
By N1ya3h

80.8K 1.3K 54

la·cu·na /ləˈk(y)o͞onə/ noun 1. an unfilled space or interval; a gap. Evi Jenson moved to Seattle from France... More

Sᴇᴀsᴏɴ Oɴᴇ {1.1}
Sᴇᴀsᴏɴ ᴛᴡᴏ {2.1}
2.26 & 2.27
Season 3 {3.01}


1.7K 30 0
By N1ya3h

Evi, Meredith and Cristina are jogging in the park.

"Uh...Uh." Cristina groans.

Meredith jogs back to her. Christina starts jogging again.

"Oh you're stupid. Oh God. You're stupid, evil, sadist and I wanna kill you." Cristina curses.

"Endorphins are good. Endorphins are mood elevators. This is supposed to make you feel better." Evi says.

"Oh god. Do you feel better?" Christina stops jogging to catch her breath, while Meredith and Evi jogs around her in circles.

"I'm stupid." Meredith says.

"Slutty mistress." Cristina insults.

"Pregnant whore." Evi says.

"Married bitch." Mereidth says.

"Sleeping with our bosses was a great idea."

Meredith stops to catch her breath too.

"I didn't sleep with my boss. I didn't sleep with anyone." Evi says jogging in place.

"You know what's ruined for me?" Meredith asks.


"Ferry boats. I used to love ferry boats and Derek's got a thing for ferry boats. Now every time I see a frigging ferry boat..."

"You know what's ruined for me? Coronary artery by-pass grafts ... and aortic aneurysms. God I used to love aortic aneurysms." The trio lie down on the grass trying to catch their breaths.

Surgeons are control freaks. With a scalpel in your hand, you feel unstoppable. There's no fear, there's no pain.

"Have you cried yet?" Evi asks both girls.

"Hello?" Cristina asks.

You're 10 feet tall and bullet proof.

"Do you think we'll feel better if we cry? You know like just let it out?" Cristina asks.

"Probably. Yeah." Meredith says.

And then you leave the O.R.

"You guys aren't gonna cry now, right?" Evi asks.

"Do you wanna cry now?" Cristina asks turning to Meredith.


"Okay, lets, lets jog." Evi says pulling the two up.

And all that perfection. All that beautiful control just falls to crap.


Alex and Izzie are laughing together while the others stare on in awe.

"What is she doing?" Evi asks.

"She's hanging out with Alex." George says.


"I dunno. I think ... ... I think they might be friends."

Izzie & Alex continue laughing and joking with each other.

"Make the lambs stop screaming." George whispers as they all move to walk in a hallway.

"You guys are wrong about him, alright? Once you get to know him, he's really sweet." Izzie tries to convince.

"He's Alex." George says.

"Punk ass." Cristina says.

"Hey Grey. Izzie was telling me you have tapes of your mom performing surgery. I'd kill to see the Ellis Grey in action." Alex shouts.

"Hey you know what? Maybe you can come over tonight and we can all watch it together? Right?" Izzie asks.

Evi, Meredith, Christina & George look at Izzie disbelievingly.

"Oh yeah, if this were a hell dimension." Meredith says.

"Yeah, run away pig boy." Cristina says.

George stops in front of Izzie. "Do you have a thing for Alex?"


"Oh." Cristina groans.

"I don't."


"Are we saving lives or having a tea party? Walk faster people." Bailey says.


"I know. I just think you should still tell him about the baby because he'd at least have the responsibility of having to pay." Evi says as she, Cristina, Meredith and Bailey walk through the halls.

"No! You know what? He'll never know. It's over. Once this pregnancy is taken care of, Burke won't even be a blip on my radar." Cristina says. "He'll be smudge."

"Right." Meredith says sarcastically.

"You know, Meredith? ... Leave the sarcasm up to me ... Really, it doesn't suit you."


"Kelly Roche. She's 23 years old. In for a scheduled ETS for treatment of her erythrophobia hyperpyrexia." Evi presents.

"Erythrophobia?" Izzie asks Cristina.

"Blushing." She answers.

