The Honor of Love (ATLA fanfi...

By Nina-Maire

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*ZUKO LS* Istari was born and raised in the Fire Nation. After her parents were murdered for betrayal, she fl... More

1. The Airbender
2. The Southern Airtemple
3. Kyoshi Island
4. An old friend
5. Haru
6. The Hei Bai spirit
7. Crescent Island
8. The Waterbending scroll
9. The Freedom Fighters.
10. Family
11. Into the storm
12: The Blue Spirit
13: The Fortune Teller
14: The Split
15: Fire
16. The Northern Airtemple
17. The Siege of the North
18. Return to Omashu
19. the swamp
20. Still alive?
22. Avalanche Rhino
22. Cottage at the beach
24. The tea shop
25. Metamorphosis
26. The Crossroads of Destiny
27: The Awakening
28: Reunited
29: The Invasion
30. The Eclipse
31. The Western Air temple
32. Destiny and Dreams
33. Choices
34: Forgiveness
35. The Ember Island Players
36. Beach Party
37. Finding Aang
38. The Last Fight
40: Advice

37. A Royal Visit

92 4 0
By Nina-Maire

After the play ended, the people were walking on the streets. Korin stood at the front of the door, leaning against the doorpost as she watched them. As soon as they passed her she smiled friendly, but no one would come in. The last performance of this season's Love Amongst the Dragons just ended and she waited patiently for the people to walk by.
"They say they spotted the Fire Lord and the Avatar here today."
"Why'd he be here? We haven't seen a Fire Lord here for more than 20 years!" A group of people said discussed as they walked by.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Korin asked friendly. They stopped and looked at the broken sign, ugly interior and back to the young woman.
"Maybe next time, dear." One of them said before they continued their walk.
After everyone passed and a few more failed attempts, she slammed the door shut and walked to the cash register. She looked at the handful silver and copper pieces. "Well, at least enough for dinner." She mumbled to herself.

Korin put the coins in her pocket and went to the other room of the shop where she lived. The kids were playing contently, one of them waiting to be picked up. "Kiyi, pack your things, will you honey? Your parents will be here any minute." Korin asked as she started to clean up some toys. The other toddler cried as Kiyi picked up the rest, leaving her with nothing. Korin quickly planted another toy in the toddler's hand as she heard a knock on the door.

Korin opened it and saw her friend, the star of the play in front of her house. "Kiyi, your mother is here!" Korin shouted. Kiyi giggled with joy and fell into her mother's arms. "Thanks so much for keeping a eye on Kiyi, Korin." Noriko said when she put her daughter down.
"That's alright, I don't have much to do anyway." Korin replied sheepishly. "Well, its very much appreciated," Noriko said with a smile, "and we wanted to thank you for that." She said as she planted a coin purse in my hand.

"You already paid me last week, Noriko." Korin said as she held the purse in front of her.
"You deserve some extra, Korin." She replied.
"Oh, no, I couldn't take it. It's no big deal." Korin said, extending her hand to give it back.
"No, it's for you," Noriko said friendly, "you deserve it. You want to come have dinner with us? I made a roast duck this morning."
"Oh no, thank you, I'm not hungry." Korin replied airily.
Noriko sighed, looking at Korin's slender figure.

"Okay, maybe a little bit." Korin admitted shyly, "let me get Izzie." Korin walked inside and picked up her daughter. "Come on, Izzie, you can play more with Kiyi." The toddler giggled, swinging her doll up and down. They walked across the street to the house of Noriko and her husband Noren. The house wasn't big, but it was warm and cosy, much better than Korin's.

"Where is Noren?" Korin asked as she looked around. "Oh, he'll come in a bit. He was talking with a few people." Noriko replied.
Korin sat at the dining table, playing with Izzie and her doll. "They say the Fire Lord is on town along with the Avatar," Noriko said with a smile, "Can you believe it? Here? I wonder what they're doing here."

Korin shrugged. "Maybe they're just crossing."
"Yeah, most likely," Noriko mumbled, "they say the Fire lord's very handsome... and single. Maybe something for you, Korin."
Korin scoffed. "Yeah, sure," she grinned and sighed, "nah, I'm not very good with men. I don't even know who Izzie's father is... Most likely some douche."

