Falling for Chris Evans

Bởi chrisevanswifey613

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Y/N just got casted for her first Marvel movie. Y/N has starred on other TV shows but for never more than an... Xem Thêm



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Bởi chrisevanswifey613

Lizzie drove me home and of course I told her everything about my day with Chris. I was so tired but at the same time I was so hyper and excited to tell someone about the best day of my life. At one point I questioned who was more excited Lizzie or I. 

Once I got into my apartment I set my keys down and went into the kitchen to get some more medicine. The medicine I had taken at Chris's house was wearing off and I was starting to feel sick again. 

I went into my bathroom and washed my face quick and got changed into my oversized tee and shorts. I climbed into bed and turned on Netflix. I was almost asleep with I heard my phone buzz on my nightstand. 

Chris: Can't seem to stop thinking about you. Feels weird to sleep in the bed without you lol.. even though it was only once and for a couple hours, it was still the best. Night beautiful.

Y/n: can't wait for our date tomorrow, I'll be thinking about it all day. Night handsome. 

I stared at the words 'night beautiful' on my screen for about 5 minutes while the butterflies in my stomach about carried me again. I felt like a teenager that just got her first boyfriend. Chris made me feel nervous, not a bad nervous but a good nervous. He almost seems too good to be true.

While I was away in my thoughts I drifted asleep.  

*The Next Day*

I woke up and I felt ten times worse than last night. This was definitely a cold, it wasn't the right time of year to be my allergies. I looked at my phone and the time read 10:42am. Shit I had to leave soon for lunch with Tom. 

I got up and got into the shower but my head was pounding and my throat was killer. I quickly showered and got some medicine into me so this feeling would go away soon. 

It was hot out today. The weather in LA I will never get used to. From cold and rainy one day to sunny and 80 the next. I put on an easy outfit and let my hair air dry. I put some sunglasses on because I know the paparazzi would somehow find Tom and I, and I was too tired and drained to even attempt to put on makeup. 

*My Outfit*

I got into the car and made my way to the restaurant Tom picked for us to meet at. When I got there I saw a couple people waiting outside of the restaurant with their phones so I assumed Tom was already in there. 

I stepped outside of my vehicle and was instantly stormed by people, all shouting questions at me and snapping pictures. 

"y/n, are you having lunch with Tom here"

"y/n, look over here for me please"

"y/n are the rumors true? are you and Tom Holland in a relationship?"

"Did your on screen love for Tom blossom your relationship now?"

They were all trying to get the same answer out of me, trying to find out if Tom and I were dating. 

I managed to get past all of the people and finally get inside the restaurant. I see Tom sitting in a booth up front. 

"Hello Tom" I said happily. 

"Hello y/n, thanks for having lunch with me. I feel like we haven't hung out in forever." Tom said as he got up and hugged me. 

"I know it's been awhile" I said as we sat down at the table. 

Before we got a chance to talk anymore the waitress came up and started to ask us if we new what we were going to order when she realized who we were. 

"oh-oh my god, hi I-i'm a big fan" She said trying to contain her excitement.

"Can I-i get a picture?" She said, she was a nice girl. 

We took a picture with her and continued to tell her our order. I ordered a club sandwich and Tom ordered chicken tenders and French fires, classic Tom. He ate like a child. 

"So, are you going to tell me how you've been?" Tom said as he sipped his water. 

"I've been so good, how about you?" I said smiling back. 

"Tell me all about it" Tom said smirking back.

"Tell you all about what?" I said confused. 

"Your conversation with Lizzie, are you and Chris good? I want to know everything" Tom said acting like a teenager that was just major gossip. 

I explained everything to Tom, everything that happened with Lizzie and her boyfriend dumping her, and everything with Chris. 

"So you and Chris?" Tom asked, referring to our relationship, if we had one or not. 

"I'm not sure, we both like each other but we haven't made anything official" I said. The waitress brought us out our food. 

"So we should go over some questions, because there's a few that I'm not sure how to answer" Tom said as he pulled out the list of questions on his phone. 

