
By lillian_02

68.3K 2.5K 1.1K

At 14 he took something from me and no one cared. I tried telling my mother what happened but she brushed of... More

1 month 3weeks and 6 days
1 month 3 weeks 3 days
The night we met
Maybe this is different?
This is my story
Are you ready?
5 minutes
3 days later
Happy birthday
I love you
Angry too
Something new


1.5K 59 7
By lillian_02

I watched as he slept.

The sound of his gentle breathing relaxing something in my body. A small tear rolled down my reddened cheek whilst I watched him.

I moved to the living room. The clock on the wall glowing 5am.

Scrolling towards the room where I place the money I make, a small safe placed in the corner hidden by the of objects I never looked back on.

I punched in the code and I beep sound appeared. Tears still ran down unable to stop them. I grabbed a duffel bag and put in all the money I had in and a small tracker in between the money.

He would find me. I repeated. He would find me and we'd be happy. We could run away from the world we hid from others and be 'normal'. If that was even a thing.

I returned to the room.

Ronan was still asleep.

I tiptoed my way to his side, a slight frown marked his once calm features. I couldn't help but move the hair that rested on his eyes whilst a stream of tears lay on my face.

Leaning forward, I placed a gentle kiss on his temple "I'm sorry" I murmured as I stood straight.

Placing the phone with tracker inside.

He will find me.

Promising to myself and made my way out the apartment.


I stared at the GPS, heading to the address I had be given. The time gleamed 6:30am. I had been driving for an 1hour and 30minutes.

There were no cars pacing by, no buildings or people of any kind. My hands tightly gripped onto the wheel.

A small warehouse became visible after 10 minutes. A car waited outside.

They must be here.

I parked beside the car, grabbing a small gun and the duffel bag, I put the gun in my back pockets pulling my shirt on top of it making it unnoticeable.

I walked to the metal door, a small note plastered on it.

Put the money down and put on the bag.
It read.

Looking down at my feet I found a brown fabric bag. My brow arched "really!" I yelled to who ever was here.

"Fucking unbelievable" muttering to myself as I picked it up and placed it over my head.

The sound of footsteps crept closer towards me until I felt the presence of someone behind me.

I didn't get time to think before something solid hit the back of my head knocking me out.

Ronan's POV:

The bed was empty.

Not the kind of empty that someone has woken up and is around somewhere.

The type of empty that suggests they are no longer here.

I woke up and she was gone, gone.

"Kiera!" I yelled hoping her gentle voice would echo from the bathroom, Kitchen , living room. But it was empty.

"FUCK" I quickly jumped out of bed, rushing to put on my discarded pants I threw last night.

Last night.

She trusted me, trusted all of me and I couldn't stop the small ache in my heart. She wasn't here.

We were supposed to wake up in each others arms. I was supposed to pep her with gentle kisses and tell her how beautiful she looked each morning.

But she fucking left.

I scrambled around her apartment, hoping she would be here but she wasn't, there was no sign her, the only thing that remained was her rose scent that clang onto each surface.

"KIERA!" I yelled again.

I ran my hands through my hair and gripped onto it until I felt my scalp hurting from the pain but I ignored it, I ignored everything only focused on her.

Racing back to the room I picked up my phone suddenly pausing when I found the phone that lay beside it.

A small note rested on top. Find me. It had been written in her writing.

I'm coming to get you i repeated, the only thing from stopping me going insane.

I rushed to our warehouse, all the signs blurry as I drove past signs and traffic lights.

Quick as I could, I parked my car and stormed my way through the door ignoring all the greetings from others.

"Hey Ronan-" Sophia said but I couldn't hear her as I stormed my way towards sebastian's office.

"She's gone" I blurted out ignoring the man in front of me.

"Ronan this isn't the time, come back later" he commanded.

"I can't Sebastian, she's fucking gone"

"And I said this wasn't the time" his teeth ground together.

The man who appeared to be in his late 20s stood up "I think I should be heading out" he stood up. His face expressionless whilst he closed the door behind him.

I could sense the fury Sebastian was feeling "how dare you interrupt me" he stood.

" SHE'S GONE FOR FUCKS SAKE" rage in each word.

Sebastian only shrugged " this isn't my issue"

"You can't be serious"

"Always, now GET OUT".

I headed towards the door but decided to face him "screw you Sebastian" my finger pointed at him " screw you for throwing us into your shit and not caring after"

"Is that all" his face droll.

Without saying more, I ran out.

"I'm coming to get you".

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