Choosing Home

Autorstwa Ginnyrules27

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Auradon was at peace. Their King was engaged, and relations between the mainland and the Isle were being rebu... Więcej

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Thirty Two

549 25 11
Autorstwa Ginnyrules27

Henry blinked as he awoke the next day. It hadn't felt as if he'd been asleep that long but he could hear the crew milling about on the deck.

How long was I out? Henry thought as he propped himself up on his elbows. "Claudine?"

"She's up on the deck cap'n," Derek told him as he made his way into the crew's quarters. "We'd figured we'd let you sleep, considering the last time you got more than three hours since Claudine left was when Ryan knocked you out."

Henry sighed. "Thanks she okay?"

Derek nodded and gave Henry a big smile. "Ryan told me by the way. Congrats cap'n."

"Thanks," Henry said, smiling himself.

"We haven't told the rest of the crew, in case you and the Captainess wanted to announce it yourself."

"Again, that is not a word," Henry said with a chuckled as he got up.

Derek smiled. "Hey, you do know how to laugh! Haven't heard that in a while cap'n."

"I know," Henry sighed. "It''s been a rough time is all."

"I know mate," Derek said gently. "But we're happy to see you smile again, and laugh."

Henry gave him a small smile. "Why do you guys put up with me?"

"Because you're our Captain. For Ryan and me? You're our best mate, practically our brother," Derek told him. "And that will never change. Even when you're some boring married guy."

Henry gave him a small chuckle.

"Come on, it won't be long before one of the girls realizes Claudine's wearing your medallion," Derek told him. "It may not be a ring but they'll still know."

"True, you lot are one damn observant crew," Henry nodded. "Though...between you and me Derek? If we ever get to we get to Auradon, I want to do the thing properly. Claudine deserves that."

Derek gave him a smile. "We'll make it happen," he said as they made their way up to the deck. Henry smiled as he saw Claudine surrounded by the other crew members; hugging Brooke for dear life.

Brooke should get off the Isle...Brooke and Ryan...Henry thought. I wonder if Claudine could take them with her when she goes. I know she'll have to leave, even if I don't like thinking about it. is it possible she looks more beautiful now than she did last night?

"Hey you," he said as he wrapped his arms around Claudine and kissing her on the cheek.

"Hey," she said, smiling at him.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"What do you mean?" Henry asked, tilting his head.

Claudine looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "Did you or did you not start taking watch shifts when you were running on only half an hour of sleep?"

Henry froze and chuckled softly. "Who...who told you about that?"

"Your two best friends."

"Uh huh. And why did they tell you that?"

"Because they were pleased you were actually sleeping with me around."

Henry sighed. "I didn't do it often. The days after you left...I wasn't in the best of moods to put it lightly."

"It's been months mate and I think you've slept more than three hours maybe...four times? Yeah four times since Claudine left," Ryan spoke up. "We're just glad to see you sleeping well again."

Henry shrugged. "I got enough sleep before."

"Agree to disagree there," Claudine muttered.

"I missed you," Henry said softly. "I wasn't exactly thinking all that clearly."

Claudine sighed and shook her head. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Love me," Henry teased as he kissed the top of her head.

"Hey Henry, why's Claudine wearing your medallion?" Morgan asked, breaking into their moment.

"Well one because it looks good on her but two..." Henry smirked, sharing a look with Claudine.

"You wanna tell 'em or shall I?" Claudine asked, grabbing his hand and lacing her fingers through his.

"Eh I did it last time, you should get your moment," Henry said with a small chuckle.

Claudine smiled before turning back to the crew. "Henry proposed last night," she said softly. "That's why I'm wearing his medallion."

The crew stared at them before grins started to form on everyone's faces. While marriage may not have been a thing on the Isle, things had changed enough that the idea wasn't as foreign as it used to be.

"Congrats Captainess," Morgan said with a grin.

"Yeah maybe now Henry won't be so cranky," Jade chuckled.

"Hey!" Henry exclaimed with a chuckle of his own.

Jade shrugged. "You were cranky Henry. Lest we forget the argument you had with Ryan when you came to after he knocked you out?"