"You have any questions about the procedure?" Bailey asks Kelly.

"Oh. Dr. Sh..." blushes badly and she tries to get it to go away by fanning her face. "... Dr. Shepherd explained everything. He was very... huh...helpful. He gave me some literat.... ... sorry..." Kelly says.

"Don't be. Half the patients that come through here have the hots for Shepherd." Alex says.

"Dr. Karev." Bailey says with a disproving voice.

"What? ... It's true."


"So you work here now?" Evi asks after approaching the man at the far end of the hall.

He turns around.

"Yeah." Fletcher says.

"What specialty?" Evi asks.

"Ortho." He says

"Ortho's cool- I guess." She says looking over to see Alex and Izzie.

"Look Eve- can we talk?" He asks her. "Please?"

"Yeah we can talk." She says reluctantly, at the same time Bailey walks in.

"Hey! there's a new surgical case coming up from the pit. Likely diverticulitis. Let's go." She says.

"After I get this case." Evi says to Fletcher before rushing off behind the other interns.

Fletcher let's out a heavy sigh watching her scurry off.


"Watch it! Hands off me! I could report you to the chief and you'd be out on your ass." A woman yells.

"Where is the chief?!?"

"Patient's name is ...ah..." Evi trails off unsure.

"Where is the chief?!? You're all amateurs."

"complaining of intermittent cramping pain and diarrhea. Also suffers from ...ah.." Evi trails off again.

Evimakes brief eye contact with Meredith.


"Alzheimer's." Evi finishes.

"Patient's name?" Bailey asks.


"Jensen! Patient's name!"

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Meredith scurries off, hiding behind an office corner, peeking her head out.

"Haven't I told? How many times have I told you not to bother me when I'm at work?!"

Dr. Bailey & the interns stare at Meredith.

"Ellis Grey." Evi says.

"Meredith's mother." George says.

"You're amateurs! You're amateurs!" Ellis shouts.

Evi, Izzie, Alex, George, & Christina all talking at once in the hallway just outside the locker room being blocked by Dr. Bailey. Meredith is inside.

"Meredith, are you okay?"

Bailey places her hand over George's mouth. "Just zip."

She hands chart to Alex. "Dr. Karev stick with ETS case and Alex her blushing impulse not a toy for you to play with or button for you to push. Understood?" Bailey instructs.

"Hey Meredith, you know um my great grandmother, she died with Alzheimer's." Cristina says.

"My god, why would you say that?" Izzie says.

"Cristina!" Evi exclaims.

"Look, I'm just trying to help."

"Izzie, the Dr. Shepherd's need an intern up in the NICU." Bailey continues.

"Wait, both of them? ... To..gether...and me by myself with the two married people who hate each other?"

"Go." Izzie walks off.

"Christina you're on the thoracotomy."

"With Burke? Oh can I have the hateful married couple instead?"

"Okay, I'm sorry I thought that I was your resident not your hostess. I assign, you take. Is that a problem?"


"Is there some reason why it's inconvenient for you to spend the day in the OR. learning from Dr. Burke?"

"No. I'm very happy to be working with Dr. Burke. Thank you very much." Cristina walks off.

"George, Evi, take care of Dr. Grey."

"Yes. Thank you." He moves in and hugs Dr. Bailey who is stiff and confused. "She needs a friend right now."

George tries to move into the locker room, but Dr. Bailey throws her arm against the door way to stop him.

"What?" Bailey asks.

"Oh you mean Ellis the.." Dr. Bailey goes into the locker room. George walks away not sure where to go. "mother."

Evi shakes her head. "Come on, George."


George is trying to Ellis Grey a physical exam. She is constantly turning away from him.

"Um...if you could just hold still-"

Ellis shrugs out of his grasp and grabs her chart. "I'm in the middle of my work day Thatch."

"Thatch? No, I'm Dr. O'Malley." Evi and Ellis wrestle for the chart, Ellis eventually yanks it and Evi raises her arms in surrender. "Okay. I just need to check your..."

