Falling for Chris Evans

By chrisevanswifey613

30.6K 738 417

Y/N just got casted for her first Marvel movie. Y/N has starred on other TV shows but for never more than an... More



1.5K 36 9
By chrisevanswifey613

*A/N* Sorry for the wait y'all I hope you still love me, I'm so sorry I've been m.i.a.:) but I promise I am back now and I can't wait for you guys to read the next couple of chapters, they are going to be good ;). Please feel free to message me and suggestions or anything you want added into the story, I love all input!*

Chris and I get into the car and head down the road. We were only in the car about 2 minutes when Chris said that we were here.

"Here put this on" Chris said as he handed me a blindfold.

"Really" I said, obviously not wanting it on.

"Yes" He said raising his eyebrows at me waiting for me to put it on.

I finally gave in and put on the blindfold and Chris helped me out fo the car. I could hear music playing but I still had no idea where I was. Although it was very windy with a slight chillness so I assumed we were next to the ocean or a body of water.

"Okay, so remember the other night when we sat on your couch and talked about everything, about New York, about my home, just everything?" Chris said as he stood in front of me holding my hands as I still had the blindfold on.

"Yea?" I said confused trying to remember if I said anything in particular I wanted to do.

"And remember how you said you loved going to the fair and watching the sunset on the Ferris wheel?" Chris said starting to get more excited.

"Yea? Can I take this off now, I still have no idea where we are" I said as we both laughed.

"Well, I brought the fair to you" Chris said as he took off your blindfold.

I loved going to the fair back in New York. I told Chris that L.A. didn't have any good fairs like New York did, but I didn't expect him to do all of this.

"No you didn't Chris" I said, not able to contain my happiness anymore.

"Well are you coming" Chris said holding out his hand.

I grabbed his hand and we walked towards the ice cream stand. I was still in awe about this whole thing. If this is what Chris considers our first date then I'm so excited to see how he will top this.

Chris orders us both an ice cream and we sit on the bench and eat it. The "fair" was set up on a Pier overlooking the ocean.

"This is amazing Chris" I said looking at him as he put his arm over me.

"Anything for you" Chris said kissing my forehead.

"Now, the sunset is beautiful right now. Want to go on the Farris wheel?" Chris said leaning up and smiling at me.

"You are a dream Evans, that I never want to wake up from." I said as Chris took my hand and led us to the Farris wheel. Chris had obviously, like the restaurant, paid someone to let Chris and I have this alone.

We got on the Farris wheel and sat next to each other in the cart. Once we got to the top the Farris Wheel stopped and the sunset was so beautiful.

"It is so pink" I said pointing towards it.

"It's not as pretty as you though" He said turning my face towards him and kissing me.

"Remember how I told you I needed to ask you a question?" Chris said as he pulled away once we stopped kissing.

"Oh I forgot about that, but yea what is it?" I said looking into his ocean eyes that already felt like home to me.

"Well, since I first met you I knew I liked you, you are beautiful, funny, talented and so kind. If you were to ask my brother or sisters they would tell you that those are everything I am looking in a girl and you somehow have every single one of them." Chris said as his cheeks started to get red and I could tell he was started to sweat.

"This feels like a proposal" I said as we both laughed trying to make a joke because Chris was started to get nervous.

"y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Chris said as he looked down then looked back up at me hoping I would say yes.

"Are you kidding? Yes, of course!" I said as I jumped on him and hugged him tightly as we were still on top on the Farris Wheel.

"Thank god" Chris said as he hugged me back kissing my lips.

"Hold on let's call Tom and let him know what you said" Chris said pulling out his phone.

"Tom knew about all of this?" I said confused but still happy as ever, how could I not be? I am dating THE Chris Evans.

"He helped me distract you today so I could set this all up." Chris said smiling at me.

"Is that why him and I went out to lunch today? Jesus I thought he really missed me" I said laughing.

Chris started FaceTiming Tom and he picks up on the first ring.

"Please tell me she is your girlfriend" Tom said not noticing I was right there.

"Yes, I am his girlfriend Tom" I said as Tom noticed I was right there and he started cheering and laughing.

"So the big plan worked mate?" Tom said smiling.

"Yes it did, thank you for everything man." Chris said back to him.

"And thanks for making it seem like you wanted to have lunch because you missed me" I said sarcastically.

"Oh come on, you know I missed you love" Tom said laughing.

We talked with Tom for a couple more minutes before it started to get really dark and it was time for the Farris Wheel to go down.

"Alright Tom, tell everyone the news for me will ya?" Chris said indicating that we had to go.

"Will do, can't wait to hear about it y/n" Tom said as I waved goodbye.

"So everyone knows about this?" I said to Chris as the Farris Wheel started to move.

"Just the cast, they were the ones that gave me the balls to do this. Don't worry they won't say anything" Chris said as he kissed my lips again.

"Tonight was perfect" I said as we stepped off the Farris Wheel.

