The Devil I Love | Jikook Smu...

By Sincerely_Jikook

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Chapter 1: Big News
Chapter 2: An Angel
Chapter 3: Doe Eyes
Chapter 4: Pose
Chapter 5: A Sultry Look
Chapter 6: A Beautiful Distraction
Chapter 7: Intoxicated~
Chapter 8: An Unexpected Call
Chapter 9: Don't Let Them See
Chapter 10: Sweetheart~
Chapter 11: Touch Me
Chapter 12: Silence~
Chapter 13: Admiration~
Chapter 14: The Director
Chapter 15: In My Thoughts
Chapter 16: Lonely~
Chapter 17: The Sound Of Your Voice
Chapter 18: An Eerie Man
Chapter 19: Tonight's Plans
Chapter 20: We Meet Again
Chapter 21: Alone~
Chapter 22: My Drug
Chapter 23: A New Experience~
Chapter 24: Take Control~
Chapter 25: Clingy
Chapter 26: A Little Peculiar
Chapter 27: A 'Special' Relationship
Chapter 28: Trapped
Chapter 29: My Happiness
Chapter 30: How I Feel About You
Chapter 31: He Knows
Chapter 33: Those Sweet Chills
Chapter 34: Lost In You~
Chapter 35: Don't Go~
Chapter 36: Paradise
Chapter 37: We Have History
Chapter 38: The Proposal
Chapter 39: I'm All You Need
Chapter 40: In Your Mind~
Chapter 41: When I Think Of You~
Chapter 42: Something Amiss
Chapter 43: My Pain
Chapter 44: A Caged Bird
Chapter 45: All I Know
Chapter 46: Patience
Chapter 47: Playing His Game
Chapter 48: Temporary
Chapter 49: I'll Protect You
Chapter 50: Spending Time
Chapter 51: Prevent
Chapter 52: The Best Distraction
Chapter 53: Spoil Me~
Chapter 54: You Belong to Me~
Chapter 55: A Weak Target
Chapter 56: The Odd One Out
Chapter 57: A Jealous Man
Chapter 58: Crossroads
Chapter 59: My Decision
Chapter 60: Face To Face
Chapter 61: You're a Monster (TW)
Chapter 62: I'm Free (TW)
Chapter 63: I Love You
Chapter 64: The Devil I Love (FINALE)

Chapter 32: Stay In My Arms

4.9K 432 122
By Sincerely_Jikook

    Jungkook smiled and agreed to see Jimin soon. Even through his endless and painful tears, he didn't expect to smile even once as he went through this. He set his phone down beside him after the call and looked towards the door. Counting the seconds until he would be able to distract himself completely with Jimin's existence.

     Jimin managed to leave the building on his own. Wearing a small backpack that carried many necessities for this little midnight adventure with Jungkook and making sure he didn't let anyone know he was leaving for the night just so they wouldn't track him down. If he was messy with his escape, the Director would find anything out of place in order to lead himself to Jimin. Knowing how crazy the Director would become the second Jimin was absent, the famous model made sure he left no traces behind.

      A long eternity welcomed the young man as he laid awake. Hoping Jimin would arrive at that very second; the Jungkook didn't want to be alone to dwell further on how Yoongi didn't choose him at the end and left. Just like that, the stability in his life walked away and Jungkook was only trying his best to dry the tears he shed while he was still drunk.

     After a while, there was finally a knock at the door. The apartments allowed outside visitors to enter the buildings but never allowed them inside the rooms without the knowledge of the ones who lived inside. Jimin stood at Jungkook's door; wearing a black beanie to hide his own hair color, a red sweater, and a face mask with sunglasses. The man stood in front of Jungkook's door, glancing at the address on his phone over and over again to make sure this was it.

     Within seconds, Jungkook opened his eyes to a gentle knock on the door. He dried his tears once again and smiled to himself; not realizing that the intoxication left his face turning as red as the roses that were decorated all over his room. Jungkook stood up and reached the door; stumbling and losing his balance along the way until he pulled the door open so abruptly. In seconds, his eyes latched onto Jimin once his own body was pressed against the door.