"Darling I'm not in the mood to play doctor now. Hands off, I'm busy. Um..." Ellis says to Evi.

Meredith comes and stands out at the doorway.


"Um-" George tries.

"Damn it Thatcher I mean it no."

"Evi, George!" Evi pulls George back towards Meredith.

"She's allergic to penicillin."

"Yeah? Oh yeah it said on her chart."

"Oh. ... You just have to be patient."

"Okay. Do you um ... who's Thatch?" There's a long pause.

"My dad, Thatcher. ... What did she ... is she ... is she talking about him?"

"Um...yeah. She's..." Evi says.

"She never talks about him."

"You're, you're all right."

"No, yeah, yeah. I'm good."


"Um. I can't be here."

"Of course, I mean we're good here, we're great, so..." Evi trails off.




"Dr. Grey calm down." Evi says.

"Get out of here! Get out of my room now!" Ellis exclaims to George.

"Dr. Grey calm down!" Evi says.

"Get away from my house!"


A nurse walks in. "What can I do?"

"Calm down!" Evi says to Ellis. She turns to the nurse. "Please get some haloperidol."

"Don't give me that look. That sapful, little soulful puppy routine. I know it by heart, Thatch! And I'm over it."

"I don't wanna hear about your day, your students, your pathetic little research grants. My ... my work is what counts! It's what pays for this house. It's pays for ... it pays for you! And it pays for, it pays for Meredith! Meredith make thinks she needs you but sure as hell don't."

"Dr. Grey." Evi says. The nurse comes running in. "Here it is."


Evi and George are running around the halls, looking for someone. Richard calls out from his office.

"O'Malley, Jensen." Webber walks out to meet him. "I understand you're working on Ellis Grey."

"Yes sir, we're trying our best." George answers as the duo stand in front of the chief.

"Right. Keep me informed of her progress and take good care of her. She's an old friend of mine."

"Really? Because actually we could use some help. Could, could you help us ... examine her?" Evi asks hopeful.

"Um, ah... I'm just a little busy just now...uh..ah...gotta run." Webber starts to walk off.

"Right. Okay. It's just that she seems to think that George is her ex-husband and she won't let him touch her." Richard stops, taking off his cap and looks at George.

"It's funny you do...look a bit like Thatcher."

"I look a bit like Meredith's dad?" George asks mortified.

"Um...just take good care of her." Webber walks off.

"But...like her dad? ... ... we need help." George says to Evi.

"Yeah." She answers.

Evi thinks for a second. "Maybe we can get Alex to help." She says.

George tilts his head from side to side and then looking at something behind Evi. "I'll find him." He says before walking away.

"Okay! Page me once you did!" She calls after him. He shoots her a thumbs up.

Evi turns around and is faced with Fletcher.

"You're everywhere." She says.

He smiles slightly. "Is now a good time?"

"Sure. Lead the way."


Evi joins the chief, And George in the hallway. Her scrubs and hair were slightly disheveled. She pats down her hair as she walks to catch up with them.

She catches up in time to hear the conversation.

"CT confirmed diverticulitis but a liver mass was also found." George explains to both Webber and Evi.

"My god." The chief sighs.

"Oh." Evi says with a frown.

"Poor Meredith. As if her mother having Alzheimer's isn't bad enough now she has to deal with liver cancer." George says as they start heading downstairs.

"You won't know that its cancer until you do a biopsy O'Malley."

"Right. Sorry."

Izzie comes to the bottom of the stairs, and they stop walking.

"Excuse me Dr. Shepherd. We need you fast." She says to Addison. "Um...it's Cristina, one of our interns. She's..." she pauses for a moment. "she's collapsed."

"Cristina's collapsed?" Evi asks in concern.

"Why do you need me?"

Izzie sighs but doesn't say anything. Comprehension dawns on Addison and Richard, realizing she must be pregnant. George looks at them getting it too.

"Cristina's pregnant?!" George exclaims.

"Shut up George." Evi says.

"Please come." Izzie says. Addison follows Izzie.

"This doesn't change anything Richard I'm still leaving in the morning." Addison says before leaving.

