DxD: Potential Of The Unknown

By Lawliet_Aftermore

61.2K 1.4K 1.4K

Chance and probability are weird concepts... But, what if someone moved a little faster? Took an extra step a... More

Chapter 1-A normal day
Chapter 2-I Died...apparently
Chapter 3-First day(s) on the job
Chapter 4-Attack on a Stray house! Awakening!
Chapter 5-I made a new friend! ...But she's in danger!!
Night Meinichi BIO and Info
Omake!! Smol-Boi/Ara~Ara mornings!!
Chapter 6-I have to save her! New power!?
Omake!! Kitten gets touchy?!
Chapter 7-Dangerous dodgeball! Familiars?
KFC Arc - Opening Sequence
Omake!! The Perverted Trio kidnap Y/N!?!
Chapter 8-What's going on? Kidnapped!?
Omake!! The girls find out what happens at boy's night!
Chapter 9-Training to Beat Burnt Chicken!
Omake!! Dancing In The Rain.
Chapter 10-Insurmountable Odds! Rating Game!
Omake! February 22nd, Y/N's second least favorite day.
Y/N and Shield, into The Y/N -Verse!
Chapter 11-Rematch!? Awakening!
Omake!! After The Fight.
Chapter 12-Strange Occurrences.
Chapter 13-Holy Sword Users Enter The Fray
Omake!! Live For Yourself!
Chapter 14-Why Is Freed So Weird?!
Chapter 15-Battle To Prevent a War
Omake!! Milk? Malk? Mulk?
Chapter 16-To Trust Someone
Omake!! THRILLING Fluff
Chapter 17-Revelations

Y/N and Shield, Into Infamous! Y/N Rowe! (Evil Karma)

633 22 2
By Lawliet_Aftermore

God-Y/N: Haha I am not doing thi-

Copyright-Sama appears in front of the god.

God-Y/N: Hahaha, You think you scare me! Well, think again you disgusting creature. I've killed more of you than you could possibly fathom~!

(Sen_Tobi: You sure about that?)

(God-Y/N: Completely~! Would you like to find out~?)

Y/N: *sigh* What he means to say is that we don't own Infamous or DxD. Hey! Stop fighting the thing you maniac!

God-Y/N: Not a chance mini-me! This fucker dies!

(Roll intro)

Y/N Rowe: But first, I had a promise to take care of...

A young teen is seen strutting across the boardwalk to a Native-American longhouse. He was about 5'10, slim, slightly tan, with H/C hair, E/C eyes, bags under his eyes, and hives breaking out all over his face.

He had on black jeans, red and white converse, a red flannel that is mostly hidden under a bright red hoodie, a red beanie, and a black denim vest with a spray-painted Raven skull outlined in red on the back.

"Hey hey~ Akomish nation. Local hero's back home!" The boy said as he opened the door.


God-Y/N, Shield, and Y/N were all seen about 100 yards away from the longhouse, floating about 20 above the boardwalk.

"Okay, can you run this universe by me again?" Y/N said, turning to the god.

"Of course~! This is a universe categorized in the infamous multiverse. Some of the people in this universe are born with what is called a "Conduit gene" giving them access to spectacular powers!" God-Y/N explained excitedly before his expression shifted 180 degrees.

"The people of this multiverse grew fearful of what the conduits could do and started to see them as deformed monsters... A man named Cole was able to change the public's opinion thanks to his heroic actions, but a resurgence of hate occurred when D.U.P. formed, claiming conduits as bio-terrorist for just existing! It's terrible, but that boy..." he pointed to the boy in the red beanie, who seemed to be speaking to an older woman. "...was supposed to stop them and reign in a new era of coexistence between humans and conduits." The god said before looking away from the boy.

Shield picked up on the god's words and questioned him, "What do you mean 'supposed to'. Did something happen?" He asked as the conversation picked up between the boy and the old lady, becoming more animated as she stood up from her wheelchair.

God-Y/N grew a sorrowful expression for only a split second before his face becomes neutral, "That boy is actually an alternate version of us, 'Y/N Rowe' a conduit with the ability to copy other conduits power's and evolve them using the energy in the core relays, which is his real element. These universes always have multiple outcomes. But to simplify it, karma is real and your actions affect your karma and how people treat you. For most, it's unnoticeable until big events happen. But for conduits, it's amplified. If they have Evil karma, their powers become more red-splashed and evil looking. This version of us went down the path of an anarchist and terrorist, proving to everyone that conduits were evil and wanted to rule them all. Even killing innocents who had nothing to do with his situation..." The young god stopped himself before he continues.