"Okay, like what" I said as I threw a French fry off of Toms plate into my mouth. 

"I saw that, but anyway. The first question is 'has the roles of Peter and Jasmine playing love interests sparked a relationship in Tom and Y/n'." Tom said as he looked up at me. 

"We can just say that we are very good friends but we are not in a relationship and are both fully single" I said back to Tom.

"Okay that's a good one, and do you think Chris is going to get mad at that answer?" Tom said with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face. 

"No, he understands" I said chuckling. 

We continued talking about how we would answer the questions that were going to be asked tonight while eating our lunch. We let time get the better of us when we looked at our phones and realized it was almost 3:30. 

"Holy shit it almost 3:30 already" I said looking at my phone with a shocked face. 

"We should get out of here and get ready for the show tonight. Are you sick? You sound horrible, I didn't mean to bring it up" Tom said as he paid for the check, he wouldn't let me because it wasn't 'polite' to make a girl pay he says. 

"Wow well thanks Tom" I said sarcastically back. 

"You know what I mean" Tom said laughing back. 

"Yea I think I have a cold and it keeps getting worse. But I still plan on going on the show tonight so don't worry about that" I said as we walked out of the restaurant. 

We walked out and instantly got stormed again by the paparazzi but vastly walked back to our cars and waved goodbye.

"I'll have my driver pick you up tonight ok?" Tom said before we got into our cars. 

"Okay, text me the time" I said and got into my car and drove away. 

I got back to my apartment and saw a box sitting outfit of my door labeled, "To Y/N- inside this box is an outfit I have picked out for you to wear to our date tonight. I will pick you up outside of your apartment building at 8pm tonight. See you then beautiful. - xoxo Chris"

Oh. My. God. this man is a dream.

I went inside and immediately opened the box, inside was a gorgeous necklace with a short pink dress and a pair of white heels. 

The dress was gorgeous. The heels were gorgeous. The necklace was gorgeous. 

I took out my phone and texted Chris.

y/n: thank you for the outfit it's beautiful . See you tonight. 

Chris: It will look beautiful once it's on you. Are you feeling any better?

y/n: not really. I just got home from lunch with Tom and going to lay down for a bit before I need to start getting ready.

Chris: I hope that helps. I will be watching you tonight ;) Talk to you later beautiful

I sat down my phone and laid down on the couch. I set my alarm for 4:30 so I could get a little bit of sleep before I had to start getting ready for the show. 

*Hour and a half later*

I threw on my outfit I had picked out, which was a pant suit that I had gotten over a year ago and haven't worn. 

I quickly curled my hair a little bit and put on some makeup to cover my eye bags and the fact that I was so pale. 

*My outfit*

My phone buzzes and its a text from Tom telling me he's out front. I grab my purse and my phone and make my way down to the lobby of my apartment building. 

Tom meets me at the door and greets me as he opens his car door for me. 

We made our way to Jimmy's studio and into our dressing rooms so I could set down my things. 

"Tom and Y/n, you are on in 2 minutes" A stage worker came backstage and said to us. 

Tom and I made our way to the side of the stage where we were told we were entering from. 

"And welcome back to the show folks. Tonight we have two special guests from the new movie Avengers: Infinity War. Please join me in welcoming Tom Holland and Y/N Y/L/N."

Tom and I walked out onto the stage as everyone clapped and screamed for us. 

"Welcome back to the show Tom" Jimmy said as they exchanged a smile.

"Thanks for having me back" Tom answered.

"And welcome for the first time Y/n" Jimmy said looking over at me. 

"Thank you for having me" I said back, you could hear it in my voice that I was losing my voice. 

"Are you sick" Jimmy lifts his shirt over his face sarcastically as the whole crowd laughed.

"A little" I laughed back. 

"So, I'm sure everyone has seen Infinity War by now and if you haven't you live under a rock, but we have a new love interest in the movie between Tom and y/n. I'm sure you heard the rumors but I'm here to give you all the answer. Are you, Tom, and you, y/n, in a romantic relationship outside of filming." Jimmy asks as the crowd claps. 