"Yeah that...that was scary," Nick nodded.

Claudine looked at Henry in shock. "I'm sorry but you had an argument with Ryan?"

" I said, I wasn't in the best of moods..."

"Clearly," Claudine said and leaned into him, giving him a hug as best she could. "Feeling better now?"

"Yes," Henry said with a smile.

"Good. And remember this my dear fiancé. You matter. No more of this only getting thirty minutes of sleep business."

"Yes Claudine," Henry nodded.

Most of the crew chuckled as Claudine kissed Henry's cheek.

"I'd say get a room but that would just encourage them," Dustin said as he shook his head.

Henry smiled. "Thanks for the suggestion Dustin but I think it's time we got someone here back to Auradon."

"But I just got here," Claudine said. "And I...I don't want to leave you again."

Henry sighed and looked at the crew before looking back at Claudine. "Then I'll come with you."

Claudine stared at him in shock. "What? Henry, love the Isle!"

"No, I love the crew," Henry said, looking at everyone. "I loved my mother, and I love you. Plus I'd rather plan our wedding by your side if possible. As much as I hate to leave my family here, I...I can't leave you again. And with Freddy in Auradon..."

"The crew can handle the remaining Angels," Morgan spoke up. "If you take Brooke with you to Auradon."

"What?!" Brooke exclaimed.

"You're one of the youngest Rats, Brooke," Morgan said with a shrug. "Besides, something tells me Mal won't let Freddy stay in Boreadon long. At least, not alive. Out of everyone here, you deserve to see him pay."

"Not just Brooke," Henry said and looked over at Ryan. "I think you've been stuck on this Isle for far too long Ry. Pack a bag, you're coming with. Captain's orders."

Ryan scowled and crossed his arms. "I'm a Rat, same as everyone else here. I don't run from a fight Henry!"

"CJ's missed you you know," Claudine spoke up before Henry had a chance to say anything. "She's asked about you constantly. Wouldn't it be nice to see her?"

Oh, she's good, Henry thought as Ryan's mouth opened as if to refute what Claudine had said before closing once more.

"...fine," Ryan grumbled and stalked off to pack his bag, Brooke following in his tracks.

"On that note, I think I need to appoint a new acting Captain," Henry said and looked over at Sammy. "The hyenas will respect us more if a girl's back in charge of the Rats, I'd think, and you're a first mate so it's only natural Sammy."

Sammy gave Henry a small smile. "With all due respect cap'n, I...I think I've been away from my brothers long enough. Permission to join you all in Auradon?"

"Permission granted," Henry nodded. "Jade?"

"Hey I'll be the hyena envoy but don't look at me to lead," Jade chuckled, patting Derek on the shoulder. "I think your mate here will be good for Captain."

"You up for it mate?" Henry asked.

"Our true Captain's always going to be Uma and Mal but I'm good keeping the seat warm," Derek nodded. Henry rested a hand on his shoulder before quickly scurrying off to join Ryan, Brooke, and Sammy in packing a bag. Before he knew it, he was saying his goodbyes and piling into Claudine's car.

"Nice color," he chuckled, looking at the faded red paint.

"It reminded me of you," Claudine said. "Your hair especially. Oh fair warning you guys, it's going to get bright and I didn't pack any sunglasses. I...I didn't expect to have guests."

"We're pirates Claudine," Sammy said. "We can handle a bit of brightness."

Henry nodded, though his mind was on the goodbye he'd had with Dustin. The other boy had pulled him to the side, a rare moment of sincerity from the fling obsessed boy.

"What's up?" Henry asked. "You don't normally have private conversations."

"I...I wanted to thank you," Dustin said. "I know you walked in on me and Jace last last year and...well you could have thrown it back in my face at anytime I was being a prat and you didn't."

"Why would I do that?" Henry asked. "You love who you love Dustin. And yeah I know you have your flings but flings still require a bit of attraction. Besides...the crew kinda figured it out with Freddy jumping you last year and calling you a quote 'sinful abomination'."

