A fairytale without name (Ro...

بواسطة Graceful2020

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A story of a woman who tries to find herself, overcoming her fears, discovering new passions and interests.Wi... المزيد

Instead of a prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Thank you

Chapter 55

574 54 140
بواسطة Graceful2020


If I hadn't seen the name of the club myself, I wouldn't have believed Gio had brought me to the right place. Round tables with long, white tablecloths were scattered on the lower level. Beautiful decoration and well dressed guests dancing to the song played by the band at the far end gave such a different vibe to the club. I suddenly felt unsure of my choice to wear a simple black dress. Feeling underdressed and unwanted was too much for one night but since Emilia had already spotted me, there was no turning back.

"Welcome Rose. I am so happy you could join us tonight." Kissing both my cheeks, she held my hand and with a warm smile asked me to follow her towards one of the bars. The usual bartender wasn't on duty tonight as it seemed and another man wearing a bowtie came to take my order. Before I had the chance to speak, Emilia ordered two glasses of champagne for the both of us. Once our drinks were served, Emilia asked me to follow her to a quieter place so we could have a little chat.

Nodding, I did as she told me but I really didn't want to be alone with her. My eyes were desperately searching for Marco or any other familiar face but in vain. Gio had abandoned me the moment Emilia walked towards me and there were so many people there that I couldn't really take a good look.

"Here. This is better. No one will bother us for a while." Opening a door, we entered what appeared to be an office and took our seats on a leather couch. Since I wasn't sure of what we would be discussing about, I let her do the talking and focused on my drink. Champagne was never my favorite drink but this was something else.

"So, Rose. We didn't have the chance to properly thank you for what you did for our family. If it weren't for you, my son would...." Her voice cracked and I felt the need to hold her hand. She was scared that she could have lost her son. Her husband was injured and she wasn't there to help either of them. How must this woman have felt the moment she was informed about what had happened to her house? As strong as a woman can be, the moment her loved ones are threatened she can really collapse. Squeezing her hand, I reminded her that there was nothing to thank me for. I did what anyone else in my place would have done. There was no way I could just stand there and watch Marco get shot or his father bleed to death. Thanking me once again, she pulled me into a hug and asked me how I was really doing all this time after the incident.

"I'm good I guess. I've made my peace with what I did and I just want to move on, to leave this behind and start living again. This past month has been hard but I managed." Her eyes told me that she didn't quite believe me but there was no chance I was going to complain about Marco to his mother of all people. Still curious about the reason why she had insisted on me attending when her son clearly didn't want me here, I asked her to explain. Smiling, she shook her head before she started talking in a low voice.

"My son is an idiot and I need to apologize on his behalf for his behavior. You know he loves you, right?" wow, I really didn't see that coming. I didn't know if I should laugh or not at her reaction. Did I know that he still loved me? Wasn't it obvious that he didn't want to be with me anymore? Why should his mother have this talk with me? Couldn't he tell me if his feelings had changed?

"Mrs Mancini, I really appreciate your concern but this is really uncomfortable for me. I don't think I can have this sort of conversation with you. It is true that things between your son and I have changed after what happened that day but I feel like this is something me and him should discuss." I apologized if she thought I was being disrespectful but my private affairs were not something I wanted to share with my boyfriend's mother. And I wondered if Marco talked about us to his mom but wouldn't even look at me when I asked him to sit down and talk. This was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come here tonight. Rising to my feet, I wished her goodnight and turned to leave the room.

"Wait. I am terribly sorry for overstepping. You are absolutely right. It was none of my business to interfere. But as a mother who watches her son destroying the best chance he could have in happiness, I had to take action. Don't go, please. Everyone is dying to meet you and express their gratitude. You are one of us now Rose. You will always be one of us." Everyone but Marco was the first thing that came out of my mouth but she was quick to come near me and tell me that everything would be alright if I wanted to. I had the power to change this if I really loved him.

Frozen in place, I listened carefully to her saying what I had achieved by saving the head of the family. How respected I was by all their people and how Marco just needed some time to adjust to this new reality. She confessed that he wasn't stepping down anymore because he felt like betraying everyone's trust. She explained how many families rushed to his side, helped him eliminate the threat and renewed their vows of loyalty and allegiance. Mesmerized by the way she talked, her heavy Italian accent and her sparkling eyes, I couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. He was so determined to leave this life, had made all those plans about Texas and a life for us there. He would never get away from this and as much as I didn't care about it as long as we were together, I knew he didn't want this at all.