"That bastard! Murdering innocent people! Who is he speaking to now? Someone else he'll kill?" Y/N asked, teeth grinding in anger. Shield put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down, which worked as he simmered out and listened to God-Y/N.

The god winced at the question "That's... hard to explain. That is Betty, the boy's surrogate mother. He and his brother Reggie were born into the Akomish Native-American tribe, unfortunately, their already single mother died during Y/N's birth." God-Y/N gained a neutral look again.

"Thankfully Betty took the two brothers in and raised them as her own, passing strong will and determination to the two. When Y/N's conduit abilities manifested, a truck carrying 3 other conduits escaped. The director of the D.U.P., a concrete conduit named Brooke Augustine, tortured Y/N's people to try and find them. They were unsuccessful, but she left her concrete to fester like a disease and slowly kill the tribe. Y/N made a promise to cure them, but he became corrupted along the way and is now power-hungry and unhinged." The god watched as Y/N's fists unconsciously clenched in anger.

He may not know these people, but they were his family in another life, and to hear about this made his blood boil, his only family was dead, and he wasn't gonna let his other self kill his only family.

Shield was also having a reaction, to God-Y/N's surprise.

In Shield's opinion, these were people that needed, well, a shield and he wanted to protect them with his life. He never had good relations with his mother. And his father was satan knows where. So sadly, this was the closest thing he'd had to family and they didn't even know who he was.

On instinct his hand had reached into his backpack and grabbed his combat knife, clenching so hard that his knuckles turned white.

The wind around Y/N started to whip around him making his hair go wild as his body subconsciously gathered wind magic around him.

God-Y/N sighed, "I'm gonna use a hearing enhancement spell so you two can hear the rest of their convo~!" He said excitedly, putting his left arm out a baby-blue magic circle came from it and they could hear Betty and Y/N.


"-And you have disgraced the memory of your brother."

Y/N's eyes furrow in barely contained rage. How dare she! She had no right! He did everything he could to save Reggie! The selfish bastard ended up saving him instead, and he would never forgive him for that...

"Y/N Rowe, you are Akomish no longer." Betty said with a disappointed and angered expression.

Y/N raised his left arm slightly and gestured to Betty, "You and everybody else will die without me. Or have you forgotten that?" He finished in a sinister tone as he glared hatefully at his surrogate mother.

Betty didn't back down an inch from the psycho that had replaced her Y/N, "We haven't forgotten... and we will never forget." She said before closing to door on Y/N

"But Bet-" *Click*

The door shut in his face, his anger was seeping through his body and red wisps of smoke started to come from his body, he tried the door again, locked.

He turned around, his facing glaring at the boardwalk, his fist clenched in anger as more red smoke poured from him. He looked back at the longhouse, "Fuck it." He seethed before into a crouching position that looked as if he was about to start spinning, as his smoke started to flare up around him, his favorite killing power. He shot up, turning into 3 big clouds of flames and smoke. He reformed as he cleared about double the height of the longhouse, smirking to himself as he turned into a gigantic smoke bomb, hurling himself at his former family's home.

Before he could hit the longhouse, a gust of wind hit him that was strong enough to launch his smoke form and cause him to veer into the cliff off to the side of the longhouse, causing no damage to it.

When he reformed he had no time to think because a combat knife made its home in his abdomen and he felt cold metal on his forehead, "Wha-" *Click, Bang!* the gun fired, causing Y/N to fall down.

All his irrational thoughts had left his mind as he was TOO angry to think. He immediately used smoke to get back up quickly and surveyed the area for his attacker.

About a meter away stood a very large man that looked a lot like himself, just less sickly. He wore a school uniform that consisted of black dress pants and a blazer, a white dress shirt, some weird bow tie, and a large white parka wrapped around his waist.

Behind him, on the boardwalk, was another boy that looked similar to himself except, this one was about 5'4, and had large red streaks intermingled with his H/C hair. He also wore the same uniform, except he had a messy tie on instead of the bow-thingy, and had on a black zip-up hoodie instead of a blazer. Wind was whipping around him as he floated down to the beach next to the taller guy.

He had never heard of a wind conduit before.

He also never heard of conduits using boney wings to fly.

He wanted the shorter one's powers....

And he was excited to find out what the taller one had.

But first...

He would torture them, painfully, for disturbing him before he could kill that bitch and the rest of her family.

"I don't know who you are. Or why you look so much like me. But, I'm gonna take your powers, then... kill you for disrupting me." He unfurled his chain and let his fiery, red smoke engulf it.

~Moments Prior~

"He looks pissed."

Shield stated the obvious in an attempt at humor.

It did not work.

Y/N eyes were wide as he heard the conversation go on between Betty and Y/N Rowe. He knew why she was doing it and understood her completely, but it still hurt to see another version of himself get disowned.