     "Jimin... Ji... Jimin!" Jungkook said happily as Jimin smiled and stepped in, but quickly caught onto the strong scent of soju off of his special partner's body.

      "Jungkook, have you been drinking?" Jimin asked and suddenly caught Jungkook once he leaned forward to hug him. "Ah, I'll take that as a yes..."

      "I missed you... it's been... it's been so... so hard for me recently!" Jungkook continued to stumble over his words as Jimin quickly guided Jungkook from the entrance and closed the door. Hearing it chime seconds after to auto lock.

      "Oh, Jungkook, if I knew you were this drunk, I wouldn't have come here expecting to be fucked the moment I got here," Jimin whispered as Jungkook began to laugh and look at the older man. "I brought lube for nothing..."

      "What?! No... we can still have fun. I'll touch you and fuck you good!" Jungkook chuckled, but Jimin only kept guiding him until he set him down over the bed once more. "Jimin... I want to touch you...""

      "No, we can't do that when you're intoxicated like this. Rest and I'll be here to take care of you," Jimin made sure his words were clear to the young man and longed for him to understand completely. Jimin respected his special partner too much and knew that taking advantage of him was something he didn't want at all. So, he remained there with Jungkook over the bed and began to feel happy just with the man in his presence.

      "Jimin... Oh, Jimin! It's been such a long day... I've never felt so... so alone!" Jungkook's slow words dragging on in his speech left Jimin to giggle. Finally removing his disguise and the small backpack he carried before he chose to sit next to the young man. Caressing his shoulder softly with his gentle fingers.

     "Tell me... what made you feel so alone?" Jimin asked as Jungkook quickly covered his red face so abruptly. "I doubt you'll remember this, so it doesn't matter if we behave a little differently than we usually would."

      "Jimin, I... I went drinking with my.. with my employees; Yoongi and Taehyung after... after a long, long, LONG! day of work..." Jungkook brought up and closed his eyes as he faced the ceiling. Having to reminisce about the night in his drunk mind was difficult since his thoughts kept shifting in and out, so he couldn't hold onto the right story to tell. "A long... long day, I'm so lonely Jimin!"

     "I shouldn't ask many things of you when you're drunk like this, you wouldn't tell me the right thing so suddenly," Jimin whispered carefully and leaned in until he was resting right by his side. "I'm... a little glad you won't be able to remember what I say, which means I can say something without having to fear so much," Jimin thought. Softly running his hands along Jungkook's blond hair and finally smiling to himself. Being there with the one that made him happy was enough to make Jimin's terrible day turn into a great one.

      "Jimin, Jimin... have you ever been rejected? Oh... oh it hurts so much!" Jungkook confessed and suddenly began to tear up. That's when Jimin's hands slowed down from caressing Jungkook's hair and continued to gaze into his teary eyes.

      "Rejection? Why are you bringing that up now?" Jimin questioned anxiously. Was Jungkook interested in someone else? Jimin wondered more and hoped to get the answer out of the young man.

      "Because... Oh, Jimin, it hurts! I'm so lonely... Yoongi broke my heart! But then I realized I didn't like him too much to have true feelings for him! I thought it was right to like him because he makes my life so simple!" The young man sobbed. Breaking into more tears as Jimin sat up carefully and looked at Jungkook hiding his face with his hands. "It hurts so much, I ruined everything and it's hard to let go!"

      "You... liked Yoongi?" Jimin continued to think and finally realized that Jungkook was rejected and here he was. Drunk and crying over the pain that confused him. Jimin only longed to pick up the pieces for the man that always made him happy. Despite knowing how Jungkook had feelings for another even during their 'special' relationship, it didn't seem to faze Jimin that much for now. At the very end of the day, Yoongi rejected Jungkook and Jimin was there to make sure he was alright.

      "I thought that's what I wanted! I thought it was going to clear my mind, but he rejected me... I hoped to get to know him better but now I don't want to!" Jungkook kept crying until he felt Jimin's gentle hand slide up his arm. Calming him down with a gentle caress. "I'm so lonely now..."