Noriko smirked. Izzie yanked Korin's necklace, almost making her spill her sake. "Don't do that." Korin hissed to Izzie and she tucked it under her shirt.
Korin saw Noriko looking at it, wondering. "I know what you're thinking. Why not sell it?" Korin said.
Noriko shrugged. "It looks very expensive."
"I know," Korin replied, "but somehow it feels like its important to me, I don't know what it is."

The door opened and Noren walked in, followed by a few people. Korin and Noriko immediately stood up, bowing.
"Noren..."Noriko stuttered, looking at the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation Princess, "what a pleasant surprise."
"My Lord, my Princess." Korin said sheepishly, "oh and the Avatar."

"Hello." The Avatar replied friendly, but looked suspiciously at Korin.
"The Fire Lord and the Avatar are looking for two people, Ursa and Istari. I invited them over to talk things over."
"Didn't they disappear after going into the valley?" Korin asked. Noriko nodded hastily.

"Would you like to see my doll?" Kiyi asked The Fire Lord and the princess.
"Eh no." The princess replied.
"We'd love to." The Fire Lord said and stood up, grabbing the princess's hand to go with Kiyi. The Avatar and his girlfriend sat down across the table from Korin and, Noren Noriko.

"What a lovely girl you have there." the Avatar's girlfriend said to break the silence.
"Oh, thank you," Korin said with a smile, "Izumi, say hi to the nice girl."
"Hi." Izumi said as she waved shyly.

"Do you know what happened to Ursa?" The Avatar asked as the Fire Lord and the princess returned.

"Ursa, was once a famous member of the Hira'a Acting Troupe before she was taken from the village to the Fire Nation capital on 'official business'", Noren started, "The general rumor in the town is that she married into the Royal Family."

"And Istari?" The Fire Lord asked quietly.
"The girl visited our town, but quickly made her way to the Forgetful Valley. We warned her not to go there, as sometimes people don't return. But to us it seemed that was exactly what she wanted." Noriko said.

The Fire Lord did not say anything. "Does Ikem still live here? Ursa and him were supposed to get married, didn't they?" He asked after a long time of silence. Korin looked at the handsome young man. She couldn't explain why, but she felt butterflies in her stomach. But he wouldn't be interested in her. She wasn't beautiful or royalty. She was a simple shop owner, without customers.

"Ikem, fled into Forgetful Valley after Ursa left for the capital," Noren continued, "Another rumor, they say, is that Ursa came back years later and went into the Forgetful Valley to look for her lost love. But if that's true... both of them may not have ended up okay, as the Forgetful Valley is not an easy place in which to live, right Korin?" Noren asked.

"It's not easy indeed," Korin said carefully, "spirits dwell there and one's memory slowly fades away."
"You come from the valley?" The Fire Lord asked breathlessly.
"Eh, I came to Hira'a 2.5 years ago, give or take. I was pregnant at the time. Izumi here is two years old now." Korin replied as she bounced her leg. "Mama!" Izumi giggling softly.

Zuko exchanged looks with the Avatar before looking back to Korin.
Zuko suddenly stood up. "Thank you for your hospitality, but we should go." He suddenly said.
"Oh, so soon. Well I hope it was helpful." Noriko said.
"Very." The Fire Lord replied stiffly and walked away.
"I'm sorry, we are very grateful, thank you!" The Avatar added on his way out.
"Yeah, I should go too, thank you for the duck." Korin said awkwardly with a smile and picked up Izumi. She walked over to Noriko and kissed her on her cheek.

"It was an honor to meet you all." Korin said friendly to the group who was standing outside the house, "do come buy for a cup of tea if you want. It's just across the street. Just don't get scared by the interior, the tea is actually fine."
The Avatar's girlfriend smiled. "Sure, we will."

Korin nodded in reply and went back to her house with Izumi.
"That was weird, huh, honey?" Korin whispered to Izumi. Izumi's eyes were closed and she mumbling quietly in her sleep.
"Yeah you could say that." Korin whispered before kissing her on the top of her head.


The next two days, it was warm. The sun was shining brightly and Korin decided to place the tables and chairs outside. A few people actually sat down on her terrace, ordering a cold cup of tea with sugar. A lot more money came in, and Korin hoped it would stay that way so she could renovate the interior.

Just when she was about to open the shop, she got a pleasant surprise.
"My Lord," Korin said quickly as she bowed in front of the Fire Lord, "Uh, would you like a cup of tea?"
The Fire Lord shook his head and walked up to Korin, standing very closely in front of her. "I would like to talk to you."
"About what?" Korin asked confused.