"Well it's not over yet, come this way" Chris said as he took my hand and walked me downs the ocean. I took off my heels before we got into the sand.

"This is the best night of my life" I said as we walked towards the ocean and I start to notice a blanket laid out with candles lit all the way around it and a couple pillows on the blanket.

"I picked this spot because it had the least amount of street light and the least amount of cloud coverage, would you care to look at the stars with me?" Chris said as we pointed towards the blanket.

"How could I say no?" I said stepping onto the blanket and laying down next to Chris. The sound of the ocean was so soothing and it was the best night to look at the stars, there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

We sat there watching the stars for what felt like 20 minutes but was really 2 hours. It was super late and Chris had an interview tomorrow also with Jimmy Fallon. I guess the first cripple of weeks after a movie premieres are always the busiest.

"Hey, are you feeling any better?" Chris said as we helped me stand up and picked up the blanket from the sand.

"Not really, but honestly you have distracted me from it tonight I forgot I was even sick" I added as he put his arm around me as we walked back to his car.

"I'm glad, I hope it gets better soon. I'd hate to have to bother you with a days long cuddle session in bed" Chris said winking at me.

"Well if that's the case then I hope I don't get any better" I said back to him smirking and watching him blush. He leaned down and kissed my lips.

"You know for someone who doesn't want to get sick you sure have been kissing me a lot" I said smiling back up at him.

"At least I'll be sick with you" He said giggling back.

We got back to Chris's car and put everything in the back. Chris drove me to my apartment building, slowly of course. Neither of us wanted this night to end but it would a nice feeling to know that Chris was mine.

"So, before you leave I have a question for you" Chris said as he put the car in park and looked at me.

"I may have an answer"

"So, my mother and brother are coming into town the day after tomorrow. I would like for you to meet them if you would like to" Chris said, his facial expressions screamed 'please tell me yes or else I will cry', so how could I say no. I have always been nervous around parents but I was bound to meet his mom at some point.

"Yes, of course" I said back as he gave me back the biggest smile.

"You will love Scott, you two are so much alike" Chris said placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I can't wait to meet him" I said walking towards my apartment building. Chris parked out back so that no one would see us together. 

"Hey y/n.." Chris said in a kind of low tone.

I turned around to face hime. 

"What's up?" I said back to him looking into his bright baby blues. 

"I know we already talked about it but, is the Jared thi-" Chris said but before he could finish his sentence I stopped him. 

"Shhhh, Jared means nothing to me." I said as I placed my lips on his. 

"Okay" Chris said giving me a hug before he stopped at the door. 

"Thanks for an amazing night" I said kissing his cheek and walking into my apartment building. 

"I'll text you later" I heard Chris say as I walked into my apartment building.

I got into my apartment and was almost scared shitless. Scarlett and Lizzie were waiting on the other side of my door with the biggest smilies on their faces. I'm assuming they knew what had happened. You would of thought I had just gotten proposed to by the way everyone was acting about it. 

"Sooo" Lizzie said as she handed me a glass of wine.

"I'm assuming you already know what happened" I said smiling and made my way to my counter to set my phone and clutch down.

"Well obviously, but we want to know every detail" Scarlett said, once again they both looked more excited than I did I'm sure. 

We talked for what seemed like 20 minutes but when we looked at our clocks it was around 2 in the morning.

"Holy shit" Lizzie said as she looked at the clock. 

"We actually have a interview tomorrow with Chris" Scarlett said looking at me. 

"Do you think they will ask about-" and before I could finish Lizzie started to talk. Referring to hers and Chris's kiss. 

"I hope not. I'm not sure what I'll say" She said visibly starting to get upset.

"We'll figure something out Liz" Scarlett said giving her a side hug. 

After they left I got ready for bed and turned on Netflix. While I was laying in bed I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear about today, today was perfect. Chris is amazing, hot, sweet, hot, nice, hot and just a genuine guy. 

While I was deep in my thoughts I was startled by the sound of my phone ringing. It was Tom.

"Hey Tommy boy" I say as I answer the FaceTime. 

"Hey y/n, what's up" He says back to me.

"I'm in bed it's like 2 am" I said while laughing. 

"my gosh sorry, I didn't realize you still had the bedtime of a two year old" Tom said back sarcastically.

"I don't know what two year old is going to bed at 2 am but younger me would've totally been jealous of them." I said laughing back to him.

"Anyway I wanted to know if you wanted to sneak out and get some drinks with me? Ya know to celebrate us not messing up the interview" Tom said, just looking for reasons to go out drinking.

After some major convincing and honestly some black mail, not on my part obviously, Tom had gotten me out of bed and ready to drink. 

I threw on the dress I was wearing earlier and quickly fixed my makeup I was getting ready to take off when Tom knocks on my door. I haven't thought to text Chris because he is probably sleeping by now. 

Tom and I escape through the back of my building because you would think that at 2 am this city would be deep and everyone would be sleeping but ironically I think more people are up now than they are during the day, this city never sleeps. 

