FELLOWSHIP || Ateez Fanfiction

By Poicatari

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In the strange, magical world of Wolkmaar the young captain Hongjoong and his new crew, Seonghwa, a man from... More

Intro: The crew and Wolkmaar
Chapter One: Halt in Kroosborg
Chapter Two: Treasure Hunt
Chapter Three: Run Away
Chapter Four: Caring
Chapter Five: Storm
Chapter Six: The Clairvoyant
Chapter Seven: Kruslfaesd
Chapter Eight: Into The Unknown
Chapter Nine: Snowfall
Chapter Ten: Ispaledts
Chapter Twelve: Falling
Chapter Thirteen: New Friends
Chapter Fourteen: Deceived
Chapter Fifteen: Investigation
Chapter Sixteen: Alone
Chapter Seventeen: Family
Chapter Eighteen: Decayed
Chapter Nineteen: Chased
Chapter Twenty: Faisnvild
Chapter Twenty One: Unwelcome
Chapter Twenty Two: Nervous
Chapter Twenty Three: Spooked
Chapter Twenty Four: Trapped
Chapter Twenty Five: Kidnapped
Chapter Twenty Six: Enamored
Chapter Twenty Seven: Blinded
Chapter Twenty Eight: Coel Wajasi
Chapter Twenty Nine: Brotherly Love
500 Reads Special
Chapter Thirty: Information
Chapter Thirty One: Training
Chapter Thirty Two: Temple
Chapter Thirty Three: Through Wind and Storm
Chapter Thirty Four: Undiscovered Lands
Chapter Thirty Five: Foreign Island
Chapter Thirty Six: Split Up
Chapter Thirty Seven: Regret
Chapter Thirty Eight: Ungrateful
Chapter Thirty Nine: Going Back
Chapter Forty: The Border To Darkness
1000 Reads Special
Chapter Forty One: Memories
Chapter Forty Two: Trying To Escape
Chapter Forty Three: Rebellion
Chapter Forty Four: Inside The Dungeon
Chapter Forty Five: Hide and Rest
Chapter Forty Six: Exploring Nekra Cueda
Chapter Forty Seven: Set Me Free
Chapter Forty Eight: Into The Jungle
Chapter Forty Nine: Old Letter
Chapter Fifty: Dugang
Chapter Fifty One: House Number 666
Chapter Fifty Two: Just Imagine
Chapter Fifty Three: Wolkmaar History Lesson
Chapter Fifty Four: Rivalry

Chapter Eleven: Burglary

56 3 0
By Poicatari

Wooyoung POV
14 years ago
"Wake up, Wooyoung. Today your brother is going to the military boarding school.", my mom says.
I sit up in my bed and look at her.
"I made sun fruit salad for breakfast."
"Yeaaah sun fruit salaaad!", I say and jump out of bed.
I go down the stairs and rush into the kitchen of our inn where dad puts an extra big portion of sun fruit salad into my bowl. I sit down next to my brother in the lounge. He is staring at his breakfast with a sad expression on his face.
"Why do you make that face?", I ask.
"What face?"
"Sad face."
"I just don't want to leave my friends, you and our parents behind."
"Aren't some of your friends going to that school too?"
"Yeah, I generally don't want to go to that school. They are mean there."
"They are also mean here. If you don't want to go, then you shouldn't go."
"I need to go. One son of each family has to go... , besides if I make it to the army, I will be save from harsh punishments... at least to some extent."
"Will you visit us or write us sometimes?"
"No, that is forbidden there. I won't see you until I turn 18 and become part of the army."
"That is 7 years from now. That's so cruel."
My brother starts crying. I hug him.
My father comes to our table. He ruffles through my brothers hair.
"Don't be sad. We will see each other again. Eat your breakfast. A soldier needs to be strong and well fed."
After breakfast my mum wants to dress me nicely for the farewell celebration of the kids who go to the military boarding school but I would rather play with my teddy bear.
I let my teddy dance in my bedroom.
"Hold still!", mum says while trying to button up my shirt.
After a half hour I am fully dressed and we have to go to the celebration.
The whole village meets at the plaza.
My friends are also there. I want to run over to them but mum holds me back.
"Hello Roduez, Miicalo and Minha!", I scream and wave and them. They wave back.
The mayor holds a very long speech that is super boring.
Then everyone throws flowers at my brother and the other kids.
We follow them to the harbor where we say goodbye.
"Goodbye, Wooyoung. Stay healthy, don't do too much reckless stuff and grow up well. I will always think of you.", my brother says and hugs me.
"You too... and become a strong army guy, so you can protect mum and dad.", I say, a few tears roll down my cheek.
My brother says goodbye to our parents before he has to go on board of the ship that will bring him to a small island near Nekra's capital city where the school is located.
My brother waves us goodbye as the ship sails away. I cry all the way back to our house.

