By TheWhiteSmile

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Yoon Jong Woo was trying to survive this new awful world. He tries to stay out of trouble, but when a new Le... More

Chapter 1: SOCIETY
Chapter 2: LEADERS
Chapter 4: MAILBOX
Chapter 6: MY WEAKNESS
Chapter 7: JOIN ME
Chapter 8: GRIM REAPER
Chapter 9: CHILDREN
Chapter 10: FAKE IT
Chapter 12: CHESS PIECES
Chapter 13: BLACK OUT
Chapter 15: GOAL
Chapter 16: KEY
Chapter 17: APOCALYPSE
Chapter 18: REASONS
Chapter 20: GAME ON
Chapter 21: END GAME
Chapter 22: BALL
Chapter 23: BETTER

Chapter 14: THINKING

404 44 31
By TheWhiteSmile

Audio titled: PUSH THROUGH


(I Won't Stop)


"Pardon?" asked Jeoseung Saja, as if he hadn't heard right.

"He blacked out," repeated Jung Hwa. The leader just looked at her perplexed. Jung Hwa sighed.

"He has this...condition," she began a bit unsure. Jong Woo would kill her for this.

"He seemed to be in perfect health two days ago."

"He's not sick. It's... difficult to explain. I have never seen or heard anything like it. Since I met Jong Woo, he would eventually have these episodes where he would pass out for several hours or even several days. At first we thought he had amnesia or something alike. We had him examined but physically he is perfectly fit. It's his brain. You have met him, but I don't think he would show you what he can do on your first meeting. He is brilliant you know. It's not just a rumour. Actually the rumour doesn't even cut it. I know it doesn't seem so when you speak to him. He's downright awkward in most human interactions. He's not interested in anything social at all, and certainly not in politics. But I've seen him do things with his mind that I wouldn't have thought possible."

Jeoseung Saja looked at her oddly. "You do realise I'm most certainly not backing off after you praise him so much?"

"I don't want you to back off. God knows how long I've been trying to find someone who could handle him."

The leader grinned approvingly and nodded for Jung Hwa to continue.

"His ingenuity comes with a price. His mind can focus on a problem so completely that he forgets everything else. Everything. I've seen him once in that state, I didn't yet know it was the reason for his blackouts but it scared me nonetheless. It was as if he was in a trance. He blocked out everything else and was scribbling notes and calculations on everything he could find like a madman. But this intense focus isn't the real problem. Honestly I can't explain what the exact cause is either but...it's like his brain uses up all his energy. As if every ounce of stored sugar and fat is used to provide enough energy for his brain to go into overdrive. Even his body heat drops dangerously. And even when his whole body screams for sleep and food to restore his reserves, he doesn't even realise it and keeps on thinking about the problem. He only stops when he finds the solution... And by then his body is so worn out that he simply blacks out. "

Jeoseung Saja folded his hands under his chin and considered her words.

"Are we talking about problems concerning a mathematical formula or maybe a particular complex construction? Or do you mean problems in general, like a decision in life and everyday worries?"

"Both. If something catches his interest, his brain will start working faster and longer than humanly possible."

"So, to solve problems no one else could, his brain exhausts his whole body and he passes out for several hours. I can see it is quite an extraordinary condition and I can understand your general concern, but without wanting to be rude... it's not such a big problem isn't it? I mean, it's nothing food and sleep couldn't cure."

Jung Hwa vividly shook her head. "No, you don't understand. He can't stop thinking, no matter how long it will take. He doesn't pass out because he overworks himself like normal people might. He will stay focused until the second his problem is solved. He has to find the solution before he collapses from exhaustion."

Jeoseung Saja frowned in thought. "But at one point the body simply won't be able to sustain—..."

Realization dawned on his face as he looked up into Jung Hwa's eyes.

"If he is confronted with a problem that can't be solved... If I order him to invent something that simply isn't possible... If I ask for too much..."

"He'll die."


"Jung Hwa! Hyun Ho! Anyone at home?"

Jong Woo had arrived at his friend's home and was banging at their front door. He heard muffled footsteps and moments later, Hyun Ho opened the door. His face lit up at the sight of Jong Woo.

"Hey Jong Woo! You—...look awful."


"No seriously, you look like a ghost! Jong Woo, come in and sit down, it happened again didn't it?"

Hyun Ho was already putting some food on a plate while Jong Woo wobbled to a kitchen chair.