We go to this bar that is for "celebrities" to go to so people aren't bombarding them the whole time they are out. I wouldn't consider myself a celebrity but I know people think really highly of Tom. 

Once we get int there we find a few familiar faces and start socializing with them. Tom and I were sitting next to each other at the bar with Anthony Mackie sitting next to me and Sebastian Stan sitting next to Tom. 

We all start laughing as we get drunker and drunker. We made our way out to the dance floor because everyone else in this club was a party pooper, leaving the dance floor open and calling our names. 

After a while we leave the club and decide to catch a uber to bring us all home. Once we get into the uber we realize how non-discrete we were being because as soon as we shut all the doors there were hundreds of cameras taking pictures of us through the windshield causing the whole car to light up.   

Shit. I thought to myself, as if the rumors of Tom and I dating aren't bad enough now we will have to explain these pictures. 

I go on my phone to distract myself from everyone swarming the car. As soon as I got on my phone I knew I was screwed. Once again the paparazzi took a picture that was completely out of context of me and Tom and ran with it. 

"A very drunkin Y/n y/l/n seemed to be catching a feel of rumored boyfriend Tom Hollands biceps as the couple were spotted out at a club late tonight with co-stars Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan."

I showed Tom the article and we both knew what was about to come. A very angry Chris. We finally get home and I immediately fall asleep. My head was spinning and I knew this meant a horrible hangover. 

*The Next Day*

I wake up at 2 in the afternoon to a millions texts from Scarlett and Lizzie asking if I saw the articles from last night. Chris also texted me, and seemed fine so I don't know if he saw them yet. 

I saw Scarlett and Lizzie and explained what happened and just as they thought, a picture was taken out of context. I told them I had to go because one of the Russo brothers were buzzing in. 

"Hello?" I said into the phone. 

"Hi, yes y/n?" Joe said into the phone.

"Yes, Joe?" I said back into the phone chuckling. 

"Yes, could you meet me in my office in about 20 minutes?" Joe said into the phone. I couldn't read his tone so I didn't know if this was a good or bad thing.

"Yup" I said back into the phone.

"Awesome, see you then. bye" He said hanging up the phone before I could say Bye. 

Shit. I am so screwed. What did I do?

I quickly throw on some clothes and head to my car. Once I get into my car my phone starts ringing, It's Tom.

"Hey nows not really a good time Tom" I said letting my anxiety get the best of me.

"Did you get that call too?" Tom said back into the phone, you could tell he was nervous.

"You did too?" I repeated.

"Yes, I'm here right now. But-" He said into the phone cutting off.

"But what?" I said really starting to get nervous now.

"Um when I pulled up, Chris and Lizzie were leaving together from here. I don't know I just think they seemed a little too happy together" Tom said into the phone.

"Ummm, ok." I didn't know what to say. What was going on with them? And why didn't he tell me? Why didn't Lizzie tell me?

"I'll call you when I get there" I said again before hanging up. 

The car ride over there my stomach was in a knot, about this and about Chris and Lizzie. What the hell were they doing together. 

When I got to the Russo brothers office, Tom greeted me outside. He was visibly nervous, he looked like a wreck. 

"Ugh, my stomach is in a knot" He said walking over to me.

"You and me both" I said as we started to walk in to the office. 

Once we got into the office. We sat down at a table across from both the brothers. 

"Hello guys, thanks for coming on such short notice, we didn't think we would have to deal with this so soon" Anthony said. Tom and I looked at each other with a confused look.

"Look if you are going to fire us just do it. I can't take the waiting game" I blurted out.

"Yea" Tom added after my comment.

"We aren't firing you guys" Joe said laughing. 

"oh-" I said embarrassed of my outburst.

"We wanted to talk to you guys because we had forgotten to mention some things to you that were put in your contracts." Anthony says, handing us a packet. 

"So, I know this might seem horrible but it is only for a few months. And there is some good news to this so stick with us." Anthony continued saying. 

"I know this is going to seem like a lot but we are going to need you guys to have a public relationship, obviously not real, for awhile to keep promoting the movie" Joe said. 

Tom and I both just looked at the brothers with nothing to say. Why do we have to? Ugh, this is going to ruin everything for Chris and I. But it's not real so maybe not.

After a while of them telling us how we needed to date essentially and what we needed to do, they handed us one more paper. It was another contract. Tom and I looked at each other confused. 

"What is this?" Tom said. 

"Well it's another contract goofy" Anthony said sarcastically.

"Wait-" I looked up knowing what this meant.

"yup" Joe said looking at me smiling.

"I'm still lost here" Tom said with a confused look on his face. 

"WE ARE GETTING OUR OWN MOVIE TOM" I said jumping up and down.

We shared a moment celebrating so loud and proud, jumping up and down, screaming and hugging. Ugh this felt amazing. I love working with my best friend. 

Once Tom and I got out of the office, I started to realize something. Did Chris and Lizzie get the same talk about having to fake publicly date? Ugh, shit. 

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