"No, we are just really good friends. I mean you kind of have to be if you are kissing the person every day" I said as everyone laughs including Tom.

"Tom and I are both single" I added. 

"What she said" Tom adds making everyone laugh again. 

"Well we got some exclusive pictures given to us from today when you two were at a lunch?" Jimmy said as he put the pictures on the big screen. It was of course all taken out of context, a picture of Tom and I hugging, a picture of us laughing, a misinterpreted picture of our hands that look like we were holding hands, and a picture of us laughing. All things I remember the back story of behind every picture. 

"We went to lunch together Jimmy because we haven't seen each other in a while and wanted to catch up. That's it, sorry to burst your bubble" Tom said back to him trying to clear things up before someone  makes up a story and runs with it. 

"There is rumored to be another relationship within the MCU and that is Chris Evans and Elizabeth Olsen. Can you guys tell us if the rumors are true or not" Jimmy asked. Tom looked at me and saw my face turn into a ghost white. I know it wasn't true but it made me upset for some reason. 

"No, those rumors are not true" Tom said quickly before people started to notice my change in mood. 

"I guess that's good news to Chris Evans and Elizabeth Olsen fans, there's still a chance ladies and gentlemen" Jimmy said not making my mood any better. Chris and I were not dating but I felt jealous every time a girl called him hot or comments like these.

Jimmy switched the subject to the new movie and asked us a couple questions about that. When we got done answering all of Jimmys questions, he switched the questions to the fans and let them ask us a couple of their questions.

"I have a question for y/n, are you currently looking for a relationship or are you focused on your new role in the MCU?" A guy asked from the crowd.

"I am just going where life takes me. I love my new role in the MCU and would love to dive deeper into her life" I answered back trying to avoid the first part of that question. 

"I have another question for y/n" As soon as I heard that voice my heart dropped. I could tell I knew the voice but I couldn't remember who and the lights were not in my favor on trying to fid out who it was. The guy could see I was trying to make out who it was and stepped forward. 

My heart dropped further into my stomach, it was Jared. My ex-boyfriend from highschool. We dated forever 4 years when we had a messy breakup because we wanted different things in life. 

"Would you be willing to give me another chance" Jared spoke as the whole crowd went 'oo'. My face was beat red and my hands started to get so sweaty. Why did this have to happen on TV. Why couldn't he of came to me in person, so I could reject him without every feeling bad for him. 

"Who is this guy" Jimmy said as Jared and I kept eye contact. 

"My high school boyfriend" I replied back as Jimmy and Tom's face went blank. 

"I think we broke up for a reason and I am happy to be friends Jared" I said back to him as he nodded and sat back down. 

"Um does everyone know I'm still here" Tom said trying to get everyone laughing and for them to ask him questions instead of me. 

Tom answered a few more questions as I stared off into space. I couldn't believe Jared came here and did that, put me on the spot. I needed to hurry up and get out of here before he got a chance to come up to me and talk to me.

"So that wraps up tonights interview but one more question for Tom and y/n here, will you guys be getting your own movie in the MCU?" Jimmy asks up, hoping our answer would be yes but really we had no idea. The brothers kept a tight lip when it comes to upcoming movies. 

"Honestly I would love that but we are just as in the dark as everyone else, gotta love the Russo Brothers" I said as Tom and the crowd laughs. 

"That is true Jimmy, but that would be a amazing idea if you would like to fetch it to the Brothers" Tom added as everyone continues to laugh. 

"Well it looks like I might have to do that. Everyone please give Tom Holland and y/n y/l/n a big round of applause and go watch Avengers: Infinity War if you have no already, it's one you are not going to want to miss. Have a good night everybody" Jimmy says as Tom and I wave at everyone as we walk off the stage. 

"Tom can we go fast, I don't want to talk to Jared" I said as Tom and I made it backstage.