Dustin shuddered as the memory came flooding back to him. "How'd you know? That I was in trouble I mean?"

"Lucky guess," Henry told him. "Well that and Jade sad Jace running out of the empty building you were getting jumped in and fired her flair gun."

"Remind me to thank DeVil for coming up with those," Dustin sighed. "If you guys hadn't shown up when you did, I think Strat would have broken my arm."

"They would have done a lot worse to you Dustin and you know it," Henry said. "But I'm not going to say anything. That's your truth to tell. Just know that the crew's only going to kick you out if you have a fling against the other person's consent."

"All my flings have always been consensual," Dustin said firmly.

"I know," Henry nodded, resting a hand on Dustin's shoulder. "And I want you to know something Dust. You are not a joke, no matter what Freddy said. Three on one is hard enough when you're armed—and they caught you mid fling so you definitely weren't armed."

Dustin gave Henry a small smile. "I think I'm actually going to miss you. Who else is going to give me grief about my flings?"

"The rest of the crew?" Henry said with a chuckle before grabbing his bag. "You're going to be okay. I'll see you across the bridge soon enough."

"You okay?" Claudine asked, pulling Henry out of his thoughts. Henry blinked as he realized they were on the bridge going to Auradon.

"Yeah...just thinking," Henry said softly. "Gods, it really is bright isn't it?"

"Pull the sun visor down," Claudine said as she pulled out her phone. "I should probably call Aurora and Phillip, let them know I'm safe and coming back. Oh God, how many missed calls do I have?! 33?! Okay, Henry can you play my messages? Just hit the play button there on the phone..."

Henry took the phone and did as Claudine instructed. Soon who he had to assume was Aurora's voice filled the car.

"Claudine Rose! If you don't cal us back or answer your phone by the end of the day today, Phillip is going to be storming the Isle looking for you! And I'll be with him!"

"Well...someone's upset," Brooke said, her voice soft as the message ended.

Claudine sighed. "Henry, can you...can you call Aurora and put my phone on speaker? It's probably not safe for me to talk and drive. Just hit the call back button."

Henry nodded tentatively and started pressing buttons. Claudine frowned as the call immediately went to voice mail.

"She must be on the phone," she said. "Call Phillip then. Senior I mean, not Junior."

"Right," Henry nodded and, following Claudine's instructions, dialed Phillip Sr.'s number and put the call on speaker once more.

"Hello?" Phillip Sr.'s voice filled the car and Claudine smiled upon hearing it.


"Oh thank Gods! Claudine, where are you? Are you safe? Do you need me to pick you up? Hang on I'm going to put you on speaker!"

"Phillip, I'm okay," Claudine said. "I'm making my way back to you now. I got your messages, I tried to call Aurora but her phone's busy."

"I'm on the phone with Mal," Aurora's voice said in the background. "Oh Claudine honey we're just happy you're safe."

"I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have...I just panicked," Claudine said, her voice soft.

"It's completely understandable," Phillip said. "Especially after that text Phil sent you. I'd have been nervous myself. But Freddy's been...well he's been taken care of."

"We thought he was taken care of the other times too," Claudine sighed.

"He's been arrested and held in the royal cells. He'll be executed most likely today or tomorrow at the latest."

"Honey, you want to see him?" Aurora asked gently. "He is your brother, whatever else he dd..."

"No," Claudine said firmly. "As he liked to say throughout our lives, he is my half brother. The only time I want to see him is when he's facing the executioner's block! He's been dead to me for months, this will just make it official!"

"Okay, okay, it was just an offer. To give you some closure if nothing else," Aurora told her.

"I know, I'm sorry," Claudine sighed.

"Don't be honey. You're allowed to have your feelings known."

"I'm still sorry...and I'm sorry for worrying you."

"Sweetheart, we're going to worry about you," Aurora told her. "If we don't, who will?"

"...I will," Henry said, his voice soft as he forgot that the phone was on speaker.

There was a moment of silence before Phillip spoke again. "And who are you? In fact, Claudine, why is there a boy in your car?"