They looked on as their counterpart glared at the ground in rage, "W-What's he going to do?" Y/N asked his godly counterpart in fear as he watched red wisps of smoke pour off the boy's body. Shield had also looked towards the god, curious to know the answer as well.

"He'll kill them."

God-Y/N's voice was the most neutral it had been since they started this little 'adventure'. He was looking straight ahead, talking as if he'd seen this exact scenario play out 1000 times over.

Shield and Y/N's eyes almost popped out of their head in surprise as they continue to watch their counterpart. Y/N Rowe's head whips back to look at the longhouse one last time before they all hear him say something.

"Fuck it."

He crouched down letting his power father around him and shot up into the air.

"Now I know you two probably want to do something, but this is a big event in this universe's history so we're not allowed to interfere. I'm sorr-Wait..." he stops blankly staring forward only to see that Shield and Y/N had already shot forward and blown their cover, "You idiots! What are you doing!"


What were they doing?

Well, apparently, technically being the same person had its advantages when it came to combat. All they had to do was share a look that said, "We need to do something!" and that was all the communication they needed to formulate a plan to handle the human sulfur bomb trying to crash into the wooden longhouse.

Our resident god was really beginning to regret picking two inherently 'good' versions of himself, but he was quite impressed when Y/N used wind magic to veer the human mini-nuke into the cliff instead of the longhouse, "His observation skills are amazing, he was able to tell what abilities he was using without much time watching... impressive." He was also impressed when Shield followed up by flying down and landing a quick stab and shoot combo his with combat knife and desert eagle.



Why was a gun in his school backpack?

(Sen_Tobi: Gun...school bag...school...)

Questions for later.

He would continue to observe this change and determine a good time to exit.

~Back to The Present~

'Rowe' whipped his chain at the closer of the two. Unfortunately, the closest one happened to be a tank in humann form. Shield caught the chain with his left hand, it burned, like searing fire, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. With an emotionless look, he pulled the surprised conduit forward and landed a devastating right hook, launching the anarchist about two meters back.

He couldn't even land before the smaller boy was on top of him, concentrating wind in his palm. Y/N pushed into the conduit's chest as hard as he could with his open palm, causing sand to fly up everywhere as the H/C haired conduit was pushed into the earth, getting the wind knocked out of him in the process.

While he was trying to breathe, Y/N grabbed him by his red hoodie's collar and got in his face, "What-What do you think you're doing! That's your family! And that woman raised you! I know your angry Y/N! But you fucked up! You killed innocents! And now they'll die too! Unless you get your shit together!" Y/N yelled, fully angry.

Y/N wasn't one who could process the emotion of anger well, it usually only came in short spurts that didn't last longer than a couple of seconds, he always made sure to stop himself, or just never had a way to vent. But, this made him pissed.

Really. Fucking. Pissed.

So pissed, that he just stopped talking and started wailing on his counterpart.

But, as he went for another punch he was suddenly blinded by red smoke. Once he regained his sight he saw this universe's Y/N standing in front of him, a hateful look on his face, "You don't know anything about me! I can kill whoever I want, whenever I want. And you guys won't stop me!" The conduit smoke dashed through Y/N, causing him to start coughing manically as his lungs filled with burning hot smoke.

Y/N Rowe then whipped his chain and the 'giant man' again, Shield caught it again, but that was the plan. He used the distraction to smoke dash through the taller boy, causing Shield's lungs to fill with the same hot smoke as Y/N.

Since he had better pain tolerance he was only coughing slightly. But it was enough for 'Rowe' who landed multiple strikes with his chain, leaving chain-patterned burn marks on Shield's skin. 'Rowe' ran behind the behemoth and wrapped his chain around his neck, choking the boy.

After about 20 seconds Shield was brought to his knees, his neck was being burnt, and his airway was cut off, not allowing him to expel the hot smoke from his lungs. Black spots were forming in his vision as he felt consciousness start to slip from him. He tried fighting back by stabbing 'Rowe' with his combat knife, but whenever he hit the bastard he would pull it out and just see more smoke. It's like he was made of the stuff!

Just when he was about to lose consciousness he felt the chain leave his neck. Looking behind him Shield saw Y/N had just drop kicked the bastard a couple of meters back. He started coughing again, the hot smoke was still in his lungs. Y/N looked to Shield and saw him still on his knees coughing aggressively, "Here, let me help." He placed a hand on his counterpart's back and used wind magic to expel the smoke from his body.

"Thank you, I needed that. Now, let's kick this guy's ass." Shield said, determined to beat this evil version of himself. Y/N nodded and they turned back to 'Rowe' who had just stood back up.