"Of course love, let's go" Tom said as he hurried up and got my stuff from my dressing room and hurried into the car. 

My phone buzzed as we got into the car.

Chris: do you still want to go on the date tonight?...

I know he was referring to what happened with Jared.

y/n: wouldn't miss it for the world. See you at 8!!

I did not want Chris to get upset about what Jared had said or done, I liked Chris and only Chris. 

Tom's driver pulled up in front of my apartment building at 7:45, which only gives me 15 minutes to get ready for my date with Chris. 

"Goodnight Tom. Let's hangout again soon!" I said as I rushed out of the car and up the stairs of my apartment building. 

I got inside my apartment and put on my dress Chris had gotten me along with the beautiful necklace and heels. I wonder what he has planned. 

*My dress*

My phone buzzed just as I got my heels on.

Chris: I am outside of your apartment. Are you ready beautiful?

y/n: be right down

I made my way downstairs and was met at the door by Chris holding a huge bouquet of flowers. He was dressed in a tux that somehow matched well with my dress. He had his hair slicked back and he looked amazing. 

*Chris's Outfit*

"Thank you, these are beautiful. Do I get to know where we are going yet?" I asked as he held the car door open for me. 

"Nope, it's a surprise" Chris said as he got into the drivers seat and drove off. 

"You look amazing in that dress" Chris said as he looked me up and down. 

"you look amazing in that suit" I said back to him, looking him up and down. 

Chris continued to drive for about 15 minutes when we pulled up to a diner.

Chris got out of the car and opened the car door for me, reaching his hand out for me to grab. 

"This place is cute Chris, but what if there are people here?" I asked kind of worried that we would get spotted.

"Don't have to worry about that, I payed the nice old couple that owns this place some money to shut it down for a couple hours so we could have it to ourselves" Chris said looking over at me smiling. 

"Really?" I said back as I was blushing and smiling so hard. 

"Now let's go inside. I'm hungry, we still have a few stops after this" Chris said grabbing my hand and walking me inside, holding the door open for me. I think since Chris and I started talking I have not opened a single door for myself, a big change from my previous relationships. 

We get inside and the whole diner is lit up with candles and star lights, I feel like I am in a movie. 

Chris pulls my chair out for me and sits across the table from me. 

"Chris this place is so beautiful" I said as I couldn't stop looking around. 

"Not nearly as beautiful as you" Chris said back to me reaching across the table holding my hand. My heart skipped a beat. 

Chris and I both ordered some food and talked for a little bit while we ate. I told him about Jared and our relationship and he told me about a few past relationships of his and why they didn't work out, mostly because of the media which is why my last relationship didn't work out.  

"I'm sorry about those pictures too" I said referring to the ones the paparazzi got of Tom and I from our lunch.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, I know they were taken out of context" Chris said as he smiled at me. 

"So, should we talk about us?" Chris said with a huge smile on his face hoping I would want to.

"Yes please" I said back to him with a bigger smile on my face as he giggled. 

"So, it's obviously really clear that I like you, a lot." Chris said as his cheeks started to turn red. 

"And I get really nervous around you because I have never fallen this hard for someone this quick" He continued on as each word made his cheeks turn redder and redder.

"I like you too, a lot and it scares me because I don't want to mess things up. You are so incredible and sweet, you have done more for me than any boy I have ever been with and we aren't even dating yet." I said as I could feel my cheeks get red as well.

"I hope you don't take it wrong that I don't want to go public if we date for a while. I just don't want the media or drama people to mess things up for us." I said back to him.

"I totally understand and it's not if we will date its when we will date" Chris said back to me. 

"Well now that we are on the same page with that, I have one more stop to bring you two so I can ask you a very important question" Chris said as he stood up and held out his hand for me to grab. 

"What is this important question?" I asked hoping to get a hint or something.

"Well I can't tell you that, now come on we are not that far away." Chris said as we got into his car and he placed a kiss on my hand. 

My stomach has turned into a butterfly and my heart has started beating double. This man was such a sweet, caring and adventurous human being. 

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