Suddenly I feel hand on my cheek. I open my eyes and see Jongho's face in front of me. He is kneeling in front of my bed and wiping away my tears.
"Good morning. I wanted to wake you up and saw that you were crying in your sleep. Is everything okay?", he asks.
"Yeah, it was just a sad dream.", I say. I sit up and run my fingers through my hair. It has been 14 years since then and I haven't heard of my brother ever since. I wonder where he is? Did he make it into the Nekra Kingdom's army? Does he know what happened? Does he even remember me?

After breakfast we gather around the kitchen table and discuss how we want to get the key.
"Since plan A didn't work, it's time for plan B. We need to make a copy of the key and swap it with the original, I have a chisel so we could remove it without destroying the whole throne. We will need a sketch of the original key for that. But how do we secretly make one?", Hongjoong asks.
"I guess we will need to break into the palace two times.", I say.
"Either way we need to get an overview of the palace.", Yeosang states.
"He is right. Let's examine the palace today. Maybe we can find a side entrance we can use to break in. We also need to know how many guards there are. When we have gathered the information we can send a 2-3 people into the palace to make a sketch of the key. Then we need to find a way to make a copy before we break into the palace again to swap them.", Mingi explains.
"I think we walked past a pottery today. Maybe we can buy some clay there to make the copy?", Yunho suggests.
"But the key is made out of stone.", San remarks.
"Of course we will paint on it so that it looks like stone.", Hongjoong says.
"Then who is going to do what today?", Seonghwa asks.
"Me and Wooyoung could take a look around the palace today.", Mingi says.
"But we also need groceries.", Wooyoung comments.
"It's fine I can do it without you.", Seonghwa affirms.
"Me and Jongho can buy the clay.", Yunho adds.
"Then the rest of us will go grocery shopping.", Hongjoong says.

It is weird that they assigned me to examine the palace with Mingi. I am the cook should I not buy the groceries?
Me and Mingi take some paper and pens with us to take notes before we take a sled to city. From the plaza we walk westwards until we are only a few meters away from the palace door.
"Try to go around the palace without drawing to much attention to you. I will try to get inside and look around there.", Mingi says.
He goes straight towards the guards at the door. While they are focused on him I sneak past them to the right side and walk along the foot of the mountain. Two soldiers walk towards me. I quickly hide behind a wagon and wait until they are out if my sight.
After 15 minutes of walking without finding anything of interest, I reach the city wall. I walk up some stairs to get on top of the wall.
You have a nice view of the mountains and the area around the city from here. I look around for a few minutes before I decide to examine the left side of the mountain.
Just as I am about to leave I see sleds and a mammoth with something on his back drive by outside of the city.
I observe them for a bit. They drive towards the mountain.
Maybe there is an entrance to the palace outside of the city walls?
I sneak back to the place where Mingi and I split. Mingi is already waiting for me.
"Were you able to look around in the palace?", I ask him.
"No, only in the throne room. I noted that there is each one guard at the doors that lead further into the palace. Did you find another entrance?"
"Not yet. I saw sleds and a mammoth outside the city walls that moved towards the mountain.
The entrance might be outside the walls at the side of the mountain."
"Okay then lets look there."
"It will take us an hour to get there. We should let the captain know where we are going first."

We search for the others at the marketplace in the north of the city.
I spot them at a booth that sells jewelry. Is Hongjoong buying a new necklace again? Or maybe the other are just buying some.
"HONGJOONG!!!", I scream as loud as I can.
He notices us and runs towards us.
"Are you already done?", he asks.
"No, but there might be an entrance outside of the city walls, so we will look around there. I just wanted to tell you before you worry about us because you can't find us in the city.
We should be back in 2-3 hours.", I explain.
"Okay, we will go back to the ship soon which means you two will have to go back alone. Here, have some money for the sled ride home.", Hongjoong says and gives us one gold.
"Okay, see you later.", Mingi says.

