Loki And The Thief

De Sigynista

116K 4K 883

[EXPLICIT] You never expected to be thrown from your home earth, to Asgard. Not only do you fight for surviva... Mais

Be careful what you wish for...
Stolen Comforts
Walking On Broken Glass
An Apple A Day...
If The Ring Fits...
Next to Godliness.
A Room With A View
Eager to Please...
A Little Night Music
A Mortals Place
Lethe's Bramble Pt 1
Lethe's Bramble Pt2
God Stock
The Deal
Bad Girl
The Chase
Fever Struck
The Unwelcome Guest
Matters Of The Heart...
Gods and Monsters
The Freeze
Morning Delights
Deals Made
What is lost
The Ebony Blade
Split Apart
Journey Pains
Shrouded in Darkness
Break Out pt 1
Break Out Pt 2
True Self
True Self Pt2
The Wager
Springs and Waterfalls
Pied Piper
The Next Part Is Out!!

Happy Ever After?

1.6K 53 11
De Sigynista

Y/N and the group came upon the lake. Or at least what was left of it. It was as dry as a bone, filled with the remnants of animals, dead and now skeletal.

The trees around it were dead, and in the centre, the remains of a triton.

'Your handiwork?' Thor said solumnly.

'This is my fault. The Triton, I killed it. And it deatroyed the link between here and Asgard.'

Y/N walked through into the middle of the sand now, and looked around. It would be the same of Asgard too no doubt.

Gamora stepped forward and put her hand on Y/N' shoulder. 'You must not lose hope. My mother, she brought me up near a lake. There may well still be water. You just need to know where to look.'

Nitid began to stir and Y/N ran over to comfor her. Thor and Loki walked to Gamora.

'What do you need from us to find this?' Thor asked Gamora.

'I need your eyes and your attention. There has to be water left somewhere.'

Gamora turned and something caught her eye. A small shell sat in a log, stilled filled with water!

'Here there is water enough for one sip!' She looked over to Y/N unsure what to do.

Y/N looked down to Nitid, 'See, we are going to get through this!'

Nitid looked back with a certain sadness that shook Y/N to the core, one that she recognised, as she had felt it when she had told Loki that she didnt love him to spare him the hurt of one day losing her.

'You must drink that drop. You must take it.' Nitid said weakly, struggling for words. Y/N shook her head profusely and began dabbing Nitid's fevered brow of sweat.

'Don't be ridiculous. You're taking the water and we are going back to Asgard. You're going to come back and some how fit in with Odin and Frigga and we will be some sort of mad family.'

Nitid touched her face, 'No, you're taking it. There is no argument. You need to, I want you to have it. You will understand one day, that parents sacrafice everything for their children. Because they love them. They even sacrifice themselves.'

Y/N looked over to Loki. 'Honestly? My luck with mother figures have never been great. My earth mum wasn't exactly what I would say maternal. Maybe it's a sign I should stay away from the role all together.'

Gamora poured the collected water into a cateen and moved forward with Thor, Loki and Brokkr to bring the water over to Nitid.
'Drink it, and we can be on our way.' Thor smiled. Nitid put the canteen to her lips and drank the water . Nothing happened.

'I don't understand, it should work!'
Y/N cried.

'It's alright, maybe she needs time to heal?' Loki tried to console her but it was no use. They all knew that this water would, or should work instantly.

'It's okay Y/N, Loki. Everyone. You did all you could. It just isn't on the cards for me to live. I wanted so much to stay with you Y/N, and start a life with you. But you don't need me. You never did. You have found a real family.'

Y/N began to cry, and Loki put his arm around her, wishing he could soothe the pain in her heart at this moment.

'But there is something you could do for me,' Nitid smiled, 'I want more than anything, to live long enough... to see you married.'

Thor looked bemused and gave a side glance to Loki. 'Come now, I know Loki proposed,' Nitid vontinued 'I heard you talking about it. All we need is someone to officiate it.'

'You would need a Kings blessing, King of Asgard.' Brokkr informed.

'How about prince and future king?' Thor patted his brother on the back hard. 'After all, as Odins eldest... I am to inherit the throne. It would be an honour to bless your union, brother.'

Loki hugged Thor, a genuine hug that Y/N had never seen between the two and accepted his offer to marry he and Y/N.

Y/N hugged thor too, and turned to Nitid. And kissed her mother's forehead. 'Will you give me away? Mother?'

