Broken sister

By sgg004

147K 2.7K 412

description inside its the prologue More

Broken sister
Warning and Aesthetics
More Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
More Characters
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

4.3K 84 18
By sgg004

Third Person's POV-

Right now Arcane Lilith on her phone in a the elevator going up to her penthouse she has in the city. Arcane is meeting Adrain for one of their secret rendezvous.

She exits the elevator and opens her door. When out of no where someone stabs her in the side surprising her causing her to drop her phone. She normally could hid her pain but the shock and fact that she hasn't ben physically hurt in a while caused her groan "bloody hell."

Someone else than stabs her on her other side which makes her fall to the ground. Looking up and seeing her attackers for the first time, she sees 7 men dressed in all black.

When she tries to reach for her gun she receives multiple kicks to the abdomen. Another Guy takes her gun and shots one of the bullets from it, in to her left thigh. Than proceeds to throw the gun across the room.

By now she has lost a lot of blood. One of the men realizes she is barely keeping her eyes open so he grabs her hair raising her head before grasping her neck he looks in to her eyes and throws her on to the small glass table. Making her gasp for breath and cough up some blood.

Forcing herself up from the ground struggling a bit she says "Is that all you got" with a sinister smile on her face freaking all the men out a bit.

She quickly grabs her knife from her boot throwing it in to the guy who threw her, hitting his neck making him chock on his blood and die. She little out a little laugh.

Suddenly a different man shots her in her right shoulder making her fall back on the floor.

Before she she registered the shot a different man comes and punches her in the face 4 times.

Lastly one of the men came up to her and whispered in her ear "This is his reminder of what is to come.Don't forget his power." He than stabbed her in the abdomen one last time before they all left.

Once she was able to refocus her eyesight she pulled the knife out of her abdomen rolled on to her stomach and tried her best to grab her phone before passing out.

Authors Note-

I know its a quick chapter but the idea came to me while watching Big Time Rush and scrolling through Pinterest seeing the gif above and wrote well what I wrote.
Also the image at the top is how I image her "sinister smile"

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