"All I am asking you is to be patient with him. I know for a fact that he's never loved anyone the way he loves you. I promise this is the last time I'm interfering in your relationship and I hope you forgive my indiscretion." Nodding, I let her guide me back downstairs with the hope of seeing Marco. I really needed to talk to him, especially after the news his mother delivered.

On returning to the party, everyone was quiet, their gazes turned towards the dance floor where Vittorio was giving a speech. Emilia quickly took her place beside him with a proud smile on her face. When he saw her, he stopped, kissed her hand and resumed talking.

"Thank you all for being here tonight to celebrate our daughter's upcoming marriage. Unfortunately the sad events of my injury and the treason our family faced by our own people didn't allow us to celebrate properly but I am proud of my son Danny who managed to transform his club into something more appropriate." Laughter erupted in the hall and Danny stood up and took a bow while laughing too. I was leaning against a wall, trying to be as far away as I could from the tables until I could find Marco. Where was he? I had already seen where Jay and Gio were sitting. Stefano and Teresa were with people I didn't recognize, the happy couple with some other unknown to me people but Marco was nowhere to be seen. Did he know I was here and left? Hadn't he arrived yet?

"Another reason why we have gathered here tonight is to celebrate the strengthening of our bonds. I am thankful for all of your support towards my son Marco. His decision to continue leading our family was something that took me by surprise, but I can't deny how happy I am that he has all of you as allies. Last but not least, I want to thank another person whose help was crucial to my surviving. Come closer Rose. Everyone is waiting to meet you." hearing my name, I looked around and hundreds pairs of eyes were glued to me. Shaking my head, I hesitated to even breathe but when people started standing up from the seats clapping, I thought I was going to faint. How embarrassing. I needed someone to save me, to help me escape. Jay started walking towards me with concern evident in his eyes. A few more steps and he would get me if Vittorio hadn't spoken again.

"Basta Jay. Lasciala venire." (Stop Jay. Let her come.) Jay made an annoyed face but obeyed Vittorio nonetheless. Traitor. I was alone in this. I had to walk through all these people and stand in the middle of the dance floor? Taking a deep breath, I started taking slow, steady steps but had to stop every once in a while as people were shaking my hand expressing their gratitude as Emilia had told me earlier. Some older men hugged me and kissed me on both cheeks while speaking in Italian. I started smiling and saying thank you and all of a sudden I felt good. I felt important and accepted. They showed me that they wanted to embrace me and really make me feel like their own. The one I wanted to embrace though was still MIA. What was wrong with him?

When I finally reached Vittorio, after what seemed like hours to me, he too hugged me and kissing me on both cheeks, he whispered in my ear. "Thank you for saving both mine and my son's life. I will forever be indebted to you. I hope we could be family someday but I want you to know you will always have a place among us. Your grandfather is very proud of you." winking at me he took a few steps giving the microphone back to the singer and returned next to me.

"Since my son is not around, may I have this dance Rose?" completely taken aback by his request, I searched Emilia's eyes for help but she nodded seeming sentimental? Was she crying? What the hell was going on here? With trembling hands, I started dancing with Vittorio Mancini, the man I was scared of at first, helped to save his life later and learnt to admire through Gio's stories. People were staring at us and I tried to look anywhere but him. This was way too weird. I didn't even know how to dance to this music. I followed his lead and offered an awkward smile whenever our eyes met. How more humiliating can a night be?

"Where is Marco?" I blurted out while still dancing and smiling he let me know that his son was a bit of a workaholic and a perfectionist. So, even when everyone else was down here having fun, he was still at Danny's office upstairs closing a deal.

When the song ended, more people started coming towards the dance floor and I excused myself after thanking him. Without even sparing a glance to anyone else, I headed for the bar. I needed something to make me a little braver so I could face Marco. Ordering a shot and a couple more just for good measure, I started climbing the stairs. Would he be pissed that I had come uninvited? Would he avoid me again? My plan was to get inside, lock the door and make him talk to me. I couldn't do this anymore. I knew that neither the time nor the place was appropriate but I had had enough of this.