Nitid began to spring tears as she nodded.

Y/N  busied herself, preparing herself to wed Loki, something she never thought would pass.

She quickly scrambled through the forest to find wild flowers for her bouquet, daisies and daffodils it looked it, and what looked like babies breath but purple. She had no clue what to do, but she wanted to make it as perfect for Nitid as possible.

'What's the problem dear, seem a little out of sorts?' Brokkr appeared as if from nowhere, and Y/N jumped out of her skin.

'Really? You think?!' She exclaimed, but calmed herself. While he was still on thin ice with her she knew full qell his power and what he could do. She had no control of her powers and could never quite ensure they would work to her need 

'Im trying to make it perfect. But look at me. I'm a mess...' she indicated to her state of dress, while she was clean, the rest of her looked like a reject from Oliver Twist.

'Well we can't have a bride feeling less than perfect can we?' Brokkr Smiled. He waived his hands and the bouquet became Y/N's favourite flowers, she stood stunned at what he gad done.

'Brokkr... what? Why?... Oh, wait. The future thing right?'

'That, and just a genuine desire to see you smile. Now, as for the gown... you can't very well go in rags, can you Cinderella?'

With another wave of his hand, energy swirled around Y/N and what was left was a beautiful gown, perfect, just what Y/N had dreamed.

'It's too much.' She said quietly.

'Hush now, I may not be your father but I think I can speak for him when I say it isn't. Especially when you are a future queen.'

She paused a moment, thinking about her father. She hadn't given much thought to him, Nitid had occupied everything. 'You think he knows, about me?'

'Oh my dear...you can count on it.' He said with a grin. 'Now what are you waiting for? Go get married.'

She smiled and ran back to the rest of the group. 'Guys, look! Brokkr did this!' She beamed and Loki looked her up and down.

He narrowed his eyes at Brokkr. 'And the price of this?'

He tilted his head in confusion.

'There is always a price with you.'

'No cost, call it... a freebie. Now are you ready for marriage? Oh and here. No wedding can be complete without Asgardian ceremonial wine.' He handed this to Thor.

This was incedibly unusual. Brokkr never did anything for anyone for free... and now he was being so generous it was almost unnerving. But Thor tested the wine, it was clean and drinkable. Nothing that would harm you other than hangover from excess.

'Well then, let's get you two married.' Thor smiled and began to officiate the Wedding.

Nitid say upright and watched Y/N walk up to Loki, no wedding march played, but Gamora followed in support and the haze of the forest and the scent of the flowers made the affair magical and intimate.

'Friends, we gather here to witness the joining of Loki and Y/N. Blessed by myself Thor Odinson, and we call on Frigga, my mother or love and marriage, that theae two be hand fasted together. The bonds that tie will last forever, and they can not be broken.'

Thor took a piece of gold rope from his robe and wrapped it around Loki and Y/N's hands that were together as if a hand shake.

'From the moment I met you you infuriated and confused me. But from the moment I caught you in that trap after you stole from me, I knew you were the one whom my heart belonged to. My little thief stole my heart, and now I give you my life. I pledge to you, that it will be your eyes into which I smile at each morning. And I promise that each day, I shall sheild you and love you in imortality or death. Our lives are now bound and it can never be broken.' Loki smiled and Thor tied a knot to Y/N's rope where she was tied.

'Loki. My heart and soul has never felt like it belonged anywhere. I never felt like my home existed. Hiraeth. My entire life was living in nostalgia of a home or life that either was now gone or never existed. But then I met you and you were home from the moment I looked at you. I knew I fell in love with you after I stole that bloody ring and was running from while you shouted at me from the battlements. From that moment I hit you in that pretty boy face. I knew that I belonged to you and you would always find me. I pledge to you all my life, to love you and cherish you. All my mortal life.'

Thor smiled at the couple, and passed them the ceremonial wine. Passed from bride to groom they both took a sip.

'I now decree that you are married!' Cried Thor, and everyone cheered their congratulations to the couple.

'Erm that means you may kiss her, little brother.' Laughed Thor.

Loki and Y/N laughed 'Thank you brothed, I need no prompt.' and leaned in to kiss. Y/N's head was spinning, she had married a god, a prince, this was too unreal even for her. Loki gently tipped her chin for her lips to meet his and gently kissed her, so tenderly and sweetly that it took Y/N's breath away. She suddenly felt warm inside, and a feeling of being whole enveloped her. Her stomach felt light and warm, and her mind raced with the possibility of a happy life.