"Your memory." The Fire Lord said.
"I don't have the best memory." Korin whispered.
"A memory of 2.5 years." The Fire Lord replied, narrowing his eyes.
Korin started to feel uncomfortable, and wondered what he wanted from her.

"What do you want?" Korin asked as she took a step back.
The Fire lord looked up at her, slowly shaking his head. He grabbed a piece of paper out of his pocket and held it in front of Korin. She saw a wanted poster of a young woman, the name "Istari Hou Xing" written underneath it.

"What did she do?" Korin asked, looking at the beautiful young woman.
The Fire Lord lowered the page and folded it before putting it back in his pocket.
"She disappeared without a trace, without a note... without nothing."
"Yeah, I can imagine, if she's wanted." Korin said sheepishly.

The Fire Lord sighed. "She was my girlfriend. I want her to come home to me... and to hold my daughter." The Fire Lord said as he took a step closer.
"I'm sorry, I can't help you with that. I don't know who that is or where she is."
"She's standing right in front of me." The Fire Lord said.

Korin looked at the young Fire Lord, shaking her head in disbelief. "You are mistaken, I'm not who you think I am."
"No," The Fire Lord said, his tone softer, "you are not who you think you are. My girlfriend Istari... She was pregnant 2.5 years ago, like you. "

"There are a lot of children with that age here," Korin replied as she took a few steps back, "and a lot of young mothers."
"Also a lot of children without a father?" The Fire Lord blurted out.
Korin gaped at him. "I think you should go." She said coldly.
"I didn't mean it like that..."
"But you did say it." Korin replied stiffly.

"You said you went to the valley, what if it happened to you? That you went to the Mother of Faces? Didn't you ever wonder where you came from?" He asked.
"With all due respect, that's my business my Lord," Korin said slowly, "I don't know what happened to your girlfriend... But my guess is that she went there, never to return and to forget her old life."

"What if she can return? Can return to a loving home, and not live here." He said, pointing at the weary tea shop.
"It is not so bad to live a simple life," Korin said, "I do not know any better."
"Yet you wear a golden necklace, an expensive one at that," The Fire Lord said, pointing at the chain around her neck, "With the finest jade too."

Korin froze, looking at the Fire lord. She did not say anything.

"She even had a scar, like yours," The Fire Lord continued, "On her chest. Here." He said as walked up to Korin, trying to touch her.
"No, leave me alone! Get out!" Korin shouted angrily.
"I don't want to hurt you, I'm just trying to prove-"
"- I said get out!" Korin yelled again, "leave me alone and don't ever come here! Fire Lord or not! I'm not who you think I am."

The Fire Lord sighed. "Please, let me prove it-"
"No! Get out!" Korin yelled again.
The Fire Lord looked at Korin and defeated he turned around. "As you wish..." he mumbled quietly and he left the shop. Korin followed him to the door and slammed it closed behind him. She quickly wrote a note that she was closed today, and walked over to the room next to the shop.

She removed her shirt and looked at herself in the mirror. The necklace was not visible underneath her shirt and yet the Fire Lord knew it was a jade dragon. She indeed had a scar on her chest, but no one had seen it before, no one even knew. Korin bend over and started to cry softly. She started to panic, not sure what to do.

After calming down, she decided to go to Noriko's house. She picked up Izumi and walked across the street, her cheeks still sticky from the tears.

She knocked on the door, but didn't wait for a reply as she opened it immediately. She walked in, as several eyes stared at her. The Fire Lord was there, along with the Avatar and his friends. A woman sat at the dining table, being comforted by Noren.

"What's this? Where is Noriko?" Korin asked breathlessly, looking around anxiously. The woman didn't say anything, she looked down, the same look Korin had a few minutes ago.

The Avatar walked over to Korin, standing down in front of her. "I want to show you something." The Avatar said seriously. Korin hesitated, but nodded slowly. The Avatar laid his hand above her chest and the other one on Korin's head. There was a bright flash of light. She saw a little girl, with blue eyes sitting in her mother's lap. She saw the girl, watching two dragons flying above her. A golden spark appeared in her eyes as she watched them. The girl aged, playing on a beach with a young boy. They were always together.

Flames rose up and she saw the same girl firebending with an older man, practicing her skills. And they talked and talked, about everything, over a cup of Jasmin tea.

