs were touching the ground.

"This is bad...of all the personalities, why did he have to be the first one to wake up?"

Nova scratched his head.

Now this is going to be a big problem.


Due to last night's incident, Song Jia didn't want to stray too far from the Great Demon King. After picking up some books in the library, she went to search for him.

As expected, she found him in his study with Songdi, discussing the blueprint of the new castle. Song Jia didn't want to disturb them, so she entered the room as quietly as possible.

But it was as if he had eyes on the back of his head, because the Great Demon King instinctively looked up and found her.

"Jia?" He asked in surprise.

There were many times he had tried to accompany her, but she persistently refused him. Seeing how Song Jia had come looking for him on her own, one could only imagine how happy he was.

The Great Demon King went forward and grabbed the pile of books in her arms. "Jia, do you want to see the blueprint? Just tell me what kind of designs you like and I'll have them build it."

Song Jia suddenly experienced a flash of deja vu. Seemingly, it wasn't the first time she had been asked this question...

Her eyebrows furrowed, but it didn't take long for her expression to smoothen again. "It's alright, just continue. I only wanted to tell you that I'll be reading books in the garden."

She was planning to inconspicuously read her books in one corner of the room, blending in with the potted plants, but this plan of hers didn't seem to be possible. For one thing, the Great Demon King had thoroughly lost his attention on the blueprint and was busy hovering over her.

For another, Songdi was looking at her with a face filled with resentment, as if to blame her for delaying his work.

"Then, can I go with Jia?" The Great Demon King eagerly opened his mouth and asked.

What blueprint, what new castle, his wife was more important.

Song Jia quickly shook her head, taking her books from him. "Just finish what you're doing, we can't stay in a ruined castle forever."

The Great Demon King's expression fell. That's right, how could a ruined castle be suitable for Jia...

"Then, I'll listen to Jia." Like an obedient child, the Great Demon King nodded his head. "Those books are too heavy, let a servant carry them for you."

From the side, Songdi became speechless watching them. Love was really poisonous. Just look at their great ruler, he was lowering his head for a weak demon! Where did his pride and dignity go?

Song Jia waved them goodbye under the crestfallen gaze of the Great Demon King. Even his tail that had been wagging when he saw her drooped down. Song Jia hid a smile, wondering if the Great Demon King's horns should be replaced with puppy ears.

It was Song Jia's first time to visit the royal court's inner garden. Song Jia placed her books on the garden pavilion and marvelled at the scenery. The pavilion overlooked a lotus pool, and the exquisite layout of rockeries, islets, bamboo grove, and willows composed a backdrop that almost seemed as if she had walked into a beautiful painting.

What was more astonishing was that all the lotus flowers in the pool were red, blooming like specks of blood on the still waters.

"The lotus leaves and the girl's skirt are of one color. Lotus flowers bloom on either side of her face. Into the dazzling pond she disappears, but from her song I still feel where she is." [1]

She propped her chin with her hand and smiled. She took out the glass-like object she had always been carrying around with her and studied it.

The sunlight hit the glass and as if it had passed through a prism, red, green, and blue colors flashed one after another.

Suddenly, the object in her vibrated.

"What?" Stunned, Song Jia quickly straightened up.

The object continued vibrating in her hand. Song Jia's eyes widened as her surroundings twisted and blurred, then folded in on themselves.

"Could it be...?"

A gentle breeze rustled through the garden, bringing with it the scent of flowers. The trees planted around the pavilion were also in full bloom, bringing down petals like snow.

Except for some books that lay unopened on the table, the whole pavilion was empty.

[1] Song of Picking Lotus Seeds by Wang Changling (698-756)

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