'I can't believe it, we're married! This is just... Mum, did you see-'

Y/N turned to Nitid, her mother. She was gone. The poison had finally taken her over and nothing more could be said. Even at this moment, Y/N knew Nitid's planet would be decaying and destroying itself and nothing would be left.

'Can we bury her?' Y/N asked sadly.

'No point.' Brokkr answered sounding sorry for Y/N's loss.

'She should be taken to the stars, with her sisters and brothers. We can take her home to the ether.' Gamora smiled sadly. This was it. The end of Nitid. The end of anything and everything of Y/N's past.

Stroking her mother's face she said her goodbyes.


Y/N and Loki sat on the ship watching Nitid's body float out into the stars, back with her family, nitid would become part of every element once more.

'I am so sorry Y/N, she was all the family you had left.' Said Loki as he stroked her hair.

'No, I still have you. I love you loki.
Take me home now.' Y/N said sorrowfully to Loki, and he smiled gently cupping her chin.

'As you wish.'


Y/N trudged through the forest of Asgard, relieved to be back. With Loki holding her hand, both worried for her and overjoyed that the were now married.

Gamora stopped half way from the ship. 'Well I should go. Or Thanos will wonder where I am. Please Y/N tread carefully now. You have awakened so much. And you Mischief, take care of her.' She narrowed her eyes to Loki and walked away with a smile.

'I wonder if we will ever see her again?' Asked Thor.

'I doubt it, but we should get going, we don't want any more attention from Gryla or Thanos.' Y/N replied, and took out the necklace Frigga gave her and placed it around her neck.

'That necklace. That is our mother's.' Thor piped up, and Y/N shot him a nervous glance. 'She gave that to you?' He said with a smile and Y/N looked to Loki with a shrug.

'She thought it would ve nice to give to me. She said if she vould not give this to her daughter, it would be fitting to have me wear it.'

'It is a special necklace, it's magical. My mother said it can predict the sex of your first born before conception.' Loki smiled and brought the pendant that was hanging from Y/N's neck and brought it closer to see.

'Let us use it, let us see what our child will be!' He took it from Y/N's neck and began to reach for Y/N's hand.

'Loki, please don't.'

'It's just a superstition. It won't take a moment.' He gently took her hand and Y/N closed her eyes, scared and preparing for the questions.

'There is something I need to tell you Loki.' Y/N looked down to the pendant.

The pendant was moving East to West.

'Loki! We're going to have a child!'

'What?' Loki said bewildered.

She repeated herself, 'We are going to have a child!'

'Is there something I don't know, do you have something to tell me-' Loki said with shock and a little concern.

'No I mean... some day. Some day we will have a child!' She laughed and smiled like crazy.

'Well of course we are! Now tell me, it's a boy isn't it? I can never tell which way means what?' He eyes the pendant curiously, still moving east to west.

'It's a surprise.' Y/N smiled, and hugged Loki, 'now let's get back home. Let's start our lives together. As a family.'

Loki and thor walked on to get the ship ready, and Y/N smiled to herself.
It was only a moment until Y/N looked to see Brokkr leaning upon a tree smiling- no beaming.

'You.' She said with a slight frown. He laughed maniacally.

'Me? What can you possibly mean?'

'This is because of you isn't it? Nitid, my mother, she only pretended to drink the water. Nitid had you put the water in the wedding wine so I would drink it. Gamora must have helped you. That's how you broke Thanos's curse.'

'Anything is possible. I can neither confirm or deny that. Or that Gamora helped.'

Y/N was filled with so much joy she wanted to hug Brokkr. So he was right. She would be thankful to him.

'So tell me. What is your first child going to be?'

'A girl.' Y/N smiled.

----------------------THE END-----------------------

Thank you everyone for all your support on this story! This is the end of this book, but I am planning a Book 2.

It's going to be called 'The Little Thief Series'. It's going to feature your life with Loki and more twists and turns. Just cause you are married, doesn't mean that the fairytale ends!

I do have more Tom Hiddleston books on the way, cause why the hell not! Featuring all of his characters and of course... More Loki!

Honestly, I can not tell you how emotional I feel finishing this story. But as I said this isn't the end. Just the end of the first chapter!

Continue lendo

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