"I've already eaten Hyun Ho," cringed Jong Woo. He didn't like it when his friends had to give up precious food for him when he couldn't give them something in return.

"Yeah, as if that would ever be enough. Here you go."

He put the plate down in front of Jong Woo who couldn't resist the urge to dig in.

"So..." Hyun Ho began while watching him eat like a starved dog. "Why now? I mean, after all those quiet months..?"

"How should I know," grumbled Jong Woo in between two mouth full.

"Aw come on! Something unusual must have—...Aha! Hey, what are your thoughts about that new leader?"

"He's crazy."

Hyun Ho laughed. It was loud and warm. He laughed often and Jong Woo liked it. When it wasn't used to make fun of him that is...

"You like him don't you? Jung Hwa was right after all! Come on—say you like him."

"Stop it!"

"Aw don't be such a tease, out with it I say!"

Unnerved, Jong Woo rolled his eyes. "Better you tell me where Jung Hwa is. She must have found me, I want to thank her for getting me into bed."

"Hmm, I don't know why she would just leave you there... I haven't seen her since she left about an hour ago. I guess I could ask for her in the headquarters."

Jong Hwa stood up and wiped his mouth. "Thanks Hyun Ho, I'll see if I run into her on the streets."

"Woah! Where do you think you're going? You have to lie down Jong Woo! Hey! Listen to me you little—...! Jong Woo!"

But Jong Woo was already out of the door and winked at him over the shoulders.

With his stomach full and his strength slowly returning, Jong Woo was feeling better every second. He didn't really had a goal as he walked down the streets, but he was looking out for task force members who might have seen Jung Hwa.

"Yo Jong Woo!"

Park Chang Hyun waved at him from the other side of the street. He wasn't really the cleverest member of group task force, and Jong Woo wondered if that's why Chang Hyun didn't seem to know he should keep his distance from other groups' members. And non-members like Jong Woo.

"Hi Chang Hyun," smiled Jung Woo, "did you happen to meet Jung Hwa?"

"Su Jung Hwa?" Chang Hyun frowned in concentration. "Ah yeah I think so. She didn't really saw me though. She seemed to be deep in thoughts or something."

"Do you know where she went?"

"Nah, but she was walking down that road over there." He pointed to it.

Jong Woo's stomach began to hurt again. This time not from hunger, but from worry. The only place worth visiting down that road was the inn. And the only reason why Jung Hwa would go to the inn in the middle of the day was...

"Seo Moon Jo."

"Huh, what?" Chang Hyun looked confused.

"Nothing. Thanks Chang Hyun, have a nice day!"

Jung Hwa began to run. Dreadful scenes were playing in his head. If that bastard did anything to his friend... He would personally go to Cha Sung Ryeol and make sure Moon Jo would not live at the end of the week.


"That boy really is trouble," gritted Jeoseung Saja. He was standing in front of the window, his back to Jung Hwa who was still sitting in the armchair.

"How should I possibly know how far I can push him?"

"You'll know," Jung Hwa insisted. "I can feel it. If you can't handle him then I don't know who will."

Leader Jeoseung Saja turned. "All that, however, doesn't explain why Jong Woo would possibly want to join me. As far as I can see, it would be healthier for him to stay away from group politics and its many problems."

Jung Hwa smiled sadly. "I wouldn't be so sure about that. You see, Jong Woo hasn't had a blackout for over half a year now."

"So...That's good right?"

"Not if you consume riddles like normal people eat food. There's a reason Jong Woo has taken a liking to inventing new things; he has to occupy his mind or he'll get so bored, he wouldn't see any reason to live on. It puts his life in danger, yes, but he also needs it. Over the last few months he has distanced himself from everything. He lived like a rabbit in his hole. That's not living, it's simply existing."

She looked up at Jeoseung Saja. "He needs you. He needs someone who can put his hyperactive brain to use. And you've already done it. I don't know what is going on, but I know you are the reason why he had a new blackout. You are already occupying his mind."

The leader smirked and below his hooded eyes, Jung Hwa saw a fire getting bigger and bigger.

"You can leave him to me Ms. Su. I assure you, I won't stop until I am all he can think of."

To be continued...

Author's Note: So sorry for the long wait! I kind of got stuck in the middle...
Thank you for your wonderful comments (and waiting)! Happy reading & stay healthy!

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