"Oh is this Henry?" Aurora asked and Henry could hear the smile in her voice. "I've heard so much about you dear, it'll be lovely to meet you."

"You told her about me?" Henry asked, looking at Claudine.

"Of course," Claudine smiled, glancing at him before looking back at the road. "Aurora, Phillip, I hate to cut this short but I am driving. I should be there in another fifteen minutes."

"Okay honey," Aurora said. "We'll see you then."

Henry ended the call and put the phone in the cupholder between his seat and Claudine's. No one said a word for the rest of the trip, all of them thinking about what they'd learned.

Freddy was to be executed. There would soon be a world without Freddy Frollo in it and if they were honest, they didn't know how exactly to feel about that. Yes they knew he deserved it but he was a staple of their lives the way poor food or lack of sunlight had been.

They didn't have long to ponder about that fact, however, as they found themselves pulling up to Honeymoon Castle. As Claudine parked the car, Henry quickly scurried out to open Claudine's door.

"Henry!" Claudine giggled. "I'm not a Princess! I can open my own door!"

"Oh I'm well aware! You're better than that, you're a Captainess," Henry chuckled as he opened the back door for Sammy, Brooke, and Ryan to climb out of.

"And here I thought that wasn't a word?" Ryan teased, hopping on Henry's back. If he had to be in Auradon, he was going to have some fun.

"Gah! Ry!" Henry chuckled. "Anyway, what's that saying? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em?"

Claudine smiled as she climbed out of the car. "Well thank you my Captain. Now...I think I have some answers to give."

Claudine scurried over to Aurora and Phillip, who were waiting at the door and threw open their arms to hold the younger girl close. Yes she was over eighteen but that didn't matter. She was practically their daughter after everything that had happened.

"I'm so sorry," Claudine muttered. "I"m the worst Aunt ever..."

"Like we said honey, it was an understandable reaction," Aurora said as she softly rubbed Claudine's back. "We do have some news but for now we're just glad you're okay."

"What...what kind of news?" Claudine asked, looking at them nervously. "I...I can still live with you guys right?"

"Of course," Your room here will always be open for as long as you want it."

"I think, as much as I hate to ruin this heartfelt moment, we might want to move inside before my crew here burns from the sun exposure," Mal said as she walked out of the castle. "I came as soon as Aurora told me Henry was on the phone with Claudine. Thank the Gods for teleporting."

"Captain," Henry, Ryan, Sammy, and Brooke said at once; each one stiffening to an at attention pose.

"At ease," Mal chuckled, her smile growing upon seeing Brooke with them. "Now get inside before you all burn up. Sammy, I've got someone here I think you'll want to see."

Sammy raised an eyebrow as they filed into the castle, Ryan still on Henry's back and each of them holding on to their bags. After all, you didn't just leave your stuff unattended.

"Sammy!" Harriet's voice called out and Sammy's eyes widened as her Captain wrapped her arms around her in the tightest hug she could imagine. "Oh Gods, what are you doing here? Is everything okay? Is it your dad? Does he need something—?"

"Breathe cap'n," Sammy said. "Dad's fine, but what are you doing here?"

"Mal said that Henry had been on the phone call with Claudine and after Harry had told her that the intervention wasn't needed anymore, I needed to see for myself that Henry was actually leaving the Isle. Good thing I did too because no one told me you were coming!"

"I...I wanted to see my brothers," Sammy said, her voice soft.

"Oh..." Harriet said, almost deflating as she let go of Sammy. "Right. Well Skipper and Sterling are fine. In fact they almost don't live up to their nicknames anymore."

"Auradon's been good to them?" Sammy asked, smiling upon hearing her brothers' birth names. What? You thought her parents would have named her Sammy but named her brothers Squeaky and Squirmy?

Mal smiled, though, as she saw Ryan. "How is it you're almost eighteen but you can still fit on Henry's back?"

"Oh yeah! I am over fifteen now," Ryan chuckled. "The crew still treats me like I'm under fifteen that I forgot."

Phillip shook his head. "Yes well, forgive me but I don't know who any of you are."