Standing in the corridor, outside the black door of Danny's office, I took a deep breath before finding the courage to knock. My hand was still in the air when the door flew open and a stunning Cecilia dressed in a long, red dress was exiting. You got to be kidding me. She was the deal he was trying to close? Was he seeing her behind my back all this time? This was like a bad déjà vu. I still remembered the first night Jay had brought me here, the time I had run into her and asked her for direction to the ladies room. She had exited the very same room, all flustered. I was such an idiot believing that Marco was done with her. But I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction to see me defeated. If Marco had chosen her, he would have to tell me himself. I was so done playing games.

"Hello, Cecilia if I'm not mistaken. Is Marco occupied? I would like to see him." crossing her arms in front of her, she smiled making her annoyingly perfect teeth and those red lips look even better. I hated how beautiful she was and it made much more sense that a woman like her would be with a man like Marco. How did I think I could stand a chance with him? Me, plain Rose with the simple black dress, no makeup or fancy hairstyle against Cecilia, actress - model - miss perfect.

"He is really not in the mood right now. Maybe you should come back another time. It's a family thing tonight and I 'm not sure if he has the time for you, sweetie. Why don't you do yourself a favor and leave?" she would expect me to turn around and leave, cry even for the things she said to me. But that was Rose from another life. She didn't know me. She had no right to talk to me like that. Except if a certain someone gave her a reason to believe that she could treat me like this. I was so mad but closing my eyes, I took a second to collect myself before confronting her.

"Look, sweetie. You don't know what you are talking about. And if I were you, I would leave and not look back. Now, get out of my way and let me see my boyfriend before I lose my cool and do something I'll regret later." Placing both her hands on her waist, she started laughing and telling me that she could have me thrown out of the club with a snap of her fingers. Was she so stupid? Hadn't she heard what had happened? I was treated like royalty just half an hour ago, but I guessed she was too busy with Marco to notice the scene that had played out downstairs. The smug look on her face and her saying that I was never going to be good enough for Marco were enough to make me see red.

Pushing her towards the wall, I slapped her once before she started pulling my hair. You're on it Cecilia. A month's pent up anger was ready to unleash on a woman I despised the most. Okay, may it was more jealousy than anything else but this was the best opportunity to deal with her once and for all. Her fake nails scratched my elbow, while she tried to knee me. She was a tough one, I gave her that but I learnt how to fight from the best. Before I could show off my boxing moves, Marco came out of the office, pulling her away from me, screaming at her in rapid Italian.

When she started crying and hiding her face in his chest, I attacked her again only to be left with a hairpiece on my hand. No wonder her hair looked so long and thick. Everything on her was fake. What did he see in her? Had I read him all wrong when I thought he liked me?

"Enough." He screamed stopping me from doing any more damage to her perfect face. "Cecilia, I thought I told you to leave. What are you still doing here? And how dare you attacking Rose? Have you forgotten who I am and what I can do to you? Are you that dense?" lowering her head, she asked him to forgive her but went on accusing me that I had attacked her first without a reason. Jesus, she was such a lying, manipulative bitch with her little, fake tears and quivering lip trying to make Marco pity her. She sure was quite an actress. I should watch that movie she starred in.

"I don't care if Rose started this. You should treat her with respect. Don't ever come near her or me. I promised I would help you with your career and I did. My work is done here. Please leave this club and preferably not come back ever again. Is that clear to you Cecilia? Do I need to translate that to you?" Sighing defeated, she picked her clutch from the floor and giving me a menacing glare, she started walking towards the staircase.

Well, it was nice to seeing you too.

"Are you alright? Did she hit you anywhere?" his hand moved to my upper arm, but I didn't let him touch me. I was too mad at him, to forget everything just because he stood up for me. I was handling her just fine. I didn't need his help to deal with the blondie.

"We need to talk and before you tell me otherwise; I'm informing you that I'm not leaving until you hear me out. I'm tired Marco. I can't do this anymore." nodding, he stepped aside, guiding me inside the office. This one was bigger than the one his mother had led me to earlier. There was a huge desk in front of a glass wall, two armchairs, a couch and a mini bar.

Taking a seat on one of the armchairs, I tried to keep as much distance as I could from him. Sensing that I didn't want him near me, he settled behind the desk. That was so cold, so formal. How had we ended up like this?