In the next frame, a scared and angry girl on ship. Korin watched the life of the young girl. Fleeing the Fire Nation, her time at the South Pole, playing in the snow with a boy and his younger sister, her journey with the Avatar, her time in Ba Sing Se and her reconciliation with the Prince. Then, a fight, a wave of flames, and it stopped.

The Avatar let go of her and Korin came back to her senses. She was dizzy, and almost started to lose her balance. The Avatar walked up to her, and helped her to stand still. She looked to the Avatar, the Fire Lord and the other people who were there. These were her friends, all of them. It made her nauseous that she didn't recognize them.

"I'm sorry, it's uh, it's a lot to process." Korin mumbled, feeling dizzy. She saw very nice things, but some also terrible. Stuff she knew was worth forgetting.

"Why did you show me?" Korin asked the Avatar, "there is no way back. It's been done." The Avatar sighed and looked at Korin.
"There is a way back." He said seriously.
"I don't know if I want to... what if I'll be unhappy or traumatized, or..." Korin started.
"We'd have each other." The woman said as she stood up and walked to Korin.

"When we first met, you said its like you've known me all your life..." the woman said and smiled, "and that's true. The Avatar did she same thing to me and... I saw my past life. The Mother of Faces reappeared and... I became Ursa again, Zuko and Azula's mother..."
"Noriko?" Korin asked sheepishly.
Ursa nodded friendly, with tears in her eyes.
Korin shook her head in disbelief. "I can't do this." She stammered as she took a step back, "this," she said as she pointed to Ursa, "this is wrong."

Korin looked around, trying to find Izumi. She was playing with Kiyi and The Fire Lord, and suddenly it struck her. The resemblance Izumi had to the Fire Lord was uncanny. The same eyes, nose, smile. Korin turned around and ran out the door, into the forest. She ran and she ran until she couldn't no more. She came to a stop, leaning against a tree.

She panted and angrily she punched against the tree.
What would Istari do? What would I do? Who am I?
She leaned against the tree and sat down in front of it, pulling her knees up.

What is keeping me here? Nothing. If Nor- Ursa leaves, what will I have left? An empty tea shop.
What will I get when I return to the Capital? Friends, love, a place for Izumi to grow up.
But I'll have to marry the Fire Lord... Izumi will become Fire Lord later. How can I put that responsibility on her? But what if we become homeless, what will we do?

"Can I join you?" Someone asked. Korin looked up and saw that the brother of the Avatar's girlfriend standing in front of her. She nodded and moved a bit to the side. He smiled friendly and sat down next to Korin. Korin looked at him and smiled.
"You used to have snowball fights with Istari." Korin said slowly.
The young man snickered. "Yeah," he said, smiling brightly, "she could aim very well."
"Do you miss her?" Korin asked.
"Terribly," he said quietly, "she was my best friend."
Korin smiled faintly, but soon looked sad.

"You know you can still come with us, right?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" Korin asked confused.
"You know... like this," he said, pointing at Korin, "how you are now."
"I could," Korin said and shrugged, "but it wouldn't be the same, right?"
"I guess not," he replied and sighed, "but to know you are with us in a way, it's a very comfortable feeling. We would have never expected to find you."

Korin smiled faintly. "It was that bad, huh?" She asked.
The young man nodded slowly. "Yes... but I know my friend. I knew she'd find a way, and be okay."
"Sometimes we just have to keep going, no matter what." Korin replied.
"I know it's all up to you, but I just wanted to let you know that if you'd let Istari return, the world would be a better place." The young man said as he stood up. "Why? What can one person change?" Korin asked with raised eyebrows as she stood up too, "The only one who can is the Avatar." The young man started to walk away and shrugged, with a smile on his face. "He got help from Istari." He replied.
"How?" She yelled after him. "She's one of the best firebenders in the world, and an even better friend!" He yelled back before disappearing around the corner.

Korin watched him walk away as she scoffed.
A good firebender? Really? Korin thought about her own firebending, which was actually terrible.

"More pros than cons it seems." A voice said. Korin quickly turned around, seeing the Mother of Faces in front of her.
"Are there?" Korin asked. The Mother of Faces smiled. "Oh, it will be difficult for you," she said as she started to float around Korin, "you'll wonder if you made the right decision... if it was worth it. What would have happened if you died... or stayed like this"
"Don't we all wonder about things in life?" Korin asked carefully.
"We do," the Mother of Faces replied, "but not everyone will have a life like you."
"I guess so," Korin said slowly, "Well, if that's the case, I'd love to see it."

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