We walk towards the city entrance.
From there we walk along the city wall for a while. Sadly there aren't many traces of the mammoth and the sleds because it has been snowing all day.
"Do you have any interesting child hood stories?", Mingi suddenly asks me.
I think about it. It is hard to tell him any stories about me and Yeosang without revealing that he is the prince.
"Hmm... I actually wasn't born on Nekra's main island. Before I became a servant at the castle, I lived in a small village. I had three very good friends there. There was a big pond near the village that we used to play at. We always rolled around in the mud. My mum always got angry when I got home and was head to toe covered in mud.
One day my friend Minha and I were there alone. We were very reckless and I dared her to go over a tree trunk to a rock that stuck out of the water in the middle of the pond. We were joking around with each other for a bit. Then I was so stupid to throw her off the rock into the water. The pond wasn't too deep but we were also just 5 years old back then. She didn't know how to swim but I didn't know that when I pushed her. When I saw her struggle, I immediately jumped in to save her. I was able bring her back to the bank of the pond.
She gave me kiss on the cheek because I saved and then slapped across the face for throwing her in immediately after.", I tell and giggle as the memories come back into my mind.
"I can't even count how many times Yunho and I have thrown each other into the river in our village. It was our favorite hang out spot in the summer.", Mingi says.

We reach the end of the wall. From there we walk along the foot of the mountain and keep our eyes open for an entrance.
We walk for a half hour through the snow until we finally find something.
"Hey can you see the people in the distance? I think we found it.", I say.
We carefully sneak in the direction and hide behind some barrels.
Two people are putting stuff onto two sleds.
We wait for the right timing to sneak through the door. A long tunnel leads to the palace's basement. From there we tiptoe up the stairs. We slowly walk through the corridors and try to get idea about the positions of the guards and the location of the throne room. Somehow we manage to hide everytime a soldier walks by and are able to get all the information we need without being caught.

When we leave the palace the two sleds are sadly gone. Otherwise we could have maybe sneaked onto them since I am really tired from sneaking around for so long.
We slowly walk back to plaza.
"I was so nervous. I thought we would get caught.", Mingi says.
"The palace is definitely not very well guarded. Especially compared to the palace of the Nekra Family."
After an hour of walking we are back in the city. We pay for a sled which brings us back to the harbor.
When we arrive, I see a few unknown people work on our ship. Right Hongjoong wanted to do a ship maintenance.
"Be careful there are a few planks missing.", one of the craftsman says as we walk towards the hatch.
We go inside and find the others eating in the kitchen.
"Sit down, Yunho and Hongjoong cooked a soup for us.", Seonghwa says.
"Oh perfect. I am freezing.", I say.
"Have you found out anything?", Hongjoong asks.
Mingi and me give him our notes.
I get myself a plate with soup and sit down at the table.
"Oh, that's everything that we needed. Good job, you two!", Hongjoong praises us.
"Did you get everything to make a copy of the key?", Mingi asks Yunho.
He nods.
"Should we break into the castle tonight then?", San asks.
"I think we should. But not all of us should go. That would be two chaotic and noticeable. ", Hongjoong replies.
"We definitely need two people to knock out the two soldiers in the throne room.", Mingi comments.
"Then San and Jongho should go.
Also either Mingi or Wooyoung need to show them the way."
"I will do it.", I shout.
"I don't know if we will need one more person for the drawing. Is anyone of you good at drawing?"
"I am.", Jongho answers.
"We will need a very accurate and detailed drawing though. Can you do that?", Yunho asks.
"Yes, no problem. I drew a lot when I was younger."
"Okay then only you three will go. How long does it take from here to the side entrance?", Hongjoong asks.
"About one and a half hours.", Mingi says.
"You should go at half eleven then. So you arrive there at 1 am."
I nod.

After finishing my soup I go straight to bed. I am so tired after walking around for almost 5 hours and I need to be fit for later.
I sleep until 5 pm. Then I have to make dinner for the crew. We eat and go outside to play hide and seek between the houses of the village.
The craftsman also finish the maintenance. Now the ship looks like brand new and it isn't dripping from the ceiling in the corridor anymore.

At half eleven San, Jongho and me meet in front of the ship.
"Did you pack a piece of paper and a pen?", I ask Jongho.
"Of course."
"Let's go!", San exclaims.
We drive to the city again. From there we walk to the secret entrance.
There is nobody at the entrance when we arrive there. The door also isn't locked.
"Aren't they afraid that people like us will just enter through here?", Jongho wonders.
"Hongjoong told us earlier that the people in Pfryspungt often don't lock their doors since burglaries only happen extremely rarely and they like that their neighbors can just come in anytime to visit them.", San explains.
We go through the basement and up the stairs. From there on we need to be a little bit more careful. We sneak through the corridors until we are almost at the throne room.
"One of you needs to go down that corridor and then go right and wait at the door at the end for two minutes before you go in. The other one follows me."
San goes down the corridor while
Jongho and me walk to the other side of the throne room. I count down the three minutes that we have until San reaches and opens the door in my head. We need to do it at the same time, otherwise the other guard might just run through the door and alarm everyone.
With thirty seconds left we arrive at the door. I count down the seconds before I open the door. Jongho immediately grabs the soldier by the neck and then punches him in the face. The soldier instantly passes out. I look over to San and see that he has knocked out the other guard too.
I take a torch out of the attachment near the door and hold it near the throne, so that Jongho has enough light to draw the key. After about 30 minutes Jongho is finished with his drawing.
We sneak back to the basement and walk outside. Since there aren't any sleds driving at this hour we have to walk the whole way back.
More than two hours later we finally arrive at home. Jongho leaves his drawing on the kitchen table and we go to bed.