"You must be wondering why I am here, since you obviously didn't want me to come." He tried to interrupt me, maybe explain his reason why it wasn't him who had invited me but I asked him not to interrupt me. "Your mother invited me because she thought that she needed to thank me. Your father included me in a speech he gave earlier and everyone down there was so happy to meet me. But I guess that means nothing to you. It is better to spend your time with Cecilia than celebrate with your family. I really don't blame you. She is stunning, but I just need to ask you why? Why did you let me believe that you just needed time? Why did you not come clean with me? I would never force you to stay in a relationship that you are not happy with. I've been through this before and I really can't do it all over again. I deserve better than a one-sided love, a cheating partner and one that can't even look at me. I thought you were my endgame, the one I could have a future with but I was wrong again." Tears made their appearance on my cheeks, but I quickly wiped them and stood up. Placing both my hands on the desk, I asked him to look into my eyes and answer me truthfully.

"First of all, I am offended you still compare me to that pathetic excuse of a man, Jack. Secondly, you are wrong at everything you just said except maybe for the last part. We are meant to be together and we will if you let me explain and maybe forgive me for the stupid decisions I made this past month. Have a seat baby, let me get you a drink and you'll soon find out what a fool you fell in love with." A drink did seem like a good idea after the intense confrontation with Cecilia but I preferred to have it while standing. I wanted to show him that I was strong, I was his equal and nothing could break me anymore.

He leaned against the desk, facing me, closer than I would have wanted him to, but I couldn't resist to his scent that I had missed so much. He started explaining how he thought giving me space and time was best. That he felt responsible for what I had done and that he just waited for me to decide that staying with him was not an option for me if I wanted to be happy. That's why he refrained from talking to me; he didn't dare to touch me for fear of getting rejected because he thought I was too blaming him for my action. I let him talk and talk without saying anything, just shaking my head and smiling at the idiotic assumptions he had made without even speaking at me. no wonder his mother decided she needed to take action.

Refilling our glasses and while I was starting to get a little dizzy, we sat at the couch and he concluded with asking my forgiveness and revealing his plan about surprising me tomorrow. I felt bad for him but I couldn't just forgive him that easily. How did he expect this to work when he wouldn't even try to communicate? What would happen the next time something happened? I didn't know if he was ready for a relationship given the new situation he was dealing with. He had just stared accepting that his role as a head of the family was not a temporary one and that he would postpone or even cancel his plans for moving to Texas forever. Maybe it was my turn to give him space to figure out himself first before trying to convince him that we were good for each other.

"No. Don't do this. I'm done with all the doubts and mistakes. I know that I want you. I love you baby. Say you can forgive me. I am so sorry I didn't talk to you first. I am so sorry for leaving you alone all this time, for making you believe that I didn't want you. I am sorry for everything you will have to go through by my side in the future too. But don't for one minute question my love and devotion to you." I let his hand hold mine and slowly pull me towards him. His other hand caressed my cheek and fire ignited inside me from his smooth touch. Don't betray me now body. Let me think first.

His lips brushed my neck while mumbling how sorry he was again and again. My eyes instinctively closed and I knew I had to stop before things went any further. If I was going to give in to him, it was going to be in my conditions. I couldn't just let him use sex as a means of forgiveness. It wasn't right and I didn't want him to take me for granted.

"Stop. I can't do this now." he immediately took his hands from me and looked at me with a pained expression. Don't do this now Marco. Don't make it any harder than it already is. I was this close to say fuck it and take off my dress. A month. A whole month without his magic touch. You can do this Rose.

"Would you like to go downstairs and eat? I am a little hungry." Smiling, he gave me his hand to help me up. Before he opened the door, I pushed him against it and kissed him with everything I had. The kiss quickly became heated and I questioned my earlier decision. Should I maybe let him show me how sorry he was? Nah. Don't fall for his tricks Rose. Breaking the kiss that left us both breathless, I saw him grinning like a sexy idiot. Oh, you have no idea Marco.

"Come. Let's eat and then you owe me a dance." Opening the door, I left him a little behind giving him a perfect view of my swaying hips and ass. I heard him laughing and saying something I didn't quite pick up, but I knew one thing for sure. Rose 1 - Marco 0. The game's on.

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