     "No, you're not. Well, not with me," Jimin spoke to the young and drunk man in a caring and sweet tone that left Jungkook looking at him through his tears. "I don't think I'm in any place to tell you to suck it up and move on, he wasn't for you. But that's not fair... I won't tell you those things because sometimes, it's going to be hard to forget someone you probably cared about. From my experiences..." Jimin took a pause before letting out a sigh and guiding his hands up Jungkook's arm to caress the side of his face as he looked down at him, laying on the bed and facing upwards while he sat next to him. "Letting go of someone in your heart after you forced them in there for a sense of clearing your mind, isn't going to be easy... those years of falling for those smiles and laughs will only turn sour after many nights of crying. Jungkook, it's okay for it to hurt. Just know, that it's part of life,"

     "Part of life..."

     "No... amount of... medications... no amount of water that fills the bathtub in which you sulk in every night will make the pain go away. This is life, you have to learn to live with it at your own pace in order to let go. There's no rush at all. Sure, things will change between you and him, but it will either make you feel closer to him... or cause you to despise him in so many ways..." Jimin whispered and tried his best not to mirror the tears Jungkook shed at that very moment. "It's okay if you make mistakes, we make mistakes and learn from them. Okay? But just know, be honest with what you feel. It's going to reward you in the long run."

      Jungkook was silent at that moment. Somehow, Jimin's words to his drunk mind were gentle and caring. Even if Yoongi meant the same, Jungkook preferred it when Jimin spoke on the situation to his drunk thoughts. This left the endless overthinking to silence themselves as Jungkook allowed another tear to race down his eyes but only this time, he looked Jimin in the eyes and blushed at his words.

      "Speechless already?~" his whispers were more caring and perfect like a gentle strum of a harp. At least, that's what Jungkook heard each time this man spoke.

       "Jimin... please stay here with me!" Jungkook begged and turned to lock his arms around Jimin's body carefully and hold him close. "Stay... in my arms."

      "Mhm~ alright. Not like I have plans on going anywhere. I need you, Jungkook," Jimin whispered and despite the smell of soju filling his nose as he cuddled with the young man, Jimin still smiled at the glee he was given by being in the arms of the one he found happiness with. But with such a feeling, Jimin didn't want to lose it at all.

     "I... I need you too... I'm so lonely! Yoongi broke my heart and-"

     "Jungkook... please don't... mention him breaking your heart. We went over this!" Jimin giggled and clung onto his body tightly in that very second. "Jungkook, will you promise me something?"

     "Anything, Jimin!"

     "Don't... like anyone else while you're with me. I know what we have here isn't much in the love category, but I want you to stay here with me. I can't bear to lose you to someone who wouldn't care about you like the way I'm willing to! Jungkook..." Jimin whispered and pressed his forehead against Jungkook's chest as if that spot only belonged to him only. "I need you, but I can't tell you why. I want to trust you and it's hard for me to build that after... someone... broke me. Until then, you're mine. All mine and I don't want to share or lose you to anyone else! So promise me you will stay in my arms. Don't think of Yoongi, think of me and only me. I want to be the only one on your mind every day."

     "Jimin... of course!" Jungkook replied and smiled. Not thinking much of what Jimin said. But Jimin was aware of that. He knew he couldn't say this was a real promise since Jungkook was only intoxicated, so Jimin just wanted to vent to the young man at that moment. Knowing well the promise wasn't going to mean much once Jungkook was sober the very next day.

      "Good..." Jimin whispered against his ear and continued to rest against his chest while he felt Jungkook softly running his fingers through the light blond hair Jimin possessed. "I hate sharing what's mine, I don't like that you were interested in someone else while you were with me. I don't want to see you with anyone else. You're all mine and I'm all yours... you're my happiness. My one and only happiness and that has to mean something to you," Jimin continued as Jungkook was still unaware of Jimin's words.

     Jeon Jungkook knew those words Jimin spoke meant something by the way his voice trembled softly in every demand as if he was a little afraid of things not going the way he wanted. He spoke into those subtle demands to keep Jungkook in his arms for as long as he could. In no way was Jimin willing to accept any no's from those who would oppose what he wanted. At the end of the day, Jungkook was the one he wanted and he was determined to have him. Not open to sharing his happiness with anyone else.

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