"Right," Claudine nodded. "Phillip, Aurora, these are Sammy Smee, Ryan Williams, Brooke, and Henry Kersey. Sammy's the daughter of my mom's first mate and is probably one of the reasons I'm still alive today. Ryan is one of the Warf Rats and Henry's brother in all but blood, Brooke is another Warf Rat and is Gil's cousin."

"Oh I should call him to let him know Brooke's in Auradon," Mal said with a smile.

"Just let Macaria know," Harriet chuckled. "That boy's never not by her side after all."

Claudine shook her head. "And finally Henry is the former Captain of the Warf Rats and my fiancé."

"Your what now?" Mal asked, being the first to break the silence that had formed after Claudine said that.

"Come on cap'n, you know what a fiancé is," Harriet teased. "Considering you have one yourself."

Mal shook her head. "Come on you guys, let's give Claudine and the Roses some privacy. I think some good old fashioned boyfriend grilling is about to happen. Besides, Ryan, I need your help with something before Freddy's execution."

"Ooh what?" Ryan asked as he slid off of Henry's back and followed Mal out of the room. Sammy and Brooke smiled at Harriet as the Captain led her first mate and fellow crew member out of the room as well.

"This might not be the best time but it's a pleasure to meet you your highnesses," Henry said after a few minutes of silence.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Henry," Aurora said as she led the two of them into the parlor.

"Thank you."

"Okay, you guys are scaring me a little. What happened?" Claudine asked as she sat down.

Aurora sighed. "There's no easy way to say this.. Audrey's...Audrey's pregnant again Claudine."

Claudine's eyes widened before she squeezed them shut, her fingers curling tightly around a pillow. "God damn it! Just when I thought I couldn't hate him more! How many lives is he going to ruin? He brought another innocent child into this? I...I can't even..."

Henry quickly went and wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay, it's okay. Mal's got him imprisoned, he can't hurt anyone else. Just think—you've got a new niece or nephew coming."

"I thought you'd be joining me in a tirade against him," Claudine muttered.

"Well my tirade isn't safe for royal ears," Henry muttered. "Trust me, if we were in different company, I'd be ranting as hard as you are right now. But I'd rather not have Aurora and Phillip more mad at me than they already are."

Claudine sighed and then looked at Aurora. " far along is she?"

"Mal brought in her aunt Lady Eileithyia to make sure that the...the sleeping spell they put Audrey under wouldn't affect the baby's development, she's about five months along," Aurora said with a small sigh.

Claudine shook her head. "God...Aurora, Phillip, I'm so sorry..."

"Why? It's not your fault honey."

"Still, it''s my family ruining your lives again."

"No honey Frollo's family is the one doing that. You are Claudine Rose."

Henry smiled to himself, hoping it didn't show due to the seriousness of the moment. She wouldn't be Claudine Rose for much longer. She'd be Claudine Kersey. Oh that's something I need to talk to Mal about...getting Claudine a ring. I know she said she was fine with the medallion but like I told Derek, I want to do the thing properly.

"Oh yes that reminds me," Phillip said, noticing Henry's smile. "What's this about you marrying a guy you just met?"

"He's not," Claudine shook her head. "I've known him since I was about fourteen and we've been involved for nearly three years."

"And honestly Phillip are we really ones to talk about that?" Aurora asked. "I mean I know we 'met' at my christening but we truly met when I was sixteen. It's a bit pot calling the kettle black King Wants to Give Up His Throne for a Peasant Girl He Just Met. Mal approves of him, considering he's in her crew, and from what Claudine's told me about him, he's the type of guy any father would want their daughter to marry."

"She's a teenager!"

"She's nineteen Phillip! That's older than most royals are when they get engaged!"

"If...I know it might not mean much coming from me sir but I do love Claudine with all my heart," Henry spoke up. "I...I know my proposal probably came at one of the worst times but after not seeing her for almost a year...I couldn't wait anymore. I wanted her to come back knowing I was serious about her. And I...I know I didn't ask permission or even have a ring but I promise, I'll get her a ring and—."

"Henry Kersey, I told you a dozen times, you do not need to get me a ring," Claudine shook her head.