The others let us sleep in until twelve.
When I go to the kitchen, I see Yunho making the copy of the key out of clay.
I take a quick look over his shoulder.
"Looks good.", I say.
Yunho smiles at me.
In the afternoon Seonghwa, Yeosang and me go into the city.
"I want to buy some jewelry.", I say.
Seonghwa and Yeosang look at each other for a second.
"Oh... , don't you want to use your money for other things? Like nice clothes or books.", Seonghwa says.
"I think I have enough clothes for now. We just bought new ones.
Do I look like a person that reads much to you?", I utter.
"Not really but..."
"The jewelry here is expensive and it's not even that pretty.", Yeosang states.
"Oh okay. Then I will buy some in the next city."
We visit the museum to look at the exhibition and find the sword that we sold the owner in one of the display cabinets.
After that we buy some snacks at the marketplace. I wanted to take a quick look at the jewelry but Yeosang and Seonghwa immediately stop me.
What is up with them?
We also hear the people talk about someone who broke into the palace and knocked out the guards in the throne room. Good that they don't know that it was us.

The next morning we go treasure hunting in the forest and are somewhat successful.
In the afternoon Yunho has to bake the fake key in the oven before Hongjoong starts painting it.
The next day Yunho bakes the painted piece again.
Then it is finished!
We gather in our kitchen again to talk about the next steps of our plan.
Hongjoong puts the fake key onto the table. It turned out very well and looks pretty much identical to the original.
"Now all that is left to do is swapping this fake key with the real one. San, Wooyoung and Jongho do you want to do it again?", Hongjoong asks.
"Okay.", San and I say. Jongho nods.
"But I think there might be more guards this time since we just broke in.", Wooyoung says.
"Hmm, Yeosang is strong too. He can go with you."
"Are we going to leave immediately after the burglary?", Seonghwa ask.
"I don't think we should. It would make it very obvious that we were the ones who broke into the palace.", Mingi says.
"You're right. Let's leave tomorrow morning then.", Hongjoong decides.

We wait until it is half one in the night before make our way to the palace. I packed the chisel that Hongjoong mentioned and a hammer.
Yunho gave me some clay leftovers and said to mix it with water to make a glue so that I can glue the copy to the throne.
We walk for two hours until we reach the side entrance. It isn't guarded again and the door is also still open for anyone to walk in.
We walk through the basement and up the stairs and easily sneak to the spot where we split the last time.
"Two minutes again?", San asks.
"Yes. And take Yeosang with you.", I reply.
Jongho and I go the other door again.
We open the doors at the same and knock out the two guards.
"They really didn't secure the palace better. Is the king that stupid?", Yeosang comments.
"I wouldn't doubt. Just remember the prince.", I say.
"Okay, yeah. That makes sense."
"Stop talking. Someone might hear us. Give me the chisel.", Jongho demands.
I give him the hammer and the chisel.
He starts chiseling out the key. After hitting the chisel five times with the hammer the key just falls out on its own. San catches it before it falls to the ground.
"Wow, it just came out like this. It wasn't even properly attached to the throne.", San exclaims.
There is now an indentatation where the key used to be.
"Looks like it was just inserted into there.", Jongho says.
I take out the clay and mix it with water. I put a little bit of the mixture on the back of our fake key and into the indentatation. Then I press the copy into the indentatation.
"Okay. We're done here. Let's go.", I say.
We go back the way we came and reach the ship at around half six.
Jongho puts the real key onto the kitchen table.
Then we go straight to bed again.

Seonghwa wakes me up at two pm.
I eat and meet with the others on the main deck.
It is still snowing and the crew is having a snowball fight with the snow on the ship. Except for Hongjoong who is navigating and Yunho who is in the crow's nest. We have left the island and are now on our way to Muelstatt the capital of Waerglunt to research on the whereabouts of the second key.
"Good job. You did well tonight.", Hongjoong says as soon as he sees me.
"Thank you."
I join the others in the snowball fight and we play the whole afternoon.

Author's Notes:
Sorry that I didn't upload a new chapter last week. I needed a short break from writing.
I loved the finale of kingdom and I am super excited that Wooyoung got selected as "Artist of the Month".

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