"Why! What does this matter to you! You could've minded your damn business! But nOoOOoOo you just had to butt in!" The former Akomish yelled at the two standing across from him.

The two boys looked at each other before looking back at their counterpart, "Well the truth is, it is our business, Look at us, we could be identical triplets if it wasn't for our height differences. We are you from another universe. And we don't want to see you make this mistake! Even with all the bad you've done, there's a chance to do good, and atone  for your sins!" Y/N pleaded with his other-self.

The conduit, for his part, was in complete shock. These people, who looked just like him, were him. And they were trying to stop him from making a life-changing decision.

His mind couldn't take it.

His body reacted the only way it knew


Crouching again he shot into the air as 3 plumes of red smoke, ready to get rid of his problems with his Orbital Drop.

Y/N and Shield looked up in shock.

"He didn't take that well." Shield said matter-of-factly

"No shit man!" Y/N said, whacking Shield on the back of the head for being an asshole intentionally or not.

The two saw that their counterpart had started the decent part of his attack. Before they could even try and formulate a plan of attack a bright light blinded them.

When their vision finally returned, God-Y/N was seen floating above them holding 'Rowe' by his hoodie collar, "Hey~ those are my friends, sorry if they disturbed you~. We'll be off now!" He said as he dropped the conduit back down to the sand.

'Rowe' let out a grunt of pain as he came back to earth. "W-Whatever, just leave." He said, still not comprehending what he was just told, or how the white-haired guy just easily stopped his Orbital Drop.

The god floated down to his two companions and opened a portal behind them.

He looked at the two with the expression of a disappointed big brother before pointing at the portal behind them, "In~ now," he said, making the two devils jump up and scramble to the portal. The god smiled to himself and waved at the conduit who was still on the ground, "Goodbye Y/N Rowe, maybe we'll see each other again~" and with that, he was gone.

Y/N looked at the portal as it closed and smirked, he was finally free to do what he wanted again, and nothing or nobody could stop him~

He looked at the longhouse with the same smirk. But, it soon faded. His mind was racing with so many thoughts from the people he'd just met to his brother Reggie.

"That's your Family!"

"You've killed hundreds of innocents!"

"We don't want to see you make this mistake..."

Reggie: "Dammit, I am so proud of you. Always have been."

"There's still a chance to do good!

Reggie: "I love you bro..."

"DAMMIT" he collapsed to his knees and punched the sandy ground in frustration. It was the only thing he could think to do. He was so steadfast in his beliefs before, but now... now he didn't know what to think...

Reggie wouldn't be proud of him.

His family just disowned him. And for good reason.

How... how could he even start make this right?...

He looked up and found his answer.

His brother's billboard. He had vandalized it before this whole thing started. But, now? he would make a memorial to his brother's memory. It was only right.


The sound of a spray-paint can fizzing out was heard as Y/N stood in front of his brother's billboard. He took down the last of the cardboard and just looked at his work. Tears were streaming down his face as he looked at his brother in the eyes, he missed him. So much. "Reg, I don't know what to do. I really messed up. Betty won't even let me help the tribe, and it's my fault... I'm sorry I messed up. But I'll make it right, I'll give you a reason to be proud, I promise.

He walked up to his artwork and put his can down.

"I love you brother... and I miss you."

He absorbed neon from a neon sign and started speeding back to Seattle, he would make this right, no matter how long it took.

The billboard was now replaced with a beautiful mural of Seattle itself, a selfie he and Reggie took together, and a sheriff-badge halo around the picture of Reggie. Above it read, "To the brother who should've survived. I love you."

(This but with the message obviously)

Betty wheeled out of the longhouse, wanting fresh air. She saw the mural and knew instantly who had made it, her hands went over her mouth as she choked back sobs. Eventually, she let it all out and just cried while looking at Y/N's memorial of his brother.

It would be a long road to redemption.

And he knew he would make mistakes.

No one changes that much in a day.

But it was at least a start.

(End Song)

Y'all know I had too.

Author-note: Hello~ I hope you guys liked it... I know! I know! Chapter 11 will be out within two days. I'm sorry... the next of couple uploads will progress the story more I promise you that. But what did you guys think of this? Did you like Y/N Rowe? Wanna see more of him in the future? Infamous 2nd son is one of my favorite games. Ever. And I love Good Karma and Evil Karma Delsin, but I always thought the Evil version should've had him come to a realization/epiphany over how much he messed up, and had the billboard scene like I wrote out here. But I think people who went full evil would be mad that he had a change of heart so they went with the darkest ending possible. Anyway tell what you thought about it in the comments!

Sen_Tobi did the beta work for this so thank you!

Author-Chan out!

Words: 3669 hehe

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