"I know I don't need to get you a ring but it doesn't change the fact that you're getting one anyway."

"I have your medallion Henry. That's all I need okay? I don't want you to stress over this."

"It's not a stressor. Not when I've got a Captain who's the daughter of the God of Wealth. Like I said, I want to do the thing properly," Henry said, squeezing her hand.

"You did do it properly. You got down on one knee and everything," Claudine sighed but squeezed his hand back. "I love you you goof. Not any ring you can get me. I'm a VK Henry. I didn't grow up surrounded by jewels and trinkets meaning I don't need them. You've given me you, you gave me your mother's medallion. That means more to me than a ring."

"I know," Henry said, his voice soft as he kissed the top of her head. " were always so patient with me, with our relationship. Please? Just let me do this?"

"Fine..but nothing too fancy okay?"

"I know, don't worry. It won't be flashy. Something worthy of a Captainess though."

Aurora smiled even as Philip sulked in the corner. "So Henry, tell us about yourself."

"Oh well I um...what do you want to know your highness?" Henry asked.

"Age, hobbies, that sort of thing."

"Well I like sparring. I'm fairly decent with a sword."

"Really?" Phillip asked, perking up a little.

"Fairly decent he says. The man spends eighteen hours a day training and he says he's fairly decent," Claudine chuckled. "And of course that'd get you on his side Phillip."

"Always room for improvement," Henry shrugged. "Besides, I'm also not that bad at sailing...even if the ship never actually moved. Oh and swimming, I'm decent at it. I can keep my head afloat at least."

"You're downplaying yourself," Claudine muttered. "I mean there's not having an ego and then there's whatever this is. You taught me how to swim. I'm the one who can just barely keep my head above water. You're the one who's like a duck."

"Quack," Henry chuckled causing Claudine to smile. There's my guy. Just relax okay? They won't bite. They just want to get to know you.

"Oh Henry, you're more than welcome to spend the night here," Aurora said. "We've got plenty of rooms."

"Thank you," Henry said, running a hand through his hair.

"You're welcome dear."

Claudine smiled softly, seeing the look on Phillip's face. "I'm not going anywhere you know? I promise...I am so sorry I worried you guys but you don't need to worry about this. I'm not going anywhere. I'm still...I'm still part of the family. As long as you want me to be."

After all, we haven't had an official talk about my place in the family but with all the late night talks I've had with Aurora and Phillip teaching me to drive and Phil warning me about Freddy...oh God, Phil!

"Does Phil know I'm back?"


"Oof! W'll take tat as a wes," Claudine said, her voice rather muffled as she tried to breathe through the tight hug Phil had her in, the younger boy having rushed in upon hearing her voice.

"Thank Gods you're okay!" Phil said.

"Wice to be appricwted but uh Phil? If you could at least woosen the grip..."

"Phil, honey, loosen the grip so Claudine can breathe," Aurora told him. "As well, aren't you supposed to be resting?"

"Oh right, right," Phillip Jr. said, loosening his grip but not letting go.

"I'm okay Phil, I promise," Claudine told him. "You can let go...and thanks for the warning by the way."

"Of course! No thanks necessary! You think I wouldn't—who are you?"

Claudine shook her head. "Phil, meet Henry. My fiancé. Henry, meet Phil."

"Your what? Claudine, we don't get engaged to the first random person who walks through the door! Who okayed this?!" Phil exclaimed.

"Honestly Phil, you're just like your dad! I've known Henry since I was fourteen and we've been in a relationship for about three years! I'm sure you don't tell your parents about every single one of your relationships! Your mom knew about him so relax!"

"Wait, mom, you knew about him?" Phil asked, looking at Aurora in shock. "And we're just okay with this?"

"Phil, honey, think of it as a long distance relationship. This may be the first time any of us have met Henry but he's not a new thing in Claudine's life. She and I have had many talks about him," Aurora nodded.

"Yeah, you've had many talks about him," both Phillips muttered as they looked over at Henry.

Claudine rolled her eyes and wiggled out of the hug before pulling Henry toward her and planting a kiss right on his lips.