"This is a very bad day." George groans.


"What's her total bili?" Meredith asks Evi and George at a nurses station.

"It's actually only 4." Evi says. Meredith nods. "It's not great but it's not terrible."

George hands her the forms and a pen to sign. "That's why I didn't see the jaundice." She says.

"No one could we just have to wait and see." George says.

"What aren't you telling me?" She asks looking at the two.

"It's Cristina." George says.


Dr. Burke is performing the needle biopsy on Ellis in her room. Evi and George were inside watching.

"Alright Dr. Grey we're going to put you to sleep for a little while, but I promise we'll have you back into surgery in no time." Burke assures Ellis.

"Richard, thank god you're here. You beautiful man. That husband of mine is making me crazy." Ellis says.


Burke and Evi walking down the hall. "Tell them the chief said to put a rush on this biopsy. Tell them it's Ellis Grey." He tells Evi.

"Okay." She says before walking away. She gets a little far before backtracking. "Dr. Burke do you want the histological grade and staging or any specific stains?" She asks.

"Have them run all tests." He says.



Meredith and Evi were waiting for her mother's biopsy results at the nurses station. Izzie comes in and sits next to George.

"Hey did you get your mom's biopsy results back yet?" Izzie asks.

"Not yet." Evi says.

"How's Cristina?" Meredith asks.

"She's ah... she's gonna have a lotta pain for a few days but she'll be okay."

"I'm glad you were there."

"Are you?"

"Yes, I am."

"It's just-" Izzie half laughs. "it's just that a lot of the time it feels like you, Evi and Cristina are kinda over there and ... I'm here."

"So bout Alex." Evi says.

"Yeah I know, I know. You guys hate him. Fine."

George groans. "Yeah we do but I just wanna say that I believe you. That he's different once you get to know him." Meredith says. Izzie smiles.

"Here you go." A lab tech appears and hands results to Meredith. "Ellis Grey."

She reads the results while George and Izzie look on. She gets up and gives the results to Evi. "Let her know." Meredith tells her. She starts walking away.

"Meredith, are you okay?" Izzie calls.

"No. I'm not okay."


"You do the talking George." Evi says.

"Why me?"

"She hates you."

George looks at the girl. "Wow."

"Well she doesn't hate you, but she hates who she thinks you are."


They walk in and Ellis is lying in her hospital bed. "Dr. Grey." Evi greets.

She opens her eyes startled. "Oh please Thatcher I've had a long day. Go away." She says to George. She closes her eyes.

"No!" George says. Ellis opens her eyes again. "What?" She asks.

"No." he checks to see if anyone is nearby.  "I am Thatcher Grey and I'm your husband. And uh I know you don't like me very much but ... the fact is I don't always like you very much either." Ellis and Evi both looks surprised. "I don't like the way you speak to me. And I really hate the way you speak to Meredith. She deserves better from you."

"I'm sorry."

"You are?"

"What's wrong with me Thatch?"

"Ah, the mass on your liver-"

Ellis cuts him off. "Is it algebra? ... I mean is it alge ... damn it." She sighs. "Is it malignant?"

"No. It's benign." George says.


No one likes to lose control but as a surgeon there's nothing worse.

"Hey." Fletcher greets Evi at a nurses station as she looks at George and Ellis.

"Hi." She responds.

It's a sign of weakness. Of not being up to the task.

"About earlier..." He trails off.

Evi looks over at him.

"I mean- what does it mean?" He asks.

"I don't know." She says.

And still there are times when it just gets away from you.

"Do you want it to happen again?" He asks.

"I don't know." She answers truthfully.

When the world stops spinning. And you realize that your shiny little scalpel isn't gonna save you.

"I... still have feelings for you Fletcher. But I don't know..." she says.

"If you still want to be with me." He finishes.


No matter how hard you fight it. You fall. And its scary as hell.

Cristina is sleeping. Meredith, Alex, George and Izzie are in there. Evi joins a second later sitting in an empty seat, leaning her head against her arm.

Except there's an upside to free falling. It's the chance you give your friends to catch you.


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