Proving a point Claudine? Henry thought as he kissed her back. I mean I don't mind but I'd rather not get the Roses mad at me.

"Look guys, I don't want to upset you but I don't exactly need permission," Claudine said as she broke the kiss, looking at the two Phillips. "Would I be happier and enjoy it more if you accepted it? Of course I would! I want you there and I want you to accept Henry the way you've accepted me! But whether you like it or not, this wedding is happening!"

Aurora gave Claudine a sad smile before looking at her son and husband. "Honestly. To paraphrase a quote from you my darling husband, this is the twenty first century after all! Stop acting like she's going to disappear just because she's marrying a boy you just met and in all honestly seems to treat her better than some of the boys here treat women from what I remember Aud...Audrey used to tell me."

"Yes well sometimes I wondered if Audrey would be happy if she was dating a Godling but...I see your point mom," Phil muttered.

"Hey, I get it. We want the same thing," Henry said softly. "For Claudine to be safe and happy, that's all that matters to me. I'd never do anything to hurt her."

"...just so we're clear Mr. Redhead. You break her? We break you."

"Understood," Henry nodded. "Though you'd have to get in line. I'm pretty sure Mal, Uma, Harriet, CJ, and then the remaining girls in our crew would beat you to the punch."

"Actually Harriet and CJ might beat Mal now that I think about it—they think of me almost like a sister," Claudine said. "My mom was Captain Hook's girlfriend at one point. And Phil, stop threatening my fiancé!"

"It's not a threat, it's a promise!"

Aurora shook her head. "Well if you're all done with threatening or promising pain to Henry, I think we've got a bit of time before...before Freddy's execution. Why not get some wedding planning done?"

"Actually, that was one thing I wanted to ask," Claudine said. "Phillip, I...I know this is a shock but like I said I want you guys to be a part of the wedding. Since my relationship with my biological father is practically non-existent...would you be willing walk me down the aisle?"

Phillip looked at Claudine in shock and sat in silence for a moment. "I'd...I'd be honored Claudine," he said, his voice faint after a few minutes and Aurora gave him a comforting smile, knowing where his mind was most likely going. Audrey...the wedding Audrey would never have...

At least you'll be walking someone down the aisle Phillip, she thought. Even if she's a daughter in all but blood, she's still a daughter.

"Thank you," Claudine said.

"You're welcome...and thank you," Phillip told her.

"Excuse me your highness," a servant said, walking in and holding Arabella in her arms. "Princess Arabella was asking for you."

"Nama! Papa!" Arabella squealed with delight. "Antee! Unca 'il!"

"Hello my darling," Aurora smiled as she took Arabella from the servant, who bowed before walking off. "Did you have a nice nap?"

"Yes Nama!"

"Good," Aurora smiled. "Do you want to meet Auntie Claudine's friend?"

Claudine smiled as Arabella nodded. "This is Henry. He's going to be your uncle."

"Unca?" Arabella asked, pointing to Phil.

"You can have more than one uncle honey," Claudine said as Aurora handed Arabella to her.

"...Hiya," Arabella said after a few minutes, giving Henry a small wave and tilting her head as she looked at him. "E wooks wuch nicew tan da othew woe."

"Other one?" Claudine asked, pausing for a second. "What do you mean? You only have one uncle right now, your Uncle Phil."

"Oh Gods, I forgot she woke up for a bit during that," Phillip said softly.

"De othew guw that was twalking to papa wast night...I don't tink papa was drey happy, e had his slvwer stwick out."

"...Right," Claudine said softly, holding Arabella close to her. Freddy wasn't after me...he was after Arabella! Oh God...Thank you Phillip!

"It's okay," Henry told her. "He's gone now and he won't be able to bother you again."

Claudine wasn't sure if he was talking to Arabella or her but she gave him a small smile just in case.

"Hey, I thought we were planning a wedding?" Phil asked, trying to get the conversation back on happier footing.

Claudine chuckled, trying to get herself back in the good mood she'd been in at the start. "Where do we start?"

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